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低压直流微电网中直流母线发生短路故障后,现有的被动式保护措施难以有效保护电力电子装置,并且当计及直流线路电感与变流器直流母线侧电容时,常规主动限流器会出现限流电感电流振荡的特性。详细分析了该电流振荡特性产生的机理,探究了系统参数变化对限流电感电流振荡峰值的影响。并提出了一种新型主动限流器拓扑结构及控制策略,该拓扑结构通过增加能量耗散支路,在限流器直流母线侧电容电压产生负压时导通,以此耗散能量,解决了电感电流振荡的问题。通过仿真与实验,验证了所提新型主动限流器对电感电流振荡特性抑制的有效性,且在不同工况下具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

随着分布式可再生能源的快速发展以及电动汽车、数据中心等大量直流负荷的普及,交流配电网的运行和管理受到了挑战。直流配电系统潮流灵活可控,可闭环运行,供电方式多样,具有更广阔的应用前景。但是,相比交流系统的控制,直流配电系统的控制更加复杂。直流电压作为衡量直流配电网有功功率平衡的唯一指标,其稳定控制对直流配电网的可靠运行至关重要。文中首先列举了直流配电网的典型拓扑结构和直流电压等级序列;然后,总结了直流配电网中关键设备电力电子变流器的控制技术;接着,梳理了直流配电网的传统电压控制策略,并对目前一些改进的直流电网电压控制策略进行了深入分析和总结。最后,指出了直流配电网电压控制需要重点关注和解决的问题,可为未来直流配电网直流电压控制的进一步研究提供思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, a design procedure for a random switching control in the closed loop is proposed, according to the criteria of robust performance and robust stability, by synthesizing dynamic control of linear robust theory and the random switching approach to EMI reduction. Different techniques of random control are investigated in order to reduce EMI problems in switching power-supply DC/DC devices. Narrow-band power around the switching frequency of the output voltage noise is proposed as a criterion for the quantification of EMI reduction using random control, as opposed to deterministic switching. Robust controllers are designed and applied in the closed loop. The optimal controller and the optimal random modulation are found. EMI reduction and dynamic properties of the control are verified using a nonlinear model of the buck DC/DC converter, which includes random switching effects.  相似文献   

DC microgrid is one feasible and effective solution to integrate renewable energy resources, as well as to supply reliable electricity. The control objective of DC microgrids is to obtain system stability, low voltage regulation and equal load sharing in per unit. The droop control is an effectively method adopted to implement the control of microgrids with multiple distributed energy units. However in the application of low-voltage DC microgrids, the nominal reference mismatch and unequal cable resistances require a trade-off to be made between voltage regulation and load sharing. In this paper, a unified compensation framework is proposed using the common load condition in local controller, to compensate the voltage drop and load sharing errors. The voltage deviation is compensated with a P controller while the load sharing is compensated through a PI controller. An additional low bandwidth communication is introduced to share the output current information, and the average output current in per unit is generated to represent the common load condition. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed and compared with basic droop control and hierarchical structure method. The large signal stability is analyzed to define the margin of compensation coefficients. Simulations and experiments are carried out to verify the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The conventional DC‑DC converters have limited voltage gain at moderate duty cycles. In theory, the large duty cycles should be adopted to reach large boosting factors. But in reality, at extreme duty cycles, the effect of parasitic components become dominant, which leads to increased voltage drops on devices, increased total loss and reduced efficiency. This paper proposes a single-switch (requiring single gate-driver circuit) diode-inductor-capacitor (DLC) cell-based basic boost configuration that can solve the abovementioned issues. The employment of single-switch has led to only two operational modes (in continuous conduction mode [CCM]) and easy control strategy. The continuous input-current and large step-up capability make the proposed configuration favourable for renewable or hybrid energy systems in DC microgrids. The simple configuration, modularity, moderate blocking voltage on semiconductors, wide duty-cycle range, large voltage gains at low duty cycles, common-ground between source and load are some profits of suggested configuration. The basic topology can be expanded by addition of DLC cells. Based on comparative analysis, the proposed configuration has larger step-up capability per required components and lesser average normalized blocking voltage on semiconductors compared with other single-switch topologies. This leads to smaller and cheaper structure with fewer losses. The configuration and operational modes of proposed basic topology (and its extended version) have been explained. Then, the design considerations and small-signal modelling of basic topology have been investigated. Finally, the effectiveness and correct operation of proposed topology have been certified by comparative analysis and experimental results.  相似文献   

本文对孤立直流微电网动态特性进行了分析,并提出了改善策略.在孤网条件下,电压主要靠系统中基于储能的DC/DC变换器进行控制,因此多DC/DC变换器动态特性即可反应系统全局的动态特性.本文中各DC/DC变换器采用I-V下垂控制,并以负载的变化量为输入,变换器输出电流、占空比及母线电压为状态变量对多DC/DC变换器进行了大信号模型的建立.基于上述模型,本文对输出电流动态特性的影响因素进行了根轨迹分析,最后提出自适应P控制策略以提高直流微电网中的动态特性.最后通过仿真对提出的模型及控制策略进行了验证.  相似文献   

直流微网的电压下垂控制法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙然  宋玉伟  李锦  鲍建 《黑龙江电力》2014,(2):122-125,128
在直流微网中,由于没有无功功率的流动,电压成为反映系统功率平衡的唯一指标.因此,笔者提出了一个电压下垂综合控制方法,通过建立包含微源和负载的直流微网小信号模型来测定直流母线电压,然后调稳电网电压,并使两个微源之间的负载平衡.通过仿真对该控制方法进行模拟实验,验证了其正确性和可行性.  相似文献   

针对双极性直流微电网中分布式新能源的系统功率波动、负载侧负荷频繁投切等不确定因素所引起母线电压波动问题,以基于风光互补含混合储能的双极性直流微电网为研究对象,提出一种双闭环改进型高阶滑模自抗扰控制策略。首先,依据自抗扰理论将控制系统拟合为一阶系统模型,转化为自抗扰控制系统范式。其次,设计了改进型超螺旋滑模控制器代替传统自抗扰控制中的线性控制器,引入了具有快速收敛性的级联有限时间扩张状态观测器代替线性扩张状态观测器,既能通过高阶滑模控制算法抑制抖振,又能提高对系统集总扰动的估计精度,从而利用非线性控制策略的优势改善系统动态响应过程及抗扰性能。然后,通过Lyapunov理论证明控制系统的稳定性。最后,基于Matlab/Simulink仿真软件以及搭建实验平台对3种不同控制策略进行对比验证,实验表明所提控制能够很好地抵抗扰动和提高系统的暂态性能。  相似文献   

传统虚拟直流电机VDCM(Virtual DC Machine)控制策略未考虑直流电机转速动态调节问题,不能够在直流母线电压变化瞬间起调节作用。对此,提出一种模拟直流电机闭环调速的储能侧双向DC/DC变换器新型VDCM控制策略。对直流电机与双向DC/DC变换器在数学模型和控制策略上进行联系等效与差异剖析,模拟直流电机定转子绕组间的电磁感应作用,将直流电机动态数学模型嵌入P-U下垂控制中,使其兼备电压动态调节能力和惯性阻尼特性。对采用新型VDCM控制策略前、后的作用效果进行对比,仿真和实验结果表明该控制策略能够在提升母线电压动态调节特性的同时,增强惯性调节和阻尼效果,在负载切换或分布式发电单元输出功率波动时维持直流微电网稳定运行。  相似文献   

为提升虚拟直流电机(VDCM)控制对直流微电网的电压惯性与阻尼支持能力,并改善负荷侧的电压响应,提出了储-荷VDCM优化控制技术。通过类比直流电机的外特性建立储能侧和负荷侧VDCM动态模型。对VDCM控制进行改进,在储能侧对系统提供惯性支持,在负荷侧对系统施加阻尼控制,从而消除储能侧VDCM中电压惯性和阻尼的冲突,为系统母线提供足够的动态支撑。在此基础上,设计负荷侧惯性灵敏度控制环节,使储-荷VDCM能够为负荷提供灵活可控的电压惯性。根据李雅普诺夫稳定理论,分析所提VDCM优化控制对系统的稳定支持作用,根据分析提出参数优化方案,并利用时域仿真分析,验证所提控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

随着分布式发电技术的推广,交直流混合微网以其灵活性正得到越来越广泛的研究和应用,而接口变流器是其核心部件。提出了一种接口变换器虚拟同步发电机控制策略。该策略不仅能使交直流子网有功功率分配更加均匀,还能使系统在大容量负荷投切过程中响应更加平滑,降低交直流子网快速功率波动的耦合影响。Matlab/Simulink仿真算例的验证结果表明,提出的接口变换器虚拟同步发电机控制方法能够降低交直流子网功率传导影响,有利于提高交直流微电网的运行稳定性。  相似文献   

针对微电网储能应用中各储能装置以及直流母线存在的电压波动对变换器工作造成的不利影响、电路环流带来的损耗问题,在原边全桥-副边升压半桥隔离型双向DC/DC拓扑的基础上,提出了PWM配合双重移相的控制方法,分析了该方法在变换器端口电压波动情况下对变换器的各种工作特性带来的改善。针对单侧H桥双重移相控制仅在端口电压匹配时才能够在整个移相范围内消除功率环流的局限性,阐述了引入PWM控制后在消除功率环流上的改进,提高了端口电压在宽变化范围下系统的工作效率。建立了PWM配合双重移相控制变换器的数学模型,并与传统移相控制变换器特性做出定量的对比。设计了所提方法应用在微电网储能系统中的控制策略,并搭建了仿真模型,对控制效果进行了对比分析,验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

在孤立直流微电网中,为保证电网运行的稳定与设备运行的协调,多DC-DC变换器需要在保证直流母线电压稳定的同时,维持各变换器之间的功率能够按照设置的比例进行分配。研究表明,基于Lyapunov第二定律的新型协调控制策略,可以确保直流母线电压的稳定。研究各变换器的功率,证明了各变换器功率能够按照用户的设定实现按比例分配。分析表明,该控制策略作用下,控制策略的收敛速率按照指数的收敛速率进行收敛,响应速率较为迅速。其性能通过simulink离线仿真和Star Sim HIL Pro实时仿真进行了验证,仿真结果与理论分析相吻合。  相似文献   

针对孤岛运行的交直流混合微电网群提出分层协调控制策略。首先设计分布式发电单元(DPDG)与储能单元底层控制,自适应调节交流子网频率与直流子网电压,保证各交、直流子网的独立稳定运行。同时考虑到直流子网中恒功率负荷(CPL)的影响,进一步对各DPDG单元设计P-V~2改进下垂控制,减小传统下垂控制产生的直流母线电压偏差。进而考虑各储能单元充放电能力不同,设计基于荷电状态(SOC)的动态一致均衡控制,确保储能子网协调优化运行。然后基于直流子网电压和交流子网频率信号,构造功率自治级、功率互济级和储能平衡级三级控制切换策略,实现子网间功率互助并减少系统的功率损耗。最后基于Matlab/Simulink搭建了混合微电网群仿真模型对所提控制策略进行了验证。  相似文献   

In this paper, a Backstepping Global Integral Terminal Sliding Mode Controller (BGITSMC) with the view to enhancing the dynamic stability of a hybrid AC/DC microgrid has been presented. The proposed approach controls the switching signals of the inverter, interlinking the DC-bus with the AC-bus in an AC/DC microgrid for a seamless interface and regulation of the output power of renewable energy sources (Solar Photovoltaic unit, PMSG-based wind farm), and Battery Energy Storage System. The proposed control approach guarantees the dynamic stability of a hybrid AC/DC microgrid by regulating the associated states of the microgrid system to their intended values. The dynamic stability of the microgrid system with the proposed control law has been proved using the Control Lyapunov Function. A simulation analysis was performed on a test hybrid AC/DC microgrid system to demonstrate the performance of the proposed control strategy in terms of maintaining power balance while the system’s operating point changed. Furthermore, the superiority of the proposed approach has been demonstrated by comparing its performance with the existing Sliding Mode Control (SMC) approach for a hybrid AC/DC microgrid.  相似文献   

DC/DC升压变换器串级控制   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:12  
为改善DC/DC升压变换器的控制性能,设计了一种串级结构的控制器。控制器的外环采用PI控制算法,以电容电压为被控量,内环则采用积分增益可调的PI控制算法,以电感电流为被控量。该种结构的控制器不但有效解决了系统非最小相位特性给控制器设计带来的难题,而且可使被控系统获得良好的动态特性,并对系统参数变化有着很强的鲁棒性。对DC/DC升压变换器的仿真结果表明,该控制方案是可行的。  相似文献   

传统分布式二次控制器由电压控制器和功率控制器组成,是基于两个状态变量交换的并联结构,需要一个电压观测器来调节电压.基于此,提出了一种无需电压观测器而只交换功率状态变量的级联控制框架来实现直流微电网电压调节和功率分配.二次功率控制器用于调整二次电压控制器的参考值.电压控制器的输出用来修改下垂控制器的输入.在此基础上,提出了一种具有弹性的级联控制器,以增强控制器对时延和干扰的弹性.在弹性级联控制器中增加了电源控制器和电压控制器之间的信息交换块.并通过稳态分析验证了所提控制器的有效性.此外,还建立了一个小信号模型来研究控制器参数变化对系统动态特性的影响.最后,通过实例仿真验证了所提控制器的性能.  相似文献   

直流微网中母线电压的变化对负载有很大的影响。储能系统通过双向直流变换器调节直流母线电压的过程中,占空比会大幅度变化,使变换器呈现严重的非线性,导致母线电压不稳定。针对这一问题,将精确反馈线性化与反步滑模控制相结合应用于双向直流变换器中,解决了变换器的非最小相位特性和变结构特性,保证了系统在不确定性和非线性条件下、外界干扰情况下的鲁棒性和稳定性。首先分析了变换器的状态方程,通过坐标变换推导出精确反馈线性化模型,并在此模型上设计了反步滑模控制器。最后利用PSCAD软件进行仿真,验证了所提控制方法的有效性及优越性。  相似文献   

为了解决光伏单元在运行过程中因工作模式切换造成的母线电压波动问题,提出一种新型平滑切换控制策略。根据光伏电池的输出特性曲线,将输出功率对输出电流的微分作为控制变量。通过跟踪不同的dp/di指令值来实现光伏单元最大功率点跟踪模式、恒压下垂模式的控制以及两种模式间的平滑切换。在此基础上,针对多光伏变换器工作在恒压下垂控制时因线路阻抗差异造成功率分配精度较低的问题,提出一种基于二次调节的自适应下垂控制策略。此外,构建相邻光伏单元间的稀疏通信网络,并采用动态一致性算法实现相关平均信息的全局稳定收敛。仿真和实验结果表明,所提控制策略可以实现光伏单元工作模式切换过程平滑过渡和负荷功率的精确分配。  相似文献   

This paper describes a damping control method of power converters for suppression of resonance in DC power network. The resonance occurs when a resonant frequency of the DC distribution line coincides with the frequency of the harmonic or interharmonic components generated by the power converters. For detailed investigation, a combined system which consists of a pulse‐width modulated (PWM) rectifier and a PWM inverter is treated as the simplest example. To suppress the resonance, a DC‐side damping control method is proposed and its implementation and design method are discussed in detail. Then, the proposed damping control method is applied to the combined system of a PWM rectifier and a PWM inverter. Experimental results verify the validity and practicability of the proposed damping control method. © 2012 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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