Ultra-fine Au nanoparticles (NPs) show great application potential in catalysis. Size-tunable Au NPs have been fabricated on MoS(2) covered with monolayer 3,4,5,10-perylene tetracarboxylic dianhydride (PTCDA), and the morphological evolution as a function of Au deposition amount was investigated using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The PTCDA molecules act as a surfactant to stabilize ultra-fine Au NPs. Molecular scale STM images show that on MoS(2) the Au NPs with PTCDA molecules on top can be formed with height and lateral size down to 1.3?nm and 3.5?nm, respectively. By controlling the deposition amount and annealing temperature, the size of Au NPs can be tuned. After annealing at 270?°C to remove PTCDA, Au NPs with a linear size ≤5?nm can be obtained on MoS(2)(0001), facilitating the characterization of their intrinsic physical and chemical properties using various analytical techniques. In addition, photoemission spectroscopy data reveal charge transfer from Au NPs to PTCDA, indicating that the NPs possess more reactive chemical properties than bulk Au. 相似文献
Research interest in graphene, a two-dimensional crystal consisting of a single atomic plane of carbon atoms, has been driven by its extraordinary properties, including charge carriers that mimic ultra-relativistic elementary particles. Moreover, graphene exhibits ballistic electron transport on the submicrometre scale, even at room temperature, which has allowed the demonstration of graphene-based field-effect transistors and the observation of a room-temperature quantum Hall effect. Here we confirm the presence of free-standing, single-layer graphene with directly interpretable atomic-resolution imaging combined with the spatially resolved study of both the pi --> pi* transition and the pi + sigma plasmon. We also present atomic-scale observations of the morphology of free-standing graphene and explore the role of microstructural peculiarities that affect the stability of the sheets. We also follow the evolution and interaction of point defects and suggest a mechanism by which they form ring defects. 相似文献
The demand for better understanding of the mechanism of soot formation is driven by the negative environmental and health impact brought about by the burning of fossil fuels. While soot particles accumulate most of their mass from surface reactions, the mechanism for surface growth has so far been characterized primarily by measurements of the kinetics. Here we provide atomic-scale scanning tunneling microscope images of carbon growth by chemistry similar to that of importance in soot formation. At a temperature of 625 K, exposure of the surface of highly ordered pyrolytic graphite to 1 Langmuir of acetylene leads to the formation of both graphitic and amorphous carbonaceous material at the edges of nanoscale pits. Given the similarity of the electronic structure at these graphite defect sites to that of soot material growing in flames at higher temperatures, the present studies shed light on the mechanism for soot growth. These experiments also suggest that healing of defect sites in graphene nanostructures, which are of considerable interest as novel electronic devices, should be possible at modest surface temperatures by exposure of defected graphene to unsaturated hydrocarbons. 相似文献
Bimetallic clusters can display new characteristics that cannot be obtained by varying either the size of pure metallic systems or the composition of bulk bimetals. We have demonstrated that both copper (Cu)-rich core/gold (Au)-rich shell and Au-rich/Cu-rich shell clusters can be prepared using the radio frequency (RF) magnetron-sputtering gas phase cluster beam synthesis method with subsequent mass selection. Here we present an aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) study of the ageing of the deposited clusters. We find that the Au-rich core/Cu-rich shell structure is unstable against both storage in vacuum and exposure to air, losing the Cu-rich shell. However, the Cu-rich core/Au-rich shell structure is found to be much more stable, even when exposed to air. 相似文献
The determination of the atomic configuration of metallic glasses is a long-standing problem in materials science and solid-state physics. So far, only average structural information derived from diffraction and spectroscopic methods has been obtained. Although various atomic models have been proposed in the past fifty years, a direct observation of the local atomic structure in disordered materials has not been achieved. Here we report local atomic configurations of a metallic glass investigated by nanobeam electron diffraction combined with ab initio molecular dynamics simulation. Distinct diffraction patterns from individual atomic clusters and their assemblies, which have been theoretically predicted as short- and medium-range order, can be experimentally observed. This study provides compelling evidence of the local atomic order in the disordered material and has important implications in understanding the atomic mechanisms of metallic-glass formation and properties. 相似文献
Surface modification or decoration of ultrathin MoS2 films with chemical moieties is appealing since nanointerfacing can functionalize MoS2 films with bonus potentials. In this work, a facile and effective method for microlandscaping of Au nanoparticles (NPs) on few‐layer MoS2 films is developed. This approach first employs a focused laser beam to premodify the MoS2 films to achieve active surface domains with unbound sulfur. When the activated surface is subsequently immersed in AuCl3 solution, Au NPs are found to preferentially decorate onto the modified regions. As a result, Au NPs can be selectively and locally anchored onto designated regions on the MoS2 surface. With a scanning laser beam, microlandscapes comprising of Au NPs decorated on laser‐defined micropatterns are constructed. By varying the laser power, reaction time and thickness of the MoS2 films, the size and density of the NPs can be controlled. The resulting hybrid materials are demonstrated as efficient Raman active surfaces for the detection of aromatic molecules with high sensitivity. 相似文献
Isolated ultrananodimensional diamond (UND) particles obtained by means of detonation synthesis have been studied using atomic force microscopy (AFM). The UND particles were deposited onto the surface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite from a suspension based on organic compounds. The deposited UND particles were deaggregated using a two-stage treatment with ultrasound and high-dynamic-pressure pulses. The isolated UND particles were stabilized in suspension by a benzene additive. AFM images of individual UND particles have been obtained, and the phenomenon of their alignment along atomic steps on the substrate surface has been observed. 相似文献
AuMoS2 films 0.02–1.2 μm thick were sputtered from a target compacted from 5 wt.% Au plus 95 wt.% MoS2 to investigate the frictional and morphological film growth characteristics. The gold dispersion effects in MoS2 films are of interest to increase the densification and strengthening of the film structure. Three microstructural growth stages were identified on the nano-micro-macrostructural level. During sliding both sputtered AuMoS2 and sputtered MoS2 films have a tendency to break within the columnar region. The remaining or effective film, about 0.2 μm thick, performs the lubrication. The AuMoS2 films displayed a lower friction coefficient with a high degree of frictional stability and less wear debris generation compared with pure MoS2 films. The more favorable frictional characteristics of the AuMoS2 films are attributed to the effective film thickness and the high density packed columnar zone which has a reduced effect on the fragmentation of the tapered crystallites during fracture. 相似文献
Atomic-layered MoS(2) is synthesized directly on SiO(2) substrates by a scalable chemical vapor deposition method. The large-scale synthesis of an atomic-layered semiconductor directly on a dielectric layer paves the way for many facile device fabrication possibilities, expanding the important family of useful mono- or few-layer materials that possess exceptional properties, such as graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN). 相似文献
Nano Research - Two-dimensional semiconducting transition-metal dichalcogenides have attracted considerable interest owing to their unique physical properties and future device applications. In... 相似文献
Solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is an in situ formed thin coating on lithium ion battery (LIB) electrodes. The mechanical property of SEI largely defines the cycling performance and the safety of LIBs but has been rarely investigated. Here, we report quantitatively the Young's modulus of SEI films on MnO anodes. The inhomogeneity of SEI film in morphology, structure, and mechanical properties provides new insights to the evolution of SEI on electrodes. Furthermore, the quantitative methodology established in this study opens a new approach to direct investigation of SEI properties in various electrode materials systems. 相似文献
2D Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is a promising candidate material for high‐speed and flexible optoelectronic devices, but only with low photoresponsivity. Here, a large enhancement of photocurrent response is obtained by coupling few‐layer MoS2 with Au plasmonic nanostructure arrays. Au nanoparticles or nanoplates placed onto few‐layer MoS2 surface can enhance the local optical field in the MoS2 layer, due to the localized surface plasmon (LSP) resonance. After depositing 4 nm thick Au nanoparticles sparsely onto few‐layer MoS2 phototransistors, a doubled increase in the photocurrent response is observed. The photocurrent of few‐layer MoS2 phototransistors exhibits a threefold enhancement with periodic Au nanoarrays. The simulated optical field distribution confirms that light can be trapped and enhanced near the Au nanoplates. These findings offer an avenue for practical applications of high performance MoS2‐based optoelectronic devices or systems in the future. 相似文献
Ni nanowries were fabricated by atomic force microscope nanolithography, evaporation, lift-off and annealing processes. Epitaxial NiSi2 nanowires on a Si(100) surface along Si(110) and (100) directions were formed by the rapid thermal annealing treatment of the Ni nanowires at 400 degrees C. The silicide nanowires along the Si(110) direction had coherent type-A Si(111) and Si(100) interfaces, while those along the Si(100) direction had a type-A Si(110) interface. Silicide nanowires were agglomerated when the Ni nanowires were annealed at high temperature (> or = 500 degrees C). The mechanism of formation of a faceted nanowire was discussed based on the minimization of the total surface energy. 相似文献
Micrometer‐sized electrochemical capacitors have recently attracted attention due to their possible applications in micro‐electronic devices. Here, a new approach to large‐scale fabrication of high‐capacitance, two‐dimensional MoS2 film‐based micro‐supercapacitors is demonstrated via simple and low‐cost spray painting of MoS2 nanosheets on Si/SiO2 chip and subsequent laser patterning. The obtained micro‐supercapacitors are well defined by ten interdigitated electrodes (five electrodes per polarity) with 4.5 mm length, 820 μm wide for each electrode, 200 μm spacing between two electrodes and the thickness of electrode is ~0.45 μm. The optimum MoS2‐based micro‐supercapacitor exhibits excellent electrochemical performance for energy storage with aqueous electrolytes, with a high area capacitance of 8 mF cm?2 (volumetric capacitance of 178 F cm?3) and excellent cyclic performance, superior to reported graphene‐based micro‐supercapacitors. This strategy could provide a good opportunity to develop various micro‐/nanosized energy storage devices to satisfy the requirements of portable, flexible, and transparent micro‐electronic devices. 相似文献
Densely packed and ordered “suprastructures” are new types of nanomaterials exhibiting broad applications. The direct self-assembly of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)-capped gold nanotriangles to form “suprastructures” was systematically investigated by varying the temperature and tilt angle of the silicon wafer used in the assembly process. Under optimal conditions, nanotriangles form into regular patterns, maintain their integrity, and form edge-to-edge, point-to-point, and face-to-face connections to form ordered “suprastructures” within an area of hundreds of square microns, achieving a high level of regularity. The formation of the “suprastructures” under optimal conditions could be mainly attributed to the complex balance between multiple temperature-dependent factors, including the atom diffusion rate, solvent evaporation rate, self-assembly rate, and the time for which the nanoparticle stays in the wet medium.
X-ray induced atomic motion on a Ge(111)-c(2 x 8) clean surface at room temperature was directly observed with atomic resolution using a synchrotron radiation (SR)-based scanning tunneling microscope (STM) system under ultra high vacuum condition. The atomic motion was visualized as a tracking image by developing a method to merge the STM images before and after X-ray irradiation. Using the tracking image, the atomic mobility was found to be strongly affected by defects on the surface, but was not dependent on the incident X-ray energy, although it was clearly dependent on the photon density. The atomic motion can be attributed to surface diffusion, which might not be due to core-excitation accompanied with electronic transition, but a thermal effect by X-ray irradiation. The crystal surface structure was possible to break even at a lower photon density than the conventionally known barrier. These results can alert X-ray studies in the near future about sample damage during measurements, while suggesting the possibility of new applications. Also the obtained results show a new availability of the in-situ SR-STM system. 相似文献
There has been growing research interest in the use of molybdenum disulfide in the fields of optoelectronics and energy harvesting devices, by virtue of its indirect-to-direct band gap tunability. However, obtaining large area thin films of MoS2 for future device applications still remains a challenge. In the present study, the amounts of the precursors (S and MOO3) were varied systematically in order to optimize the growth of highly crystalline and large area MoS2 layers by the chemical vapor deposition method. Careful control of the amounts of precursors was found to the key factor in the synthesis of large area highly crystalline flakes. The thickness of the layers was confirmed by Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The optical properties and chemical composition were studied by photoluminescence (PL) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The emergence of strong direct excitonic emissions at 1.82 eV (A-exciton, with a normalized PL intensity of -55 × 10^3) and 1.98 eV (B-exciton, with a normalized PL intensity of -5 × 10^3) of the sample at room temperature clearly indicates the high luminescence quantum efficiency. The mobility of the films was found to be 0.09 cm^2/(V.s) at room temperature. This study provides a method for the controlled synthesis of high-quality two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenide materials, useful for applications in nanodevices, optoelectronics and solar energv conversion. 相似文献
The effects of the insertion of a thin bathocuproine (BCP) layer at the Au/Zn-phthalocyanine (ZnPc) interface on the energy level alignment and morphology of each layer are investigated using photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The energy differences between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) of ZnPc and Fermi level of Au (EFAu) and between the HOMO of BCP and EFAu are about 0.7 eV and 2.4 eV, respectively. The HOMO level of ZnPc on Au is shifted to higher binding energies with increasing ZnPc thickness. The HOMO level of ZnPc on BCP, however, indicates an energy shift in the opposite direction to the lower binding energies as the thickness of ZnPc increases. Atomic force microscopy reveals that the roughness of the ZnPc surface is reduced by the insertion of the BCP layer. X-ray diffraction patterns show that the existence of the thin BCP layer promotes crystallization of ZnPc over the layer and the molecular planes of ZnPc are perpendicular to the BCP surface. 相似文献