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Judith Yates  Mike Berry 《Housing Studies》2011,26(7-8):1133-1156
This paper presents an account of recent housing and mortgage market developments in Australia viewed from a longer-term perspective. It is argued that Australian housing drivers and outcomes are, to some extent, unique, enabling the sector to withstand the fall-out from the global financial crisis to date. However, they have resulted in increasing problems of housing stress for lower-income and younger households who are finding it increasingly difficult to access homeownership and are facing significant affordability problems in the private rental market. The paper casts forward to the next 20 years, outlining both a ‘positive’ ‘business-as-usual’ scenario characterized by buoyant housing demand and strong national economy, and a ‘negative’ scenario marked by stalled economic growth and a sharp downward correction in housing prices. Under both scenarios, it is suggested that addressing the housing affordability gap will remain a major policy challenge.  相似文献   

From his base in Southeast Asia, Tom Verebes , Associate Professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), asks what the hardcore realities are for robotics in architecture in this new ‘Asian Century’. At a time when China strives to accommodate 10 million new urban citizens each year by rolling out high-rise residential blocks with standardised serial production techniques, what hope is there that the homogeneous Chinese city will apply robotic tools of mass customisation for the construction of distinctive, rather than generic structures?  相似文献   

Judith Yates 《Housing Studies》2011,26(7-8):1059-1080
The economic and housing market difficulties that emerged as a result of the recent global financial crisis (GFC) have encouraged a focus on the cyclical sustainability of homeownership. As a result, there has been inadequate attention paid to the impact of increased real household incomes and wealth on the structural sustainability of a housing system built on homeownership as the dominant tenure. This paper argues that, where housing supply is relatively inelastic in the long run, underlying demand pressures may keep house prices on a path which continues to diverge from household incomes. This will add to borrowing constraints already faced by aspiring first homeowners with low and moderate incomes and with limited wealth. If financial institutions tighten lending standards in response to the GFC, households with limited equity and limited capacity to pay will find it even more difficult to gain access to finance than has been the case in the past. This raises the question of whether homeownership can be sustained at its current levels. The paper uses outcomes in Australia to illustrate the points made and suggests that other countries, such as the UK, may well be about to follow the same path.  相似文献   

Ireland is categorised as an example of the dualist rental system in From Public Housing to the Social Market—Kemeny's (1995) landmark comparative study of rented housing. This article, which examines the historical development of public subsidisation of housing and regulation of tenants' occupancy rights in Ireland, argues that contrary to Kemeny's (1996) assumption, the dualist model has recently unravelled in this country and been replaced by an embryonic unitary rental model. This is evidenced by increasing tenure neutrality of government housing subsidies; equalisation of the secure occupancy rights and minimum standards regulations across most of the rented sector and the recent decline of home ownership and expansion of renting for the first time since records began. Using ‘path dependence’ and other concepts from the historical institutionalist literature, the reasons for these developments are explored as are their implications for Kemeny's (1995) thesis.  相似文献   

Housing for the world??s poor and eliminating housing poverty are a major challenge particularly with the huge housing deficits in many developing countries. Slums and informal settlements are proliferating around the world as the gap between affordable housing and the individuals living in the informal economy widens. Within the current housing shortage, slum properties are often viewed as having no inherent capital value. Yet, within the informal housing developments, there is an informal property market that sees property traded and rented. This existing property market is unregulated and not transparent. This has placed a restriction on the nature of this property market and creates a new form of capital, that of ??crisylida capital????this is capital in a cocoon state; it functions for its purpose but can neither be used as collateral nor is recognised in formal institutions. Looking at township property in Johannesburg, South Africa, informal transactions in the property market can be utilised to facilitate the creation of a property ladder that starts at informal slum and ends in formally developed property. This will move the understanding of slum property as simply a form of shelter for the urban poor to a step for housing poverty eradication.  相似文献   

○By the end of 1991, there have beenaltogether 479 cities in mainland China, anincrease of 12 over the previous year. Theurban population in the mainland was343.97 million (including the agriculturalpopulation in cities), accounting for 30.12%of the total population, an increase of0.74% over 1990. The non-agricultural  相似文献   

During 1980s, China experienced an unprecedented settlement development which wastriggered by a major change of policies. lmplication of this development in the overall nationalsocio-economic development has been profound and lasting. It is no exaggeration to say that thesuccess of this settlement development has been playing an incomparable role in keeping the so-cial, political and economic stability of our country in the past volatile decade. The author of this paper has an intention to present readers with essentialmatter-of-facts about this development through the use of statistics and figures; to dis-cuss the reasons or momemturns including reforms and innovations that promoted therealization of this development; to explore issues relating to further development.  相似文献   

杰克逊版iPod网上开拍;皮革版ThinkPad笔记本;超小禄莱数码双反相机登场;  相似文献   

Social in SoHo     
这块地方曾经是基督教会的成员——科学家们进行礼拜的场所.现在却成为了那些墨水爱好者的祭坛。SoHo的伍斯特街社交俱乐部(WoosterStreetSocialClub)不仅从事纹身的业务.而且还是OriginalMedia拍摄其电视真人秀节目”NYInk(纽约墨水)”的现场。OriginalMedia的执行总裁查理·考尔文(CharlieCorwin)说.他曾经设想过这样一个”当代的工厂.工厂里一些富有创意的人们和项目能够通过展览、剧本阅读和现场表演来实现不同品种之间的相互影响和借鉴。”  相似文献   

只卖20件限量奢侈品的店;Juicycoutury最新超Q华丽手链;限量发售超小禄莱数码双反相机登场;Bellperre天价手机重装上阵。  相似文献   

China is now in a period of fast economic growth withlarge-scale construction.Especially since 1992 some statelevel famous historic and cultural cities are undergoing aprocess of land leasing and transferring the the land userights,trying to attract domestic and foreign fund for devel-opment of their old city propers.Therefore, it has becomeextremely urgent as to how to handle properly the relation-ship between conservation of these cities and their econom-ic development and construction. It is well known that China is a country with an an-cient civilization.Its rich historic remains and cultural heri-tage are appreciated by the whole world. The protectionand preservation of this heritage is an issue of concern notonly for all the decendents of the Chinese nation but alsofor other countries and peoples,for this heritage is an essen-tial part of the cultural heritage of the whole mankind.Tenitems from China have been included in the list of the worldnatural and cultural heritages under protection publish  相似文献   

A longest viaduct in China at the pres-ent,the viaduct over the Renmin Road andthe No.623 Road has been completed andopened to traffic in a few days after tenmonths of hard work of construction.The Renmin Road and the No.623Road in the western district of Guangzhouare narrow with twists and turns and over20 crossroads.The streets are lined up with  相似文献   

Public–private partnership in urban renewal in France concerns mainly housing, transport infrastructure and large public facilities. The distinction between public, private and civil actors does not concern social and economic development. This situation tends to limit the integration of different issues and approaches in renewal projects. Also, French urban renewal projects do not produce a new type of partnership between public and private actors and the regulatory framework. These projects remain publicly dominated policy-making procedures because of the uneven distribution of resources and assets and despite a policy discourse emphasising the need for a new division of work between state, market and civil society. The current French situation cannot be understood without bearing in mind the history of urban planning policies in France. Using a historical analysis and the path-dependence approach, we highlight the resilience of inherited structures of interaction between public and private actors.  相似文献   

This study analyses the good effect of science and engineering inputs from partnerships and applied research in promoting sustainable management of water and environmental resources in Palestine. The capacity building achieved during the past 10 years at the Institute of Environmental and Water Studies (IEWS) is reviewed. Palestine faces major constraints, and these affect everyone and everything. A problem‐solving approach can be beneficial.  相似文献   

Housing reform is an important com-ponent of comprehensive urban reform. Thereform of the irrational housing system will,on the one hand, solve the urgent housingproblem so as to stimulate people's enthusi-asm for reform and, on the other, shift the  相似文献   

AReviewofUrbanPlanninginChinainthe1980sXuJuzhon(Prof.ChinaAcademyofUrbanPlanningandDesign)(FromVol.11,No.1)7.RegionalResearch...  相似文献   

1980s¥XuJuzhon1.ReflectionontheTopic1.1The1980sisacriticalphaseoftheimportantturningprocessofthedriveformodernizationinChinaO...  相似文献   

生活在大笔触的时代,人们关注明显的变化,还处在热衷歌颂现代化的进程中,生活在没有时间的时代,变化的微妙细节很容易被忽略掉。曾经有半个多世纪,中国百姓生活在很粗糙的状态,不仅是物质生活舒适的无法讲究,更重要的是文化上不讲究,相比外界先是政治随后是经济的大浪潮,个人体验显得渺小,微不足道。  相似文献   

Water is a substance that man and all other living be-ings rely on and is not replaceable.It is also indispensablefor industry and agriculture.Beijing is a city which lacks water.With the continuousdevelopment of the city,the demand for water will be eventremendous.In order to ensure all the undertakings of thecity going on smoothly and maintain a good ecological envi-ronment,one of the most important tasks of the revisedGeneral City Plan is to deal with the problem of water sup-ply in a proper way.  相似文献   

R. Schmitt 《Bautechnik》2002,79(4):207-207

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