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Fiber waviness is a process-induced defect that greatly decreases the compressive strength of carbon fiber composites. In this study, we developed eddy current techniques that enable non-contact visualization of waviness distribution. To visualize in-plane waviness in a carbon fiber composite, we visualized the path of eddy current flowing along the carbon fiber by measuring the magnetic field. Finite element analyses show that the shape of the in-plane waviness can be visualized in the distribution of the magnetic field from the eddy current. However, with increasing distance between the surface of the tested material and measurement plane, the visualization increasingly underestimates the in-plane waviness angle. To avoid this underestimation, we propose a magnetic imaging method that can reconstruct the magnetic field at the surface. The surface magnetic field was reconstructed by using the magnetic field data measured away from the surface. Experiments were performed on a cross-ply laminate with artificially induced in-plane waviness. The distribution of in-plane waviness can be successfully visualized from the measured magnetic field. Using this magnetic field imaging method to enable non-contact measurements, the angle of waviness can be measured with an error of only 1°.  相似文献   

对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)的细观结构成像方法进行了研究,利用涡流成像技术实现了CFRP层合板中纤维方向及纤维缺失、褶皱和空隙过大等缺陷的可视化。首先通过有限元仿真和电路理论分析了CFRP板中涡流的生成机制和分布特性,阐述了基于涡流法的CFRP细观结构成像机制。然后介绍了用于扫描成像的高频涡流检测(HF-ECT)实验系统并确定了涡流探头的形式及其参数。最后利用涡流成像技术分别对单层板、正交层合板和四方向斜交层合板进行了检测,绘制了涡流检测(ECT)信号的三维伪彩图并得到了清晰的纤维纹路分布。通过引入滤波去噪技术和二维快速傅里叶变换(2D-FFT)对图像进行进一步处理,提高了图像分辨率并完成了不同方向上纤维纹路的分离,从而实现对层合板每单向层中缺陷的精确定位。  相似文献   

In this paper, the microscopic failure behavior of quasi-isotropic carbon fiber-reinforced polyamide-6 (CF/PA6) laminates under tension was investigated experimentally. Laminates of two layups, namely [45°/0°/?45°/ 90°]s and [45°/0°/?45°/ 90°]2s, were made from CF/PA6 tapes of two different manufacturers and then subjected to tensile testing. Crack initiation and progression on the polished free edge of specimens were examined using optical microscopy, under several load levels. Crack growth behavior through the specimen width was also traced by observing the crack configurations in different sections in the specimen width direction. The effects of the spatial distribution of fiber on the microscopic damage events were elucidated. The difference in failure behavior between the present CF/PA6 laminates and conventional thermosetting CF/Epoxy laminate is discussed.  相似文献   

The remote field eddy current (RFEC) technique is of potential interest for inspecting pipelines for stress corrosion cracking. Magnetic saturation techniques would allow higher operating frequencies and scanning speeds to be used. The use of selectively-saturated regions (windows) near the exciter and detector offers additional advantages. Finite element, analytic, and experimental measurements are presented in this paper. They show that, while saturation techniques are helpful, the effects are less than initially estimated from simple skin depth approximations.  相似文献   


The effect of temperature on the mechanical behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polyphenylenesulfide (PPS) composites was investigated by compressive and flexural tests from ambient temperature up to 150°C. The failure morphologies of the C/PPS composites were analyzed to identify the variation of failure modes. Related results showed that the mechanical behavior of C/PPS composites decreased severely with the increase of temperature due to the softening of matrix. The PPS resin film tensile test was carried out and the PPS matrix behavior was recognized as the main factor to dominate the mechanical behavior of composites under compressive/flexural loading at elevated temperatures. It can be found that there was an approximate linear relationship between the compression properties of C/PPS composites and the PPS matrix. The dependence of failure modes of composites on temperatures was closely related to the mechanical behavior of PPS matrix.  相似文献   

综述了碳纤维增强铜基复合材料的主要制备方法及其发展现状,重点讨论了粉末冶金法、热压扩散烧结法、熔渗法、PVD法、CVD法及电镀法等常用制备工艺的原理及特性,分析了不同制备方法的优缺点及适用领域,提出了现有方法中存在的问题,并展望了碳纤维增强铜基复合材料的发展趋势及在输变电领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料的压阻效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验研究了短切碳纤维增强水泥基复合材料(CFRC)的压阻效应, 获得了正、负两种压阻效应相互转换的全过程。从隧道效应和孔隙的连通性角度对该现象的产生机理进行了探讨。结果表明, 在连续烘干和单向循环加载条件下, CFRC的压阻效应会随含水量变化而发生改变。多数情况下, CFRC的体积电阻率随压应变单调减少, 压阻效应为正。含水量越少, 正压阻效应越明显。当含水量减少到约3.19%~4.04%的范围时, CFRC的体积电阻率随压应变单调增加, 压阻效应为负。与正压阻效应相比, 负压阻效应表现更强。CFRC的正、负压阻效应及其相互转换是隧道效应和孔隙连通性两方面相互影响的必然结果。   相似文献   

优异性能的碳纤维增强聚合物基复合材料(CFRPs)在各领域的快速应用发展给复合材料废弃物的回收带来了挑战,尤其是碳纤维增强热固性复合材料.为有效回收碳纤维增强复合材料,促进复合材料产业的可持续发展,本文从多个角度对废弃CFRPs回收再利用研究现状进行综述,包括各回收工艺技术特点、应用领域及可降解树脂实现回收CFRPs的...  相似文献   

采用超临界正丁醇在KOH作用下从碳纤维/环氧树脂(CF/EP)复合材料中回收高性能CF。分析了反应温度和反应时间对CF/EP复合材料中EP降解率的影响,研究了回收CF增强聚丙烯(PP)复合材料的力学性能;分析了降解液相产物组分,研究了EP固化体系在超临界正丁醇中的催化降解历程,建立了降解动力学模型,通过解算动力学参数建立了催化降解动力学方程。结果表明:反应温度和反应时间与EP的降解率呈明显的正相关性;与原CF增强PP复合材料相比,回收CF增强PP复合材料的拉伸强度下降9.2%,弯曲强度下降20.9%,弯曲模量下降10.9%,冲击强度下降7.4%;CF/EP复合材料降解反应主要为EP固化体系分子链段中C—C、—O— 等线性链段的断裂以及交联部位C—N的断裂;CF/EP复合材料催化降解的反应级数为2,反应活化能为165.2 kJ·mol-1,指前因子为3.62×1013 min-1,建立的动力学方程可解决反应温度和反应时间不可预估的问题。   相似文献   

通过MRI中梯度磁场对人体心脏影响的模型仿真,运用FDTD方法计算出心脏部分感应涡流,并与心脏刺激阈值进行比较.结果表明,心脏感应涡流的峰值离推荐阈值尚有一定距离,因此不会诱发心室颤动,但是提高梯度场的切换频率可能会引发心室颤动.  相似文献   

为了提高沥青基炭纤维表面活性, 采用γ-射线辐照对沥青基炭纤维表面改性。用AFM、XPS 研究了γ-射线辐照改性后沥青基炭纤维表面结构的变化, 用浸润仪测定了改性前后沥青基炭纤维表面能的变化。研究了γ-射线辐照沥青基炭纤维对炭/ 炭复合材料力学性能的影响, 并用SEM 分析了炭/ 炭复合材料断口形貌。结果表明,γ-射线辐照使炭纤维表面含氧官能团和表面粗糙度增加, 提高了沥青基炭纤维的表面能; 降低了炭/ 炭复合材料孔隙率, 提高了炭/ 炭复合材料力学性能。  相似文献   

石荣荣  武宝林 《复合材料学报》2016,33(12):2775-2780
从影响材料电阻率的主要因素——碳纤维体积分数入手,主要分析了材料的电阻率这一电气特性,根据材料表面测量的数据,估算出材料内部碳纤维的体积分数。再根据多个试件测量的数据,拟合出材料的碳纤维体积分数和电阻率的关系曲线。根据估算出的碳纤维体积分数,估算出材料的电阻率。利用三维编织碳纤维复合材料的编织角和花节长度,估算出材料的电阻率。根据材料的电阻率这一电气特性,便于以后对材料进行涡流无损检测分析。   相似文献   

高性能T800碳纤维复合材料树脂基体   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在分析T800 碳纤维表面上胶剂的基础上, 系统研究了适用于制备高性能T800 碳纤维复合材料的树脂基体, 测试了树脂浇注体及其复合材料的力学性能和热机械性能, 研究了树脂基体对T800 碳纤维复合材料界面性能的影响。结果表明, T800 碳纤维表面上胶剂中酯基含量较高, 与缩水甘油酯类环氧树脂有良好的界面相容性, 经复配和优化的树脂体系其T800 碳纤维复合材料的层间剪切强度达到138 MPa , NOL 环拉伸强度达到2530MPa , 玻璃化温度( Tg ) 达到213 ℃, 具有优异的界面性能和耐热性能。   相似文献   

C_f/PMMA-PMA复合材料疲劳行为及生物活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)和丙烯酸甲酯(MA)为起始原料,过硫酸钾(KPS)为引发剂,1.5 wt%聚丙烯腈基碳纤维为增强相,采用悬浮聚合的方法,制备了碳纤维增强PMMA-PMA基复合材料(Cf/PMMA-PMA)。研究了疲劳周期对Cf/PMMA-PMA复合材料抗弯强度的影响及其生物活性。采用X射线衍射分析(XRD)对复合材料的结构进行了表征,应用万能材料试验机测试了复合材料的抗弯强度,并利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对复合材料的断面显微形貌进行了分析。结果表明,在0~5000次的循环次数内,复合材料的抗弯强度没有显著变化,试样表面的受力处也没有出现裂纹等现象。随复合材料在模拟体液(SBF)中浸泡时间的延长,复合材料表面沉积的羟基磷灰石(HA)颗粒增多,说明复合材料具有良好的生物活性。此外,SBF的浸泡对Cf/PMMA-PMA复合材料的力学性能几乎没有影响。  相似文献   

为对比分析不同超临界流体对碳纤维/环氧树脂(CF/EP)复合材料的降解效果,首先,在间歇反应釜中通过超临界流体降解CF/EP复合材料,分析了不同反应温度下超临界CO2和超临界醇对CF/EP复合材料的降解能力,并提出了降解CF/EP复合材料的超临界流体选择方法;然后,采用单丝拉伸测试、SEM以及原子力显微镜等测试手段分析了超临界正丙醇和超临界正丁醇回收碳纤维的力学性能和微观形貌。结果表明:超临界CO2对CF/EP复合材料的降解能力较弱,正丙醇作为夹带剂时,降解效果有显著提高;超临界正丁醇对CF/EP复合材料的降解能力最强,其次为超临界正丙醇,超临界甲醇的降解能力最弱;选用的反应介质介电常数越小、偶极矩越大、溶解度参数与树脂基体越为接近,在超临界状态下CF/EP复合材料越容易降解。使用超临界流体降解CF/EP复合材料可以得到性能优异的碳纤维,与原始碳纤维相比,通过超临界正丙醇和超临界正丁醇回收的碳纤维单丝拉伸强度保持率在98%以上,且韦氏模数相近。   相似文献   

热塑性聚醚醚酮(PEEK)复合材料具有优异的断裂韧性、抗冲击性能、耐疲劳性能,广泛应用于航空航天领域。上浆剂作为碳纤维的核心配套产品,对复合材料界面有重要影响。受分解温度限制,传统热固性碳纤维上浆剂难以满足PEEK复合材料使用,制约高性能PEEK复合材料的研制和应用,因此研制匹配PEEK复合材料的碳纤维上浆剂具有重要意义。本文分析了PEEK复合材料界面特性及上浆剂作用机理;重点介绍了改性PEEK、聚酰亚胺前驱体、聚醚酰亚胺等类型上浆剂的研究进展和成果,并对不同体系上浆剂进行分析总结;最后对PEEK复合材料用碳纤维上浆剂的研制提出建议,对上浆剂绿色环保多功能化趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

将连续碳纤维束用空气梳分散成单丝状的长带, 经60 %硝酸进行表面氧化处理后用作酚醛树脂复合材料的增强材料。用红外光谱、扫描电镜等表征复合材料的微观结构, 通过力学性能测定发现, 与连续的碳纤维束增强相比, 单丝带增强复合材料的弯曲强度提高了1 倍, 层间剪切强度( ILSS) 提高了2 倍, 但冲击强度有所降低。结果表明, 碳纤维经过表面氧化和丝束分散的处理后, 能有效地提高其与复合材料中树脂基体的结合性能。   相似文献   

Green's function is used in order to derive the analytical solution for the change in impedance due to a presence of the flaws in a conductor. This solution is applied to a cylindrical flaw and a spherical flaw whose radii are much smaller than the radius of the test coil. For both cases, the change in impedance is obtained within Born's limit.  相似文献   

采用不同混杂比的碳纤维-玻璃纤维层内经向混编单轴向织物制备了混杂纤维增强环氧树脂复合材料, 研究了不同混杂结构和不同混杂比的碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料拉伸性能的变化及破坏形式。0°拉伸结果表明:同种混杂织物的不同混杂结构中, 碳纤维相对集中的完全对齐结构强度最高, 不同混杂比织物的完全对齐结构强度相当;碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的模量遵循混合定律。90°拉伸结果表明:纤维与树脂间的界面结合强度为碳纤维/树脂>玻璃纤维/树脂, 碳纤维-玻璃纤维/环氧树脂复合材料的强度、模量与材料厚度方向上界面的不同形式(单一或交替界面、碳纤维或玻璃纤维的分布位置等)有关, 与碳纤维的含量基本无关。   相似文献   

In this paper an eddy current imaging method for nondestructive testing purposes is presented which utilizes the concept of broadband holography. An eddy current coil which is used simultaneously as an antenna for eddy current generation and as a probe for detection of response of interaction between eddy currents and flaws, respectively, is moved along a synthetic aperture during the imaging procedure generating synthetic eddy current pulses by scanning a certain frequency range. In terms of wave propagation phenomena the penetration depth (range) of eddy currents in conducting media is small compared to the equivalent wavelength of this type of fields. Therefore, adequate resolution can only be obtained in the reconstructed cross-sectional images by phase multiplication of received multifrequency signals, which is equivalent to a fictitious reduction of wavelengths. Experimental results verify the imaging capability of this method with improved resolution compared to conventional eddy current testing methods.  相似文献   

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