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Two-Dimensional Test Data Compression for Scan-Based Deterministic BIST   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper a novel architecture for scan-based mixed mode BIST is presented. To reduce the storage requirements for the deterministic patterns it relies on a two-dimensional compression scheme, which combines the advantages of known vertical and horizontal compression techniques. To reduce both the number of patterns to be stored and the number of bits to be stored for each pattern, deterministic test cubes are encoded as seeds of an LFSR (horizontal compression), and the seeds are again compressed into seeds of a folding counter sequence (vertical compression). The proposed BIST architecture is fully compatible with standard scan design, simple and flexible, so that sharing between several logic cores is possible. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme requires less test data storage than previously published approaches providing the same flexibility and scan compatibility.  相似文献   

We examine the use of exponential-Golomb codes and subexponential codes can be used for the compression of scan test data in core-based system-on-a-chip (SOC) designs. These codes are well-known in the data compression domain but their application to SOC testing has not been explored before. We show that these codes often provide slighly higher compression than alternative methods that have been proposed recently.  相似文献   

A system-on-chip (SOC) usually consists of many memory cores with different sizes and functionality, and they typically represent a significant portion of the SOC and therefore dominate its yield. Diagnostics for yield enhancement of the memory cores thus is a very important issue. In this paper we present two data compression techniques that can be used to speed up the transmission of diagnostic data from the embedded RAM built-in self-test (BIST) circuit that has diagnostic support to the external tester. The proposed syndrome-accumulation approach compresses the faulty-cell address and March syndrome to about 28% of the original size on average under the March-17N diagnostic test algorithm. The key component of the compressor is a novel syndrome-accumulation circuit, which can be realized by a content-addressable memory. Experimental results show that the area overhead is about 0.9% for a 1Mb SRAM with 164 faults. A tree-based compression technique for word-oriented memories is also presented. By using a simplified Huffman coding scheme and partitioning each 256-bit Hamming syndrome into fixed-size symbols, the average compression ratio (size of original data to that of compressed data) is about 10, assuming 16-bit symbols. Also, the additional hardware to implement the tree-based compressor is very small. The proposed compression techniques effectively reduce the memory diagnosis time as well as the tester storage requirement.  相似文献   

 由于多扫描链测试方案能够提高测试进度,更适合大规模集成电路的测试,因此提出了一种应用于多扫描链的测试数据压缩方案.该方案引入循环移位处理模式,动态调整向量,能够保留向量中无关位,增加向量的外延,从而提高向量间的相容性和反向相容性;同时,该方案还能够采用一种有效的参考向量更替技术,进一步提高向量间的相关性,减少编码位数.另外,该方案能够利用已有的移位寄存器,减少不必要的硬件开销.实验结果表明所提方案在保持多扫描链测试优势的前提下能够进一步提高测试数据压缩率,满足确定性测试和混合内建自测试.  相似文献   

The present paper introduces a new strategy for testing embedded cores using Test Access Mechanism (TAM) switches. An algorithm has been proposed for testing the cores using the TAM switch architecture. In addition, a scheme for testing the interconnections between cores in parallel is also presented. Experiments have been carried out on several synthetic SOC benchmarks. Results show significant optimization of area overhead as well as test time.  相似文献   

一种低功耗双重测试数据压缩方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
陈田  易鑫  王伟  刘军  梁华国  任福继 《电子学报》2017,45(6):1382-1388
随着集成电路制造工艺的发展,VLSI(Very Large Scale Integrated)电路测试面临着测试数据量大和测试功耗过高的问题.对此,本文提出一种基于多级压缩的低功耗测试数据压缩方案.该方案先利用输入精简技术对原测试集进行预处理,以减少测试集中的确定位数量,之后再进行第一级压缩,即对测试向量按多扫描划分为子向量并进行相容压缩,压缩后的测试向量可用更短的码字表示;接着再对测试数据进行低功耗填充,先进行捕获功耗填充,使其达到安全阈值以内,然后再对剩余的无关位进行移位功耗填充;最后对填充后的测试数据进行第二级压缩,即改进游程编码压缩.对ISCAS89基准电路的实验结果表明,本文方案能取得比golomb码、FDR码、EFDR码、9C码、BM码等更高的压缩率,同时还能协同优化测试时的捕获功耗和移位功耗.  相似文献   

本文提出用确定性的有限自动机(DFA)进行图像压缩编码的方法。对一幅输入的数字化灰度图像,检测其中的自相似性,该图像可被表示成一个确定的有限自动机(DPA)。DFA的尺寸小于原图像。解码算法可以非常高效地由DFA复原图像。  相似文献   

应用混合游程编码的SOC测试数据压缩方法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
方建平  郝跃  刘红侠  李康 《电子学报》2005,33(11):1973-1977
本文提出了一种有效的基于游程编码的测试数据压缩/解压缩的算法:混合游程编码,它具有压缩率高和相应解码电路硬件开销小的突出特点.另外,由于编码算法的压缩率和测试数据中不确定位的填充策略有很大的关系,所以为了进一步提高测试压缩编码效率,本文还提出一种不确定位的迭代排序填充算法.理论分析和对部分ISCAS 89 benchmark电路的实验结果证明了混合游程编码和迭代排序填充算法的有效性.  相似文献   

为了降低数字集成电路测试成本,压缩预先计算的测试集是一种有效的解决途径。该文根据索引位数远少于字典词条,以及测试数据中存在大量无关位,提出一种采用词条衍生和二级编码的字典压缩方案。该方案引入循环移位操作,确保无关位按序任意移动而不丢失,从而扩大词条衍生性能,减少非词条向量个数。另外,采用规则的两级编码可以减少码字数量和解压电路的复杂度。实验结果表明该文所提方案能够进一步提高测试数据压缩率,减少测试时间。  相似文献   

为了解决系统芯片(SoC)测试过程中自动测试设备(ATE)在存储空间以及带宽等方面所面临的问题,本文提出了一种新的基于变长数据块相关性统计的测试数据压缩和解压方法.以测试向量为单位,先用算法确定一个具有最好相关性的数据块作为该向量的参考数据块,再利用它与该向量中数据块的相关性进行压缩.且每个向量的参考数据块长度相互独立.其解压结构只需要一个有限状态机(FSM)、一个5位暂存器和一个与参考数据块等长的循环扫描移位寄存器(CSR)即可,硬件开销小,对ISCAS-89标准电路Mintest集的压缩结果表明,本文提出方案较同类编码方法有更高的压缩效率.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的不断发展,大量数据给存储和传输都带来了巨大的挑战。数据压缩能够有效减少数据量,方便数据的处理和传输。无损压缩是一种利用数据的冗余特点进行压缩的压缩方法,解压时可以完全还原数据而不会有任何失真。在研究LZO算法的快速解压原理基础上,设计了一种新的压缩算法。该算法通过减少压缩数据中压缩块的数量,降低了解压程序的执行开销。测试结果表明,新算法可实现比LZO算法更快的解压速度。  相似文献   

Mixed-Mode BIST Using Embedded Processors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In complex systems, embedded processors may be used to run software routines for test pattern generation and response evaluation. For system components which are not completely random pattern testable, the test programs have to generate deterministic patterns after random testing. Usually the random test part of the program requires long run times whereas the part for deterministic testing has high memory requirements.In this paper it is shown that an appropriate selection of the random pattern test method can significantly reduce the memory requirements of the deterministic part. A new, highly efficient scheme for software-based random pattern testing is proposed, and it is shown how to extend the scheme for deterministic test pattern generation. The entire test scheme may also be used for implementing a scan based BIST in hardware.  相似文献   

We present an analysis of test application time for test data compression techniques that are used for reducing test data volume and testing time in system-on-a-chip (SOC) designs. These techniques are based on data compression codes and on-chip decompression. The compression/decompression scheme decreases test data volume and the amount of data that has to be transported from the tester to the SOC. We show via analysis as well as through experiments that the proposed scheme reduces testing time and allows the use of a slower tester. Results on test application time for the ISCAS'89 circuits are obtained using an ATE testbench developed in VHDL to emulate ATE functionality.  相似文献   

The test vector compression is a key technique to reduce IC test time and cost since the explosion of the test data of system on chip (SoC) in recent years. To reduce the bandwidth requirement between the automatic test equipment (ATE) and the CUT (circuit under test) effectively, a novel VSPTIDR (variable shifting prefix-tail identifier reverse) code for test stimulus data compression is designed. The encoding scheme is defined and analyzed in detail, and the decoder is presented and discussed. While the probability of 0 bits in the test set is greater than 0.92, the compression ratio from VSPTIDR code is better than the frequency-directed run-length (FDR) code, which can be proved by theoretical analysis and experiments. And the on-chip area overhead of VSPTIDR decoder is about 15.75 % less than the FDR decoder.  相似文献   

Testing time and power consumption during the testing of SoCs are becoming increasingly important with an increasing volume of test data in intellectual property cores in SoCs. This paper presents a new algorithm to reduce the scan‐in power and test data volume using a modified scan latch reordering algorithm. We apply a scan latch reordering technique to minimize the column hamming distance in scan vectors. During scan latch reordering, the don't‐care inputs in the scan vectors are assigned for low power and high compression. Experimental results for ISCAS 89 benchmark circuits show that reduced test data and low power scan testing can be achieved in all cases.  相似文献   

In this paper, a parallel dictionary based LZW algorithm called PDLZW algorithm and its hardware architecture for compression and decompression processors are proposed. In this architecture, instead of using a unique fixed-word-width dictionary a hierarchical variable-word-width dictionary set containing several dictionaries of small address space and increasing word widths is used for both compression and decompression algorithms. The results show that the new architecture not only can be easily implemented in VLSI technology because of its high regularity but also has faster compression and decompression rate since it no longer needs to search the dictionary recursively as the conventional implementations do.  相似文献   

An Efficient Test Data Compression Technique Based on Codes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种新的测试数据压缩/解压缩的算法,称为混合游程编码,它充分考虑了测试数据的压缩率、相应硬件解码电路的开销以及总的测试时间.该算法是基于变长-变长的编码方式,即把不同游程长度的字串映射成不同长度的代码字,可以得到一个很好的压缩率.同时为了进一步提高压缩率,还提出了一种不确定位填充方法和测试向量的排序算法,在编码压缩前对测试数据进行相应的预处理.另外,混合游程编码的研究过程中充分考虑到了硬件解码电路的设计,可以使硬件开销尽可能小,并减少总的测试时间.最后,ISCAS 89 benchmark电路的实验结果证明了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

方建平  郝跃  刘红侠  李康 《半导体学报》2005,26(11):2062-2068
提出了一种新的测试数据压缩/解压缩的算法,称为混合游程编码,它充分考虑了测试数据的压缩率、相应硬件解码电路的开销以及总的测试时间.该算法是基于变长-变长的编码方式,即把不同游程长度的字串映射成不同长度的代码字,可以得到一个很好的压缩率.同时为了进一步提高压缩率,还提出了一种不确定位填充方法和测试向量的排序算法,在编码压缩前对测试数据进行相应的预处理.另外,混合游程编码的研究过程中充分考虑到了硬件解码电路的设计,可以使硬件开销尽可能小,并减少总的测试时间.最后,ISCAS 89 benchmark电路的实验结果证明了所提算法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于DCT变换的内嵌静止图像压缩算法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈军  吴成柯 《电子学报》2002,30(10):1570-1572
提出了一种有效的基于离散余弦变换(DCT)的内嵌子带图像编码算法.Xiong等人提出的EZDCT算法采用零树结构实现了一种内嵌DCT编码器,且其性能优于JPEG.本文指出DCT的零树结构在内嵌DCT算法中并非很有效,同时提出了一种不依赖零树结构的简便、高效的内嵌DCT子带编码算法.实验结果表明本文算的压缩性能(PSNR)比EZDCT高约0.5~1.5dB,且接近当前最通用的内嵌小波SPIHT算法,在对某些图像压缩时还优于SPIHT算法.  相似文献   

In this article, a run length encoding-based test data compression technique has been addressed. The scheme performs Huffman coding on different parts of the test data file separately. It has been observed that up to a 6% improvement in compression ratio and a 29% improvement in test application time can be achieved sacrificing only about 6.5% of the decoder area. We have compared our results with the other contemporary works reported in the literature. It has been observed that for most of the cases, our scheme produces a better compression ratio and that the area requirements are much less.  相似文献   

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