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压气新奥法隧道施工中的渗流分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在各种隧道施工过程中,根据新奥法基本原理,所采用的施工方法都必须尽可能地降低对周围岩土体及地下水状态的扰动。而在城市地铁隧道、跨海及过江隧道施工过程中,出于环境保护、城市建筑和景观保护、施工安全及减少地面沉降等因素的考虑,施工排水方法受到特别重视。压气新奥法隧道施工可以有效地解决地下水问题,同时可以明显减小地面沉陷并提供一定的支持力,而造价法要比盾构法施工低廉得多。压气新奥法隧道施工的主要问题之一是如何清楚地了解渗流场(水流和气流)的分机和变化规律及其对原有地下水分布的影响,并预测施工过程中的补气量,保证气压稳定和施工安全。采用数值方法对这一问题进行分析,根据渗流场的分布,讨论压气新奥法隧道施工过程中压缩空气的影响区域、漏气量及选用合理的隧道施工工作气压等问题。 相似文献
以某浅埋暗挖城市地铁车站为工程背景,利用有限元数值模拟方法分析了薄壁面板隔墙法的原理和在施工过程中隧道围岩的变形和力学演化特征。分析结果表明,薄壁面板隔墙法的台阶式导坑开挖主导了隧道结构的应力集中特征和变形特征,施工时特大断面隧道的初衬、锚杆和围岩的应力、应变均沿隧道轴向方向阶段性地出现多个应力集中区和位移剧变区,各区域的分界处基本和隧道先开挖侧各导坑开挖端面平齐。而且,中隔墙和预留核心土的设置有效地改善了开挖对特大断面隧道围岩的扰动,使得隧道围岩塑性区小,隧道的拱脚水平相对净空变化指标和拱顶相对下沉指标均能满足特大断面隧道的稳定性要求。 相似文献
通过新宝塔山隧道施工过程对既有宝塔山隧道的影响进行了数值模拟,并实测了新隧道开挖过程中既有隧道衬砌结构的变形和衬砌混凝土的应变变化情况。数值模拟结果和现场实测数据表明,既有隧道衬砌结构的变形和衬砌混凝土的应变变化较小,新隧道施工对既有隧道影响不明显,对后续工程施工有指导意义。 相似文献
为了对比分析采用无导洞法施工连拱隧道时最安全稳定的开挖断面形式,提高施工过程中衬砌结构的安全性和稳定性,以福建某连拱隧道作为工程背景,按照中墙顶部回填量从大到小的顺序选取了三种不同的施工断面方案,应用数值模拟方法,研究了最终状态衬砌结构安全系数、临时支撑和中墙稳定性三个方面,对三种方案稳隧道结构的稳定性及其变化规律进行了详细对比分析,发现后行洞上台阶开挖与支护的过程是衬砌结构受力变化最大的过程;无论哪种方案,在浇筑中墙后立刻回填中墙顶部的空隙总是对衬砌结构有利。可见,选择方案三作为无导洞法施工连拱隧道的断面形式,并及时回填中墙顶部,可以有效提高连拱隧道结构的安全性与稳定性,是最优的断面形式。 相似文献
数值模拟已成为分析盾构隧道施工的重要手段,而计算准确性的关键是选择合适的土体本构模型及确定正确的参数。为研究适用于上海地区软土地层盾构隧道施工数值模拟的土体本构,结合上海工程实例,分别采用摩尔-库伦模型(MC)、土体硬化模型(HS)、小应变土体硬化模型(HS-Small),对盾构隧道施工进行数值模拟,通过与ANSYS理论计算结果进行对比,分析不同土体本构模型在数值模拟中的适用性。研究发现,针对上海地区软土地层,在盾构隧道施工工程中采用摩尔-库伦模型(MC)、土体硬化模型(HS)的计算结果与ANSYS理论计算结果吻合度较高。这些模型已成功应用在实际隧道工程的结构受力分析中。 相似文献
介绍了新奥法的现场量测是隧道设计和施工的重要手段,从量测要点、量测项目及其数据处理等方面作了详细阐述,指出合理有效地应用现场量测技术,可以确保施工安全,指导施工程序,方便施工管理。 相似文献
根据东门关隧道开挖施工的特点,运用有限元分析方法,对其进口断面台阶法施工的过程进行了动态数值模拟分析,以指导隧道信息化施工。 相似文献
A.A. Javadi 《Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research》2006,21(1):9-20
This paper explores the capabilities of neural networks to predict the air losses in compressed air tunneling. Field data from the Feldmoching tunnel in Munich were used in this study. In this project, compressed air was used to retain the groundwater and shotcrete was used as temporary support. The final permanent lining was installed in free air. The tunnel passed through variable ground conditions ranging from coarse gravel to sand and clay. Grouting, an additional layer of shotcrete and a layer of mortar were occasionally used to control the air losses. A back-propagation feed forward neural network was trained and used to predict the air losses from the Feldmoching tunnel. The results of the prediction of the air losses from the tunnel using a neural network were compared with the field measurements. Data from different tunnel lengths were used for training. In each case, the trained network was used to predict the air losses during the excavation of the rest of the tunnel. It is shown that, not only can a neural network learn the relationship between appropriate soil and tunnel parameters and air losses, it can also generalize the learning to predict air losses for very different geological and geometric conditions. It is also shown that data from a very short length (50 m in one case) of the tunnel (five data point only, in this case) may contain enough information for the neural network to learn and predict the air losses in the remaining (585 m) length of the tunnel with a good degree of accuracy. This can be of considerable value to tunnel engineers in control of tunneling operations and help them in preparation for possible changes in air losses with tunnel advance, with changes in ground conditions and tunnel geometry and with time. 相似文献
Long Xu Fanghua Zhu Fusheng Zha Qiong Wang Bo Kang Chengbin Yang Wei Zhang Zhenghong Liu 《Soils and Foundations》2021,61(2):444-452
Determination of air pressure and assessment of air losses in clayey soil are of great importance to implementation of compressed air tunneling. In the present work, a series of air flow tests were performed to provide a more reasonable method based on flow characteristics of snap-off pressure and the dissolution/diffusion. Results showed that, the nonlinear air flow behavior and gas breakthrough were presented with the increase in air pressure. After that, the excessive pressure decreased continuously to reach an equilibrium termed as the snap-off. For the tested clayey soil, snap-off pressures around 250 kPa could be adopted as the air pressure, which was significantly lower than the gas breakthrough pressures. Diffusion coefficient of 1.5 × 10-11 m2/s could be determined in the followed dissolution/diffusion stage, which bring 3 orders of decreasing magnitude in air losses compared to the capillary flow occurred after gas breakthrough. As a conclusion, the adoption of snap-off pressure in compressed air tunneling could effectively prevent the continuous air/water flow in clayey soil and create a more human-friendly environment. Additionally, less air losses could be presented compared to that using gas breakthrough pressure, indicating tremendous energy savings in field implementation. 相似文献
为了真实反映非饱和带中流体(水和气)的运移规律和渗透特性,将非饱和带中的孔隙水和孔隙气作为研究对象,基于水-气二相流理论,建立了水-气二相流数学模型。该模型采用积分形式的有限差分法对控制方程进行离散,在应用Newton-Raphson迭代方法得到相应的线性方程组的基础上,编制了三维计算程序SEEP2P。通过对土坝稳定渗流和降雨入渗情况的计算分析,得出稳定状态的渗流可以近似采用单相流模型来模拟,降雨入渗下的非稳定渗流问题采用水-气二相流模型来模拟更加符合实际。采用水-气二相流模型模拟得到水相、气相的流动状态,为定量研究孔隙气压力对入渗水流的影响提供了有效途径。 相似文献
针对铁路机辆段工程设计中的压缩空气管道工艺设计进行了探讨,采用系统论方法,把压缩空气输送作为能量流,从能量输入、能量传递、能量输出三方面介绍了压缩空气管道工艺设计的具体方法,以指导实践。 相似文献
应用计算流体力学方法对夏季空调房间两种送风参数下的室内气流组织进行了数值模拟,给出了速度场和温度场的分布状况,通过对比分析,指出舒适性空调夏季采用较低的送风速度能使室内温度场和速度场分布更均匀。 相似文献