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真丝绸砂洗工艺及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐根友 《丝绸》1992,(2):35-36
浅述了真丝绸砂洗主要工序如装袋、预浸、砂洗、过酸、柔软处理、烘干织物打冷风等工艺条件,并介绍了先砂洗后染色工艺,新型砂洗助剂及设备的发展情况。  相似文献   

吴庆源 《印染助剂》1993,10(4):17-23
介绍了砂洗工艺中采用的膨化剂、砂洗剂、柔软剂等砂洗助剂品种及其砂洗机、脱水机、烘燥机、成农染色砂洗机的砂洗设备品种的改进.  相似文献   

众所周知,砂洗绸服装具有手感蓬松、滑爽、丰满、富有弹性、风格独特、光泽柔和自然、悬垂性佳、透气性好等优点,但与砂洗绸应运面生的各种砂洗疵病却一直困扰着砂洗厂及服装厂,如砂洗痕(砂道或白条)、砂迹、搭色和褪色、破洞等。笔者在砂洗实践中对各种主要砂洗疵病进行了归纳:进一步深入研究可知,在以上砂洗疵病中,如砂洗被洞、污迹及砂洗褪色等基本都是由于工艺不当或操作人员在工作中失责所造成的,故只要改变砂洗工艺,操作得当都可避免这类疵病。但对于最使砂洗厂家和服装厂叫苦不迭的砂洗痕(白条)产生的情况就比较复杂。面…  相似文献   

丁晓峰 《丝绸》1994,(3):40-41
洗清水工艺在真丝绸砂洗中的应用丁晓峰(江苏东台绢纺厂)在砂洗生产实践中,我们发现有些染色或印花的丝绸面料(成衣)存在手感偏硬、色差、色档等问题,这些面料在砂洗后极易出现白条、色差、砂洗不匀等多种砂洗病疵。针对上述问题,我们进行了技术攻关,通过增加洗清...  相似文献   

周宏湘 《上海纺织科技》1991,19(6):49-51,45
随着人们物质生活和精神生活水平的提高,消费者对衣料的要求日益提高,不仅要求衣料色泽多样化、款式个性化和独特化,而且要求穿着舒适、美观和多功能化。正是在此背景下,国外砂洗加工技术应运而生,并得到了蓬勃的发展。这种加工技术适用于丝绸、人棉、棉、麻和化纤等织物及其服装。近年来,国内砂洗加工技术发展迅速,先是真丝绸织物砂洗、接着是人棉  相似文献   

方纫芝 《丝绸》1992,(2):36-37
介绍了目前采用的几种主要砂洗设备以及采用这些设备砂洗的效果,列举了几种不同的工艺流程和工艺处方及条件,并对砂洗有关工艺条件进行了讨论。  相似文献   

砂洗丝绸或服装最易产生的是砂洗痛,其原因分析有三种;砂洗工艺配方不当;砂洗工序操作不当和砂洗设备设计不合理。  相似文献   

何鹰 《丝绸》1992,(7):36-38
文中介绍了砂洗工艺流程和工艺处方,并结合生产中出现的问题提出了解决的办法。同时,指出了砂洗发展面临的困难。  相似文献   

砂洗技术葛元林(中国纺织大学附属助剂厂江苏泰兴225441)杨文琳(中国纺织大学纺化助剂发展中心上海200051)1砂洗工艺流程砂洗面料是随人们对衣饰要求的提高而研制出的一种新颖面料,是织物后整理的一种新方法。其特点是:表面有茸毛且具有柔软、滑爽、涩...  相似文献   

在石磨牛仔织物风行后,水洗、砂洗织物应运而生,蚕丝、粘胶和棉织物的砂洗加工已很普遍,而对毛织物的砂洗至今尚无报道。本文仅谈谈羊毛衫的砂洗方法。  相似文献   

中国食品包装材料卫生监管及与美国、欧盟的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的提高我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管水平。方法采用回顾和比对的研究方法,回顾了我国食品容器和包装材料卫生标准与监管的发展历史,从法律依据和卫生标准分析了我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管的现况.研究了美国和欧盟有关食品容器和包装材料监管的法律依据和监管模式。结果我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管在法律、标准和监管模式上存在诸多不足,可能产生食品安全风险。结论针对我国食品容器和包装材料卫生监管存在的不足,应加强立法、完善新产品审批、修订卫生标准和加强对生产使用的监管。  相似文献   

周锦绣  林奇  唐卿燕 《食品科技》2007,32(11):20-23
从我国腐乳生产用菌的类型、特点、工艺等方面概述我国腐乳菌种的研究现状,指出其存在的问题并对其发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着原棉价格的一路飙升及劳动力短缺和劳动力成本上升之间的矛盾日益尖锐,加之东南亚等一些发展中国家和地区纺织加工业迅速崛起等多重因素的影响,我国棉纺织企业承受的成本压力正在不断加大。如何挖掘企业管理潜力,降低产品生产成本,已成为棉纺企业提高获利能力的关键。运用因素分析法,从影响生产成本主要因素的角度,分析了棉纺织企业生产成本控制的关键点,剖析了其生产成本控制中存在的主要问题,提出了降低棉纺织企业生产成本的基本途径。  相似文献   

随着西式快餐的兴起和经济的发展,食品种类和数量越来越丰富,我国居民的饮食习惯在逐步发生改变,反式脂肪酸的摄入逐年增加。目前我国对反式脂肪酸健康影响认识的模糊、食品中反式脂肪酸含量基础有效数据缺乏、食品中反式脂肪酸的风险监测与评估研究经验不足等原因,已在社会造成一定的消费恐惧。目前,我国需借鉴国际食品中反式脂肪酸含量的风险监测和摄入风险评估研究经验,为建立食品中反式脂肪酸的法定限量、加强对食品中反式脂肪酸有效监管和建立合理的安全预警体系提供支持。本文综述了国际相关研究进展,并提出开展我国食品中反式脂肪酸监测与评估的建议。  相似文献   

计算流体力学在冷库优化中的应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对中国冷库的发展进行论述并列举冷库运行中存在的一些问题,对计算流体力学技术在冷库中的应用研究进行综述,介绍国内外该技术在冷库模拟中所取得的进展,尤其是如何使气流均匀、不同货物最适储存温度和湿度、货物储存中合适的堆码形式和堆码尺寸等方面的研究成果,并对今后计算流体力学技术在冷库中的进一步应用进行展望。  相似文献   

膜蒸馏—结晶技术及在海水制盐中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膜蒸馏—结晶技术是近几年来发展迅速的一种新兴分离净化技术。文章综述了该技术在废水处理、溶质回收及盐水分离等方面的应用研究进展。根据我国沿海地区土地资源紧张、水资源短缺的现状和近岸海域环境保护的迫切需求,探讨了利用膜蒸馏—结晶技术对苦卤和海水淡化副产浓海水浓缩利用的可行性。  相似文献   

In many arid countries, rules for the allocation of irrigation water when shortages occur are poorly defined. These weaknesses present a critical constraint to food security and can be a major cause of poverty and hunger. The search for flexible rules for the allocation of irrigation water is especially important in dry regions of the developing world where drought and climate change compound the challenges faced by farmers, extension advisers, water managers and governments. Afghanistan is one country in which inflexible arrangements for allocating irrigation water when drought occurs continue to undermine its food security. This paper develops and applies an empirical framework to evaluate several arrangements for the allocation of irrigation water when shortages occur. The intent of the analysis is to identify a water allocation system for sharing shortages that minimizes the loss in economic benefits and food security by efficiently sharing water supplies when the inevitable drought occurs. An integrated decision framework for water resources is developed that unifies crop, water, and farm data. Several water allocation rules that could increase the flexibility of irrigated agriculture in dealing with water shortages are analyzed for their impacts on farm profitability and food security. Findings show that a proportional sharing of water shortages, in which each canal bears an equal proportion of overall shortages, is the most flexible rule among those analyzed for limiting threats to food security and farm income. This water sharing arrangement is also seen as fair in many cultures and is simple to administer. In the developing world, the design and practical implementation of flexible rules for adapting to periodic water supply changes are important as water shortages become more pronounced in the face of droughts and climate variability. The results provide a framework for identifying, designing, and implementing water allocation rules for food security in the developing world’s irrigated areas.  相似文献   

吴齐  朱丽 《国际造纸》2002,21(3):7-8
在磨石磨木浆的生产中,磨石的刻石是一项重要的技术课题,传统的刻石技术存在诸多缺点。而采用超高压水喷射磨石表面新技术成功地克服了传统技术的诸多缺点。  相似文献   

Large areas of cropland expansion have been reported in northern China. The sustainable use of cropland may be greatly affected by climate and is vulnerable to climatic changes, particularly in northern China. Here, we investigated climate change during 1961–2010 and the spatial and temporal characteristics of climate resources in newly converted cropland during 1990–2010 across northern China. Significant climate warming occurred in the last 50 years concurrently with relative stable precipitation rates, which provided a favorable climatic background for expanding the extent of cropland. During 1990–2010, the major cropland expansion had shifted from the humid northeast of China with good natural conditions to the arid northwest with fragile environmental conditions. In the newly converted cropland areas, temperatures increased significantly with small fluctuations; the average precipitation decreased considerably from 422.40 to 257.97 mm, with high and increasing inter-annual and seasonal variability. Water shortages became the most important climatic factor, limiting sustainable use of newly converted cropland. The average climate potential productivity of newly converted cropland decreased considerably from 672.41 to 440.40 t/km2, indicating a substantial decline in the quality of newly converted cropland. Understanding the spatial and temporal changes in climatic resources is critical to coordinating cropland expansion and sustainable land use.  相似文献   

Using marginal agricultural lands to grow energy crops for biofuel feedstocks is a promising option to meet the biofuel needs in populous China without causing further food shortages or environmental problems. Here we quantify the effects of growing switchgrass and Miscanthus on Chinese marginal agricultural lands on biomass production and carbon emissions with a global-scale biogeochemical model. We find that the national net primary production (NPP) of these two biofuel crops are 622 and 1546 g C m(-2) yr(-1), respectively, whereas the NPP of food crops is about 600 g C m(-2) yr(-1) in China. The net carbon sink over the 47 Mha of marginal agricultural lands across China is 2.1 Tg C yr(-1) for switchgrass and 5.0 Tg C yr(-1) for Miscanthus. Soil organic carbon is estimated to be 10 kg C m(-2) in both biofuel ecosystems, which is equal to the soil carbon levels of grasslands in China. In order to reach the goal of 12.5 billion liters of bioethanol in 2020 using crop biomass as biofuel feedstocks, 7.9-8.0 Mha corn grain, 4.3-6.1 Mha switchgrass, or 1.4-2.0 Mha Miscanthus will be needed. Miscanthus has tremendous potential to meet future biofuel needs, and to benefit CO(2) mitigation in China.  相似文献   

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