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Tooth Cementum Annulation (TCA) is an age estimation method carried out on thin cross sections of the root of mammalian teeth. Age is computed by adding the tooth eruption age to the count of annual incremental lines which are called tooth rings and appear in the cementum band. The number of rings is computed from an intensity (gray scale) image of the cementum band, by estimating the average ring width and then dividing the area of the cementum band by this estimate. The ring width is estimated by modelling the image by a hidden Markov random field, where intensities are assumed to be pixelwise conditionally independent and normally distributed, given a Markov random field of hidden binary labels, representing the“true scene”. To incorporate image macro-features (the long-range dependence among intensities and the quasi-periodicity in the placement of tooth rings), the label random field is defined by an energy function that depends on a parametric Gabor filter, convolved with the true scene. The filter parameter represents the unknown of main interest, i.e. the average width of the rings. The model is estimated through an EM algorithm, relying on the mean field approximation of the hidden label distribution and allows to predict the locations of the rings in the image.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that cluster analysis can be used to effectively classify malware into meaningful families. In this research, we apply cluster analysis to the challenging problem of classifying previously unknown malware. We perform several experiments involving malware clustering. We compare our clustering results to those obtained when a support vector machine (SVM) is trained on the malware family. Using clustering, we are able to classify malware with an accuracy comparable to that of an SVM. An advantage of the clustering approach is that a new malware family can be classified before a model has been trained specifically for the family.  相似文献   

The article presents an application of hidden Markov models (HMMs) for pattern recognition on genome sequences. We apply HMM for identifying genes encoding the variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) in the genomes of Trypanosoma brucei (T. brucei) and other African trypanosomes. These are parasitic protozoa causative agents of sleeping sickness and several diseases in domestic and wild animals. These parasites have a peculiar strategy to evade the host’s immune system that consists in periodically changing their predominant cellular surface protein (VSG). The motivation for using patterns recognition methods to identify these genes, instead of traditional homology based ones, is that the levels of sequence identity (amino acid and DNA sequence) amongst these genes is often below of what is considered reliable in these methods. Among pattern recognition approaches, HMM are particularly suitable to tackle this problem because they can handle more naturally the determination of gene edges. We evaluate the performance of the model using different number of states in the Markov model, as well as several performance metrics. The model is applied using public genomic data. Our empirical results show that the VSG genes on T. brucei can be safely identified (high sensitivity and low rate of false positives) using HMM.  相似文献   

We present a technique using Markov models with spectral features for recognizing 2D shapes. We analyze the properties of Fourier spectral features derived from closed contours of 2D shapes and use these features for 2D pattern recognition. We develop algorithms for reestimating parameters of hidden Markov models. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our models, we have tested our methods on two image databases: hand-tools and unconstrained handwritten numerals. We are able to achieve high recognition rates of 99.4 percent and 96.7 percent without rejection on these two sets of image data, respectively  相似文献   

We present a factorial representation of Gaussian mixture models for observation densities in hidden Markov models (HMMs), which uses the factorial learning in the HMM framework. We derive the reestimation formulas for estimating the factorized parameters by the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm and propose a novel method for initializing them. To compare the performances of the proposed models with that of the factorial hidden Markov models and HMMs, we have carried out extensive experiments which show that this modelling approach is effective and robust.  相似文献   

A hidden Markov model (HMM) with a special structure that captures the ‘semi’-property of hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) is considered. The proposed model allows arbitrary dwell-time distributions in the states of the Markov chain. For dwell-time distributions with finite support the HMM formulation is exact while for those that have infinite support, e.g. the Poisson, the distribution can be approximated with arbitrary accuracy. A benefit of using the HMM formulation is that it is easy to incorporate covariates, trend and seasonal variation particularly in the hidden component of the model. In addition, the formulae and methods for forecasting, state prediction, decoding and model checking that exist for ordinary HMMs are applicable to the proposed class of models. An HMM with explicitly modeled dwell-time distributions involving seasonality is used to model daily rainfall occurrence for sites in Bulgaria.  相似文献   

Hidden tree Markov models for document image classification   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Classification is an important problem in image document processing and is often a preliminary step toward recognition, understanding, and information extraction. In this paper, the problem is formulated in the framework of concept learning and each category corresponds to the set of image documents with similar physical structure. We propose a solution based on two algorithmic ideas. First, we obtain a structured representation of images based on labeled XY-trees (this representation informs the learner about important relationships between image subconstituents). Second, we propose a probabilistic architecture that extends hidden Markov models for learning probability distributions defined on spaces of labeled trees. Finally, a successful application of this method to the categorization of commercial invoices is presented.  相似文献   

Hidden Markov measure field models for image segmentation   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Parametric image segmentation consists of finding a label field that defines a partition of an image into a set of nonoverlapping regions and the parameters of the models that describe the variation of some property within each region. A new Bayesian formulation for the solution of this problem is presented, based on the key idea of using a doubly stochastic prior model for the label field, which allows one to find exact optimal estimators for both this field and the model parameters by the minimization of a differentiable function. An efficient minimization algorithm and comparisons with existing methods on synthetic images are presented, as well as examples of realistic applications to the segmentation of Magnetic Resonance volumes and to motion segmentation.  相似文献   

Neural Computing and Applications - The present work introduces a hybrid integration of the self-organizing map and the hidden Markov model (HMM) for anomaly detection in 802.11 wireless networks....  相似文献   

Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques - We have utilized two distinct models to identify the obscure or new sort of malware in this paper. GoogleNet and ResNet models are researched...  相似文献   

In this paper, we formulate the problem of synthesizing facial animation from an input audio sequence as a dynamic audio-visual mapping. We propose that audio-visual mapping should be modeled with an input-output hidden Markov model, or IOHMM. An IOHMM is an HMM for which the output and transition probabilities are conditional on the input sequence. We train IOHMMs using the expectation-maximization(EM) algorithm with a novel architecture to explicitly model the relationship between transition probabilities and the input using neural networks. Given an input sequence, the output sequence is synthesized by the maximum likelihood estimation. Experimental results demonstrate that IOHMMs can generate natural and good-quality facial animation sequences from the input audio.  相似文献   

Markov random field texture models   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We consider a texture to be a stochastic, possibly periodic, two-dimensional image field. A texture model is a mathematical procedure capable of producing and describing a textured image. We explore the use of Markov random fields as texture models. The binomial model, where each point in the texture has a binomial distribution with parameter controlled by its neighbors and ``number of tries' equal to the number of gray levels, was taken to be the basic model for the analysis. A method of generating samples from the binomial model is given, followed by a theoretical and practical analysis of the method's convergence. Examples show how the parameters of the Markov random field control the strength and direction of the clustering in the image. The power of the binomial model to produce blurry, sharp, line-like, and blob-like textures is demonstrated. Natural texture samples were digitized and their parameters were estimated under the Markov random field model. A hypothesis test was used for an objective assessment of goodness-of-fit under the Markov random field model. Overall, microtextures fit the model well. The estimated parameters of the natural textures were used as input to the generation procedure. The synthetic microtextures closely resembled their real counterparts, while the regular and inhomogeneous textures did not.  相似文献   

Change detection based on the comparison of independently classified images (i.e. post-classification comparison) is well-known to be negatively affected by classification errors of individual maps. Incorporating spatial-temporal contextual information in the classification helps to reduce the classification errors, thus improving change detection results. In this paper, spatial-temporal Markov Random Fields (MRF) models were used to integrate spatial-temporal information with spectral information for multi-temporal classification in an attempt to mitigate the impacts of classification errors on change detection. One important component in spatial-temporal MRF models is the specification of transition probabilities. Traditionally, a global transition probability model is used that assumes spatial stationarity of transition probabilities across an image scene, which may be invalid if areas have varying transition probabilities. By relaxing the stationarity assumption, we developed two local transition probability models to make the transition model locally adaptive to spatially varying transition probabilities. The first model called locally adjusted global transition model adapts to the local variation by multiplying a pixel-wise probability of change with the global transition model. The second model called pixel-wise transition model was developed as a fully local model based on the estimation of the pixel-wise joint probabilities. When applied to the forest change detection in Paraguay, the two local models showed significant improvements in the accuracy of identifying the change from forest to non-forest compared with traditional models. This indicates that the local transition probability models can present temporal information more accurately in change detection algorithms based on spatial-temporal classification of multi-temporal images. The comparison between the two local transition models showed that the fully local model better captured the spatial heterogeneity of the transition probabilities and achieved more stable and consistent results over different regions of a large image scene.  相似文献   

Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques - By increasing growth of mobile applications, providing their security has become significant. Among mobile operating systems, Android is the...  相似文献   

Zhu  Hui-Juan  Jiang  Tong-Hai  Ma  Bo  You  Zhu-Hong  Shi  Wei-Lei  Cheng  Li 《Neural computing & applications》2018,30(11):3353-3361

Mobile phones are rapidly becoming the most widespread and popular form of communication; thus, they are also the most important attack target of malware. The amount of malware in mobile phones is increasing exponentially and poses a serious security threat. Google’s Android is the most popular smart phone platforms in the world and the mechanisms of permission declaration access control cannot identify the malware. In this paper, we proposed an ensemble machine learning system for the detection of malware on Android devices. More specifically, four groups of features including permissions, monitoring system events, sensitive API and permission rate are extracted to characterize each Android application (app). Then an ensemble random forest classifier is learned to detect whether an app is potentially malicious or not. The performance of our proposed method is evaluated on the actual data set using tenfold cross-validation. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve a highly accuracy of 89.91%. For further assessing the performance of our method, we compared it with the state-of-the-art support vector machine classifier. Comparison results demonstrate that the proposed method is extremely promising and could provide a cost-effective alternative for Android malware detection.


Given recent experimental results suggesting that neural circuits may evolve through multiple firing states, we develop a framework for estimating state-dependent neural response properties from spike train data. We modify the traditional hidden Markov model (HMM) framework to incorporate stimulus-driven, non-Poisson point-process observations. For maximal flexibility, we allow external, time-varying stimuli and the neurons' own spike histories to drive both the spiking behavior in each state and the transitioning behavior between states. We employ an appropriately modified expectation-maximization algorithm to estimate the model parameters. The expectation step is solved by the standard forward-backward algorithm for HMMs. The maximization step reduces to a set of separable concave optimization problems if the model is restricted slightly. We first test our algorithm on simulated data and are able to fully recover the parameters used to generate the data and accurately recapitulate the sequence of hidden states. We then apply our algorithm to a recently published data set in which the observed neuronal ensembles displayed multistate behavior and show that inclusion of spike history information significantly improves the fit of the model. Additionally, we show that a simple reformulation of the state space of the underlying Markov chain allows us to implement a hybrid half-multistate, half-histogram model that may be more appropriate for capturing the complexity of certain data sets than either a simple HMM or a simple peristimulus time histogram model alone.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose Markov random field models for pattern recognition, which provide a flexible and natural framework for modelling the interactions between spatially related random variables in their neighbourhood systems. The proposed approach is superior to conventional approaches in many aspects. This paper introduces the concept of states into Markov random filed models, presents a theoretic analysis of the approach, discusses issues of designing neighbourhood system and cliques, and analyses properties of the models. We have applied our method to the recognition of unconstrained handwritten numerals. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can achieve high performance.  相似文献   

针对恶意软件检测尤其是未知恶意软件检测的不足,提出一种基于免疫原理的恶意软件检测模型,该模型采用程序运行时产生的IRP请求序列作为抗原,定义系统中的正常程序为自体,恶意程序为非自体,通过选定数量的抗体,采用人工免疫原理对非自体进行识别。实验结果表明,此模型在恶意软件的检测方面具有较高的准确率,且误报和漏报率较低,是一种有效的恶意软件检测方法。  相似文献   

Biomedical signals carry signature rhythms of complex physiological processes that control our daily bodily activity. The properties of these rhythms indicate the nature of interaction dynamics among physiological processes that maintain a homeostasis. Abnormalities associated with diseases or disorders usually appear as disruptions in the structure of the rhythms which makes isolating these rhythms and the ability to differentiate between them, indispensable. Computer aided diagnosis systems are ubiquitous nowadays in almost every medical facility and more closely in wearable technology, and rhythm or event detection is the first of many intelligent steps that they perform. How these rhythms are isolated? How to develop a model that can describe the transition between processes in time? Many methods exist in the literature that address these questions and perform the decoding of biomedical signals into separate rhythms. In here, we demystify the most effective methods that are used for detection and isolation of rhythms or events in time series and highlight the way in which they were applied to different biomedical signals and how they contribute to information fusion. The key strengths and limitations of these methods are also discussed as well as the challenges encountered with application in biomedical signals.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a comparison of recent statistical models based on fuzzy Markov random fields and chains for multispectral image segmentation. The fuzzy scheme takes into account discrete and continuous classes which model the imprecision of the hidden data. In this framework, we assume the dependence between bands and we express the general model for the covariance matrix. A fuzzy Markov chain model is developed in an unsupervised way. This method is compared with the fuzzy Markovian field model previously proposed by one of the authors. The segmentation task is processed with Bayesian tools, such as the well-known MPM (mode of posterior marginals) criterion. Our goal is to compare the robustness and rapidity for both methods (fuzzy Markov fields versus fuzzy Markov chains). Indeed, such fuzzy-based procedures seem to be a good answer, e.g., for astronomical observations when the patterns present diffuse structures. Moreover, these approaches allow us to process missing data in one or several spectral bands which correspond to specific situations in astronomy. To validate both models, we perform and compare the segmentation on synthetic images and raw multispectral astronomical data  相似文献   

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