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Ka-band Earth-space propagation research in Japan 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Karasawa Y. Maekawa Y. 《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1997,85(6):821-842
Earth-space propagation studies in Japan were originally concerned with measuring atmospheric absorption and rain attenuation by means of a suntracker and a radiometer, following which a number of long-term experiments were performed using various experimental and commercial satellites. The first experiments involving Ka-band Earth-space propagation measurements in Japan were carried out in 1977 using the Engineering Test Satellite Type II, and since 1978, these experiments have been conducted using Japan's domestic communication satellite. Based on these studies to date, the understanding of Earth-space propagation characteristics at higher frequency bands, modeling of propagation channels, and development of countermeasure technologies have shown dramatic progress. In Japan at present, advanced propagation studies are under way in wideband digital-transmission satellite systems for the forthcoming multimedia era. This paper summarizes recent study activities concerning wave propagation in Ka-band Earth-space paths and related topics, such as radiometeorology in Japan. Last, future plans for conducting Ka-band and millimeter-wave propagation experiments by using the Japanese experimental satellite “COMETS” and rain observations in tropical regions by “TRMM” are introduced briefly 相似文献
Stutzman W.L. Pratt T. Bostian C.W. Porter R.E. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1990,38(9):1384-1390
The authors conducted a year-long experiment in which a dual-polarized S -band radar probed the volume surrounding two 11.45-GHz satellite downlink paths during rain. Accuracy was assessed by comparison to directly measured link attenuation with two 11-GHz beacon receivers 7.3-km apart at an 18.5° elevation angle, one colocated with the radar. Drop size distributions calculated from the radar horizontal reflectivity (Z H) and differential reflectivity (Z DR) measurements were used to predict 11.45-GHz satellite beacon attenuations. The radar-predicted attenuations and those measured on the radio links agree, both on an event basis and in terms of annual cumulative distributions 相似文献
大气湍流中激光波束斜程传输的展宽、漂移特性 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
根据推广的Huygens-Fresnel原理推导了不同接收机高度斜程传输情况下波束的扩展半径.同时结合Mellin变换,导出了考虑外尺度情况下准直激光波束漂移方差模型,可以退化到不考虑外尺度时漂移方差.数值计算中应用ITU-R公布的随高度变化的大气结构常数模型,结果表明,斜程大气湍流中波束的漂移方差、扩展半径依赖于接收机高度和初始波束半宽.随仰角的增加,波束的有效半径和漂移方差不断减小;累积效应斜程传输波束受大气湍流的影响比水平传输要小得多. 相似文献
大气湍流效应是制约各种激光工程应用的重要因素之一.采用多层相位屏的模拟方法,针对地空激光大气的长距离斜程传输进行了大量数值模拟,通过变化天顶角、光束初始半径和激光波长等传输条件,定量分析了光束的有效半径、相对真空扩展倍数、光斑质心漂移均方根和63.2%环围能量的平均功率密度等统计参量在不同传输条件下受湍流的影响程度和变化规律.结果表明:天顶角越大,湍流效应越强,光束受到湍流的影响越大;波长越短,光束受到湍流的影响越强;光斑的漂移随光束初始半径的增大而减小,且与波长无关;在湍流效应和衍射效应的综合作用下,光束有效半径和63.2%环围能量的功率密度随波长和光束初始半径均不是单调变化.这可为激光工程应用提供一定的理论分析和性能预测依据. 相似文献
A basic problem in estimating the microwave attenuation over a satellite-earth propagation path on the basis of rain gauge data is that, for a given precipitation event, the attenuation and the rainfall records very often do not have consistent detailed correlation. Such inconsistencies can be greatly reduced if the falling speed of the rain drops, i.e., 2 to 9 m/s for drop sizes of 0.05 to 0.7 cm, is taken into account. Adjustments in time and drop size spectrum are needed for data collected from field rain gauges to realize the actual rainfall along the slant path for correlating rain gauge data with measured satellite signals. 相似文献
OLYMPUS, the NASA sponsored, JPL-managed, Ka -band propagation measurement campaign carried out at Virginia Tech and many European sites, is discussed. The basic physics involved, the OLYMPUS experiment itself, and the advanced communications technology satellite (ACTS) program, the purpose of which is to demonstrate the feasibility of the Ka -band (20 and 30 GHz) spectrum for satellite communications, as well as to help maintain US leadership in satellite communications. are described 相似文献
Rogers D.V. Ippolito L.J. Jr. Davarian F. 《Proceedings of the IEEE. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers》1997,85(6):810-820
Accurate estimates of the propagation impairments that affect link quality and availability and determine signal interference fields are essential for the reliable design of telecommunication systems and the efficient use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Recent announcements by commercial entities of their intent to use Ka-band spectrum to supply satellite services have heightened interest in propagation data and models for these frequencies. This paper provides a brief overview of Ka-band Earth-satellite systems and requirements in relation to the need for specific types of propagation data 相似文献
The Slant Path Atmospheric Refraction Calibrator (SPARC) has been developed to measure the water-vapor-induced propagation delay experienced by a radio signal traversing the atmosphere. SPARC measures the difference in the travel times between an optical and a microwave signal propagating along the same atmospheric path. Since the refractivity of dry air is similar for both the microwave and optical signals, the difference in arrival times is a sensitive measure of the water-vapor-induced microwave delay. The instrument is capable of measuring the difference in the optical and microwave travel times with an accuracy of 15 ps or better. SPARC was developed to provide an accurate, independent method for evaluating other techniques used to determine the atmospheric water-vapor-induced delay 相似文献
太赫兹大气传输是太赫兹科学技术及其应用的重要组成部分,它几乎渗透于所有的太赫兹应用技术领域.现有文献中所说的太赫兹大气传输基本都是水平路径的传输,而文章基于辐射传输、色散理论和Van-Vleck Weisskopf线型,结合喷气推进实验室(Jet Propulsion Laboratory,JPL)数据库,建立了太赫兹波沿大气层倾斜路径的传输衰减模型,对0.1~1 THz频段太赫兹波沿倾斜路径传输的吸收衰减特征进行了数值模拟研究.分析了低端太赫兹大气传输的窗口结构,为太赫兹地空通信提供了理论参考. 相似文献
In stratus rainfall events, the effects of ice depolarisation are evaluated using the CS-2 beacon signal and X-band radar observations. Although the ice effects described in terms of the deviation from theoretical rain depolarisation show a large variation according to the rain height, net ice depolarisations deduced above this height are relatively constant.<> 相似文献
The letter presents results of an analysis of fade slope and fade duration data collected at 11 GHz within the framework of the OTS propagation experiments in Europe. Evidence is given of the fact that on a statistical basis, fade slope and fade duration are related. This could possibly be used in uplink power control systems. 相似文献
为了研究不同天顶角、传输距离、光源相干性以及湍流外尺度对接收面光束空间相干度的影响,采用广义惠更斯-菲涅耳原理和相位结构函数的平方近似,并运用张量积分的方法,得到了部分相干平顶光束通过斜程湍流大气传输后接收面光束空间相干度的解析表达式.结果表明,传输距离较短时,该光束空间相干度随两点距离的增加出现振荡现象,而传输距离较长时振荡现象消失;当传输距离给定时,天顶角越大,光束空间相干度的有效宽度相对较短.初始相干长度较短的该类光束其空间相干度的宽度不随传输距离的增加而减小;长距离传输后,光束空间相干性与光束初始相干长度不再有关. 相似文献
根据大气透过率计算软件-CIRTRAN计算了乡村、城市、海洋和沙漠四类地区不同能见度条件下的1.06μm激光斜程大气透过率,经过分析和归纳,提出了一个直观而简便的计算公式.用三种不同的测量方法和LOWTRAN7作比较,证明该公式具有很好的准确度. 相似文献
The results are described of a 140 Mb/s, 16 QAM digital microwave radio field trial to characterize multipath fading on a 60-km overwater route in New Zealand. Propagation data have been collected from the path between September 1985 and September 1986, and include one fading season of the Southern Hemisphere. The authors specifically apply and extend work on multipath fading by W.D. Rummler and others (1979, 1981, 1986). To the spectral data collected from the trial, a Rummler-type model (echo delay 6.35 ns) has been fitted. Distributions for the parameters a , b , and f o ar observed to be similar to those presented by Rummler (1979) for the 26.4-mile Atlanta to Palmetto, Georgia path. Data which cannot be characterized well by the Rummler model include samples which show the evidence of a ray with equivalent long delay (⩾10 ns). This ray is either conjectured to be a sea reflection (however sea reflections are blocked at an Earth radius factor of k =4/3), or is indicative of the presence of more than one secondary ray 相似文献
Akeyama A. Morita K. Inoue T. Sasaki O. Kikushima M. 《Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on》1980,28(4):580-585
Measurements of attenuation at 11 and 18 GHz from precipitation have been made on a slant path over a three-year period in the Tokyo area using a sun tracker and a radiometer. Simultaneous rain attenuation measurements of a 2.9-km terrestrial path at 19 GHz were used to clarify the correlation characteristics between the terrestrial and the slant paths. The following results are presented: frequency, seasonal, annual, and elevation angle dependence of rain attenuation, rain rate distribution, effective distance, correlation characteristics of attenuation between slant and terrestrial paths, attenuation due to snowfall, and site diversity effect for a separation of 14.3 km at 18 GHz. 相似文献
针对Ka频段卫星通信信道中电波传播特性的研究,通过引入SAM模型和新的影响因子,包括雨滴大小、云雾及大气吸收等,分析了降雨及多因子对信道的影响,建立了Ka频段卫星通信信道仿真模型,并基于OPNET平台进行仿真。此模型能够更好地提供清晰的数学表达式.对卫星信道的研究提供了可靠数据。 相似文献