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Video text detection and segmentation for optical character recognition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present approaches to detecting and segmenting text in videos. The proposed video-text-detection technique is capable of adaptively applying appropriate operators for video frames of different modalities by classifying the background complexities. Effective operators such as the repeated shifting operations are applied for the noise removal of images with high edge density. Meanwhile, a text-enhancement technique is used to highlight the text regions of low-contrast images. A coarse-to-fine projection technique is then employed to extract text lines from video frames. Experimental results indicate that the proposed text-detection approach is superior to the machine-learning-based (such as SVM and neural network), multiresolution-based, and DCT-based approaches in terms of detection and false-alarm rates. Besides text detection, a technique for text segmentation is also proposed based on adaptive thresholding. A commercial OCR package is then used to recognize the segmented foreground text. A satisfactory character-recognition rate is reported in our experiments.Published online: 14 December 2004  相似文献   

Reading text in natural images has focused again the attention of many researchers during the last few years due to the increasing availability of cheap image-capturing devices in low-cost products like mobile phones. Therefore, as text can be found on any environment, the applicability of text-reading systems is really extensive. For this purpose, we present in this paper a robust method to read text in natural images. It is composed of two main separated stages. Firstly, text is located in the image using a set of simple and fast-to-compute features highly discriminative between character and non-character objects. They are based on geometric and gradient properties. The second part of the system carries out the recognition of the previously detected text. It uses gradient features to recognize single characters and Dynamic Programming (DP) to correct misspelled words. Experimental results obtained with different challenging datasets show that the proposed system exceeds state-of-the-art performance, both in terms of localization and recognition.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a two-stage system for text detection in video images. In the first stage, text lines are detected based on the edge map of the image leading in a high recall rate with low computational time expenses. In the second stage, the result is refined using a sliding window and an SVM classifier trained on features obtained by a new Local Binary Pattern-based operator (eLBP) that describes the local edge distribution. The whole algorithm is used in a multiresolution fashion enabling detection of characters for a broad size range. Experimental results, based on a new evaluation methodology, show the promising overall performance of the system on a challenging corpus, and prove the superior discriminating ability of the proposed feature set against the best features reported in the literature.  相似文献   

This paper presents a morphology-based text line extraction algorithm for extracting text regions from cluttered images. First of all, the method defines a novel set of morphological operations for extracting important contrast regions as possible text line candidates. The contrast feature is robust to lighting changes and invariant against different image transformations like image scaling, translation, and skewing. In order to detect skewed text lines, a moment-based method is then used for estimating their orientations. According to the orientation, an x-projection technique can be applied to extract various text geometries from the text-analogue segments for text verification. However, due to noise, a text line region is often fragmented to different pieces of segments. Therefore, after the projection, a novel recovery algorithm is then proposed for recovering a complete text line from its pieces of segments. After that, a verification scheme is then proposed for verifying all extracted potential text lines according to their text geometries. Experimental results show that the proposed method improves the state-of-the-art work in terms of effectiveness and robustness for text line detection.  相似文献   

Automatic text segmentation and text recognition for video indexing   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Efficient indexing and retrieval of digital video is an important function of video databases. One powerful index for retrieval is the text appearing in them. It enables content-based browsing. We present our new methods for automatic segmentation of text in digital videos. The algorithms we propose make use of typical characteristics of text in videos in order to enable and enhance segmentation performance. The unique features of our approach are the tracking of characters and words over their complete duration of occurrence in a video and the integration of the multiple bitmaps of a character over time into a single bitmap. The output of the text segmentation step is then directly passed to a standard OCR software package in order to translate the segmented text into ASCII. Also, a straightforward indexing and retrieval scheme is introduced. It is used in the experiments to demonstrate that the proposed text segmentation algorithms together with existing text recognition algorithms are suitable for indexing and retrieval of relevant video sequences in and from a video database. Our experimental results are very encouraging and suggest that these algorithms can be used in video retrieval applications as well as to recognize higher level semantics in videos.  相似文献   

Text detection in the real world images captured in unconstrained environment is an important yet challenging computer vision problem due to a great variety of appearances, cluttered background, and character orientations. In this paper, we present a robust system based on the concepts of Mutual Direction Symmetry (MDS), Mutual Magnitude Symmetry (MMS) and Gradient Vector Symmetry (GVS) properties to identify text pixel candidates regardless of any orientations including curves (e.g. circles, arc shaped) from natural scene images. The method works based on the fact that the text patterns in both Sobel and Canny edge maps of the input images exhibit a similar behavior. For each text pixel candidate, the method proposes to explore SIFT features to refine the text pixel candidates, which results in text representatives. Next an ellipse growing process is introduced based on a nearest neighbor criterion to extract the text components. The text is verified and restored based on text direction and spatial study of pixel distribution of components to filter out non-text components. The proposed method is evaluated on three benchmark datasets, namely, ICDAR2005 and ICDAR2011 for horizontal text evaluation, MSRA-TD500 for non-horizontal straight text evaluation and on our own dataset (CUTE80) that consists of 80 images for curved text evaluation to show its effectiveness and superiority over existing methods.  相似文献   

To efficiently store the information found in paper documents, text and non-text regions need to be separated. Non-text regions include half-tone photographs and line diagrams. The text regions can be converted (via an optical character reader) to a computer-searchable form, and the non-text regions can be extracted and preserved in compressed form using image-compression algorithms. In this paper, an effective system for automatically segmenting a document image into regions of text and non-text is proposed. The system first performs an adaptive thresholding to obtain a binarized image. Subsequently the binarized image is smeared using a run-length differential algorithm. The smeared image is then subjected to a text characteristic filter to remove error smearing of non-text regions. Next, baseline cumulative blocking is used to rectangularize the smeared region. Finally, a text block growing algorithm is used to block out a text sentence. The recognition of text is carried out on a text sentence basis.  相似文献   

针对煤矿视频监控图像存在噪声强度高且对比度低等问题,提出了一种新型煤矿视频监控图像滤波算法。该算法首先采用自适应Canny算子对图像进行边缘检测,实现边缘图像和非边缘图像的有效分离;然后对边缘图像引入直方图均衡化算法进行处理,以突出图像边缘信息,提高图像对比度;从滤波器的构建、结构元素的设计方面对经典数学形态学滤波算法进行改进,将其应用于非边缘图像的滤波;最后对处理后的边缘图像和非边缘图像引入图像融合机制进行加权融合。实验结果表明,与小波阈值法、经典数学形态学滤波算法相比,该算法具有较好的滤波效果。  相似文献   

Extraction of special effects caption text events from digital video   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Abstract. The popularity of digital video is increasing rapidly. To help users navigate libraries of video, algorithms that automatically index video based on content are needed. One approach is to extract text appearing in video, which often reflects a scene's semantic content. This is a difficult problem due to the unconstrained nature of general-purpose video. Text can have arbitrary color, size, and orientation. Backgrounds may be complex and changing. Most work so far has made restrictive assumptions about the nature of text occurring in video. Such work is therefore not directly applicable to unconstrained, general-purpose video. In addition, most work so far has focused only on detecting the spatial extent of text in individual video frames. However, text occurring in video usually persists for several seconds. This constitutes a text event that should be entered only once in the video index. Therefore it is also necessary to determine the temporal extent of text events. This is a non-trivial problem because text may move, rotate, grow, shrink, or otherwise change over time. Such text effects are common in television programs and commercials but so far have received little attention in the literature. This paper discusses detecting, binarizing, and tracking caption text in general-purpose MPEG-1 video. Solutions are proposed for each of these problems and compared with existing work found in the literature. Received: January 29, 2002 / Accepted: September 13, 2002 D. Crandall is now with Eastman Kodak Company, 1700 Dewey Avenue, Rochester, NY 14650-1816, USA; e-mail: david.crandall@kodak.com S. Antani is now with the National Library of Medicine, 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA; e-mail: antani@nlm.nih.gov Correspondence to: David Crandall  相似文献   

In the field of multimedia retrieval in video, text frame classification is essential for text detection, event detection, event boundary detection, etc. We propose a new text frame classification method that introduces a combination of wavelet and median moment with k-means clustering to select probable text blocks among 16 equally sized blocks of a video frame. The same feature combination is used with a new Max-Min clustering at the pixel level to choose probable dominant text pixels in the selected probable text blocks. For the probable text pixels, a so-called mutual nearest neighbor based symmetry is explored with a four-quadrant formation centered at the centroid of the probable dominant text pixels to know whether a block is a true text block or not. If a frame produces at least one true text block then it is considered as a text frame otherwise it is a non-text frame. Experimental results on different text and non-text datasets including two public datasets and our own created data show that the proposed method gives promising results in terms of recall and precision at the block and frame levels. Further, we also show how existing text detection methods tend to misclassify non-text frames as text frames in term of recall and precision at both the block and frame levels.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for detecting and recognizing text in complex images and video frames. Text detection is performed in a two-step approach that combines the speed of a text localization step, enabling text size normalization, with the strength of a machine learning text verification step applied on background independent features. Text recognition, applied on the detected text lines, is addressed by a text segmentation step followed by an traditional OCR algorithm within a multi-hypotheses framework relying on multiple segments, language modeling and OCR statistics. Experiments conducted on large databases of real broadcast documents demonstrate the validity of our approach.  相似文献   

自然场景图像中的文本提供了重要的语意信息,它是图像内容的重要来源.针对当前的求解算法普遍存在提取文本精确度不高等缺点,提出了一种文本定位准确的文本提取算法.先将原始图片进行金字塔分解,然后进行彩色图像边缘提取和二值化,再形态学文本定位,最后文本区域字符提取.对ICDAR数据库图片的测试结果表明,该方法对文字颜色、大小字体以及排列方向具有较强的鲁棒性,同时也具有较高的精确度和提取率.  相似文献   

Text data present in images and video contain useful information for automatic annotation, indexing, and structuring of images. Extraction of this information involves detection, localization, tracking, extraction, enhancement, and recognition of the text from a given image. However, variations of text due to differences in size, style, orientation, and alignment, as well as low image contrast and complex background make the problem of automatic text extraction extremely challenging. While comprehensive surveys of related problems such as face detection, document analysis, and image & video indexing can be found, the problem of text information extraction is not well surveyed. A large number of techniques have been proposed to address this problem, and the purpose of this paper is to classify and review these algorithms, discuss benchmark data and performance evaluation, and to point out promising directions for future research.  相似文献   

This study presents a new method, namely the multi-plane segmentation approach, for segmenting and extracting textual objects from various real-life complex document images. The proposed multi-plane segmentation approach first decomposes the document image into distinct object planes to extract and separate homogeneous objects including textual regions of interest, non-text objects such as graphics and pictures, and background textures. This process consists of two stages—localized histogram multilevel thresholding and multi-plane region matching and assembling. Then a text extraction procedure is applied on the resultant planes to detect and extract textual objects with different characteristics in the respective planes. The proposed approach processes document images regionally and adaptively according to their respective local features. Hence detailed characteristics of the extracted textual objects, particularly small characters with thin strokes, as well as gradational illuminations of characters, can be well-preserved. Moreover, this way also allows background objects with uneven, gradational, and sharp variations in contrast, illumination, and texture to be handled easily and well. Experimental results on real-life complex document images demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective in extracting textual objects with various illuminations, sizes, and font styles from various types of complex document images.  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于面向对象的Visual C++语言,在Windows MFC平台下开发出的视频字幕自动提取系统。该系统应用垂直、水平、对角方向的边缘检测算子检测出3个方向的字幕边缘信息,然后运用形态学对每个方向的边缘图像进行处理,最终运用与融合提取出字幕区域。实验结果验证,该系统性能稳定,字幕定位较精准。  相似文献   

Text contained in scene images provides the semantic context of the images. For that reason, robust extraction of text regions is essential for successful scene text understanding. However, separating text pixels from scene images still remains as a challenging issue because of uncontrolled lighting conditions and complex backgrounds. In this paper, we propose a two-stage conditional random field (TCRF) approach to robustly extract text regions from the scene images. The proposed approach models the spatial and hierarchical structures of the scene text, and it finds text regions based on the scene text model. In the first stage, the system generates multiple character proposals for the given image by using multiple image segmentations and a local CRF model. In the second stage, the system selectively integrates the generated character proposals to determine proper character regions by using a holistic CRF model. Through the TCRF approach, we cast the scene text separation problem as a probabilistic labeling problem, which yields the optimal label configuration of pixels that maximizes the conditional probability of the given image. Experimental results indicate that our framework exhibits good performance in the case of the public databases.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a video cut detection method. Cut detection is an important technique for making videos easier to handle. First, this paper analyzes the distribution of the image differenceV to clarify the characteristics that makeV suitable for cut detection. We propose a cut detection method that uses a projection (an isolated sharp peak) detecting filter. A motion sensitiveV is used to stabilizeV projections at cuts, and cuts are detected more reliably with this filter. The method can achieve high detection rates without increasing the rate of misdetection. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the filter.  相似文献   

Image processing on encoded video sequences   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents a novel approach to processing encoded video sequences prior to complete decoding. Scene changes are easily detected using DCT coefficients in JPEG and MPEG encoded video sequences. In addition, by analyzing the DCT coefficients, regions of interest may be isolated prior to decompression, increasing the efficiency of any subsequent image processing steps, such as edge detection. The results are currently used in a video browser and are part of an ongoing research project in creating large video databases. The procedure is detailed with several examples presented and studied in depth.  相似文献   

一种有效的新闻视频主题字幕检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种新的有效的新闻视频主题字幕检测方法。利用像素的空间量化亮度值计算局部帧差变化,以便检测新闻视频字幕的出现帧和消失帧,并建立4条规则来进一步区分主题字幕和非主题字幕,然后对同一主题字幕所在帧利用多帧结合的方法生成两个候选的主题字幕文字检测帧,选择其中之一进行文字区域的定位和提取;最后用投影法分割字符,并对投影法产生的错误分割字符的常见情况,提出相应的解决方法。实验结果表明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

一种基于Homogeneity的文本检测新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视频图像中的文本包含了丰富的语义层次上的内容描述信息,为基于语义的图像检索提供重要的索引信息资源.提出了一种基于Homogeneity和支持向量机(support vector machine)的视频图像中文本检测方法,首先将图像由空间域映射到Homogeneity域中,然后对映射到Homogeneity空间中的图像进行特征提取,利用SVM判别文本区域.实验表明此文本检测方法优于用基于边缘特征的文本检测方法.  相似文献   

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