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Abstract: The characteristics of tomato pericarp are closely associated with peelabililty, an important quality attribute of processing tomatoes. Different types of tissue exist in the pericarp of tomato. The outermost region of the pericarp, the red layer, is removed with the skin during peeling. This study investigated the morphological features and tissue properties of red layer and pericarp for 3 processing tomato cultivars using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The red layer can be visualized in MR images with T2 weighting, indicating the red layer has different properties compared to the rest of the pericarp region. Tomatoes were imaged with a set of MRI sequences with signal intensity dependent on different water proton properties. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the statistical features revealed clustering of fruit by cultivar. The spatial distribution of cultivars in the PCA score plot followed their rank of peeling performance. MRI demonstrated potential as a nondestructive method to characterize tomato pericarp and evaluate the peelability of processing tomatoes. Practical Application: Peelability of tomatoes affects the quality of value‐added whole peel and diced tomato products. The properties of the pericarp of tomato are directly related to the peelability of tomatoes. MRI provided a fast and nondestructive method to characterize the properties of tomato pericarp. The result of this work gives insight into the correlation between tomato pericarp characteristics and peelability.  相似文献   

不同去皮方法对番茄去皮效果和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为优化现有番茄去皮工艺,开发新的去皮方法,以去皮难易程度和质量损失评价去皮效果,比较手工去皮、热水去皮、碱液去皮、功率超声去皮和超声与碱液联用去皮对去皮效果和产品质地、颜色、番茄红素提取率、p H值和可滴定酸含量等品质的影响,并结合扫描电子显微镜观察不同去皮方法果皮微观结构。结果表明,功率超声去皮较传统的热水去皮和碱液去皮,去皮难度小,质量损失少,且产品品质良好,番茄红素含量较高,而超声与碱液联用去皮较其他去皮方法虽去皮难度小,但质量损失过高。扫描电子显微镜观察结果表明,功率超声去皮较热水去皮、碱液去皮对果皮角质层的破坏力更大,可能是超声的空化效应使果皮与果肉更易分离,从而降低去皮损失。因此,功率超声去皮是一种潜在的新型环境友好型去皮方法。  相似文献   

为提高西红柿红外干法去皮的加工性能,本研究建立了红外辐射加热的三维传热模型,利用该模型对西红柿红外去皮过程中表面和内部不同位置的温度进行预测,并通过比较温度预测值和实测值来验证模型的拟合度;进一步通过能耗计算对比分析两种不同的红外设备,筛选出较优的红外设备。结果表明,与静态催化红外设备相比,燃气-滚轮传送式催化红外设备可以实现对西红柿表皮的快速加热(表面最高温度为60.32℃),且西红柿表面温度分布更均匀(最大温差约6.44℃);内部温度增幅较低(内部最高温度为49.10℃),且内部温度分布也较均匀(最大温差约18.25℃)。模型预测值与实测值之间的拟合较好(R2≥0.93),且两者之间的估计标准误差EESE值较低(0.13~10.80℃),表明三维传热模型的拟合效果良好,能够很好地反映不同红外设备下西红柿表面和内部的温度分布。与静态式催化红外设备相比,燃气-滚轮传送式催化红外设备更优,即缩短了16.60%的加工时间,又节约了34.80%的能耗,更高效节能,在果蔬去皮领域具有广阔的应用前景及工业化推广价值。  相似文献   

Abstract: A mathematical model was formulated for the estimation, in conjunction with experimental measurements, of water diffusivity parameters during convective drying of peeled and unpeeled tomatoes. Fick's 2nd law of diffusion was solved numerically for a sphere, by explicit finite differences, considering shrinkage effect, variable diffusivity, and constant boundary conditions. Experiments were performed in a laboratory tunnel dryer. The equivalent radius of tomato decreased by 50% until the end of the process, which explains the necessity for shrinkage inclusion in the mass transfer model. The mean estimated diffusivities varied between 2.03 × 10?10 and 15.1 × 10?10 m2/s for peeled tomatoes and 0.59 × 10?10 and 15.2 × 10?10 m2/s for unpeeled tomatoes. The estimated water diffusivities and their variation with the tested drying temperatures (45, 55, and 65 °C) provide an insight of peeling effect during air‐drying. Peeling was beneficial since yielded greater drying rates and shortened significantly drying times, thus saving energy during drying. In all the studied cases, good agreement was found between experimental and predicted drying curves (≥ 0.99, mean relative deviation [MRD]≤ 0.12, and root mean square error [RMSE]≤ 0.03). In overall, the proposed methodology provides a reliable and easy estimation of temperature and moisture‐dependent mass transfer properties and drying simulation of shrinkable food products such as tomato. Practical Application: Water diffusivity is a food property, difficult in estimation but essential in drying processing optimization. This property was estimated as a function of moisture content and drying temperature employing a numerical simulation procedure. The peeling effect was also studied and found beneficial for lower temperature drying (<55 °C) which is useful in the energy optimization of the drying process as well as the retention of the end‐product quality.  相似文献   

四种干燥方法生产番茄粉的品质特性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
宋宏新  刘晓阳 《食品科技》2006,31(8):101-104
通过对喷雾干燥、热风干燥、真空干燥及真空冷冻干燥4种方法制成番茄粉的番茄红素含量、粉体特性等指标的分析及对比研究,对4种加工工艺生产的番茄粉的品质特性进行了评价,真空冷冻干燥法制成番茄粉的品质最好,喷雾干燥法从工艺适应性与经济效益多方面权衡该法应是首选。  相似文献   

本文对目前已有的核桃内种皮去除技术进行了简要介绍,分析探讨了每种核桃内种皮去皮技术的特点,并提出了一种新的核桃内种皮去除技术,以期为核桃产业综合发展提供参考.  相似文献   

Potato and its products have become indispensable foods and snacks for most people. Steroidal glycoalkaloids (SGAs) occur in all tissues of the potato, and consuming potatoes with a high SGA content harms human health. Therefore, the effects of different cooking methods on the SGA content in potato foods were investigated in this study. The results indicated that adding food-grade acetic acid during the manufacturing process did not affect the SGA content in stir-fried shredded potatoes or fresh mashed potatoes. However, the SGA content in potato food after peeling was significantly lower than that in non-peeled food, and the volume ratio of potato skin to flesh decreased with the increase of the potato tuber volume. Therefore, potato breeders and farmers should make the most hard to increase the proportion of commodity potato via corresponding science and technology. In addition, frying significantly reduced the SGA content in potato chips. Further research indicated that SGAs degraded slowly at 150°C, while they degraded rapidly at 190°C within 30 min. The temperature of rapeseed oil in the frying process can be as high above 200°C. Thus, frying significantly decreased the SGA content in potato chips, which could be attributed to temperature. These results will provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for potato breeding and cooking.  相似文献   

目的优化番茄制汁工艺条件,建立货架期预测模型。方法以红熟且无破损的番茄等外果为主要原料,经去蒂、清洗、热烫去皮、破碎榨汁制成新鲜的番茄汁,研究在不同温度(5、27、37℃)贮藏对产品品质的影响;利用Arrhenius方程为基础,建立相关联动力学模型;研究感官评价、pH、番茄花青素含量、色差在不同储藏时间变化进行番茄汁货架期预测研究。结果 0.03%的黄原胶、0.10%的羧甲基纤维素钠、0.05%的琼脂片组成的复合稳定剂稳定效果最好,口感饱满可口、细腻爽滑,番茄香气清新浓郁。采用模糊权重法对番茄汁货架期间的多项品质指标不同的加权系数进行综合评定。品质综合评价的加权关联度=感官评分sensory×0.25+pH×0.25+番茄红色×0.25+色差×0.25。结论该模型可以用于番茄汁货架期预测。  相似文献   

Using Response Surface Methodology the effects of NaOH concentration (4–20%), process temperature (55–95°C) and time (1–7 min) was determined on the yield, peeling quality, unpeeled skin and total usage of NaOH. Also evaluated were titratable NaOH in the potato tissue, NaOH penetration and “heat ring” depths during one stage chemical peeling of potatoes (Huincul variety). The best peeling quality, maximum yield and minimum total usage of NaOH was obtained for the following ranges: concentration, 11–13%, time 5–5.70 min and temperature, 90–95°C. The maximum temperature for which the “heat ring” and NaOH penetration depths were equal was 72°C where, at 20% NaOH and 7 min, peeling quality was very good and “heat ring” was absent.  相似文献   

介绍了铣刀式木材剥皮机、槽式木材剥皮机、水力木材剥皮机、气力木材剥皮机、无伤型环式木材剥皮机、肉桂树剥皮机和化学剥皮法等剥皮设备和剥皮方法。  相似文献   

取汁方式对热破碎番茄汁品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了2种取汁方式在不同的热处理条件下对热破碎番茄汁品质的影响。结果表明,破碎-加热-打浆取汁方式(简称为BHJ)的番茄汁粘度、果胶含量和番茄红素含量显著高于打浆取汁-加热的取汁方式(简称为JH),但取汁方式对汁的色差影响不大。在本试验范围内,BHJ取汁的番茄汁品质优于JH取汁。  相似文献   

目的:探寻一种高效且绿色环保的西红柿去皮方法。方法:利用催化式红外设备进行西红柿干法去皮,考察工艺参数对西红柿去皮性能和果肉品质的影响,并与传统的热水和碱液去皮方式进行对比。结果:双板距离、红外加热温度和红外加热时间均对西红柿去皮率和果肉品质有显著影响(P<0.05),西红柿催化式红外干法去皮的最优工艺参数为催化红外温度450 ℃,双板距离25 cm,红外处理时间5 min,此时西红柿去皮率高达98%,且果肉硬度(7.60 g/mm2)和番茄红素含量(30.39 mg/kg)最优,颜色鲜红。与传统热水和碱液去皮方式相比,红外去皮属于干法去皮,是一种环境友好型的去皮方法;红外去皮处理后西红柿果肉具有最高的硬度、番茄红素含量,颜色更红润,果肉完整性良好;红外去皮处理对果皮和果肉微观结构的影响最小,对果皮果肉连接层的微观结构有明显影响,促进了果皮与果肉的分离,表明红外去皮机制与其他几种去皮方式不同。结论:催化式红外去皮方式更适合西红柿的去皮加工,可以实现高效去皮、绿色环保且能保障产品品质。  相似文献   

对机织压延类柔性复合材料进行定伸长疲劳试验,测试了经疲劳处理后试样的剥离性能,分析了试样的定伸长疲劳对其剥离性能和织物结构、试验方法对柔性复合材料疲劳性能的影响.结果表明,材料疲劳后的剥离强力与定伸长比例和拉伸次数密切相关,且随着定伸长比例和拉伸次数的增加,其剥离强力明显下降.  相似文献   

通过高效液相色谱-质谱技术和高效液相色谱技术对番茄制品中9-羟基-10(E),12(Z)-十八碳二烯酸、9-羰基-10(E),12(Z)-十八碳二烯酸和9-羰基-10(E),12(E)-十八碳二烯酸三种功能性脂肪酸进行定性定量分析。结果表明,在色谱柱为Eclipse XDB-C18(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),流动相为0.005%的三氟乙酸水溶液和0.005%的三氟乙酸乙腈溶液,检测波长为234、280 nm的条件下,番茄制品中的三种脂肪酸在20 min内得到较好分离,重复性好(RSD ≤ 2.13%),精密度高(RSD ≤ 0.70%),稳定性好(RSD ≤ 0.98%),加标回收结果准确可靠(平均回收率分别为99.78%、99.70%、99.39%,RSD ≤ 3.38%)。该色谱方法快速、准确、可靠;测试结果表明,新鲜番茄中不含有这三种功能性脂肪酸,其仅存在于番茄制品中,且加工工艺对其含量影响较大;此外9-羟基-10(E),12(Z)-十八碳二烯酸为首次在番茄制品中发现。  相似文献   

为了实现对冷冻葡萄的快速、高效脱皮,采用冻前红外表面加热处理和冻后红外表面加热处理2种方式,探索不同时间红外表面加热预处理结合冷冻手段对葡萄自动脱皮效果的影响。结果表明,冻前红外表面加热处理5 min以上能够使葡萄果皮出现明显的开裂现象,自动脱皮效果明显,然而过长时间的红外处理也会导致葡萄硬度、颜色等指标的下降。冻后短时红外处理能够更好保持葡萄的品质,1 min的红外表面加热能够保证葡萄在未解冻的前提下出现裂口,从而使得后续可以采用各种手段使葡萄实现自动脱皮。  相似文献   

为了去除羊毛鳞片,以消除羊毛织物对人体的刺痒感,采用高锰酸钾-蛋白酶法对羊毛粗纱进行改性处理,适当浓度的高锰酸钾与羊毛的鳞片层发生氧化反应,使鳞片得到适度降解,再加上蛋白酶的协同作用,加快了鳞片层的蛋白质肽键的水解,从而达到良好的剥鳞效果,降低了纤维的定向摩擦效应及纤维的细度,同时也减少了染色壁障,使低温染色成为可能。选用L9(34)正交试验方法,对改性前后的羊毛纤维进行了表观形态、力学性能、红外性能和热重测试等客观表征分析,确定了最佳改性工艺。结果表明:高锰酸钾-碱性蛋白酶法羊毛改性工艺是一种有效的减量剥鳞的加工新手段,改性后羊毛粗纱的线密度由15.2 tex减小到14.7 tex,提高了粗纱羊毛纤维织物的服用性能。  相似文献   

目的评定超高效液相色谱法测定番茄中多菌灵含量的不确定度。方法按照SN/T 1753-2006《进出口浓缩果汁中噻菌灵、多菌灵残留量检测方法高效液相色谱法》检测番茄中的多菌灵含量,根据JJF1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》,考察了称量、标准品配制、标准曲线拟合和仪器重复测量等因素引入的不确定度,并对不确定度各分量进行量化和合成。结果当番茄酱中多菌灵浓度为0.1 mg/kg时,在95%的置信区间下,扩展不确定度为0.00224 mg/kg(k=2)。实验过程中的不确定度主要来源于样品称量和标准溶液配制。结论通过评定测定过程的不确定度,可以把握不确定度的主要来源,为番茄中多菌灵含量的测定提供依据,提高测定结果的准确度。  相似文献   

To study the effect of individual genes by segregation or linkage analyses, the likelihood of the model needs to be evaluated. The likelihood can be computed efficiently using the Elston-Stewart algorithm. This algorithm involves summing over the unobserved genotypes in the pedigree, which is called peeling. An important aspect of this algorithm is to determine the order of peeling to maximize efficiency. This paper shows how determining peeling order is related to a problem in solving systems of symmetric sparse linear equations. It also shows how algorithms developed to efficiently solve those systems, can be used to determine the optimal order of peeling in the Elston-Stewart algorithm.  相似文献   

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