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食品欺诈自古就有,但是近年来随着食品供应链全球化和复杂化,以及商业竞争日趋激烈等原因,受经济利益驱动进行的食品掺假和欺诈活动愈演愈烈。美国是最早提出经济利益驱动型掺假概念的国家,并为应对经济利益驱动型掺假提出了一系列措施。本文首先将美国关于经济利益驱动型掺假和食品欺诈的定义进行了梳理,并将这两个概念与其他食品保护概念进行对比;其次,对比美国和中国经济利益驱动型掺假和食品欺诈的应对措施;最后,对我国应对经济利益型掺假和食品欺诈提出了四点建议。  相似文献   

Intentional food crime is plural in nature in terms of the types of crime and the differing levels of financial gain. Successful models of food crime are dependent on how well the crime has been executed and at what point, or even if, detection actually occurs. The aim of this paper is to undertake a literature review and critique the often contradictory definitions that can be found in the literature in order to compare and contrast existing food crime risk assessment tools and their application. Food safety, food defense, and food fraud risk assessments consider different criteria in order to determine the degree of situational risk for each criteria and the measures that need to be implemented to mitigate that risk. Further research is required to support the development of global countermeasures, that are of value in reducing overall risk even when the potential hazards may be largely unknown, and specific countermeasures that can act against unique risks.  相似文献   

食品安全与中国安全食品的发展现状   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
李新生 《食品科学》2003,24(8):250-255
阐述了食品安全和安全食品的概念,讨论了安全食品分级分类,分析了近年来中国安全食品的发展现状和存在的问题,并对今后中国安全食品的发展提出了意见和建议。  相似文献   

国内外经济利益驱动型食品掺假防控体系研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来国内外发生的“三聚氰胺”、“马肉事件”等影响广泛的食品领域经济利益驱动型掺假 (economically motivated adulteration,EMA)事件对食品安全和食品贸易造成严重危害。国内外针对EMA问题已经 展开了许多研究,本文从EMA事件基础数据库的构建、事件特征、影响因素和防控技术体系等方面对当前国内外 EMA问题的研究现状进行梳理和总结,并提出我国也应加强对EMA事件的搜集、分析以及开展适合我国国情的防 控机制的研究,从而更好地应对EMA问题。  相似文献   

北京市某单位餐饮从业人员食品安全与营养知识现况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:为了解某单位餐饮从业人员食品安全与营养知识的现状,对其开展食品安全与营养知识的培训工作,为制定切合实际的培训计划提供科学依据。方法:对99名餐饮从业人员采用自行设计的问卷进行调查。结果:调查对象的平均年龄为33.42±11.31岁,食品安全与营养知识平均得分为12.64±3.01;而不同性别和不同文化程度、不同从业年限及不同岗位的食品安全和营养知识得分均不具有统计学差异(P〉0.05);餐饮从业人员主要是希望通过卫生部门和本单位等途径获取食品安全与营养知识。结论:餐饮从业人员对食品安全与营养知识的了解、掌握较欠缺。餐饮主管部门应结合餐饮从业人员的具体情况,制定培训计划,加强管理和督查,纠正不安全的操作行为。  相似文献   

针对食品基础理论课程食品营养与安全知识点多、内容庞杂等特点,通过分析课程的特点及学生专业背景,尝试结合启发、案例、翻转课堂、网络等多种教学方法,构建全面高效的多元化教学模式。实践证明,多元化教学模式得到学生广泛认可,较好地调动学生的积极主动性,考核成绩优良,取得一定成效。  相似文献   

关于食品欺诈的国内外比较研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐晓纯  李笑曼  张冰妍 《食品科学》2015,36(15):221-227
2013年初发生的“马肉风波”震惊欧洲各国的同时,也使食品的“真实性”和“安全性”问题再次引起了公众的广泛关注。中国目前正处于食品安全与食品欺诈事件时有发生的混乱局面,食品欺诈事件又大多是“安全性”问题,尤其是非法添加非食用物质问题,加大了食品安全的治理难度。本文通过梳理近年来国内发生的食品安全以及食品欺诈事件,在比较国内外食品欺诈事件性质差异的基础上,通过对发达国家应对食品欺诈事件的策略分析,以及重典法治的历史经验,提出了5 点思考与建议。期望加强食品安全社会共治的第三方力量,继续保持严打违法添加的高压态势,加大对食品欺诈行为的惩罚力度,使我国食品欺诈的“安全性”问题尽快得到改善,从而降低食品安全问题的严重程度,提高消费者对食品安全的信心。  相似文献   

对近年来国内外有关有机食品质量安全及营养品质的研究进行综述,初步得出如下结论:从安全角度说,绝大多数有机食品不含有任何化学农药残留;有机蔬菜中硝酸盐含量比常规蔬菜含量少;有机谷物中真菌毒素含量与常规谷物无显著差异。从营养角度来说,有机植物产品中含有更多的干物质、矿物质(如铁、镁)和抗氧化物质(如多酚类物质和水杨酸等);有机动物产品中含有更多的多不饱和脂肪酸。而关于有机食品中是否含有更多碳水化合物、蛋白质和维生素含量的有关数据不足。  相似文献   

Adverse health events resulting from dietary supplement fraud (DSF)—fraud conducted for economic gain using dietary supplements—have received increased recognition from agencies and industry. There is a growing awareness that this issue represents a significant public health threat. With increasing consumption of supplements, there are increasing consequences—good and bad—for food science and food safety. “Dietary supplements” are a special category of food that consists of finished products (for example, a vitamin D tablet) that contain 1 or more dietary ingredients. “Dietary ingredients” are the components of those finished products (for example, vitamin D added to a food product such as breakfast cereal). Due to a number of factors, potentially harmful dietary supplements reach—and often remain—in the market. DSF is a type of product fraud, as is food fraud, which is often classified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as Economically Motivated Adulteration (EMA). Since the adulterants are unconventional, DSF may represent an even greater public health threat than traditional dietary supplement safety issues (though it is important to note that adulteration is only one type of fraud). Criminology concepts such as situational crime prevention and the crime triangle deepen understanding of the relationship of fraud opportunity as it relates to fraudsters and established hurdles to fraud. The purpose of this research is to provide a comprehensive overview on the public health threat of DSF, and to focus on altering current intervention and response‐based approaches that are prevention‐based.  相似文献   

母乳几乎是所有婴儿最佳的食物营养来源。除了提供婴儿身体生长,母乳作为一种具有生物活性的营养体,有许多其他的益处,包括调节婴儿肠道功能、免疫功能和大脑发育。虽然新生儿都强烈建议母乳喂养,但母乳喂养并不总是都能实现的。婴儿配方奶粉是工业生产的婴儿食品的替代品。婴儿配方奶粉是尽可能地模拟母乳营养成分而开发的。该文回顾了母乳和婴儿配方奶粉的营养信息,以便更好地理解母乳喂养和婴儿配方奶粉喂养对婴儿营养补充的重要性。  相似文献   

食品产业是国民经济支柱产业,以食品安全、风味、营养与健康为导向的多元化发展是食品产业创新发展的重要趋势。介绍了我国食品产业发展的基本概况,分析了我国食品产业存在的主要问题。重点提出未来我国食品产业要坚定地走科学“三减”与健康内涵“N加”的双轮驱动之路,强调“双轮驱动”是实现我国食品产业健康转型的关键。对我国食品安全与健康的新内涵进行了展望,表明食品安全是健康的基本保障,“风味、健康双导向”是食品产业的发展趋势。提出食品界要积极推动实施“藏粮于食”“藏食于民”工程,借助学科交叉融合优势,以科技创新进一步提升食品的科学内涵。  相似文献   

稻米质量对食品安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
稻米的质量主要包括基于营养、风味的食用品质和涉及重金属污染、农药残留、微生物污染、虫害和鼠疫、转基因等问题的安全品质。稻米作为我国人民的主食,其质量受到人们的广泛关注,稻米质量尤其是稻米的安全品质给食品安全带来的效应不可忽视。对稻米质量和食品安全关系的充分认识可指导人们开展对稻米营养品质、风味改善及安全问题控制的相关工作,满足人们的健康生活理念,提高人们对稻米食品安全的信心。  相似文献   

Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a food risk that is gaining recognition and concern. Regardless of the cause of the food risk, adulteration of food is both an industry and a government responsibility. Food safety, food fraud, and food defense incidents can create adulteration of food with public health threats. Food fraud is an intentional act for economic gain, whereas a food safety incident is an unintentional act with unintentional harm, and a food defense incident is an intentional act with intentional harm. Economically motivated adulteration may be just that-economically motivated-but the food-related public health risks are often more risky than traditional food safety threats because the contaminants are unconventional. Current intervention systems are not designed to look for a near infinite number of potential contaminants. The authors developed the core concepts reported here following comprehensive research of articles and reports, expert elicitation, and an extensive peer review. The intent of this research paper is to provide a base reference document for defining food fraud-it focuses specifically on the public health threat-and to facilitate a shift in focus from intervention to prevention. This will subsequently provide a framework for future quantitative or innovative research. The fraud opportunity is deconstructed using the criminology and behavioral science applications of the crime triangle and the chemistry of the crime. The research provides a food risk matrix and identifies food fraud incident types. This project provides a starting point for future food science, food safety, and food defense research. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Food fraud, including the more defined subcategory of economically motivated adulteration, is a food protection threat that has not been defined or holistically addressed. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, led to the development of food defense as an autonomous area of study and a new food protection discipline. As economically motivated adulteration grows in scope, scale, and awareness, it is conceivable that food fraud will achieve the same status as an autonomous concept, between food safety and food defense. This research establishes a starting point for defining food fraud and identifying the public health risks.  相似文献   

近年来,羊乳以其较好的营养特性渐成流行趋势,由于季节波动的影响,其价格远高于牛乳。在经济利益的驱动下,羊乳中掺入牛乳的现象时有发生,且呈现日趋严重的趋势,制约了羊奶产业的良性发展,迫切需要建立快速准确的牛羊乳混掺定性定量检测技术体系。本文对牛羊乳的差异及据此建立的、业已报道的相关检测技术进行了比较分析。常用检测技术主要包括色谱技术(气相色谱、气相色谱-质谱联用、高效液相色谱-质谱联用、高效液相色谱)、电泳技术(聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、等电点聚焦电泳、毛细管电泳)、酶联免疫技术、聚合酶链式反应技术等,介绍了各种检测技术的原理及特点,并分析其可行性,为探索新的高效检测方法提供了思路,为牛羊乳混掺检测分析提供文献参考。  相似文献   

最迎阜阳出现“毒奶粉”事件使食品安全再次成为全国舆论焦点。为此,回顾近年来卫生部对食品安全事件统计资料,可以看出,食品安全虽与食品添加剂有一定关系,但真正不安全因素并不是食品添加剂本身。为保证食品添加剂使用安全,各国均有一整套严密审批制度,当新的不利因素发现时,都会及时将其从名单中删除,包括FAO/WHO及美国、日本等国,因此现行食品添加剂使用名单是安全的。此外,随着新的、功能性食品添加剂参与,未来的食品添加剂将更加安全有效。  相似文献   

Deliberate adulteration of food products is as old as food processing and production systems. Food adulteration is occurring increasingly often today. With globalization and complex distribution systems, adulteration may have a far‐reaching impact and even adverse consequences on well‐being. The means of the international community to confront and solve food fraud today are scattered and largely ineffective. A collective approach is needed to identify all stakeholders in the food supply chain, certify and qualify them, exclude those failing to meet applicable standards, and track food in a real time. This review provides some background into the drivers of fraudulent practices (economically motivated adulteration, food‐industry perspectives, and consumers’ perceptions of fraud) and discusses a wide range of the currently available technologies for detecting food adulteration followed by multivariate pattern recognition tools. Food chain integrity policies are discussed. Future directions in research, concerned not only with food adulterers but also with food safety and climate change, may be useful for researchers in developing interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary problems.  相似文献   

运动营养学作为一门新兴的学科正在迅速发展.我国不同人群健康状态存在的问题需要通过运动营养干预予以解决.运动营养科学健身指导系统的建立,为广大民众获取科学健身知识,掌握正确的运动营养干预手段,形成规律运动和合理营养的生活方式提供了有效途径.  相似文献   

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