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结构抗震设计一直以统计平均值为设防水准,此方法简单但缺乏概率意义的评估值。本文基于硬土场地内309条新获得的地震动记录,建立周期、区间与概率值三者的三维概率分布图,发现概率值难以集中在区间值为1附近,说明以统计平均值为设防水准得出的地震作用概率水平并不相同,应采用统一的累积概率水准进行抗震设防。为此建立了三维累积概率分布图,得出了不同概率保证下的地震影响系数反应谱,并拟合出8度设防水准下不同概率保证的地震影响系数反应谱回归公式。 相似文献
基于汶川地震中不同震中距处获得的基岩地震动,合成了若干条非平稳基岩地震动做为输入,以不同震中距来考虑不同的设计地震分组,通过典型深覆盖软土场地地震反应分析得到地表加速度响应,对地表加速度响应的反应谱进行了分析。分析结果表明,设计地震分组对深覆盖软土场地反应谱影响较为明显,深覆盖软土场地反应谱与现行规范设计反应谱具有较大差异。最后,对其反应谱进行了拟合分析,得到符合深覆盖软土场地特征的拟合反应谱,为深覆盖软土场地上的结构抗震设计提供参考。 相似文献
隔震结构的地震反应谱计算及应用研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
在基础隔震系统实用简化模型基础上,建立了相应的结构地震反应时程分析方法,并进行了地震波下上部结构加速度反应谱及基础位移反应谱计算.对隔震结构地震反应的特性及隔震参数的选取作了分析研究.本文所提供的计算方法是解析方法,精确可靠,适用性强,对建立隔震结构实用设计方法,推广该体系的应用范围具有一定意义. 相似文献
预应力混凝土结构的抗震性能及设计反应谱的探讨 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文研究预应力混凝土结构地震反应的特点 ,探讨了反应谱的阻尼修正公式及确定预应力混凝土结构水平地震作用的地震影响系数曲线问题 相似文献
章劲松陈亮 《土木建筑与环境工程》2013,35(3):75-80
以一座三跨非规则钢筋混凝土连续梁桥为例,选择2组实际地震波作为输入地面运动,通过IDA分析探讨地震波反应谱的离散度对于梁桥结构概率地震需求预计的影响,得到以下结论:实际地震波的反应谱离散度与桥梁结构概率地震需求预计的离散度密切相关;针对基于概率理论的PBEE和PBSD,合理的选择实际地震波进行动力分析,可以使地震需求的概率分布更加符合实际情况,提高概率地震需求预计、易损性曲线等计算结果的精确性和计算效率。 相似文献
弹性SDOF系统的地震输入能量谱 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
本文以4种场地土条件下40条强震记录为输入,对弹性单自由度(SDOF)系统的地震输入能量谱进行了研究。首先研究了SDOF系统参数和地面运动参数对弹性地震输入能量谱的影响。结果表明,在中长周期范围,弹性SDOF系统的阻尼比和地面运动强度对能量谱峰值有较大影响;在长周期范围,随弹性SDOF系统阻尼比的增大,能量谱值也有所增大。随后,采用归一化能量谱方法,并根据能量谱曲线的特征,建议了简化三段式地震输入能量谱。在此基础上,根据4种场地土条件下40条强震记录能量谱计算结果的统计分析,建议了能量谱峰值和能量谱曲线参数的确定方法。 相似文献
Infrastructure is the keystone to urban development. Without access to infrastructure and other public services, land has little potential for residential, commercial or industrial use. Governments have the responsibility of providing public infrastructure and services, but the rapid expansion of cities is making this more problematical, especially in developing countries. Innovative solutions to this problem are being sought, but these introduce a multiplicity of objectives that have to be met, and traditional methods of making decisions about the best way to proceed may no longer be adequate. In this article we devise and evaluate a public-decision-making process based on fuzzy logic. The process was tested on the problem of providing hospitals in both developed and developing countries, but can be applied in other situations. 相似文献
滑移隔震结构的地震反应分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本文提出了既能正确反映摩擦力特性又便于编程的连续型指数摩擦力模型。基于此模型 ,利用高精度的精细时程积分法 ,计算滑移隔震结构的地震响应 ,绘制了上部结构动力系数反应谱和基底最大滑移量反应谱。通过对计算实例的分析发现 ,地震作用下滑移隔震结构的层间最大剪力和最大绝对加速度反应分布较一般传统结构有很大区别 相似文献
用时变功率谱拟合地震动 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kameda利用多重滤波技术计算地震动的时变功率谱 ,建立了合成地震加速度模型 ,Sugito发展了此模型预测岩石场地地震动。本文作者以他们的工作为基础所建议的模型 ,适用于给定设计谱的各类场地的非平稳地震动的合成 ,且所预测的地震动的反应谱能近似于场址设计谱。 相似文献
地震动输入能量谱的研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
现有的抗震设计理论,大多是基于承载力或强度的设计方法,与其相应的反应谱理论最大的缺陷是无法反映地震动持时的影响,而以地震动能量作为设计参数时,就能弥补现有抗震理论的不足。本文按照反应谱理论的思路建立了线性单自由度体系的地震动输入能量谱。研究发现,输入能量谱对体系的阻尼比不敏感,地震波峰值速度与峰值加速度比值(V/A)和强震持时(Δt)对谱形的影响较大,体系的输入能量与地震波的峰值平方成正比,根据分析结果,本文提出了线性单自由度体系输入能量谱的简化计算方法,方法较为简便,计算结果偏安全。 相似文献
C. Soize 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》2010,25(5):334-347
Abstract: In structural dynamics, the specification of the transient loads applied to equipment (or to secondary subsystems) consists of a given shock response spectrum (SRS). The transient dynamical analysis of such equipment is performed using a computational nonlinear dynamical model. A generator of accelerograms satisfying the given SRS is then required. Information theory is used to solve this challenging inverse problem that has been looked at by others but not in the way presented. The maximum entropy principle is used to construct the probability distribution of the nonstationary stochastic process for which the available information is constituted of the mean SRS and additional information on the variance. A random generator of independent realizations of the nonstationary stochastic process is developed using a new algorithm based on the stochastic analysis. The method presented is validated with an example. 相似文献
Ravi S. Subramaniam rei M. Reinhorn Michael A. Riley Satish Nagarajaiah 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1996,11(1):1-17
Abstract: This investigation examined the application of control algorithms based on fuzzy logic to a class of hybrid structural control systems. The investigation included both analytical and experimental verification of the fuzzy control algorithm. The objective of the hybrid system under investigation is to obtain an ideal sliding system with perfect base isolation. As the hybrid system approaches the state of ideal isolation, the effects of imperfections, signal noise, uncertainties, modeling errors, and compensation errors start to play a dominant role in the control performance. Fuzzy logic (or fuzzy set theory) provides a simple framework to capture the effects of nonlinearities and uncertainties in a real problem without an explicit model of the plant or controller.
The applicability of this approach was first investigated analytically and then verified using a benchmark experimental model consisting of a 1:4 scale sliding-base isolated system controlled at its base by a servohydraulic actuator with a digital computer to provide the control signal. The fuzzy controller used feedback from either the acceleration of the moving foundation or the force at the interface to produce control forces in a series of shaking-table tests. The results from this study show the feasibility of the implementation of fuzzy logic to highly nonlinear problems. 相似文献
The applicability of this approach was first investigated analytically and then verified using a benchmark experimental model consisting of a 1:4 scale sliding-base isolated system controlled at its base by a servohydraulic actuator with a digital computer to provide the control signal. The fuzzy controller used feedback from either the acceleration of the moving foundation or the force at the interface to produce control forces in a series of shaking-table tests. The results from this study show the feasibility of the implementation of fuzzy logic to highly nonlinear problems. 相似文献
Gerard Chew Moti Schneider Abraham Kandel Gideon Langholz 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》1995,10(3):213-222
Abstract: This paper demonstrates a mechanism for incorporating and independently evaluating membership functions and certainty factors during the preprocessing phrase in fuzzy expert systems. By providing this flexibility within the framework of a fuzzy expert system tool, the expert system becomes better equipped to model real-world control applications. 相似文献
Li-Chung Chao 《Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering》2007,22(6):449-460
Abstract: Many construction markets exhibit severe price competition where contractors have to cut their bids to compete, giving priority to winning enough contracts to sustain normal operation, and it is common to see a winning bid close to the expected project cost. While cutting bids not only gives up profits but also undoubtedly increases the risk of making a loss, the behavior of contractors in intense competition is difficult to explain by existing models. A fuzzy-logic-based model is proposed for determining the minimum bid markup with assessments of chance of winning and loss risk. The model incorporates the position of a decision maker in the fuzzy rules according to his/her attitude toward risk and degree of need for the job. Two illustrative examples, one hypothetical and one real, are provided, in which differences in priorities are simulated by four sets of fuzzy rules for a comparison of the effects. The results show that the model is sensitive enough to differentiate a decision maker's position on bidding and suggest bid-cutting limits consistently, thereby remedying some shortcomings of existing models. 相似文献