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To create a programming environment for contract dispute resolution, we propose an extension of assumption-based argumentation into modular assumption-based argumentation in which different modules of argumentation representing different knowledge bases for reasoning about beliefs and facts and for representation and reasoning with the legal doctrines could be built and assembled together. A distinct novel feature of modular argumentation in compare with other modular logic-based systems like Prolog is that it allows references to different semantics in the same module at the same time, a feature critically important for application of argumentation in legal domains like contract dispute resolution where the outcomes of court cases often depend on whether credulous or skeptical modes of reasoning were applied by the contract parties. We apply the new framework to model the doctrines of contract breach and mutual mistake.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to improve on the logical and measure-theoretic foundations for the notion of probability in the law of evidence, which were given in my contributions Åqvist [ (1990) Logical analysis of epistemic modality: an explication of the Bolding–Ekelöf degrees of evidential strength. In: Klami HT (ed) Rätt och Sanning (Law and Truth. A symposium on legal proof-theory in Uppsala May 1989). Iustus Förlag, Uppsala, pp 43–54; (1992) Towards a logical theory of legal evidence: semantic analysis of the Bolding–Ekelöf degrees of evidential strength. In: Martino AA (ed) Expert systems in law. Elsevier Science Publishers BV, Amsterdam, North-Holland, pp 67–86]. The present approach agrees with the one adopted in those contributions in taking its main task to be that of providing a semantic analysis, or explication, of the so called Bolding–Ekelöf degrees of evidential strength (“proof-strength”) as applied to the establishment of matters of fact in law-courts. However, it differs from the one advocated in our earlier work on the subject in explicitly appealing to what is known as “Pro-et-Contra Argumentation”, after the famous Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess. It tries to bring out the logical form of that interesting kind of reasoning, at least in the context of the law of evidence. The formal techniques used here will be seen to be largely inspired by the important work done by Patrick Suppes, notably Suppes [(1957) Introduction to logic. van Nostrand, Princeton and (1972) Finite equal-interval measurement structures. Theoria 38:45–63].  相似文献   

Argumentation mining is a recent challenge concerning the automatic extraction of arguments from unstructured textual corpora. Argumentation mining technologies are rapidly evolving and show a clear potential for application in diverse areas such as recommender systems, policy-making and the legal domain. There is a long-recognised need for tools that enable users to browse, visualise, search, and manipulate arguments and argument structures. There is, however, a lack of widely accessible tools. In this article we describe the technology behind MARGOT, the first online argumentation mining system designed to reach out to the wider community of potential users of these new technologies. We evaluate its performance and discuss its possible application in the analysis of content from various domains.  相似文献   

The changing of arguments and their attack relation is an intrinsic property of a variety of argumentation systems. So, it is very important to efficiently figure out how the status of arguments in a system evolves when the system is updated. However, unlike other areas of argumentation that have been deeply explored, such as argumentation semantics, proof theories, and algorithms, etc., dynamics of argumentation systems has been comparatively neglected. In this paper, we formulate a general theory (called a division-based method) to cope with this problem based on a new concept: the division of an argumentation framework. When an argumentation framework is updated, it is divided into three parts: an unaffected, an affected, and a conditioning part. The status of arguments in the unaffected sub-framework remains unchanged, while the status of the affected arguments is computed in a special argumentation framework (called a conditioned argumentation framework, or briefly CAF) that is composed of an affected part and a conditioning part. We have proved that under a certain semantics that satisfies the directionality criterion (complete, preferred, ideal, or grounded semantics), the extensions of the updated framework are equal to the result of a combination of the extensions of an unaffected sub-framework and sets of the extensions of a set of assigned CAFs. Due to the efficiency of the division-based method, it is expected to be very useful in various kinds of argumentation systems where arguments and attacks are dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a logic of argumentation for the specification and verification (LA4SV) of requirements on Dung??s abstract argumentation frameworks. We distinguish three kinds of decision problems for argumentation verification, called extension verification, framework verification, and specification verification respectively. For example, given a political requirement like ??if the argument to increase taxes is accepted, then the argument to increase services must be accepted too,?? we can either verify an extension of acceptable arguments, or all extensions of an argumentation framework, or all extensions of all argumentation frameworks satisfying a framework specification. We introduce the logic of argumentation verification to specify such requirements, and we represent the three verification problems of argumentation as model checking and theorem proving properties of the logic. Moreover, we recast the logic of argumentation verification in a modal framework, in order to express multiple extensions, and properties like transitivity and reflexivity of the attack relation. Finally, we introduce a logic of meta-argumentation where abstract argumentation is used to reason about abstract argumentation itself. We define the logic of meta-argumentation using the fibring methodology in such a way to represent attack relations not only among arguments but also among attacks. We show how to use this logic to verify the requirements of argumentation frameworks where higher-order attacks are allowed [A preliminary version of the logic of argumentation compliance was called the logic of abstract argumentation?(2005).]  相似文献   

The combination of argumentation and probability paves the way to new accounts of qualitative and quantitative uncertainty, thereby offering new theoretical and applicative opportunities. Due to a variety of interests, probabilistic argumentation is approached in the literature with different frameworks, pertaining to structured and abstract argumentation, and with respect to diverse types of uncertainty, in particular the uncertainty on the credibility of the premises, the uncertainty about which arguments to consider, and the uncertainty on the acceptance status of arguments or statements. Towards a general framework for probabilistic argumentation, we investigate a labelling-oriented framework encompassing a basic setting for rule-based argumentation and its (semi-) abstract account, along with diverse types of uncertainty. Our framework provides a systematic treatment of various kinds of uncertainty and of their relationships and allows us to back or question assertions from the literature.  相似文献   

Currently, except some classes of argumentation frameworks (with special topologies or fixed parameters, such as acyclic, symmetric, and bounded tree-width, etc.) that have been clearly identified as tractable, for a generic argumentation framework (also called a defeat graph), how to efficiently compute its semantics is still a challenging problem. Inspired by the local tractability of an argumentation framework, we first propose a decomposition-based approach, and then conduct an empirical investigation. Given a generic argumentation framework, it is firstly decomposed into a set of sub-frameworks that are located in a number of layers. Then, the semantics of an argumentation framework are computed incrementally, from the lowest layer in which each sub-framework is not restricted by other sub-frameworks, to the highest layer in which each sub-framework is most restricted by the sub-frameworks located in the lower layers. In each iteration, the semantics of each sub-framework is computed locally, while the combination of semantics of a set of sub-frameworks is performed in two dimensions: horizontally and vertically. The average results show that when the ratio of the number of edges to the number of nodes of a defeat graph is less than 1.5:1, the decomposition-based approach is obviously efficient.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the difference in effectiveness between two on-line scientific learning programs – one with an argumentation component and one without an argumentation component – on students' scientific argumentation ability and conceptual change. A quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Two classes of 8th grade students (the experimental group) received the on-line scientific argumentation learning program about chemical reaction, and the other two classes of 8th grade students (the control group) received the same on-line scientific learning program about chemical reaction, but without argumentation, for two weeks. All 140 students were administered the scientific conception test, conceptual change test, and argumentation test before, one week after, and eight weeks after learning. In addition, the experimental group students' on-line argumentation process was collected. Results showed that the students of the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group, regardless of scientific conceptions, conceptual change, and argumentation. Regression results indicated that hold of scientific conceptions is the best predicator for students' conceptual change, followed by argumentation ability. The quantity and quality of scientific arguments that students generated in a series of argumentation questions improved across the four topics. In addition, students also successfully changed their conceptions from pre- to post-driving questions across four topics. This clearly demonstrates that students' argumentation ability and conceptual change were both facilitated through receiving the on-line Synchronous Argumentation science learning program.  相似文献   

Audiences in argumentation frameworks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Computer-supported argumentation: A review of the state of the art   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Argumentation is an important skill to learn. It is valuable not only in many professional contexts, such as the law, science, politics, and business, but also in everyday life. However, not many people are good arguers. In response to this, researchers and practitioners over the past 15–20 years have developed software tools both to support and teach argumentation. Some of these tools are used in individual fashion, to present students with the “rules” of argumentation in a particular domain and give them an opportunity to practice, while other tools are used in collaborative fashion, to facilitate communication and argumentation between multiple, and perhaps distant, participants. In this paper, we review the extensive literature on argumentation systems, both individual and collaborative, and both supportive and educational, with an eye toward particular aspects of the past work. More specifically, we review the types of argument representations that have been used, the various types of interaction design and ontologies that have been employed, and the system architecture issues that have been addressed. In addition, we discuss intelligent and automated features that have been imbued in past systems, such as automatically analyzing the quality of arguments and providing intelligent feedback to support and/or tutor argumentation. We also discuss a variety of empirical studies that have been done with argumentation systems, including, among other aspects, studies that have evaluated the effect of argument diagrams (e.g., textual versus graphical), different representations, and adaptive feedback on learning argumentation. Finally, we conclude by summarizing the “lessons learned” from this large and impressive body of work, particularly focusing on lessons for the CSCL research community and its ongoing efforts to develop computer-mediated collaborative argumentation systems.  相似文献   

Dung’s argumentation framework consists of a set of arguments and an attack relation among them. Arguments are evaluated and acceptable sets of them, called extensions, are computed using a given semantics. Each extension represents a coherent position. In the literature, several proposals have extended this framework in order to take into account the strength of arguments. The basic idea is to ignore an attack if the attacked argument is stronger than (or preferred to) its attacker. Semantics are then applied using only the remaining attacks. In this paper, we show that those proposals behave correctly when the attack relation is symmetric. However, when it is asymmetric, conflicting extensions may be computed leading to unintended conclusions. We propose an approach that guarantees conflict-free extensions. This approach presents two novelties: the first one is that it takes into account preferences at the semantics level rather than the attack level. The idea is to extend existing semantics with preferences. In case preferences are not available or do not conflict with the attacks, the extensions of the new semantics coincide with those of the basic ones. The second novelty of our approach is that a semantics is defined as a dominance relation on the powerset of the set of arguments. The extensions (under a semantics) are the maximal elements of the dominance relation. Such an approach makes it possible not only to compute the extensions of a framework but also to compare its non-extensions. We start by proposing three dominance relations that generalize respectively stable, preferred and grounded semantics with preferences. Then, we focus on stable semantics and provide full characterizations of its dominance relations and those of its generalized versions. Complexity results are provided. Finally, we show that an instance of the proposed framework retrieves the preferred sub-theories which were proposed in the context of handling inconsistency in weighted knowledge bases.  相似文献   

Bipolar argumentation frameworks enable to represent two kinds of interaction between arguments: support and conflict. In this paper, we turn a bipolar argumentation framework into a meta‐argumentation framework where conflicts occur between sets of arguments, characterized as coalitions of supporting arguments. So, Dung's well‐known semantics can be used on this meta‐argumentation framework to select the acceptable arguments. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Computing argumentation in logic programming   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

In recent years a schism has become apparent in artificial intelligence and law between those who claim that legal expert systems cannot be built without first establishing a satisfactory theoretical model of law ("purists") and those whose main desire is to build working systems with or without theoretical underpinning ("pragmatists"). Most attempts at finding a jurisprudential model for building expert systems, however, have inconclusively attempted to apply traditional “grand theories” and have embedded themselves in the long standing controversies of analytical jurisprudence. This paper highlights other theoretical possibilities for modelling law which have been sidelined in the AI and law field. In particular, it promotes the adoption of a feminist theoretical perspective on law and legal knowledge representation. Feminist legal critique has a discrete, concrete and pragmatic approach and so may be a good tool for the resolution of the demands of both purists and pragmatists. The paper applies these insights to a proposed child custody expert system.  相似文献   

As justifications (such as evidence or explanations) are central to productive argumentation, this study examines how the discourse moves of students engaged in collaborative learning are related to their justifications during computer mediated communication (CMC). Twenty-four students posted 131 messages on Knowledge Forum, an online collaborative learning environment. These messages were coded and analyzed with a multiple outcome, multilevel logit, vector autoregression. When students disagreed or made claims, they were more likely to use evidence. After a student made an alternative claim, the next student posting a message was less likely to use evidence. When students made claims, disagreed, disagreed with other’s justifications, or read more messages, they were more likely to use explanations. Boys were more likely than girls to make new claims. Together, these results suggest that discourse moves and sequences are linked to justifications on online forums.  相似文献   

Many real-world knowledge-based systems must deal with information coming from different sources that invariably leads to incompleteness, overspecification, or inherently uncertain content. The presence of these varying levels of uncertainty doesn’t mean that the information is worthless – rather, these are hurdles that the knowledge engineer must learn to work with. In this paper, we continue work on an argumentation-based framework that extends the well-known Defeasible Logic Programming (DeLP) language with probabilistic uncertainty, giving rise to the Defeasible Logic Programming with Presumptions and Probabilistic Environments (DeLP3E) model. Our prior work focused on the problem of belief revision in DeLP3E, where we proposed a non-prioritized class of revision operators called AFO (Annotation Function-based Operators) to solve this problem. In this paper, we further study this class and argue that in some cases it may be desirable to define revision operators that take quantitative aspects into account, such as how the probabilities of certain literals or formulas of interest change after the revision takes place. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been addressed in the argumentation literature to date. We propose the QAFO (Quantitative Annotation Function-based Operators) class of operators, a subclass of AFO, and then go on to study the complexity of several problems related to their specification and application in revising knowledge bases. Finally, we present an algorithm for computing the probability that a literal is warranted in a DeLP3E knowledge base, and discuss how it could be applied towards implementing QAFO-style operators that compute approximations rather than exact operations.  相似文献   

The emptiness problem of the preferred semantics and the non-existence problem of the stable semantics are well recognized for argumentation frameworks. In this paper, we introduce two strong semantics, named s-preferred semantics and s-stable semantics, to guarantee the non-emptiness of the preferred extensions and the existence of the stable extensions respectively. Our semantics are defined by two concepts of extensions of argumentation frameworks, namely s-preferred extension and s-stable extension. Each is constructed in a similar way to the original semantics. The novelty of our semantics is that an extension of an argumentation framework is considered as a pair of sets of arguments, in which the second element of an extension is viewed as a kind of hypotheses that should be minimized. The s-preferred semantics not only solves the emptiness problem of the preferred semantics, but also coincides with the preferred semantics when nonempty preferred extensions exist. Meanwhile, the s-stable semantics ensures the existence of extensions, and coincides with the stable semantics when the stable extensions exist as well. The relations among various semantics for argumentation frameworks are discussed.  相似文献   

该文对中职计算机专业学生学习计算机网络基础课程的必要性和教学方法进行了探讨.比喻,类比教学法是提高网络技术基础课程教学效果的有效途径.通过生动教学案例论述了比喻,类比教学法在网络技术基础课程教学的具体应用.  相似文献   

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