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An easily integrable precision floating current-controlled negative impedance converter is proposed and experimentally demonstrated, The resulting converted negative impedance magnitude is both highly accurate and linear over the entire dynamic range. Either terminal voltage can be referenced. The circuit is stable for capacitive impedance convenions.  相似文献   

Single-phase voltage source power converters (VSCs) under consideration are AC-DC current-controlled boost-type power converters with bidirectional power-handling capability. Equivalence between two series-connected two-level power converters and a single three-level power converter is considered here. Further considered is the series operation of three-level power converters. Simulation results and experimental verification for both are provided. Economical configurations of three-level power converters leading to multilevel waveforms are presented thereafter  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel method of designing active inductors using current-controlled voltage sources (CCVSs). The basic idea consists of designing an equivalent inductor, using only capacitors and CCVSs. The signal-flow graph technique is used for this purpose. The CCVSs are emulated by means of nullator/norator pairs. These elements are then realized using second generation current conveyors (CCIIs), and a combination of CCIIs and operational transconductance amplifiers. In addition, a novel design of simulated inductors using operational transresistance amplifiers is presented. The proposed inductors were used to design filters. SPICE simulations are given to highlight viability and to show good reached results.  相似文献   

A new type of dual input integrator (ODI) realized with two operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) is proposed. A compensation of non-ideally matched characteristics of OTAs, based on dividing the integration period into two subintervals, is achieved. Very high linearity and increased frequency and dynamic range are obtained. The ODI is suitable for measurement of very small time differences between two square-wave input signals.  相似文献   

Two novel voltage( current) controlled oscillator circuits are presented. Each circuit uses a single operational amplifier, a single operational transconductance amplifier, and either a single resistor or a single capacitor. In both circuits the frequency of oscillation can be adjusted by changing the biasing voltage( current) of the operational transconductance amplifier. Experimental results are included  相似文献   

A new bipolar differential input/output current-controlled current source (CCCS) is described. The basic cell consists of a translinear array of six transistors with two bipolar inputs, and is suited for the input stage of a differential current-mode operational amplifier.  相似文献   

根据OTA和零-镜元件的端口约束关系,给出了OTA的8个零-镜描述,以此为基础,利用导纳矩阵扩展法实现了2种不同类型的OTA正弦振荡器:类型Ⅰ使用2个BO-OTA,共有4种不同形式;类型Ⅱ使用3个SO-OTA,共有8种不同形式。由于使用了规范数目的元件,所有电路容易被集成。电路的参数容易被电控调节。计算机仿真结果与理论一致。  相似文献   

A sinusoidal oscillator whose frequency is linearly related to an input control current is described. A variable inductor is realised using a fixed inductor and a variable-gain current-controlled current source. The variable inductor is then used in an LC oscillator circuit. Linear frequency variation with control current is obtained in a temperature-independent manner by using a function generator. Frequency variation over a range of 1:3 is obtainable, with a linearity of better than 1%.  相似文献   

Operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) are widely used in the design of electronically tunable circuits. However, electronic tunability ranges of the OTA based filters are restricted by the limited bandwidth of the transconductance gain of the OTA. Furthermore, stability conditions and the linearity of the OTA which depends on the control current restrict the tunability. In this paper, some trade-offs in the electronically tunable filters are investigated. In addition, the tunability ranges of some first and second order OTA-C and OTA-RC filters are comparatively examined. Moreover, an OTA-C all-pass filter circuit is presented. SPICE simulations are performed and stability analyses are given for both of the OTA-C and OTA-RC filters. Operation of the presented all-pass filter is verified experimentally.  相似文献   

A NAM expansion method for systematic synthesis of OTA-based Wien oscillators is given. Moreover, the NAM expansion method for four different classes of the oscillators is considered. The class I oscillators employ three OTAs, the class II oscillators employ four OTAs, the class III oscillators employ five OTAs, and the class IV oscillators employ six OTAs. Each class has 32 different forms, resulting in 128 Wien oscillators using OTAs. Having used grounded capacitors, the circuits are easy to be integrated and their parameters can be tuned electronically through tuning bias currents of the OTAs. The MULTISIM simulation results have been included to support the generation method.  相似文献   

For single-output unity-gain requirements, Wilson's current-controlled current source (CCS) significantly improves upon the gain accuracy of the current mirror; however, this advantage is small in nonunity-gain applications. A novel CCS which preserves its gain accuracy under nonunity-gain multioutput service is presented here.  相似文献   

A new structure is presented for the implementation of a λ-type current-controlled negative resistance device in conventional bipolar technology. Expressions for the characteristic parameters, such as: the holding current, the peak current, and the peak voltage, are given.  相似文献   

The AC-to-AC converter called the matrix converter is very simple in structure and has powerful controllability. However, there are few practical applications, particularly in power electronics fields. The major reasons largely lie in the commutation problem and complexity of the control circuit. This paper proposes a novel commutation technique which is very simple to implement. This commutation scheme allows the deadtime to avoid current spikes of nonideal switches and, at the same time, establishes a current path of the inductive load to avoid voltage spikes. A switching technique of the matrix converter using a space-vector-modulation (SVM) based hysteresis current controller (HCC) is also proposed. The switching technique is implemented without any computational burden and is controlled with a simple control circuit. This technique utilizes advantages of the HCC and SVM technique. Simulation and experimental results obtained on a 5 kW single-phase AC chopper and an 11 kW three-phase to three-phase matrix converter are discussed  相似文献   

A VLSI continuous time sinusoidal OTA-C quadrature oscillator fabricated in a standard double-poly 0.8 /spl mu/m CMOS process is presented. The oscillator is tunable in the frequency range from 50-130 MHz. The two phases produced by the oscillator show an extremely low phase difference error (less than 2/spl deg/ over the whole frequency range). A novel current mode amplitude control scheme is developed that allows for very small amplitudes. Experimental results are provided.  相似文献   

A new junction-termination geometry is proposed which can be achieved by a simple etch. This etch effectively lowers peak surface fields in both plane and planar p-n junction devices without increasing peak bulk electric fields. This insures an ideal, or near-ideal, avalanche breakdown voltage. The further advantages of the proposed technique lie in a relative insensitivity to etch depth, a minimal loss in device area, and compatibility with planar technology. Theoretical and experimental results are given to illustrate the substrate-etch technique.  相似文献   

A current-controlled quasi-resonant power converter suitable for switched-reluctance motor (SRM) feeding is presented. The converter operation is analyzed and its characteristics are determined in terms of the system parameters. The converter control strategy is studied for different operating conditions. Current control operation is considered and discussed. Theoretical predictions are verified and validated by experimental results obtained with a prototype SRM drive  相似文献   

A new single-element-controlled sinusoidal oscillator circuit that incorporates two second generation current conveyors (CCIIs), two grounded capacitors and two resistors is presented and analysed. The circuit is beneficial to monolithic integrated circuit implementation by the use of grounded capacitors. In addition, a new current-controlled sinusoidal oscillator using only two second generation current controlled conveyors (CCCIIs) and two grounded capacitors can be achieved by replacing CCIIs and resistors series at X terminals with CCCIIs. The oscillators provide extremely low passive ω0-sensitivities and good frequency stability. Moreover, the oscillation frequencies of the CCII-based and the CCCII-based oscillators can be controlled, respectively, by a grounded resistor and by an external bias current. Experimental and SPICE simulation results that confirm the theoretical predictions are given.  相似文献   

Rees  H.D. 《Electronics letters》1968,4(24):532-533
Current-controlled negative resistance following avalanche breakdown is shown by structures of bulk ptype InSb up to 150°K and of ptype In(As, P) up to 300°K. The high speed of the InSb devices suggests applications as microwave sources or switches.  相似文献   

A novel logic approach, diode-HBT logic (DHL), that is implemented with GaAlAs/GaAs HBTs and Schottky diodes to provide high-density and low-power digital circuit operation is described. This logic family was realized with the same technology used to produce emitter-coupled-logic/current-mode-logic (ECL/CML) circuits. The logic operation was demonstrated with a 19-stage ring oscillator and a frequency divider. A gate delay of 160 ps was measured with 1.1 mW of power per gate. The divider worked properly up to 6 GHz. Layouts of a DHL flip-flop and divider showed that circuit area and transistor count can be reduced by about a factor of 3, relative to ECL/CML circuits. The new logic approach allows monolithic integration of high-speed ECL/CML circuits with high-density DHL circuits with high-density DHL circuits  相似文献   

A thin wafer of P-InSb exhibits a current-controlled negative resistance between nonsymmetrical ohmic contacts on opposite sides of the wafer. The small contact on one side of the wafer is made positive relative to the large contact on the other side. Most effective samples had small contact diameters one to four times the slab thickness. The negative resistance was present up to a temperature of 210°K for material having 2.5 × 1014/cm3acceptor concentration at 77°K. A magnetic field perpendicular to the current flow direction reduced the value of the maximum negative resistance and extended the range of bias current yielding negative resistance. Samples under 0.005 inch thick yielded negative resistance when operated continuously, for the doping of 2.5 × 1014/cm3, but thicker samples yielded negative resistance only in lower duty cycle operation. Microwave radiation lines presumably at harmonics of oscillation in the bias circuit were measured. Finally, a proposed mechanism, dependent on impact ionization, is used to predict operation to a transit-time limited frequency of, say, 8000 Mc/s for a sample whose thickness is 0.0025 inch.  相似文献   

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