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In 1986, a 26% seroprevalence of IgG- anti-Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies was observed among 950 orienteers and the incidence of new clinical infections was 0.8%. In 1993, a total of 305 seropositive orienteers were reexamined. During that time, 15 cases (4.9%) of definite/probable Lyme disease occurred in this seropositive group (12 skin manifestations and 3 monoarticular joint manifestations). Among the 12 definite cases, 9 showed new clinical infections (7 EM, 1 acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans, 1 arthritis), and 3 were recurrent (2 EM, 1 arthritis). The annual incidence (0.8%) in this seropositive group was identical to the incidence observed among the whole population in 1986. The individual antibody titer decreased slightly but the seroreversion rate was low (7%). Serology was not very helpful in identifying clinical cases and evolutions, and it can be stated, that a positive serology is much more frequent in this risk group than clinical disease.  相似文献   

Previous studies with twins had demonstrated that heredity exerts a definite impact on the development of overweight even more than environmental conditions of nutrition. In recent years studies of molecular genetics in imbred obese mice lead to the discovery of the ob-gene coding for the expression of the ob-protein (leptin) in adipose tissue. Mutation of this gene and also of other genes coding for the expression of receptor proteines for leptin were also discovered in obese mice. In humans, however, mutations of the ob-gene were found only in a few families with hereditary obesity obviously as rarities as compared to a huge number of overweight people with high leptin of normal structure in western societies. About the molecular structure of leptin receptors or its possible mutation in obesity are no human results are available at the present time. In this survey further observations about genetics and mutations of transmitters regulating feeding and for energy expenditure are reported. Although all these results come from animals it may be presumed that they will provide an experimental basis for a better understanding of genetic mechanisms leading to obesity in humans and also for future development of drugs interfering with these mechanisms thus offering a chance for medical treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

Family practice residency programs are specifically directed toward training primary care physicians to serve the interests of communities. This paper describes two methods of developing a feedback mechanism to increase the awareness of physicians in training to patients' health needs and desires. One method involves the development of a patient advisory group in the Family Practice Center at The University of North Carolina, and the other an ongoing telephone survey of patients who call after hours.  相似文献   

Our goal in this article is to review a debate over the evolution of language and to suggest some keys to its resolution. We begin with a review of some of the theoretical and empirical evidence for the innateness of language that has caused renewed interest in the evolution of language. In a second section we review some prominent theories of the evolution of language, focusing on the controversy over whether language could have been adapted for some purpose. We argue that for evolutionary studies of language to advance, theorists must make more persuasive arguments for the purpose of language, and, furthermore, linguists must continue to develop a detailed theory of syntax. Finally, we suggest ways that behavioral and population genetics could help to inform studies of the evolution of language.  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, studies have reported that the higher the proportion of blacks in a community, the more white men earn, but the less black men earn. Researchers have speculated that black men earned less because earnings discrimination increases with percent black. Others have suggested that the negative effect of black representation on black men's earnings reflects black men's limited occupational opportunities. This study (1) investigates whether pay discrimination and regional location condition the relationship between black representation and workers' earnings and (2) examines the relationship between black representation and earnings for women. The results, based on 1980 Census data for black and white workers from 267 SMSAs, show that black representation was associated with higher earnings for white men and lower earnings for black men in both the north and south, and that part of the effect for southern black men stemmed from earnings discrimination. Southern black men's earnings gains from black representation offset some of the effects of discrimination, while northern black men encountered costs of black representation even in the absence of earnings discrimination. These findings reflect the disparate economic opportunities of black men in each region as manufacturing jobs have disappeared from the north and relocated to the south. For women, black representation led to higher earnings for blacks and whites. I argue that black representation does not lower black women's earnings because occupational sex segregation prevents black women from threatening white men's economic status.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of the androgenic anabolic steroid nandrolone decanoate on uterine endometrium and myometrium and on the mammary gland of female cynomolgus macaques by using morphologic, histomorphometric, and histopathologic determinations. DESIGN: Histologic and histomorphometric measurements were performed on uteri and mammary glands that were collected at necropsy from animals that had been used in a long-term experiment to examine the effects of nandrolone decanoate on bone and coronary arteries. The animals were surgically postmenopausal cynomolgus macaques randomized into four treatment groups: (a) intact sham ovariectomized (sham; n = 12), (b) ovariectomized (OVX; n = 15), (c) ovariectomized + nandrolone decanoate for 2 years (OVX + ND; n = 14), and (d) ovariectomized + nandrolone decanoate for 1 year, beginning 1 year after ovariectomy (OVX + NDdelay; n = 11). Intramuscular injections of nandrolone decanoate (25 mg every 3 weeks) were given to the two nandrolone-treated groups of animals (OVX + ND and OVX + NDdelay): one starting 3 weeks after ovariectomy and continuing for 2 years and the other group 1 year after ovariectomy. The sham and OVX groups were given an intramuscular injection of sterile vehicle every 3 weeks. RESULTS: Nandrolone treatment was moderately uterotropic in all treated versus ovariectomized animals. Changes induced were an increase in uterine weight, endometrial thickness, and glandular area, and a high incidence of mucometra. Glandular architecture was altered by nandrolone treatment such that glands extended into the myometrium (producing an adenomyosis-like lesion). Mammary gland changes were mild and equivocal. CONCLUSION: Nandrolone induced pathologic changes in ovariectomized monkeys similar to adenomyosis in the uterus.  相似文献   

This review is a survey of bacterial dehalogenases that catalyze the cleavage of halogen substituents from haloaromatics, haloalkanes, haloalcohols, and haloalkanoic acids. Concerning the enzymatic cleavage of the carbon-halogen bond, seven mechanisms of dehalogenation are known, namely, reductive, oxygenolytic, hydrolytic, and thiolytic dehalogenation; intramolecular nucleophilic displacement; dehydrohalogenation; and hydration. Spontaneous dehalogenation reactions may occur as a result of chemical decomposition of unstable primary products of an unassociated enzyme reaction, and fortuitous dehalogenation can result from the action of broad-specificity enzymes converting halogenated analogs of their natural substrate. Reductive dehalogenation either is catalyzed by a specific dehalogenase or may be mediated by free or enzyme-bound transition metal cofactors (porphyrins, corrins). Desulfomonile tiedjei DCB-1 couples energy conservation to a reductive dechlorination reaction. The biochemistry and genetics of oxygenolytic and hydrolytic haloaromatic dehalogenases are discussed. Concerning the haloalkanes, oxygenases, glutathione S-transferases, halidohydrolases, and dehydrohalogenases are involved in the dehalogenation of different haloalkane compounds. The epoxide-forming halohydrin hydrogen halide lyases form a distinct class of dehalogenases. The dehalogenation of alpha-halosubstituted alkanoic acids is catalyzed by halidohydrolases, which, according to their substrate and inhibitor specificity and mode of product formation, are placed into distinct mechanistic groups. beta-Halosubstituted alkanoic acids are dehalogenated by halidohydrolases acting on the coenzyme A ester of the beta-haloalkanoic acid. Microbial systems offer a versatile potential for biotechnological applications. Because of their enantiomer selectivity, some dehalogenases are used as industrial biocatalysts for the synthesis of chiral compounds. The application of dehalogenases or bacterial strains in environmental protection technologies is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

教育部对高校开展本科教学工作水平评估,是在高等教育从精英教育迈向大众化教育的新形势下深化教学改革、推进教育创新、提高人才培养质量的一项重要举措。认识自评自建工作的基础地位,发挥和合管理文化在评估中的整合与引领作用,对于统一评估认识,克服不和谐倾向,引领高教自评工作走向科学化、规范化的评估轨道具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Responds to the critique by A. H. Yee et al (see record 1994-09250-001) of J. P. Rushton's (see PA, Vols 78:20578 and 80:40406) work on the biological differences among human races. Because of the failure of anthropologists and geneticists to define the term race, Yee et al imply that Rushton's work is at best unreliable. Rushton asserts that official regulation of the scientific concept of race, as recommended by Yee et al, would threaten free inquiry. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Molecular genetics provides the basis for understanding patterns of health and disease in people and is part of the scientific foundation on which acute and critical care nurses should build their practice. The human genome, defined as all the genetic information in the cells of humans, provides the blueprint for protein production and cellular function in the body. Alterations in protein production may result in illness or organ malfunction that has a genetic derivation. One therapeutic strategy that holds promise to manage genetic diseases is gene therapy. Gene therapy, or human gene transfer, occurs when scientists or physicians modify the genetic material in cells for therapeutic purposes. Genetic structure, function, and therapeutic reflect the science of the present and future and have profound practice implications for acute and critical care nurses.  相似文献   

实施素质教育是当前时代发展、社会实践和教育实践过程中提出的课题。迎接 2 1世纪经济和科技的挑战 ,要求我们必须坚定不移地实施素质教育。特别是针对市场经济条件下当前职业学校所面临的现实 ,下大力气努力提高学生的心理素质、身体素质、品德素质、艺术素质、劳动素质 ,培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的优秀人才 ,以适应市场经济需要 ,是摆在我们面前刻不容缓的问题。职业学校如何开展素质教育 ,本文就此谈几点粗浅的看法。一、素质教育必须全面体现党的教育方针国务院副总理李岚清同志在全国中小学素质教育交流会上强调指出 :“实施素…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: International comparisons of clinical practice may help in assessing the magnitude and possible causes of variation in cross national healthcare utilisation. With this aim, the indications for cataract surgery in the United States, Denmark, the province of Manitoba (Canada), and the city of Barcelona (Spain) were compared. METHODS: In a prospective multicentre study, patients scheduled for first eye cataract surgery and aged 50 years or older were enrolled consecutively. From the United States 766 patients were enrolled; from Denmark 291; from Manitoba 152; and from Barcelona 200. Indication for surgery was measured as preoperative visual status of patients enlisted for cataract surgery. Main variables were preoperative visual acuity in operative eye, the VF-14 score (an index of functional impairment in patients with cataract) and ocular comorbidity. RESULTS: Mean visual acuity were 0.23 (USA), 0.17 (Denmark), 0.15 (Manitoba), and 0.07 (Barcelona) (p < 0.001). When restricting the sample to eyes with normal retina and macula, no significant difference between United States and Denmark was observed (p > 0.05). Mean VF-14 scores were 76 (USA), 76 (Denmark), 71 (Manitoba), and 64 (Barcelona) (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Similar indications for cataract surgery were found in the United States and Denmark. Significantly more restricted indications were observed in Manitoba and Barcelona. Possible explanations for the results are discussed, including differences in sociodemographic characteristics, access to care, surgeons' willingness to operate, and patient demand.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Russian life expectancy has fallen sharply in the 1990s, but the impact of the major causes of death on that decline has not been measured. OBJECTIVE: To assess the contribution of selected causes of death to the dramatic decline in life expectancy in Russia in the years following the breakup of the Soviet Union. DESIGN: Mortality and natality data from the vital statistics systems of Russia and the United States. SETTING: Russia, 1990-1994. POPULATION: Entire population of Russia. MAIN OUTCOME VARIABLES: Mortality rates, life expectancy, and contribution to change in life expectancy. METHODS: Application of standard life-table methods to calculate life expectancy by year, and a partitioning method to assess the contribution of specific causes of death and age groups to the overall decline in life expectancy. United States data presented for comparative purposes. RESULTS: Age-adjusted mortality in Russia rose by almost 33% between 1990 and 1994. During that period, life expectancy for Russian men and women declined dramatically from 63.8 and 74.4 years to 57.7 and 71.2 years, respectively, while in the United States, life expectancy increased for both men and women from 71.8 and 78.8 years to 72.4 and 79.0 years, respectively. More than 75% of the decline in life expectancy was due to increased mortality rates for ages 25 to 64 years. Overall, cardiovascular diseases (heart disease and stroke) and injuries accounted for 65% of the decline in life expectancy while infectious diseases, including pneumonia and influenza, accounted for 5.8%, chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis for 2.4%, other alcohol-related causes for 9.6%, and cancer for 0.7%. Increases in cardiovascular mortality accounted for 41.6% of the decline in life expectancy for women and 33.4% for men, while increases in mortality from injuries (eg, falls, occupational injuries, motor vehicle crashes, suicides, and homicides) accounted for 32.8% of the decline in life expectancy for men and 21.8% for women. CONCLUSION: The striking rise in Russian mortality is beyond the peacetime experience of industrialized countries, with a 5-year decline in life expectancy in 4 years' time. Many factors appear to be operating simultaneously, including economic and social instability, high rates of tobacco and alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, depression, and deterioration of the health care system. Problems in data quality and reporting appear unable to account for these findings. These results clearly demonstrate that major declines in health and life expectancy can take place rapidly.  相似文献   

Although a genetic susceptibility for schizophrenia has been long established and even noted by Kraepelin in 1907, the mechanisms for its inheritance remains unknown. No candidates have proven to be correct and while many weakly positive chromosomal linkages have been reported, none have yet been consistently replicated. The following review examines the present status of these findings. The conclusion is that the field must move on to finding a consistently replicable mutation segregating with schizophrenia in families, before any of the present linkage results can be resolved.  相似文献   

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