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Purine nucleotides are formed de novo by a widespread biochemical route that may be of monophyletic origin, or are synthesized from preformed purine bases and nucleosides through different salvage pathways. Three monophyletic sets of purine salvage enzymes, each of which catalyzes mechanistically similar reactions, can be identified: (a) adenine-, xanthine-, hypoxanthine- and guanine-phosphoribosyltransferases, which are all homologous among themselves, as well as to nucleoside phosphorylases; (b) adenine deaminase, adenosine deaminase, and adenosine monophophate deaminase; and (c) guanine reductase and inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase. These homologies support the idea that substrate specificity is the outcome of gene duplication, and that the purine nucleotide salvage pathways were assembled by a patchwork process that probably took place before the divergence of the three cell domains (Bacteria, Archaea, and Eucarya). Based on the ability of adenine PRTase to catalyze the condensation of PRPP with 4-aminoimidazole-5-carboxamide (AICA), a simpler scheme of purine nucleotide biosynthesis is presented. This hypothetical route requires the prior evolution of PRPP biosynthesis. Since it has been argued that PRPP, nucleosides, and nucleotides are susceptible to hydrolysis, they are very unlikely prebiotic compounds. If this is the case, it implies that many purine salvage pathways appeared only after the evolution of phosphorylated sugar biosynthetic pathways made ribosides available.  相似文献   

Evidence from the house mouse (Mus) suggests that the extreme diversity of genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) results from three different forms of selection involving infectious disease (pestilence), inbreeding (incest) and MHC-based mating (sexual) preferences. MHC-based disassortative mating preferences are presumed to have evolved because they reduce homozygosity throughout the genome, and particularly within loci linked to the MHC. Progeny derived from such disassortative matings would enjoy increased fitness because of both reduced levels of inbreeding depression and increased resistance to infectious disease arising from their increased MHC heterozygosity.  相似文献   

We examined mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms via the analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in three closely related species of pines from western North America: knobcone (Pinus attenuata Lemm.), Monterey (P. radiata D. Don), and bishop (P. muricata D. Don). A total of 343 trees derived from 13 populations were analyzed using 13 homologous mitochondrial gene probes amplified from three species by polymerase chain reaction. Twenty-eight distinct mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were detected and no common haplotypes were found among the species. All three species showed limited variability within populations, but strong differentiation among populations. Based on haplotype frequencies, genetic diversity within populations (HS) averaged 0.22, and population differentiation (GST and theta) exceeded 0.78. Analysis of molecular variance also revealed that >90% of the variation resided among populations. For the purposes of genetic conservation and breeding programs, species and populations could be readily distinguished by unique haplotypes, often using the combination of only a few probes. Neighbor-joining phenograms, however, strongly disagreed with those based on allozymes, chloroplast DNA, and morphological traits. Thus, despite its diagnostic haplotypes, the genome appears to evolve via the rearrangement of multiple, convergent subgenomic domains.  相似文献   

赵新 《包钢科技》2000,26(3):90-92
铁路运输高速重载化已成为必然趋势,本文对此进行了初步分析,并就包钢如何采取相应对策提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Can physically aggressive behavior among pupils be reduced by some easily applicable interventions? The teaching staffs of four elementary schools were advised (1) to hold regular classroom meetings (on rules of behavior, helping attacked peers etc), (2) to stop acute aggressive behavior and encourage positive behavior, and (3) to change some situational factors (especially during break-time). Preliminary results suggest that a highly committed staff can reduce aggressive behavior by these interventions. Further study is needed, however, as to the contribution of individual measures and the extent and stability of the effects to be obtained.  相似文献   

Burkitt's tumor is a undifferentiated lymphoma of lymphocytes B with a characteristic histologic pattern often called as "starry sky". It is classified in two groups: endemic Burkitt's lymphoma (African form), and non-endemic Burkitt's lymphoma (American form). The extranodal involvement of the head and neck in the American type is uncommon, so the diagnosis can be delayed. The authors present in this paper a case of American Burkitt's lymphoma in a patient with gingival hyperplasia, and compare the epidemiological, clinical, radiographic, therapeutic and prognostic characteristics of the endemic and non-endemic forms of Burkitt's lymphoma.  相似文献   

Mercury and its compounds are distributed widely across the earth. Many of the chemical forms of mercury are toxic to all living organisms. However, bacteria have evolved mechanisms of resistance to several of these different chemical forms, and play a major role in the global cycling of mercury in the natural environment. Five mechanisms of resistance to mercury compounds have been identified, of which resistance to inorganic mercury (HgR) is the best understood, both in terms of the mechanisms of resistance to mercury and of resistance to heavy metals in general. Resistance to inorganic mercury is encoded by the genes of the mer operon, and can be located on transposons, plasmids and the bacterial chromosome. Such systems have a worldwide geographical distribution, and furthermore, are found across a wide range of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria from both natural and clinical environments. The presence of mer genes in bacteria from sediment cores suggest that mer is an ancient system. Analysis of DNA sequences from mer operons and genes has revealed genetic variation both in operon structure and between individual genes from different mer operons, whilst analysis of bacteria which are sensitive to inorganic mercury has identified a number of vestigial non-functional operons. It is hypothesised that mer, due to its ubiquity with respect to geographical location, environment and species range, is an ancient system, and that ancient bacteria carried genes conferring resistance to mercury in response to increased levels of mercury in natural environments, perhaps resulting from volcanic activity. Models for the evolution of both a basic mer operon and for the Tn21-related family of mer operons and transposons are suggested. The study of evolution in bacteria has recently become dominated by the generation of phylogenies based on 16S rRNA genes. However, it is important not to underestimate the roles of horizontal gene transfer and recombinational events in evolution. In this respect mer is a suitable system for evaluating phylogenetic methods which incorporate the effects of horizontal gene transfer. In addition, the mer operon provides a model system in the study of environmental microbiology which is useful both as an example of a genotype which is responsive to environmental pressures and as a generic tool for the development of new methodology for the analysis of bacterial communities in natural environments.  相似文献   

A new method for correction of asymmetric alae is presented. Asymmetric alae frequently follow nasal, columellar, and alar reconstruction, and the resulting distortion can pose a reconstructive dilemma. Correction of these deformities can require complex composite grafting or tissue rearrangement procedures. By transposing the columella, we have equalized asymmetric nostrils without introducing new tissue to the region. Although not appropriate to all types of alar discrepancy, this novel method, where applicable, is safe, reliable, and does not produce significant visible scarring or donor site morbidity.  相似文献   

The presentation of donor-derived MHC peptides by recipient APCs to T cells is an essential component of the rejection of allografts (indirect allorecognition). Initial alloreactive T cell response is confined to a few well processed and presented dominant determinants on donor MHC. However, during long-term graft rejection, T cell response spreads to formerly poorly presented cryptic allogeneic MHC peptides. This phenomenon is likely to play an important role in the amplification and the perpetuation of the rejection process. Additionally, we present evidence that T cell repertoire selection to allogeneic MHC peptides is acquired via recognition of self-MHC peptides presented in the thymus during ontogeny. Supporting this view, we have shown that indirect alloresponses can lead to self-T cell tolerance breakdown to cross-reactive determinants on self-MHC molecules or alternatively that sensitization of recipients to self-MHC peptides can lead to accelerated graft rejection. It is therefore essential to determine the factors which govern the processing and presentation of self and allogeneic MHC molecules and to elucidate the mechanisms regulating subsequent T cell responses in order to design antigen-specific based immune therapies in transplantation.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, the Acp70A gene, which is involved in the postmating reactions of the female, is a single-copy gene. However, in Drosophila subobscura, the gene is duplicated and both copies are transcribed. To study the molecular evolution of the duplication, a 2.1-kb fragment encompassing both copies of the duplication was sequenced for 10 lines of D. subobscura and one line of Drosophila madeirensis. Estimates of the divergence between the two copies of the duplicated region and between the two species studied, D. subobscura and D. madeirensis, revealed that both copies of the Acp70a gene had evolved independently since their duplication. The ratio of nonsynonymous to silent divergence between copies was generally higher than one. The McDonald and Kreitman test revealed an excess of nonsynonymous changes fixed since the duplication and before the split of the D. subobscura and D. madeirensis lineages. These results point to natural selection driving protein evolution after the duplication. Specifically, adaptive evolution appears to have caused the initial differentiation between copies of the N-terminal parts of the proteins, while purifying selection could be responsible for the high conservation of the C-terminal parts.  相似文献   

The effect of anterior transposition of the insertion of the inferior oblique muscle was compared with the results from conventional inferior oblique muscle recession in 50 patients. Even though both groups of patients had a similar degree of overaction preoperatively, postoperative inferior oblique muscle action was weaker (P < .01) and upgaze more limited P < .01) in the anterior transposition group. These data suggest that anterior transposition serves to convert the inferior oblique muscle from an elevator to a depressor on attempted elevation. Because anterior transposition is such a powerful weakening operation, we suggest that it be reserved for patients with moderate to severe inferior oblique muscle overaction. To avoid postoperative hypotropia in upgaze, anterior transposition should be performed in both eyes for bilateral inferior oblique muscle overaction and not unilaterally.  相似文献   

We report a rare case of neurobrucellosis in a 25-year-old woman with visual impairment, bilateral hearing loss, hyperprolactinaemia and meningitis. MRI revealed a sellar and suprasellar mass with enlargement of the optic chiasm.  相似文献   

Homologues of the human HLA-A and -B MHC class I loci have been found in great apes and Old World primates suggesting that these two loci have existed for at least 30 million years. The C locus, however, shows some sequence similarity to the B locus and has been found only in gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. To determine the age of the MHC class I C locus and to examine the evolution of the A and B loci we have cloned, sequenced, and in vitro translated 16 MHC class I cDNAs from two unrelated rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) using both cDNA library screening and PCR amplification. Analyses of these sequences suggest that the C locus is not present in the rhesus monkey, indicating that this locus may be of recent origin in gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans. The rhesus monkey's complement of MHC class I genes includes the products of at least one expressed A locus and at least two expressed B loci, indicating that a duplication of the B locus has taken place in the lineage leading to these Old World primates. Comparison of rhesus monkey MHC class I cDNAs to their primate counterparts reveals fundamental differences between MHC class I and class II evolution in primates. Although MHC class II allelic lineages are shared between humans and Old World primates, no such trans-species sharing of allelic lineages is seen at the MHC class I loci.  相似文献   

At some point in hominid evolution, a mutation may have produced a "dextral" (D) allele, strongly biasing handedness in favor of the right hand and control of speech toward the left cerebral hemisphere. An alternative (chance [C]) allele is presumed directionally neutral, although there are probably other genes that influence asymmetries and that may create a weak bias toward right-handedness (and other asymmetries). Simulations show that the D allele could have spread quite quickly through a population, given even a minuscule advantage of CD heterozygotes over CC and DD homozygotes in terms of reproductive fitness. This heterozygotic advantage would also explain the apparent stability in the relative proportions of left-handers and right-handers. This putative, uniquely human allele may have emerged with the evolution of Homo sapiens in Africa some 150,000 to 200,000 years ago.  相似文献   

The genetic code is reviewed from the standpoints of its function and evolution. The code has probably always consisted of 64 units (codons), each containing three bases. Each codon pairs with a three-base anticodon that is part of an adaptor molecule. The adaptors are transfer RNA molecules that are each joined to a specific amino acid. Many departures from the universal code have recently been discovered. These are discussed.  相似文献   

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