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The role of the sequence extensions in {beta}-crystallin assembly   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The modular construction of the eye lens ß-crystallinsmakes them good candidates for protein engineering to ascertainthe rules of assembly of oligomers. X-ray studies have shownthat although the polypeptide chains of ßB2-crystallinand -crystallins fold to form similar N- and C-terminal domains,the conformation of the connecting peptides are such that the-crystallins are monomers and the ß-crystallin isa dimer. Unlike -crystallins, the numerous -crystallins haveextensions of variable sequence from the globular domains. Wehave tested the effect of removing the N- and C-terminal extensionsfrom rat ßB2-crystallin using a bacterial expressionsystem. Abundant proteins were produced in Escherichia coliusing the pET or pQE vectors. Full-length and truncated proteinswere purified and checked for refolding using circular dichroism.Sizing of the truncated proteins using gel filtration chroma-tographyshowed that the absence of either the N- or C-terminal extensiondoes not affect dimerization of ßB2-crystallin.  相似文献   

The conformational properties of protein fragments have beenwidely studied as models of the earliest initiation events inprotein folding. While native-like -helices and ß-turnshave been identified, less is known about the factors that underlyß-sheet formation, in particular ß-hairpins,where considerably greater long-range order is required. TheN-terminal 20 residue sequence of native ferredoxin I (fromthe blue-green alga Aphanothece sacrum ) forms a ß-hairpinin the native structure and has been studied in isolation byNMR and CD spectroscopy. Local native-like interactions aloneare unable to stabilize significantly a folded conformationof the 20-residue fragment in purely aqueous solution. However,we show that the addition of low levels of organic co-solventspromotes formation of native-like ß-hairpin structure.The results suggest an intrinsic propensity of the peptide toform a native-like ß-hairpin structure, and that theorganic co-solvent acts in lieu of the stabilizing influenceof tertiary interactions (probably hydrophobic contacts) whichoccur in the folding of the complete ferredoxin sequence. Thestructure of the isolated hairpin, including the native-likeregister of interstrand hydrogen bonding interactions, appearsto be determined entirely by the amino acid sequence. The solventconditions employed have enabled this intrinsic property tobe established.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the homology and hydrophobkityprofiles of six interleukin amino add sequences and that ofthe human interleukin 1ß (IL-lß) for whicha crystal structure exists. The resulting sequence alignmentwas used to build model structures for the sequences for threeIL-l, two IL-1ß and an interleukin receptor antagonist.Analysis of these structures demonstrates that the interleukinmolecule has a strong electric dipole which is generated bythe topological position of the amino acids in the sequence.Electrostatic surface calculations implicate a particular residues(Lysl45) as being fundamental to interleukin activity and thissupports site-directed mutation evidence that this residue isrequired for activity.  相似文献   

P26olf from olfactory tissue of frog, which may be involvedin olfactory transduction or adaptation, is a Ca2+-binding proteinwith 217 amino acids. The p26olf molecule contains two homologousparts consisting of the N-terminal half with amino acids 1–109and the C-terminal half with amino acids 110–217. Eachhalf resembles S100 protein with about 100 amino acids and containstwo helix–loop–helix Ca2+-binding structural motifsknown as EF-hands: a normal EF-hand at the C-terminus and apseudo EF-hand at the N-terminus. Multiple alignment of thetwo S100-like domains of p26olf with 18 S100 proteins indicatedthat the C-terminal putative EF-hand of each domain containsa four-residue insertion when compared with the typical EF-handmotifs in the S100 protein, while the N-terminal EF-hand ishomologous to its pseudo EF-hand. We constructed a three-dimensionalmodel of the p26olf molecule based on results of the multiplealignment and NMR structures of dimeric S100B(ßß)in the Ca2+-free state. The predicted structure of the p26olfsingle polypeptide chain satisfactorily adopts a folding patternremarkably similar to dimeric S100B(ßß). Each domainof p26olf consists of a unicornate-type four-helix bundle andthey interact with each other in an antiparallel manner formingan X-type four-helix bundle between the two domains. The twoS100-like domains of p26olf are linked by a loop with no sterichindrance, suggesting that this loop might play an importantrole in the function of p26olf. The circular dichroism spectraldata support the predicted structure of p26olf and indicatethat Ca2+-dependent conformational changes occur. Since theC-terminal putative EF-hand of each domain fully keeps the helix–loop–helixmotif having a longer Ca2+-binding loop, regardless of the four-residueinsertion, we propose that it is a new, novel EF-hand, althoughit is unclear whether this EF-hand binds Ca2+. P26olf is a newmember of the S100 protein family.  相似文献   

ß Recombinase, a DNA resolvase-invertase, catalyzes inthe presence of a chromatin-associated protein such as Hbsu,DNA resolution or DNA inversion on supercoiled substrates containingtwo directly or inversely oriented target (six) sites. Singlecrystals of the ß recombinase from plasmid pSM19035 wereobtained using the vapor diffusion technique with ammonium phosphateas the precipitating agent. The crystals diffracted X-raysto a maximum resolution of 2.5Å. Due to proteolytic degradationduring the crystallization experiment, the crystals containonly the N-terminal catalytic domain of ß recombinasecorresponding to about 60% of the molecular mass of the initiallyassayed native protein. The proteolytic removal of the C-terminalDNA-binding domain demonstrated that protein modification canbe essential to provide material suitable for X-ray analysis.  相似文献   

Using oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis, the binding siteon human interleukin-1 (IL-1) for the human type I IL-1 receptor(IL-1R) has been analyzed. Substitution of seven amino acids(Arg12, Ile14, Asp60, Asp61, Ile64, Lys96 and Trp109) resultedin a significant loss of binding to the receptor. Based on crystallographicinformation, the side chains of these residues are clusteredin one region of IL-1 and exposed on the surface of the protein.Five of the residues in the IL-1 binding site align with thebinding residues previously determined in human IL-1ß,demonstrating that the type I IL-1R recognizes homologous regionsin both ligands. Unexpectedly, only three of the aligned residuesare identical between IL-1 and IL-1ß. These observationssuggest that the composition of contact residues in the bindingsite is unique for each ligand–receptor complex in theIL-1 system.  相似文献   

We have cloned the rabbit IL-1ß cDNA, which encodesa 268 amino acid precursor similar in length to other sequencedIL-1 precursors. Comparison of all published IL-1 and IL-1ßsequences respectively indicates that the IL-1 gene family isevolving faster than the IL-1ß family, and that thetwo genes diverged –270 million years ago. Surprisingly,there are differences in the regions preferentially conservedwithin the two families. The IL-1 family is most conserved atthe amino terminus whereas the IL-1ß family is mostconserved in the carboxy-terminal half. This is despite thefact that the carboxy-terminal half encodes the active portionof both molecules and would be expected to adopt a similar ß-sheetstructure in IL-1 as in the published X-ray structure of matureIL-1ß. These findings suggest that differences inthe function and properties of the IL-1 and IL-1ßprecursor molecules may have been conserved. These differencesmay therefore provide an explanation for the existence of twoIL-1 molecules.  相似文献   

ß-Crystallins are structural lens proteins with aconserved two-domain structure and variable N- and C-terminalextensions. These extensions are assumed to be involved in quaternaryinteractions within the ß-crystallin oligomers orwith other lens proteins. Therefore, the production of ßA3-and ßAl-crystallin from the single ßA3/A1mRNA by dual translation initiation is of interest. These crystallinsare identical, except that ßAl has a much shorterN-terminal extension than ßA3. This rare mechanismhas been conserved for over 250 million years during the evolutionof the ßA3/A1 gene, suggesting that the generationof different N-terminal extensions confers a selective advantage.We therefore compared the stability and association behaviourof recombinant ßA3- and ßAl-crystallin.Both proteins are equally stable in urea- and pH-induced denaturationexperiments. Gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugationestablished that ßA3 and ßA1 both form homodimers.In the water-soluble proteins of bovine lens, ßA3and ßA1 are present in the same molecular weight fractions,indicating that they oligomerize equally with other ß-crystallins.1H-NMR spectroscopy showed that residues Met1 to Asn22 of theN-terminal extension of ßA3 have great flexibilityand are solvent exposed, excluding them from protein interactionsin the homodimer. These results indicate that the differentN-terminal extensions of ßA3 and ßA1 donot affect their homo- or heteromeric interactions.  相似文献   

A computer model of the ß-chain of C4b-binding protein(C4BP) was constructed, using the backbone fold of the NMR structuresof the sixteenth CP module of factor H (H16) and of a pair ofmodules consisting of the fifteenth and sixteenth CPs of factorH (H15-16). The characteristic hydrophobic core responsiblefor dictating the three-dimensional structure of the CP familyis conserved in the amino acid sequence of C4BP ßl, ß2and ß3. The distribution of the electrostatic potentialshows that the model is mainly covered by a negative contour.Interestingly, a positive area is observed in the C-terminalregion of the first CP module, enclosing peptide 31-45, knownto be a binding site for protein S. This observation suggeststhat electrostatic interactions can be of importance for theinteraction of C4BP to protein S. A solvent-accessible hydrophobicpatch, located nearby and involving the peptide 31-45, was alsofound in the model, further confirming that this area is involvedin the interaction with protein S. The contribution of ß-chainresidues 31-45 to the affinity for protein S was studied furtherby means of synthetic mutant peptides. The results suggest thatboth electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions are importantfor the binding to protein S.  相似文献   

A semisynthetic winter flounder antifreeze proprotein (proAFP)coding region was constructed and inserted into a lacZ expressionvector. ProAFP was produced from the vector in Escherichia colias a C-terminal fusion to the first 289 amino acids of ß-galactosidase(ß-gal). The proAFP and ß-gal domains ofthe ß-gal–proAFP fusion protein were separatedby the recognition signal for the blood coagulation protease,factor Xa. Upon induction with isopropylthio-ß-D-galactosidethe fusion protein accumulated to levels of 15% of the totalprotein. The ß-gal–proAFP fusion protein waspartially purified by differential centrifugation, but requiredsolubilization prior to factor Xa digestion. The solubilizedfusion protein was efficiently and correctly cleaved by factorXa, after which the proAFP was purified by gel permeation. BacterialproAFP was indistinguishable from natural proAFP by the criteriaof antifreeze activity, amino-terminal sequence (15 cycles),reverse-phase HPLC and SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.Circular dichroism measurements showed that proAFP is a compositeof random coil and -helical secondary structure, with an -helicalcontent of 44% at 0°C. It seems probable that the C-terminalregion of proAFP, which corresponds to the mature AFP protein,is mainly -helical, and that the N-terminal pro-segment is randomcoiled.  相似文献   

Many proteins have been predicted to contain domains with immunoglobulin-Iikefolds and hence to be members of the immunoglobulin superfamily(IgSF). However, several members lack the Cys residues capableof forming the disulphide bond that forms a characteristic bridgebetween the ß sheets in the Ig fold, e.g. domain 1of the lymphocyte antigen CD2. The assignment of ßstrands in CD2 by sequence analysis was tested by attemptingto introduce a disulphide bridge between the ß sheetsby mutating two residues in the relevant positions to Cys. Mutant,soluble forms of CD2 were expressed in Chinese hamster ovarycell lines and amino add sequencing showed that a disulphidebond was formed as predicted, but not in the control where oneCys residue was misplaced by four residues. Evidence that bothmutated molecules folded correctly is given by the indistinguishablebinding of three monoclonal antibodies recognising differentepftopes on CD2. The 3-D structure of rat CD2 domain 1 has beendetermined by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, confirmingthe predictions from the sequence. Applications of this methodof insertion of disulphide residues for probing protein structuresare discussed, together with other structures of IgSF domainslacking the typical inter-sheet disulphide bond.  相似文献   

The main component of the amyloid senile plaques found in Alzheimer'sbrain is the amyloid-ß-peptide (Aß), a proteolyticproduct of a membrane precursor protein. Previous structuralstudies have found different conformations for the Aßpeptide depending on the solvent and pH used. In general, theyhave suggested an -helix conformation at the N-terminal domainand a ß-sheet conformation for the C-terminal domain.The structure of the complete Aß peptide (residues 1–40)solved by NMR has revealed that only helical structure is presentin Aß. However, this result cannot explain the large ß-sheetAß aggregates known to form amyloid under physiologicalconditions. Therefore, we investigated the structure of Aßby molecular modeling based on extensive homology using theSmith and Waterman algorithm implemented in the MPsrch program(Blitz server). The results showed a mean value of 23% identitywith selected sequences. Since these values do not allow a clearhomology to be established with a reference structure in orderto perform molecular modeling studies, we searched for detailedhomology. A 28% identity with an /ß segment of a triosephosphateisomerase (TIM) from Culex tarralis with an unsolved three-dimensionalstructure was obtained. Then, multiple sequence alignment wasperformed considering Aß, TIM from C.tarralis and anotherfive TIM sequences with known three-dimensional structures.We found a TIM segment with secondary structure elements inagreement with previous experimental data for Aß. Moreover,when a synthetic peptide from this TIM segment was studied invitro, it was able to aggregate and to form amyloid fibrils,as established by Congo red binding and electron microscopy.The Aß model obtained was optimized by molecular dynamicsconsidering ionizable side chains in order to simulate Aßin a neutral pH environment. We report here the structural implicationsof this study.  相似文献   

The 6-phospho-ß-galactosidase of Staphylococcus aureus,Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus casei and 6-phospho-ßglucosidaseB of Escherichia coli build a subfamily inside a greater enzymefamily, named the glycosal hydrolase family 1, which, hi addition,contains nine ß-glycosidases of different origins.Kinetic and immunological evidence is provided in this reportwhich strengthens the relationship of the four 6-phospho-ß-glycosidases.It is shown that the 6-phospho-ß-galactosidases and6-phospho-ß-glucosidase B are able to split aromaticß-galactoside phosphates and ß-glucosidephosphates. The turnover numbers of hydrolysis of substrateswith different epimerization at C-4 of the glycon vary up to15-fold only. Two polydonal antisera, one derived against thenative 6-phospho-ß-galactosidase from S.aureus andthe other derived against the 6-phospho-ß-glucosidaseB, cross-reacted with both enzymes. Peptides of the proteinswere separated by reverse phase HPLC. The cross-reacting peptideswere sequenced and shown to be localized at almost the sameposition in the aligned primary structures of both enzymes.An insertion of nine amino adds near these antigenic domainsis unique for the 6-phospho-ß-glycosidases and missingwithin the sequences of the ß-glycoside-specific membersof the family. The lacG gene of a 6-phospho-ß-galactosidasenegative S.aureus mutant was doned into E.coli and sequenced.In the totally inactive mutant protein only the glycine at position332 was changed to an arginine. This amino acid is part of thesequence insertion near the antigenic domain reacting with bothantisera. These data support the assumption that the regionis of great importance for the function of the enzymes and thatit is possible it determines the specificity of the phosphorylatedform of the substrates. In addition, the 6-phospho-ß-galactosidaseof S.aureus was modified by sitedirected mutagenesis of thecorresponding lacG gene hi order to replace residues Glul60and Glu375, which were suspected of being involved hi the generalacid catalysis of substrate hydrolysis, with glutamine residues.The mutant protein 160EQ retained some catalytic activity whilethe protein 375EQ was totally inactive. Glu375 is the activesite nudeophile of the 6-phospho-ß-galactosidase ofS.aureus. It is located in the sequence motif ENG where Glu358was identified as the catalytkally active nudeophile hi theß-glucosidase of Agrobacterium.  相似文献   

The 3-D crystal structure of interleukin-1ß(IL-1ß)has been used to define its receptor binding surface by mutationalanalysis. The surface of IL-1ß was probed by site-directedmutagenesis. A total of 27 different IL-1ß muteinswere constructed, purified and analyzed. Receptor binding measurementson mouse and human cell lines were performed to identify receptoraffinities. IL-1ß muteins with modified receptor affinitywere evaluated for structural integrity by CD spectroscopy orX-ray crystallography. Changes in six surface loops, as wellas in the C- and N-termini, yielded muteins with lower bindingaffinities. Two muteins with intact binding affinities showed10- to 100-fold reduced biological activity. The surface regioninvolved in receptor binding constitutes a discontinuous areaof 1000 Å2 formed by discontinuous polypeptide chain stretches.Based on these results, a subdivision into two distinct localareas is proposed. Differences in receptor binding affinitiesfor human and mouse receptors have been observed for some muteins,but not for wild-type IL-1ß. This is the first timea difference in binding affinity of IL-1ß muteinsto human and mouse receptors has been demonstrated  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structural models of three members of thephosphoglucomutase (PGM) superfamily, parafusin, phosphoglucomutase-relatedprotein and sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphoglucomutase, wereconstructed by homology modeling based on the known crystalstructure of rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutase. Parafusin, phosphoglucomutase-relatedprotein and sarcoplasmic reticulum phosphoglucomutase each have50% or more identity with rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutase atthe amino acid level and all are reported to exhibit no or minorphosphoglucomutase activity. There are four major insertionsand two deletions in the parafusin sequence relative to PGM,all of which are located in surface-exposed loops connectingsecondary structural elements. The remaining amino acid substitutionsare distributed throughout the sequence and are not predictedto alter the polypeptide fold. Parafusin contains a putativeprotein kinase C site located on a surface loop in domain IIthat is not present in the homologs. Although the general domainstructure and the active site of rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutaseare preserved in the model of phosphoglucomutase-related protein,a major structural difference is likely to occur in domain 1due to the absence of 55 amino acid residues in PGM-RP. Thisdeletion predicts the loss of three -helices and one ß-strandfrom an anti-parallel ß-sheet in this domain as comparedwith the rabbit muscle phosphoglucomutase.  相似文献   

Characterization of the DNA binding domain of the mouse IRF-2 protein   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The DNA binding domain of the interferon regulatory factor-2protein (IRF-2) has been produced and characterized, -chymotrypsindigestion of the purified IRF-2 protein bound to a syntheticbinding site yields a peptide fragment of 14 K in molecularweight. N-terminal analysis of this peptide fragment showedthat its sequence is the same as that of the intact IRF-2. Apeptide fragment of {small tilde} 14 K, IRF-2(113), which correspondsto the N-terminal 113 amino acids of the intact IRF-2 protein,has been expressed in a functional form in Escherichia coli.The first methionine was processed during the expression andthe purified IRF-2(113) thus contains 112 amino acids. DNaseI footprinting and gel retardation assaying showed that IRF-2(113)binds to a synthetic DNA having the consensus binding site andto the upstream regulatory sequence of the IFN-ß geneas intact IRF-2 does. These results showed that this peptidefragment, IRF-2(113), may be a good material for investigationof the DNA binding domain of IRF-2 and of the DNA–proteininteraction.  相似文献   

Human interleukin-1ß (IL1ß) was used as a presentationscaffold for the characterization of the reactive site loop(RSL) of the serpin 1-antitrypsin (A1AT), the physiologicalinhibitor of leukocyte elastase. A chimeric protein was generatedby replacement of residues 50–53 of IL1ß, correspondingto an exposed reverse turn in IL1ß, with the 10-residueP5-P5' sequence EAIPMSIPPE from A1AT. The chimera (antitrypsin-interleukin,AT-IL) inhibits elastase specifically and also binds the IL1ßreceptor. Multinuclear NMR characterization of AT-IL establishedthat, with the exception of the inserted sequence, the structureof the IL1ß scaffold is preserved in the chimera. Thestructure of the inserted RSL was analyzed relative to thatof the isolated 10-residue RSL peptide, which was shown to beessentially disordered in solution. The chimeric RSL was alsofound to be solvent exposed and conformationally mobile in comparisonwith the IL1ß scaffold, and there was no evidence of persistinginteractions with the scaffold outside of the N- and C-terminallinkages. However, AT-IL exhibits sigificant differences inchemical shift and NOE patterns relative to the isolated RSLthat are consistent with local features of non-random structure.The proximity of these features to the P1-P1' residues suggeststhat they may be responsible for the inhibitory activity ofthe chimera.  相似文献   

Using discriminant analysis, three types of protein secondarystructure segments—helices, ß-strands and coils—arediscriminated by amino acid sequence information alone. A variablein the discriminant analysis is defined by the amino acid indexused to represent the sequence data and by the calculation methodused to extract a feature in this representation. Thus, thethree types of secondary structure segments derived from a setof non-homologous proteins from the Protein Data Bank are analyzedby 888 variables, which correspond to the mean, standard deviation,3.6-residue periodicity and 2-residue periodicity for the numericalprofiles determined from 222 published amino acid indices. Thesevariables are combined to obtain best discrimination of thethree types of segments. When up to three variables are combined,the best discrimination rate was 75%. The variables selectedconsist of the mean of propensity (or turn propensity), themean of ß propensity, and the 3.6-residue periodicityof hydrophobicity. This variable selection procedure can alsobe applied to other types of discrimination problem, once groupsof sequence data are properly organized.  相似文献   

A synthetic gene coding for the bacteriocidal protein caltrin/seminalplasminwas constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusionwith ß-galactosidase. The gene was designed with arecognition site for the plasma protease, Factor Xa, coded forimmediately prior to the N-terminus of caltrin. The ß-galactosidase-caltrinfusion protein was cleaved with Factor Xa to give caltrin, whichwas identified by its size on SDS-PAGE, its ability to reactwith an antiserum raised to the N-terminal nonapeptide of caltrinand its N-terminal amino acid sequence. After partial purification,synthetic caltrin was found to be active in an assay involvinginhibition of growth of E.coli.  相似文献   

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