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This paper studies the perspectives of human factors in the context of an elderly monitoring system. Such a system is designed to continuously monitor older adults and support them with various services. It also helps the caregiver with on-the-spot updates based on elderly monitoring. However, how the elderly and human caregiver perceive and interact with such system as an integral part of it, can greatly influence their understanding of the purpose and usefulness of the system. In this paper, we highlight several core functions of an elderly monitoring system and show how human factors can influence the design of the system. Experimental results show improvements with respect to efficiency, effectiveness and user satisfaction.  相似文献   

map 《Computers & Graphics》2003,27(6):893-898
Mobile devices as PDAs evolve rapidly from digital calendars and address books to hosts of more complex functionality. Mobile access to business information such as customer, product or project databases is seen as one of the cutting edge IT solutions for improving productivity and customer satisfaction. However, mobility and scaled-down mobile technology lead to specific limitations in contrast to the usage of desktop computers. These restrictions are absolutely crucial to consider for the development of usable mobile applications.

With reference to the project map—Multimedia Arbeitsplatz der Zukunft (Multimedia Workplace of the Future), this article outlines our main approach to situation-aware support for mobile workers in response to mobile restrictions. We are pointing out focal components and sketch parts of the map architecture, in particular the prototypical application “BuddyAlert”.  相似文献   

设计了一种医疗远程监护系统。该系统利用手机作为传感器网络的中心节点,与布置在人体上的传感器节点组成体域无线传感器网络,来实现病人生理参数数据的采集。同时,手机又作为连接远程无线网络的网关,以及病人获得信息的人机接口。利用该系统,病人可以了解自己病情和接收医疗指导信息,医疗机构可以对病人进行远程监护和紧急救助,病人家属可以对病人的病情状态进行查询。系统可针对不同病情的病人灵活地配置传感器、使用方便,适合在医院外对慢性病人的医疗远程监护中使用,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks have emerged as a complementary technology to conventional, cable-based systems for structural health monitoring. However, the wireless transmission of sensor data and the on-board execution of engineering analyses directly on the sensor nodes can consume a significant amount of the inherently restricted node resources. This paper presents an agent migration approach towards resource-efficient wireless sensor networks. Autonomous software agents, referred to as “on-board agents”, are embedded into the wireless sensor nodes employed for structural health monitoring performing simple resource-efficient routines to continuously analyze, aggregate, and communicate the sensor data to a central server. Once potential anomalies are detected in the observed structural system, the on-board agents autonomously request for specialized software programs (“migrating agents”) that physically migrate to the sensor nodes to analyze the suspected anomaly on demand. In addition to the localized data analyses, a central information pool available on the central server is accessible by the software agents (and by human users), facilitating a distributed-cooperative assessment of the global condition of the monitored structure. As a result of this study, a 95% reduction of memory utilization and a 96% reduction of power consumption of the wireless sensor nodes have been achieved as compared with traditional approaches.  相似文献   

军用飞机运动性能仿真系统设计方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
军用飞机飞行仿真技术是目前军事仿真领域的热点技术并具有广泛的应用前景.飞机运动性能仿真则是整个飞行仿真系统中的核心内容,它在三维空间内对飞机的运动性能进行模拟展现,并为飞行仿真系统的其它组成部分提供仿真的基础平台,其仿真的效果将直接影响到飞行仿真的整体效果.设计了军用飞机运动性能仿真系统的总体方案,通过图例描述了系统内外部接口的设计情况,然后总结构建了军用飞机运动性能仿真的建模思路和数学模型,并寻找了目前较好的模型解算方法,旨在为系统开发者提供一种设计方法上的启迪.  相似文献   

介绍了传感器最优布设在桥梁健康监测中的应用研究,提出了一整套传感器优化布设的方案。试验结果表明:本方案能够迅速有效地从一个自由度复杂的结构模型中选择出最优的传感器布设位置。  相似文献   

In mobile-based traffic monitoring applications, each user provides real-time updates on their location and speed while driving. This data is collected by a centralized server and aggregated to provide participants with current traffic conditions. Successful participation in traffic monitoring applications utilizing participatory sensing depends on two factors: the information utility of the estimated traffic condition, and the amount of private information (position and speed) each participant reveals to the server. We assume each user prefers to reveal as little private information as possible, but if everyone withholds information, the quality of traffic estimation will deteriorate. In this paper, we model these opposing requirements by considering each user to have a utility function that combines the benefit of high quality traffic estimates and the cost of privacy loss. Using a novel Markovian model, we mathematically derive a policy that takes into account the mean, variance and correlation of traffic on a given stretch of road and yields the optimal granularity of information revelation to maximize user utility. We validate the effectiveness of this policy through real-world empirical traces collected during the Mobile Century experiment in Northern California. The validation shows that the derived policy yields utilities that are very close to what could be obtained by an oracle scheme with full knowledge of the ground truth.  相似文献   

为了提高普适健康监测服务的病人护理质量,采用贝叶斯网络对心脏病数据进行及时准确的分析,提出从样本数据集中学习网络节点顺序的方法,克服了传统算法需要领域专家给定网络中节点顺序的限制;另外,引入了并行优化方法进一步提高在大数据量情况下建立心脏病诊断分析模型的速度。实验证明提出的方法在一定程度上提高了模型分析的准确率,并且缩短了建模的时间。  相似文献   

针对公路健康监测系统监测参数多、监测范围广、实时性要求高及有线监测布线困难且易损坏等特点,设计了一种无线传输的嵌入式公路健康监测系统.该系统采用三层式结构设计,由数据采集节点、中继节点及监测中心组成;利用多传感器集成技术、单片机智能控制技术及组态王控制系统开发技术等进行软硬件构建,通过无线射频技术和数据传输装置(DTU)模块进行层间通信,最终实现对路基内部温度、湿度、压力、应变及加速度信息的实时采集与处理.初步实验结果表明:系统在4km范围内工作稳定可靠,可以满足中远距离公路监测传输需要.  相似文献   

为研究真实环境下光伏支架的力学性能,以乌海四道泉光伏电站为研究对象,采用足尺加载试验和结构健康监测方法考察固定可调式光伏支架在设计载荷下和正常使用中的受力特性。在光伏支架阵列中选取1个支架单元进行加载试验,考察关键位置的挠度和应变,并与数值模型进行对比;在光伏阵列中选取不同位置的5个支架单元设置结构健康监测系统,实时监测光伏组件的风环境、表面风压和关键构件的应变,并与数值模型进行对比。结果表明:光伏支架结构在设计载荷下和正常使用中的受力性能良好。  相似文献   

海量数据流在桥梁健康监测中的处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着桥梁建设的快速发展,桥梁健康监测成为建设中非常重要的一部分.通过介绍桥梁健康监测的现状和数据流的概念,针对其海量数据流的特性,提出了DSMS处理方式及其原理模型,并重点介绍了该方法在实际工程中的具体应用,如异常数据查询与优化、滑动窗口的设计等,从而让异常数据及时被捕获到,更准确地掌握桥梁的健康状况.  相似文献   

传感器之间的通信一直受到有线连接和各种无线通信协议的限制。运用一种随处可见并成本低廉的无线通信技术建立传感器区域网络(SANs)将加速传感器技术的进一步发展。自身有着很多优点的蓝牙作为一种世界广泛认可的标准,对于SANs是可行的选择。围绕蓝牙技术提出了一种方法构建由固定无线传感器组成的传感器网络,用于桥梁的健康监测;提出了拓扑组成方案,并对不同传感器信息的传递以及链接能量的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

A comprehensive evaluation of a structure’s performance based on quasi-static measurements requires consideration of the response due to all applied loads. For the majority of short- and medium-span bridges, temperature and vehicular loads are the main drivers of structural deformations. This paper therefore evaluates the following two hypotheses: (i) knowledge of loads and their positions, and temperature distributions can be used to accurately predict structural response, and (ii) the difference between predicted and measured response at various sensor locations can form the basis of anomaly detection techniques. It introduces a measurement interpretation approach that merges the regression-based thermal response prediction methodology that was proposed previously by the authors with a novel methodology for predicting traffic-induced response. The approach first removes both environmentally (temperature) and operationally (traffic) induced trends from measurement time series of structural response. The resulting time series is then analysed using anomaly detection techniques. Experimental data collected from a laboratory truss is used for the evaluation of this approach. Results show that (i) traffic-induced response is recognized once thermal effects are removed, and (ii) information of the location and weight of a vehicle can be used to generate regression models that predict traffic-induced response. As a whole, the approach is shown to be capable of detecting damage by analysing measurements that include both vehicular and thermal response.  相似文献   

水工金属结构是水利水电工程的重要组成部分,为满足水工金属结构数字化运维的需求,以峡江水利枢纽工程的弧形泄水闸为例,利用现代传感技术和仿真技术,建立了水工金属结构在线监测及健康评估系统,实现了泄水闸结构应力、振动、运行姿态、液压启闭机振动和液压油清洁度等参数的在线监测,并建立设备健康评价指标和模型,实现了健康状态的评估。  相似文献   

高速实时地采集传感器信号以及激励信号的准确输出对结构健康监测至关重要。在VisualC++6.0环境下,研究了结构健康监测中高速数据采集与激励信号输出。结合多功能数据采集卡PCI 1710HG的应用,利用多线程、双缓存技术实现了数据的高速采集、存储与显示,并使用高精度定时器实现了激励信号的准确输出,从而实现了在一台装有多功能数据采集卡的PC机上,配以相应的外围设备,就能方便地进行结构健康在线实时监测。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于HILBERTHUANG变换技术的结构微损伤检测方法.基于HHT方法,提取了同损伤相联系的特征量-瞬时频率变化量和瞬时能量变化量.给出了结构损伤前后瞬时频率的变化情况,根据结构损伤前后瞬时频率的变化量,可以判断结构发生了一定程度的损伤.最后研究了结构损伤前后瞬时能量的变换情况,并讨论了瞬时能量变化最大值与结构损伤程度之间的关系.结果表明,结构原始响应信号经过HHT变换后得到的瞬时能量变化最大值与结构损伤程度有一定的规律可寻.  相似文献   

Condition monitoring of power transformers is crucial for the reliable and cost-effective operation of the power grid. The health index (HI) formulation is a pragmatic approach to combine multiple information sources and generate a consistent health state indicator for asset management planning. Generally, existing transformer HI methods are based on expert knowledge or data-driven models of specific transformer subsystems. However, the effect of uncertainty is not considered when integrating expert knowledge and data-driven models for the system-level HI estimation. With the increased dynamic and non-deterministic engineering problems, the sources of uncertainty are increasing across power and energy applications, e.g. electric vehicles with new dynamic loads or nuclear power plants with de-energized periods, and transformer health assessment under uncertainty is becoming critical for accurate condition monitoring. In this context, this paper presents a novel soft computing driven probabilistic HI framework for transformer health monitoring. The approach encapsulates data analytics and expert knowledge along with different sources of uncertainty and infers a transformer HI value with confidence intervals for decision-making under uncertainty. Using real data from a nuclear power plant, the proposed framework is compared with traditional HI implementations and results confirm the validity of the approach for transformer health assessment.  相似文献   

基于多元联合熵的复杂装备健康监控方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将多元联合熵理论、数据融合的观点引入到复杂装备健康监控中,通过计算特定信号划分下的多传感器联合熵,以刻画复杂装备的健康状态。以飞行数据的联合奇异谱熵为例,探讨了该方法在航空发动机健康监控中的应用,进而为复杂装备的健康监控提供了一种统一和普适的方法。  相似文献   

土木工程智能健康监测与诊断系统   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
土木工程智能健康监测与诊断系统由传感元件、信号采集、信号传输与处理、健康诊断与安全评估、结果输出等部分构成。引入智能传感器、信息融合、故障诊断、结构损伤探测理论等对结构健康监测与诊断系统进行探讨 ,最后指出必须解决的关键问题与存在的困难 ,指明其广阔的应用前景  相似文献   

为了实现桥梁结构健康监测传感器的优化配置,用尽可能少的传感器获取尽可能多的反映桥梁结构健康状况的信息,将人工鱼群算法应用于一座拱桥的传感器配置中,利用人工鱼的三种典型行为,解决桥梁传感器优化配置问题。结果表明,人工鱼群算法自适应能力强,收敛精度高,可以实现桥梁结构健康监测传感器优化配置。  相似文献   

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