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机械传动的轴承、齿轮等关键部位的故障信号中都含有冲击信息,通过对冲击信息的提取就可以对设备做出精密诊断.本文针对机械故障难以预先发现的问题,将离散小波变换和频谱分析相结合从机械的振动信号中提取非平稳信号,以此作为判断故障信号及类型的依据.从实际的应用效果看,利用离散小波变换技术提取冲击信号是非常有效的.  相似文献   

The successful prediction of the remaining useful life of rolling element bearings depends on the capability of early fault detection. A critical step in fault diagnosis is to use the correct signal processing techniques to extract the fault signal. This paper proposes a newly developed diagnostic model using a sparse-based empirical wavelet transform (EWT) to enhance the fault signal to noise ratio. The unprocessed signal is first analyzed using the kurtogram to locate the fault frequency band and filter out the system noise. Then, the preprocessed signal is filtered using the EWT. The lq-regularized sparse regression is implemented to obtain a sparse solution of the defect signal in the frequency domain. The proposed method demonstrates a significant improvement of the signal to noise ratio and is applicable for detection of cyclic fault, which includes the extraction of the fault signatures of bearings and gearboxes.  相似文献   

The aim of this present work is to identify and localize the defect in gear and measure the angle between two damaged teeth in the time domain of the vibration signal. The vibration signals are captured from the experiments and the burst in the vibration signal is focused in the analysis. The enveloping technique is revisited for defect identification but is found unsatisfactory in measuring the angle between two faulty teeth. A signal processing scheme is proposed to filter the noise and to measure the angle between two damaged teeth. The proposed technique consists of undecimated wavelet transform (UWT), which is used to denoise the signal. The analytic wavelet transform (AWT) has been implemented on approximation signal followed by a time marginal integration (TMI) of the AWT scalogram. The TMI graph time-axis is mapped onto the angular displacement of the driver gear. The measurement is shown to identify the first and the second defective teeth impact on gear meshing, which is visible as sharp spikes in the TMI graph. An attempt is also made to replace the approximation from UWT with Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF) derived from the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). The present experimental work establishes the proposed method of measuring and localizing multiple gear teeth defect using vibration signal in the time domain.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new discrete time continuous wavelet transform (DTCWT)-based algorithm, which can be implemented in real time to quantify and compensate periodic error for constant and non-constant velocity motion in heterodyne displacement measuring interferometry. It identifies the periodic error by measuring the phase and amplitude information at different orders (the periodic error is modeled as a summation of pure sine signals), reconstructs the periodic error by combining the magnitudes for all orders, and compensates the periodic error by subtracting the reconstructed error from the displacement signal measured by the interferometer. The algorithm is validated by comparing the compensated results with a traditional frequency domain approach for constant velocity motion. The algorithm demonstrates successful reduction of the first order periodic error amplitude from 4 nm to 0.24 nm (a 94% decrease) and a reduction of the second order periodic error from 2.5 nm to 0.3 nm (an 88% decrease). The algorithm also reduces periodic errors for non-constant velocity motion overcoming limitations of existing methods.  相似文献   

随着电力电子技术的广泛应用,谐波对电力系统的污染越来越严重,检测、分析和抑制谐波已经成为电力系统环境治理的重要课题.利用小波变换及传统的傅立叶变换对电网中的谐波进行了检测、分析,并通过MATLAB进行了仿真.仿真结果表明,利用小波变换可以将信号中不同频率的谐波有效地提取出来,并进行有针对性的分析,具有更高的分析精度.  相似文献   

基于稀疏小波变换的超宽带低信噪比信号检测算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脉冲超宽带信号是时域瞬态脉冲,功率谱密度极低,在远距离通信时,信号淹没在噪声中较难检测,对前端采样率要求较高.针对脉冲超宽带低信噪比检测问题,提出了一种在脉冲波形先验信息已知条件下,基于稀疏小波变换的低信噪比检测方法.针对超宽带信号在小波域具有稀疏分布这一特征,依据压缩传感理论,分析并仿真了稀疏基矩阵选择时域采样矩阵和小波矩阵时,信噪比对于性能的影响,提供了重构算法中迭代终止门限的选择方法.仿真实验表明,相对于稀疏基矩阵为时域采样矩阵,采用小波变换矩阵可以在较低信噪比条件下实现超宽带信号的降噪重构.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing application of water hydraulics in industries due to growing concern on the environmental, health and safety issues. The fault diagnosis of water hydraulic motor is important for improving water hydraulic system reliability and performance. In this paper, fault diagnosis of water hydraulic motor in water hydraulic system is investigated based on adaptive wavelet analysis. A novel method for modelling the vibration signal based on the adaptive wavelet transform (AWT) is proposed. The linear combination of wavelets is introduced as wavelet itself and adapted for the particular vibration signal, which goes beyond adapting parameters of a fixed-shape wavelet. The AWT procedure based on the parametric optimisation by genetic algorithm (GA) is developed. The model-based method by AWT is applied to extract the features in the fault diagnosis of the water hydraulic motor. This technique for de-noising the corrupted simulation signal shows that it can improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the vibration signal. The results of the experimental signal demonstrate the characteristic vibration signal details in fine resolution. The magnitude plots of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) show the characteristic signal's energy in time and frequency domain which can be used as feature values for fault diagnosis of water hydraulic motor.  相似文献   

This paper presents a transient detection method that combines continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K–S) test for machine fault diagnosis. According to this method, the CWT represents the signal in the time-scale plane, and the proposed “step-by-step detection” based on K–S test identifies the transient coefficients. Simulation study shows that the transient feature can be effectively identified in the time-scale plane with the K–S test. Moreover, the transients can be further transformed back into the time domain through the inverse CWT. The proposed method is then utilized in the gearbox vibration transient detection for fault diagnosis, and the results show that the transient features both expressed in the time-scale plane and re-constructed in the time domain characterize the gearbox condition and fault severity development more clearly than the original time domain signal. The proposed method is also applied to the vibration signals of cone bearings with the localized fault in the inner race, outer race and the rolling elements, respectively. The detected transients indicate not only the existence of the bearing faults, but also the information about the fault severity to a certain degree.  相似文献   

In order to enhance the desired features related to some special type of machine fault, a technique based on the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DTCWT) is proposed in this paper. It is demonstrated that DTCWT enjoys better shift invariance and reduced spectral aliasing than second-generation wavelet transform (SGWT) and empirical mode decomposition by means of numerical simulations. These advantages of the DTCWT arise from the relationship between the two dual-tree wavelet basis functions, instead of the matching of the used single wavelet basis function to the signal being analyzed. Since noise inevitably exists in the measured signals, an enhanced vibration signals denoising algorithm incorporating DTCWT with NeighCoeff shrinkage is also developed. Denoising results of vibration signals resulting from a crack gear indicate the proposed denoising method can effectively remove noise and retain the valuable information as much as possible compared to those DWT- and SGWT-based NeighCoeff shrinkage denoising methods. As is well known, excavation of comprehensive signatures embedded in the vibration signals is of practical importance to clearly clarify the roots of the fault, especially the combined faults. In the case of multiple features detection, diagnosis results of rolling element bearings with combined faults and an actual industrial equipment confirm that the proposed DTCWT-based method is a powerful and versatile tool and consistently outperforms SGWT and fast kurtogram, which are widely used recently. Moreover, it must be noted, the proposed method is completely suitable for on-line surveillance and diagnosis due to its good robustness and efficient algorithm.  相似文献   

基于双树复数小波和SVR的红外小目标检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在分析红外图像弱小目标和背景特征的基础上,提出了基于双树复数小波变换(dual-tree complex wavelet transform,DT-CWT)和支持向量回归(support vectorr egression,SVR)的检测方法。首先采用双树复数小波变换抑制大部分背景噪声;其次用SVR对去噪后的红外图像进行背景预测,并用去噪后的实际图像减去预测图像得到残差图像,大大提高了图像的信噪比;接着提出了基于模糊Tsallis-Havrda-Charvat熵的阈值选取算法,对残差图像进行阈值分割;最后根据目标的连续性和运动轨迹的一致性检测出真实的小目标。实验结果表明:该方法可显著提高红外目标的检测概率,实现较远距离弱小目标的检测。  相似文献   

电力系统中大量谐波的注入使得网络电能质量明显下降,而传统的检测方法由于自身技术的限制,已经不能满足目前谐波检测对实时性和精确性的要求。该文在分析了电网谐波变化特征的基础上,结合谐波检测新理论的发展及应用实践,提出将小波变换与传统检测方法相结合的检测方案,并用仿真试验验证了该联合算法的有效性。数据结果表明:小波变换在分析复杂信号中各谐波成分时表现出了其时频局部化特性的优势,而传统的FFT可准确提取信号各成分的频谱信息,该联合检测方法有效地提高了谐波检测的精度。  相似文献   

详述了Fourier变换与小波变换的本质区别,分析了Fourier变换和短时Fourier变换应用于故障检测的不足;介绍了小波变换及其应用于故障检测的优点;指出了小波变换应用于故障检测的理论和方法。  相似文献   

在脉冲涡流无损检测中,缺陷信号包含了许多噪声信号,为了准确分辨出有用的缺陷信息,采用小波变换进行信号除噪处理,提取有用的缺陷信号.文中以MATLAB7.0.1为工具,以sym5为小波基,采用软阈值进行5层小波分解重构来完成信号除噪.取得很好的除噪声效果.  相似文献   

The application of the wavelet transform for machine fault diagnostics has been developed for last 10 years at a very rapid rate. A review on all of the literature is certainly not possible. The purpose of this review is to present a summary about the application of the wavelet in machine fault diagnostics, including the following main aspects: the time–frequency analysis of signals, the fault feature extraction, the singularity detection for signals, the denoising and extraction of the weak signals, the compression of vibration signals and the system identification. Some other applications are introduced briefly as well, such as the wavelet networks, the wavelet-based frequency response function, etc. In addition, some problems in using the wavelet for machine fault diagnostics are analysed. The prospects of the wavelet analysis in solving non-linear problems are discussed.  相似文献   

This study reports a joint wavelet decomposition and Fourier transform approach to the separation of periodic mechanical source signals from single-channel signal mixture. With this method, the signal mixture is first decomposed to certain wavelet scales. The resulting wavelet coefficients are then Fourier transformed to extract the information pertinent to each signal source from these scales. Next, the number of signal sources is determined and the wavelet coefficients for each signal are constructed in all scale levels. Finally the source signals can be reconstructed using these wavelet coefficients. Since this method does not require the number of sources to be known a priori, it is particularly suitable for mechanical fault signal separation as the number of source signals varies with time and is unpredictable. It is also important to point out that the number of sources is determined without the commonly adopted sequential extraction/learning process and hence the proposed method can be used for on-line fault detection due to the reduced computing burden. The application of this method has been demonstrated using mixed bearing data containing both inner and outer race fault signals.  相似文献   

自适应提升小波变换在心音信号预处理中的应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
通过构造提升小波变换的预测滤波器和更新滤波器,将自适应提升小波变换用于心音信号的预处理,提升小波变换不仅保留了小波变换在信号处理中的优势,而且可以提高信号处理的速度,可以在心音信号的实时处理中起到很好的去噪效果.通过仿真实验对实际采集的几十组心音数据进行了去噪处理,结果表明,该方法在去噪效果和处理速度上都有着明显的优势,在心音的实时采集中有很重要的应用价值.  相似文献   

实际的系统都是不满足或不完全满足取样定理条件的,频率混迭是不可避免的。因此DFT(FFT)给出的频谱是有误差的,本文给出了表达式及估算方法。  相似文献   

分析了小电流接地系统发生单相接地故障时的运行特点,提出了一种利用一维小波离散变换(多分辨分析)和小波包分析的故障选线、定位方法,在Matlab 6.5环境下,通过Simulink中的电力系统仿真库,建立了相关模型,并进行了仿真验证.仿真结果表明,利用小波分析方法进行系统选线及故障定位,不仅快速、准确,而且适用于多种中性点接地方式,因而具有较为广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time tool breakage detection method for small diameter drills using acoustic emission (AE) and current signals. Using the transmitted properties of the AE signal, apparatus for detecting the AE signal for tool breakage monitoring was developed for a machine centre. The features of tool breakage were obtained from the AE signal using typical signal processing methods. The continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) were used to decompose the spindle current signal and the feed current signal, respectively. The tool breakage features were extracted from the decomposed signals. Experimental results show that the proposed monitoring system possessed an excellent real-time capability and a high success rate for the detection of the breakage of small diameter drills using combined AE and current signals.  相似文献   

Gears are one of the most common mechanisms for transmitting power and motion.Studies on gear teeth contacts have been considered as one of the most complicated applications. Depending on the application, the speed and load conditions of teeth may cause several types of failures on teeth surface which leads to non stationary operating conditions. This paper is attempt to analyze the effectiveness of the new time-frequency distributions called the Zhao-Atlas-Marks (ZAM) distribution to enhance non stationary signal analysis for fault diagnosis in spur gears. Also the performance of ZAM with other methods like short term fourier transform (STFT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

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