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Kurtogram, due to the superiority of detecting and characterizing transients in a signal, has been proved to be a very powerful and practical tool in machinery fault diagnosis. Kurtogram, based on the short time Fourier transform (STFT) or FIR filters, however, limits the accuracy improvement of kurtogram in extracting transient characteristics from a noisy signal and identifying machinery fault. Therefore, more precise filters need to be developed and incorporated into the kurtogram method to overcome its shortcomings and to further enhance its accuracy in discovering characteristics and detecting faults. The filter based on wavelet packet transform (WPT) can filter out noise and precisely match the fault characteristics of noisy signals. By introducing WPT into kurtogram, this paper proposes an improved kurtogram method adopting WPT as the filter of kurtogram to overcome the shortcomings of the original kurtogram. The vibration signals collected from rolling element bearings are used to demonstrate the improved performance of the proposed method compared with the original kurtogram. The results verify the effectiveness of the method in extracting fault characteristics and diagnosing faults of rolling element bearings. 相似文献
采用小波分解和重构的方法,提取装载机变速箱滚动轴承振动信号中被噪声所掩盖的由滚动表面剥落磨损所引起的冲击成分,并加以分析。通过对滚动轴承出现外圈剥落情况下振动信号的分析,说明这种方法可以有效地用于变速箱滚动轴承的故障诊断。 相似文献
滚动轴承振动信号容易受到随机噪声的污染,如何去噪成为滚动轴承故障诊断的关键问题之一。而传统的消噪方法可能会将信号中一些能量小的有用信号当作噪声消除,本文即提出一种改进的小波消噪方法,并用仿真信号和实测滚动轴承振动信号对额方法和传统消噪的方法进行性能比较。结果表明,在消噪方面,小波消噪能更好地提高信噪比,为进一步故障诊断决策提供了可靠的依据。 相似文献
通过对滚动轴承振动信号的在线监测提取出对疲劳故障敏感的参数:峭度、功率谱故障频带能量值、小波包故障频带能量值.选择足够的具有代表性的样本数据训练神经网络,用训练好的神经网络进行在线诊断,可以得出轴承发生疲劳故障的程度,再经过共振解调法诊断出轴承具体损伤的元件,实验表明本方法对滚动轴承的疲劳故障能正确诊断。该监测和诊断方法对其他设备的监测和诊断也有重要的意义。 相似文献
The condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings are particularly crucial in rotating mechanical applications in industry. A bearing fault signal contains information not only about fault condition and fault type but also the severity of the fault. This means fault severity quantitative analysis is one of most active and valid ways to realize proper maintenance decision. Aiming at the deficiency of the research in bearing single point pitting fault quantitative diagnosis, a new back-propagation neural network method based on wavelet packet decomposition coefficient entropy is proposed. The three levels of wavelet packet coefficient entropy(WPCE) is introduced as a characteristic input vector to the BPNN. Compared with the wavelet packet decomposition energy ratio input vector, WPCE shows more sensitive in distinguishing from the different fault severity degree of the measured signal. The engineering application results show that the quantitative trend fault diagnosis is realized in the different fault degree of the single point bearing pitting fault. The breakthrough attempt from quantitative to qualitative on the pattern recognition of rolling element bearings fault diagnosis is realized. 相似文献
针对轴承智能故障诊断过程中的特征自适应提取和在变工况下诊断能力差的问题,提出了一种基于特征通道权重调整的“端对端”一维卷积神经网络(Squeeze-Excitation Convolutional Neural Network,SECNN)滚动轴承故障诊断模型。首先采用一维卷积神经网络自适应地从原始振动信号中提取特征进行分类;然后通过增加特征通道权重模块来获取通道全局信息,学习特征通道之间的依赖关系;再据此对特征通道权重进行调整,增强滚动轴承故障诊断模型在变工况下的特征自适应提取能力。通过轴承实验台数据的验证结果表明:SECNN在多个变载荷工况下的故障诊断准确率均值达到97%,相比于传统方法提高了20%左右。同时利用t-SNE技术可视化特征提取过程,进一步验证了所提取的诊断模型的有效性。 相似文献
为诊断滚动轴承不同部件产生的故障,针对轴承故障信号具有非线性、非平稳振动的特点,运用小波包和分形理论,定量计算了滚动轴承不同部件故障信号及小波包重构信号的盒维数。实验结果表明,滚动轴承不同的故障类型具有不同的盒维数。正常滚动轴承盒维数最大,依次为滚珠故障盒维数、内环故障盒维数,外环故障盒维数最小。分形盒维数能定量地识别滚动轴承不同部件的故障,提高滚动轴承故障诊断的准确率,为滚动轴承智能故障诊断提供可靠依据。 相似文献
针对滚动轴承故障信号的非平稳和调制特点,使用小波分析对包含故障信息的信号进行分解、重构.应用Hilbert变换进行解调和细化频谱分析,提取了故障特征频率,判断轴承故障模式.小波分析和希尔伯特(Hilbert)变换结合对滚动轴承局部损伤故障的检测是有效的. 相似文献
归纳和总结了小波分析多尺度分解的滚动轴承故障检测方法的实施步骤,阐述了故障轴承振动与信号的关系以及离散小波算法的原理和实现过程,并以滚动轴承故障诊断为例,运用MATLAB小波分析工具箱将滚动轴承振动信号进行小波离散多尺度分解,然后在分解的结果中寻找滚动轴承的故障特征频率。结果表明,如果在故障检测过程中合理选择小波函数和各种参数,则小波分析多尺度分解具有很强的故障识别能力。 相似文献
小波变换是一种日益获得广泛应用的信号分析方法。介绍了小波变换基本原理和利用小波变化来检测信号的奇异特征的原理,证实了小波变化在检测奇异信号方面的有效性。结果表明基于小波变换的去噪方法是非常有效的。 相似文献
滚动轴承是旋转机械中最常用的零件,它也是最容易损坏的零件之一.滚动轴承的质量直接影响整个机械系统的运行.采用经验模态分解(Empirical Mode Decomposition,EMD)与Hilbert变换相结合的HHT(Hilbert-Huang Transform)方法,对滚动轴承的故障机理和故障特征进行分析.通过实际应用与传统的时域分析、频谱分析方法相比较,该方法更能提取滚动轴承故障特征,并且所得结果与理论上滚动轴承的故障特征是一致的,因此,HHT方法对滚动轴承故障诊断是有效的、可行的. 相似文献
滚动轴承故障是旋转机械常见的故障之一,针对传统包络解调分析方法需要人为选定共振频带的缺陷,首先采用小波包变换滤波的方法提取滚动轴承固有频率共振频带的信号,并对提取的信号进行重构,滤除了其他信号的干扰.然后用Hilbert变换检波的方法对提取的重构信号实现包络解调,去除高频固有振动成分,诊断轴承的缺陷信息.为了进一步提高包络谱的分辨率,最后采用快速傅立叶变换-傅立叶级数(FFT—FS)方法细化频谱.并在ADBE-56-N4型交流电机上实测了6350型滚动轴承故障模拟信号,与理论分析基本吻合. 相似文献
A Compound fault signal usually contains multiple characteristic signals and strong confusion noise, which makes it difficult to separate week fault signals from them through conventional ways, such as FFT-based envelope detection, wavelet transform or empirical mode decomposition individually. In order to realize single channel compound fault diagnosis of bearings and improve the diagnosis accuracy, an improved CICA algorithm named constrained independent component analysis based on the energy method (E-CICA) is proposed. With the approach, the single channel vibration signal is firstly decomposed into several wavelet coefficients by discrete wavelet transform(DWT) method for the purpose of obtaining multichannel signals. Then the envelope signals of the reconstructed wavelet coefficients are selected as the input of E-CICA algorithm, which fulfills the requirements that the number of sensors is greater than or equal to that of the source signals and makes it more suitable to be processed by CICA strategy. The frequency energy ratio(ER) of each wavelet reconstructed signal to the total energy of the given synchronous signal is calculated, and then the synchronous signal with maximum ER value is set as the reference signal accordingly. By this way, the reference signal contains a priori knowledge of fault source signal and the influence on fault signal extraction accuracy which is caused by the initial phase angle and the duty ratio of the reference signal in the traditional CICA algorithm is avoided. Experimental results show that E-CICA algorithm can effectively separate out the outer-race defect and the rollers defect from the single channel compound fault and fulfill the needs of compound fault diagnosis of rolling bearings, and the running time is 0.12% of that of the traditional CICA algorithm and the extraction accuracy is 1.4 times of that of CICA as well. The proposed research provides a new method to separate single channel compound fault signals. 相似文献
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology - Aiming at the problem that the effectiveness of impulse feature enhancement (IFE) depends on the duration of high-level (or low-level) K and the... 相似文献
分析了用小波包能量分析方法提取故障信号特征向量的方法,并改进算法解决了小波包分解中的混频现象,根据最佳分解树进行了特征选择。通过实例证明本方法行之有效。 相似文献
传统旋转机械故障诊断用单通道信号进行诊断,信息量不完整,容易导致误诊.在介绍全信息技术的基础上,结合小波分析的频带分离和刻画信号局部特征的能力,提出了一种全新的信号处理方法--全信息小波分析.用小波分析把信号分解到不同的频带,然后把双通道的对应频带的信号用全矢谱技术进行融合,根据融合后的数据进行故障诊断.用全信息小波分析技术对转子的摩擦故障进行诊断,取得了满意的效果. 相似文献
As commonly used components in rotating machinery, rolling element bearings (REBs) can fail due to complex working conditions and high-speed rotation. The failure of bearings may cause great damage. It is necessary to identify the faults of bearings to prevent property losses and heavy casualties. This paper proposes a fault diagnosis approach based on improved complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise (ICEEMDAN) and Bayesian network. The intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) extracted by ICEEMDAN algorithm are applied to construct feature vectors based on the energy entropy, and then the fault diagnosis model of the bearing is constructed by Bayesian network. The influence of load and sampling frequency on diagnostic accuracy of the bearing with different fault types is studied in this paper. And the research results show that the ICEEMDAN-BN method can improve the uncertainty reasoning ability and accuracy of the developed fault diagnosis model. 相似文献
提出了一种将小波包能量法和细化包络分析相结合的滚动轴承故障诊断方法。首先利用小波包变换将滚动轴承振动信号分解到独立的频段上,计算出不同频率段的能量,根据频段能量的变化情况,确定滚动轴承故障所在频段。重构故障频段信号。然后应用Hilbert变换对重构信号实现包络解调,提取故障特征频率。最后为了进一步提高包络谱的分辨率,采用线性调频Z变换细化频谱。实际的滚动轴承实验数据的处理和分析结果表明,该方法在滚动轴承故障诊断中是有效的。 相似文献
介绍了小波包变换的改进方法,将其应用于齿轮箱的故障诊断中,避免了混频现象,有效地提取出齿轮箱故障特征,提高了故障诊断的准确率。 相似文献
详细分析了小波滤波原理。在大量实验分析和理论分析的基础上,提出了使用基于特征频率的小波滤波方法。从而解决了由噪声引起的检测故障滚动轴承误判的问题,并为下一步的信号特征提取打下了坚实的基础。 相似文献