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市场上常常有这样的情景:一方面大量商品积压滞销,另一方面人们需要的商品得不到满足。一方面感到生意难做,另一方面又有很多生意没人去做。造成这种情况的原因是企业缺乏市场细分意识。所谓市场细分,就是依据消费者的需求与欲望、购买行为与购买习惯的差异性,把某一产品的市场化分为若干个消费群的市场。在这里,每一个消费群就是一个细分市场,亦称“子市场”。市场细分是一种存异求同的市场分类,它不是细分  相似文献   

郑从旺 《石油商技》2002,20(3):45-45
市场规范一般指按一定的规则和要求所进行的市场运作行为。市场占有是指某个品牌、某个品种在同行业中所占有的市场份额。市场规范的目的是提高市场占有率,市场占有率的提高必须靠市场规范来支撑。市场规范是基础。没有规范的市场作为前提条件,市场的占有也是暂时的,或者说没有坚实基础的。  相似文献   

油品营销市场是外商最先涉足的领域之一。跨国石油公司在华进行润滑油、沥青、燃料油和航空燃油等油品营销业务和服务,现已大举进军中国润滑油市场,美孚、壳牌、埃索三大品牌以及加德士、BP、嘉实多、道达尔、LG等品牌已牢牢占据中国市场。中国70%高档润滑油市场掌握在跨国公司手中。外商的几十个调合厂能力已达90万吨/年,占中国润滑油需求量(380万吨/年)的24%。并通过已建立的兰州、锦州和上海合资润滑油添加剂厂基本控制了我国油品添加剂市场。  相似文献   

依据市场结构理论,分析了国内沥青市场结构,通过对国内沥青市场厂商数量、产品差别程度、对价格控制、进出市场的难易程度等方面的分析,明确提出国内沥青市场是一个垄断竞争市场,在此基础上,提出了国内沥青厂商行为策略。  相似文献   

华东-先扬后抑.紧跟进口气市场变动 2006年最后一个月份,华东液化气市场终难实现持续攀高的期望,在南北方市场的双重打压之下,中旬开始国产气、进口气价格从高位逐渐回落(如图一、图二所示),炼厂累计跌幅达到300-400元,  相似文献   

油品营销市场是外商最先涉足的领域之一,跨国石油公司在华进行润滑油、沥青、燃料油和航空燃油等油品营销业务和服务。现已大举进军中国润滑油市场,美孚、壳牌、埃索三大品牌以及加德士、BP、嘉实多、道达尔、LG等品牌已牢牢占据中国市场。中国70%高档润滑油市场掌握在跨国公司手中。外商的几十仑调合厂能力已达90万t/a,占中国润滑油需求量约24%。并通过已建立的兰州、锦州和上海合资润滑油添加剂厂基本控制了我国油品添加剂市场。  相似文献   

近年LPG市场分析及未来市场需求预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从研究国际LPG市场供需、价格走势入手,对近年国内LPG全国和区域市场的供需、价格、消费结构等特点进行分析,预测了2010年国内LPG市场供需情况,供参考。  相似文献   

孟需 《石油知识》2009,(2):52-53
油品营销市场是外商最先涉足的领域之一.跨国石化公司早已进入国内润滑油、沥青.燃料油和航空煤油等油品营销市场。2006年12月11日我国全面放开国内成品油零售市场,国外石油公司更是加快了抢占国内成品油市场的步伐。跨国石化公司成为我国油品市场上的重要参与者.跨国巨头的进入迫使我国企业直面来自跨国公司的挑战。  相似文献   

我国成品油市场放开后,可能不会完全避开价格竞争。但这种价格的竞争同市场放开并不成正比,或者说,国内的价格竞争并不因为市场的开放而加剧。即使圆内市场开放的程度更深一些,国内市场也不一定就有价格战。  相似文献   

国际市场创记录的价格高涨已将中国进口液化石油气(LPG)到岸价推升到历史最高水平.进口量则在成本高筑和国内市场限价的两面夹击下急剧减少。今年1月份在液化气进口量降低到8个月来低点的同时.进口平均到岸价首次涨破每吨600美元。开年的高价格和进口量下降给中国市场的暗示是.在去年进口量萎缩之后.2006年的进口市场也不会轻松。预期仍旧高企的国际市场价格.很有可能导致今年的液化气进口量再度降低。  相似文献   

胡性禄 《石油商技》2001,19(2):33-35
系统介绍了外国石油公司为扩大在中国润滑油市场的占有率而采用的营销策略,包括市场定位,营销策略,营销组合和技术服务。  相似文献   

基础油是润滑油行业使用数量最大的原材料,也是对成本影响最大的物资,约占润滑油调和成本的80%。对国内基础油市场现状与发展进行了分析,认为今后3年内,第Ⅱ类、第Ⅲ类润滑油基础油市场将进一步增长,5年后国内市场天然气合成润滑油(GTL)将有可能暂露头角,并逐渐取代PAO在合成油领域占据重要位置。  相似文献   

Domestic economic growth slowed down and supply exceeded demand in oil market in 2015, so the growth of refineries' processing volume was limited. Nevertheless, the gradual decontrol of market and the storage requirement under low oil price, crude oil imports hit a record high of 335.5 million tons, with the growth rate approximating 9%. Refined oil exports soared and imports decreased, which made China become a net refined oil exporter for the first time for 24 years, and net imports reached 6.22 million tons. Robust requirement on chemical raw materials propelled imported liquefied petroleum gas market to go on expanding. Imports exceeded 12 million tons in 2015, thus China leaped into the world's largest liquefied petroleum gas importer. In 2016, oil consumption growth would be kept at lower level. However, China would further decontrol crude oil import and refined oil export permits and put incremental storage capacity into use. Therefore, crude oil imports would continue to rise up, and refined oil exports may hit a new historic high. Imported liquefied petroleum gas market will enter into a stage of stable growth after two years' rapid development.  相似文献   

Crude oil imports in China are mainly carried out by state-owned entities with non state-owned entities as compliment. Crude imported by 5 state-owned entities accounts for 90% of the total imports, while non state-owned entities are about given more freedom in using and importing crude. In 2015 only, there were 13 companies granted with access to imported crude oil and 6 were qualified to import rights. Currently, there are 29 non-state-owned companies engaging in crude import business. China oil market is faced with severe challenges. The growth rate of oil demand declined, and dependence upon imported oil increased and reached as high as 61.26% in 2015. Refined oil demand growth also slowed down, and oil refining overcapacity got prominent and completion would become fiercer in future. Overcapacity was about 140 million tons per year in 2015. Consumption ratio of diesel to gasoline went on declining, and the task of product structure adjustment was heavy. China oil market is undergoing great transformation, and institutional mechanism will go ahead, on the basis of centering on orderly release of limitations on crude oil and refined oil import and export, orderly release of competitive business and government pricing of oil/gas downstream links, vigorous resolving of overcapacity, strengthening low-carbon development, and laying a solid foundation for guarantee.  相似文献   

由于历史原因,对农村石油市场开发力度不够。随着农村石油市场需求的不断增加,农村石油市场亟待开发,开发农村石油市场的思路是:布网设点,邀社会加油站加盟,实行加油站连锁经营。  相似文献   

随着我国汽车行业及相关行业的发展,润滑油市场也得到迅猛发展。目前,我国润滑油市场已经成为国外润滑油企业群雄逐鹿的竞技场。它们纷纷在我国投资布点,扩大战略联盟,抢占润滑油终端市场。面对激烈的市场竞争环境,中国石化润滑油公司必须保持清醒头脑,正视自身的优势和劣势,采取有效措施,提高综合实力,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

文章在阐述我国石油价格形成机制的演变过程的基础上,针对我国目前石油定价机制所导致的诸如石油价格变动滞后以及由此带来的市场信号失灵等问题思考了相应的改革对策,提出了调整政府价格管理职能、建立平等竞争的市场规则、完善稳定油价的调控体系以及加快建立石油战略储备等7个方面的建议。  相似文献   

成品油直销经营现状及市场开拓方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年1月1日,我国成品油价格和燃油税费改革开始实施。未来几年,面对整个成品油经营环境的变化以及零售市场的发展趋势,如何开拓直销市场,把握成品油经营的方向?开拓市场的切入点在哪里?文章以广西地区成品油经营情况为例,探讨成品油直销经营现状及发展趋势,分析未来直销经营的市场开拓方向。  相似文献   

Yin Xian 《中国油气》2008,15(2):12-13
CNPC, China's largest oil producer, and Sinopec, the nation's largest refiner expressed they would increase their oil processing and halt oil products exports in the third quarter to ensure domestic supply. Vice president of CNPC Wang Yilin said on June 2 that CNPC would stop oil products export and increase the imports to secure the domestic market supplies. Meanwhile, Sinopec President Wang Tianpu also said that Sinopec would raise production, halt exports and adjust product structure to ensure domestic supply, especially for the reconstruction after the earthquake, the summer harvest and the Olympic Games. PetroChina said it would keep its operation at full steam in June to jack up its oil processing by 6 percent over the previous month. The oil giant would also import 600,000 tons of oil products. Sinopec will cut its ethylene production by 65,000 tons, or 11 percent of its monthly production capacity, in June to expand oil product supplies by 200,000 tons. It will also reduce arene production to raise oil products supplies.  相似文献   

倪敏 《中国石油企业》2012,(4):32-33,125
国际金融危机发生以来,全球经济恢复缓慢,前景不明,全球金融市场及资本市场持续偏紧,许多中小型油气公司发展面临资金紧张局面,与大型国际石油公司及国家石油公司的实力差距进一步拉大,从而可能形成资本市场油气行业的投资转移和并购整合。  相似文献   

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