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A new welding method that uses a water shower behind the welding torch has been developed in order to reduce tensile residual stress in a welded region. When this method is applied to the welding of austenitic stainless steel, the welding and cooling conditions mainly determine how much the residual stress can be reduced. To optimize these conditions, we first used the robust design technique to determine the effects of the interpass temperature, the heat input quantity and the water-shower area on the residual stress distribution of bead-on-plate. We found that, to decrease the tensile residual stress, the interpass temperature should be high, the heat input low, and the water-shower area large. Effect of the water-shower cooling on multi-layer welding was examined analytically and experimentally. It was found that the residual stresses were tensile without water-shower cooling, but compressive with water-shower cooling under the optimized conditions. It can therefore be concluded that the new welding method is appropriate for reducing tensile residual stress in multi-layer welding of austenitic stainless steel.  相似文献   

利用"不锈钢硫酸-硫酸铜腐蚀实验"、光学显微镜和扫描电镜等测试方法分别对未敏化和经敏化处理(650℃×100 h)的800H和新型Cr18Ni30Mo2Al3Nb合金焊接接头的抗晶间腐蚀性能进行研究,结果表明,800H和Cr18Ni30Mo2Al3Nb接头焊缝组织均为单一的奥氏体基体,800H合金中TiN缺陷处易引起点蚀,而Cr18Ni30Mo2Al3Nb无明显点蚀现象;对比腐蚀失重、腐蚀深度等实验结果,未敏化和敏化态Cr18Ni30Mo2Al3Nb焊接接头的抗晶间腐蚀性能明显优于相同状态的800H。  相似文献   

Solidification cracking in austenitic stainless steel welds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Solidification cracking is a significant problem during the welding of austenitic stainless steels, particularly in fully austenitic and stabilized compositions. Hot cracking in stainless steel welds is caused by low-melting eutectics containing impurities such as S, P and alloy elements such as Ti, Nb. The WRC-92 diagram can be used as a general guide to maintain a desirable solidification mode during welding. Nitrogen has complex effects on weld-metal microstructure and cracking. In stabilized stainless steels, Ti and Nb react with S, N and C to form low-melting eutectics. Nitrogen picked up during welding significantly enhances cracking, which is reduced by minimizing the ratio of Ti or Nb to that of C and N present. The metallurgical propensity to solidification cracking is determined by elemental segregation, which manifests itself as a brittleness temperature range or BTR, that can be determined using the varestraint test. Total crack length (TCL), used extensively in hot cracking assessment, exhibits greater variability due to extraneous factors as compared to BTR. In austenitic stainless steels, segregation plays an overwhelming role in determining cracking susceptibility.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the Nd:YAG laser has been a promising key tool for joining thin components. In this research, mechanical and microstructural properties of laser welded thin austenitic stainless steel sheets were investigated with experimental investigations, as a function of laser welding parameters. Butt welded joints were made using a Nd:YAG laser in the pulsed wave mode. The appropriate laser welding parameters were found in order to obtain quality and strong weld seam. The pulsed laser seam welding process is controlled by a variety of parameters. We focus on the effects of the several processing parameters on mechanical and microstructural characteristics of joint and weld quality. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of these processing parameters on joint strength and microstructure. And also we examined the weldability of stainless steels in butt joint configuration by a pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam.  相似文献   

The fatigue crack growth behavior of an austenitic metastable stainless steel AISI 301LN in the Paris region is investigated in this work. The fatigue crack growth rate curves are evaluated in terms of different parameters such as the range of stress intensity factor ΔK, the effective stress intensity factor ΔKeff, and the two driving force parameter proposed by Kujawski K1.The finite element method is used to calculate the stress intensity factor of the specimens used in this investigation. The new stress intensity factor solution has been proved to be an alternative to explain contradictory results found in the literature.Fatigue crack propagation tests have been carried out on thin sheets with two different microstructural conditions and different load ratios. The influence of microstructural and mechanical variables has been analyzed using different mechanisms proposed in the literature. The influence of the compressive residual stress induced by the martensitic transformation is determined by using a model based on the proposal of McMeeking et al. The analyses demonstrate the necessity of including Kmax as a true driving force for the fatigue crack growth. A combined parameter is proposed to explain the effects of different variables on the fatigue crack growth rate curves. It is found that along with residual stresses, the microcracks and microvoids are other factor affecting the fatigue crack growth rate in the steel studied.  相似文献   

To prevent hot-cracking, austenitic stainless steel welds generally contain a small percent of delta ferrite. Although ferrite has been found to effectively prevent hot-cracking, it can lead to embrittlement of welds when exposed to elevated temperatures. The aging behavior of type-308 stainless steel weld has been examined over a range of temperatures 400–850C for times up to 10,000 hr. Upon aging, and depending on the temperature range, the unstable ferrite may undergo a variety of solid state transformations. These phase changes affect creep-rupture and Charpy impact properties.  相似文献   

利用自行设计的高温凝固相转变测定实验装置,研究了304奥氏体不锈钢在不同冷却速度下的高温凝固相转变过程,得到了凝固过程中液相( L)到高温铁素体(δ)到奥氏体(γ)的相变温度。在此基础上分析了304奥氏体不锈钢在不同冷却速度下的高温凝固相转变规律,从而建立了304奥氏体不锈钢的低冷速凝固相转变规律曲线—SPT(Solidification phase transforma?tion)曲线。结果表明:对试样进行液氮酒精淬火有效地保留了试样高温时各相的状态。可以清楚的显示在不同冷速下的不同温度淬火时液相和固相的各相成份比例及在不同淬火温度下各成份体积比例的变化。通过研究体积比例变化,可以得到304奥氏体不锈钢在不同冷速下的液相线、固相线及各种反应开始和结束的转变温度(即SPT曲线)。由SPT曲线也可以看出,随着冷却速度的增大,相转变模式会发生变化,相图会向左移动,各相变反应的温度区间减小。  相似文献   

本文研究了双电极奥氏体不锈钢焊条单弧焊电弧的静特性、焊接电流、电弧电压、焊芯间隙对双电极焊条单弧焊的工艺性能和焊缝成形的影响;通过热电偶测试技术,对双电极焊条单弧焊焊接过程中不同部位焊芯表面温升进行了测定.研究结果表明焊芯直径为φ4.0mm的双电极A102焊条,其合适焊接工艺参数为:焊接电流140~160A,电弧电压45V左右,焊条两芯间隙1.2~1.5mm,焊接板厚8mm的1Cr18Ni9Ti材料,焊缝成形良好.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to optimize welding parameters namely welding current and time in resistance spot welding (RSW) of the austenitic stainless steel sheets grade AISI 316L. Afterward, effect of optimum welding parameters on the resistance spot welding properties and microstructure of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel sheets has been investigated. Effect of welding current at constant welding time was considered on the weld properties such as weld nugget size, tensile–shear load bearing capacity of welded materials, failure modes, failure energy, ductility, and microstructure of weld nuggets as well. Phase transformations that took place during weld thermal cycle were analyzed in more details including metallographic studies of welding of the austenitic stainless steels. Metallographic images, mechanical properties, electron microscopy photographs and micro-hardness measurements showed that the region between interfacial to pullout mode transition and expulsion limit is defined as the optimum welding condition. Backscattered electron scanning microscopic images (BE-SEM) showed various types of delta ferrite in weld nuggets. Three delta ferrite morphologies consist of skeletal, acicular and lathy delta ferrite morphologies formed in resistance spot welded regions as a result of non-equilibrium phases which can be attributed to the fast cooling rate in RSW process and consequently, prediction and explanation of the obtained morphologies based on Schaeffler, WRC-1992 and Pseudo-binary phase diagrams would be a difficult task.  相似文献   

张玉祥  王任甫  张由景  蒋颖  黄冬 《材料工程》2022,50(11):135-144
采用经验公式、热力学计算方法、Gleeble热/力模拟实验技术,结合光学显微镜、扫描电镜及透射电镜分析,研究了23Cr-14Ni高氮奥氏体不锈钢中σ相的析出行为。结果表明,23Cr-14Ni高氮奥氏体不锈钢中σ相可在960~1030℃析出,高于1050℃溶解。σ相析出具有异常快速的动力学特征,在经过1030℃保温1 min固溶处理后,σ相可直接从奥氏体晶界快速析出,析出先于碳氮化物相。σ相析出动力学行为及相对碳氮化物的析出次序和传统奥氏体不锈钢显著不同。铬、锰、钼元素含量较高且钼元素在晶界处偏聚提高了σ相平衡析出温度,是加速σ相析出的主要原因。  相似文献   

CLAM钢穿孔等离子超声电弧焊接激励频率的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了优化超声电弧焊接激励频率,针对穿孔等离子超声电弧焊接熔池进行了计算机模态分析.根据穿孔等离子弧焊接特点,利用特定的数值分析模型,通过ANSYS软件计算超声电弧焊接熔池模态,分析与模态频率相对应的熔池响应情况.最后,分别施加不同大小的超声电弧频率,以3组4.5 mm厚的中国低活化马氏体(CLAM)钢板为实验材料进行平板对接焊试验.结果表明:在谐振条件下,焊缝区面积增大,组织的细化效果较好,界面棒状碳化物生长得到抑制,同时焊缝区硬化现象得到显著改善;利用这种方法基本达到了超声电弧频率优化的目的.  相似文献   


The effect of pre-strain on tensile behaviour of 316L austenitic stainless steel was investigated, focusing on strain rate sensitivity, temperature sensitivity and strain hardening. Experimental data showed that strain rate sensitivity, temperature sensitivity and strain hardening were weakening with pre-strain. Meanwhile, the variation of microstructure with pre-strain was observed by optical microscopy, scanning electronic microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Then, the mechanical properties of pre-strained material were correlated with the increase in dislocation density and mechanical twinning with pre-strain. Finally, an improved Arrhenius-PS model considering the effect of pre-strain was developed.

This paper is part of a thematic issue on Nuclear Materials.  相似文献   

In this paper R-ratio effects on fatigue crack growth near threshold region of a metastable austenitic stainless steel (MASS) in two different conditions, i.e. annealed and cold rolled, is investigated. The authors present two approaches to correlate FCGR data for R = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and Kmax = 23 MPa√m using a two-parameters approach (ΔK, Kmax and α in Kujawski’s model) and crack closure model (using Elber’s Kop and in Donald’s ACRn2 approaches). The Kop and ACRn2 were experimentally measured on a single edge tension specimens. The Kop measurements were performed using a modified method and based on ASTM standards. While the two driving force approaches correlate data well in the Paris region, they fail to correlate them in the threshold region. However, this correlation can be improved in the threshold region when a different α value from the Paris region is used. The authors indicated that two different mechanisms operate; one in the Paris region and another in the near threshold. Hence, they proposed to combine the two-parameter and crack closure approaches where ΔK is replaced by ΔKeff (estimated by a new method proposed in this paper), which is shown to correlate the FCGR data for different stress ratios for annealed steel. The correlation for cold rolled condition shows improvement with the new approach but is not as good as for the annealed one. The author further suggests to modify Kmax in the two-parameter approach.  相似文献   

Austenitic stainless steels (SS) find extensive application in power, petrochemical and nuclear industries in view of their excellent elevated temperature mechanical properties, corrosion resistance, formability and weldability. However, they are susceptible to hot cracking during fusion welding. To avoid this problem, chemical composition of the welding consumable is generally adjusted to promote primary ferrite mode of solidification and retain about 3 to 10%δ-ferrite in the as-welded condition. The duplex microstructure of the weld metal undergoes transformation to carbides and a variety of intermetallic phases during elevated temperature service and causes deterioration in the mechanical properties. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current understanding of the solidification microstructures, ageing processes and their influence on the creep behaviour of types 308 and 316 SS weld metals. The effects of varying chemical composition,δ-ferrite content, electrode coating and welding processes on creep strength and ductility are examined. Current trends in the design of welded components for creep application are also discussed.  相似文献   

奥氏体铸体和18—8不锈钢在烧碱中的腐蚀行为   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
用失重法和电化学方法研究了奥氏体铸铁的18-8不锈钢在高温烧碱中的腐蚀行为。用扫描电镜观察了两种材料泵件表面的腐蚀形貌,分析了奥氏体铸铁耐碱腐蚀性能优于18-8不锈钢的原因。  相似文献   


The influence of low-temperature gaseous carburisation on notch fatigue behaviour of 316L steel under cyclic axial loading was investigated. After carburisation, the carburised case was well distributed at the surface region and was not influenced by the notch geometry. Low-temperature carburisation considerably enhanced the notch fatigue performance, which led to 32% and 44% increase in the endurance limits for the specimens with stress concentration factors K t?=?1.91 and 3.91, respectively. The notch sensitivity of 316L steel reduced after carburisation. Irrespective of the applied stress amplitude, the fatigue crack nucleation sites were always at the notch root surface for the untreated specimens. For the carburised specimens, fatigue cracks nucleation changed from surface at high-level stress to subsurface at low-level stress.  相似文献   

In this study, JIS SUS202 stainless steel wires are rapidly welded by induction heating using a current at a frequency of 2?MHz. The effects of the heating parameters on the mechanical properties and microstructures of the joint are investigated. After induction welding, the main structures in the joint of the 202 stainless steel wires are austenite and ferrite. The amount of ferrite increases by increasing the heating temperature or heating time. Moreover, the tensile strength of the joint is superior for a higher welding temperature.  相似文献   

High entropy alloys(HEAs)have superior mechanical properties that have enabled them to be used as structural materials in nuclear and aerospace applications.As a dissimilar joint design is required for these applications,we created a dissimilar joint between CoCrFeMnNi-HEA and duplex stainless steel(DSS)through laser beam welding;a technique capable of producing a sound joint between the two materials.Microstructure examination using SEM/EBSD/XRD analysis revealed that the weld metal(WM)exhibits an FCC phase regardless of the postweld heat treatment(PWHT)temperature(800 and 1000℃)without forming detrimental intermetallic compounds or microsegregation.The heat-affected zone of the CoCrFeMnNi-HEA showed CrMn oxide inclusions while that of the DSS showed no inclusions.Moreover,a lower hardness was recorded by the WM compared to the base metal after welding.After PWHT,the hardness of the WM,CoCrFeMnNi-HEA,and DSS decreased with an increase in the PWHT temperature.However,the decrease in the hardness of the HEA was more significant than in the WM and DSS.The cause for this reduction in hardness was attributed to recrystallization and grain growth.In addition,a strength of 584 MPa with low ductility was recorded after welding.The obtained strength was lower than that of the BMs,but comparable to that of the welded CoCrFeMnNi-HEA.The application of PWHT resulted in over a 20%increment in ductility,with only a marginal reduction in strength.The deformation mechanism in the as-weld joint was mainly dominated by dislocation while that for the PWHT joint was twinning.We propose laser beam offset welding as a technique to improve the mechanical properties of the dissimilar joint,which will be the subject of future studies.  相似文献   

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