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Transport of L -leucine into Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells from the stationary phase of growth (after preincubation for 60 min with 1% glucose) proceeds uphill, practically unidirectionally, and is mediated by at least two systems: a high-affinity system with a KT of 0·045 mmol 1?1 and Jmax of 3·3 nmol min?1 (mg dry weight)?1 and a low-affinity system with a KT of 1·25 mmol 1?1 and Jmax of 16·0 nmol min?1 (mg dry weight)?1. The high-affinity system has a pH optimum at 3.2, the accumulation ratio is highest at a cell density of 2–4 mg dry weight per ml and decreases with increasing leucine concentration. Transport of leucine by the high-affinity system is strongly inhibited by proton conductors, ammonium ions and by most amino acids, but only L -phenylalanine, L -isoleucine, L -valine and L -cysteine behave as fully competitive inhibitors. Systems of L -leucine transport in S. pombe are not constitutive. Transport activity appears only after preincubation of cells with a suitable source of energy. If cycloheximide is added during preincubation with glucose, no transport systems for leucine are synthesized. After removal of glucose, the activity of transport systems decays with a half-time of about 20 min. The presence of cyclic AMP increases the initial rate of leucine uptake only in cells preincubated with glucose and in the absence of cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Schizosaccharomyces pombe was treated with either cycloheximide or anisomycin at levels sufficient to inhibit >95% of protein synthesis for periods upon to 3 h, equivalent to one cell cycle. Treatment for as little as 1 h caused significant loss of the Golgi apparatus by both immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The loss was quantitated by stereology on electron micrographs. Nearly 90% of the stacked Golgi was lost over a 3 h period. No other intracellular membrane compartment seemed to be affected. Measurement of enzyme activities confirmed these observations. The activity of a resident of the Golgi apparatus, α-1,2 galactosyltransferase, was reduced over this time, whereas the endoplasmic reticulum marker, BiP, and the cytoplasmic enzyme, hexokinase, were unaffected. The morphological changes associated with cycloheximide addition were reversed on its removal, though there was a lag before cells recommenced growth or secretion of the enzyme, acid phosphatase.  相似文献   

By screening gene libraries of Schizosaccharomyces pombe with a DNA fragment encoding part of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (SAMS), we isolated the fission yeast sam1 gene. Its sequence exhibits good homology to SAMSs of other organisms and reveals the motifs characteristic for SAMSs. SAMS activity and sam1 mRNA levels decrease when cells enter stationary phase. In haploid strains, gene sam1 is essential for growth; if weakly expressed, cells mate and sporulate at a reduced rate. Strains overexpressing sam1 exhibit methionine-sensitive growth. This methionine-induced growth inhibition is partially relieved by adenine. We assume that methionine reduces the level of one or several adenine nucleotides by a SAMS-mediated mechanism. Intracellular SAM levels increase drastically by exogenously added methionine. This increase predicts that mutants exhibiting methionine revertible phenotypes can be indicative for mutations in proteins exhibiting SAM-dependent functions. In agreement with this prediction, we show that mutant pmt2-5 has this phenotype and that gene pmt2 encodes a potential SAM-dependent enzyme.  相似文献   

Ras signalling is central to fundamental and diverse cellular processes. In higher eukaryotes ras signalling is highly complex, involving multiple isoforms, regulatory proteins and effectors. As a consequence, the study of ras activity in mammalian systems presents a number of technical challenges. The model organism Schizosaccharomyces pombe has previously proved a key system for the study of human signalling components and provides an ideal model for the study of ras, as it contains just one ras protein (Ras1p), which is non‐essential and controls a number of downstream processes. Here we present data demonstrating the quantitative analysis of three distinct Ras1‐related signalling outputs, utilizing the three most abundant human ras isoforms, H‐Ras, N‐Ras and K‐Ras4B, in Sz. pombe. Further, we have characterized the localization of these three human ras isoforms in Sz. pombe, utilizing quantitative image analysis techniques. These data indicate that all three human ras isoforms are functional in fission yeast, displaying differing localization patterns which correlate strongly with function in the regulation of pheromone response and cell shape. These data demonstrate that such yeast strains could provide powerful tools for the investigation of ras biology, and potentially in the development of cancer therapies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The synthesis of mevalonate, a molecule required for both sterol and isoprene biosynthesis in eukaryotes, is catalysed by 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase. Using a gene dosage approach, we have isolated the gene encoding HMG-CoA reductase, hmg1+, from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Accession Number L76979). Specifically, hmg1+ was isolated on the basis of its ability to confer resistance to lovastatin, a competitive inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase. Gene disruption analysis showed that hmg1+ was an essential gene. This result provided evidence that, unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae, S. pombe contained only a single functional HMG-CoA reductase gene. The presence of a single HMG-CoA reductase gene was confirmed by genomic hybridization analysis. As observed for the S. cerevisiae HMG1p, the hmg1+ protein induced membrane proliferations known as karmellae. A previously undescribed ‘feed-forward’ regulation was observed in which elevated levels of HMG-CoA synthase, the enzyme catalysing the synthesis of the HMG-CoA reductase substrate, induced elevated levels of hmg1+ protein in the cell and conferred partial resistance to lovastatin. The amino acid sequences of yeast and human HMG-CoA reductase were highly divergent in the membrane domains, but were extensively conserved in the catalytic domains. We tested whether the gene duplication that produced the two functional genes in S. cerevisiae occurred before or after S. pombe and S. cerevisiae diverged by comparing the log likelihoods of trees specified by these hypotheses. We found that the tree specifying post-divergence duplication had significantly higher likelihood. Moreover, phylogenetic analyses of available HMG-CoA reductase sequences also suggested that the lineages of S. pombe and S. cerevisiae diverged approximately 420 million years ago but that the duplication event that produced two HMG-CoA reductase genes in the budding yeast occurred only approximately 56 million years ago. To date, S. pombe is the only unicellular eukaryote that has been found to contain a single HMG-CoA reductase gene. Consequently, S. pombe may provide important opportunities to study aspects of the regulation of sterol biosynthesis that have been difficult to address in other organisms and serve as a test organism to identify novel therapies for modulating cholesterol synthesis.  相似文献   

The transport system for malic acid present in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells, growing in batch culture on several carbon sources, has been studied. It was found that the dicarboxylic acid carrier of S. pombe is a proton-dicarboxylate symporter that allows uphill transport and accumulation as a function of delta pH with the following kinetic parameters at pH 5.0: Vmax = 0.1 nmol of total malic acid s-1 mg (dry weight) of cells-1 and Km = 1.0 mM total malic acid. Malic acid uptake (pH 5.0) was accompanied by disappearance of extracellular protons, the uptake rates of which followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics as a function of the acid concentration. The Km values calculated as the concentrations either of anions or of undissociated acid, at various extracellular pH values, pointed to the monoanionic form as the transported species. Furthermore, accumulated free acid suffered rapid efflux after the addition of the protonophore carbonyl cyanid m-chlorophenyl hydrazone. These results suggested that the transport system was a dicarboxylate-proton symporter. Growth of cells in a medium with glucose (up to 14%, w/v) and malic acid (1.5%, w/v) also resulted in proton-dicarboxylate activity, suggesting that the system, besides being constitutive, was still active at high glucose concentrations. The following dicarboxylic acids acted as competitive inhibitors of malic acid transport at pH 5.0: D-malic acid, succinic acid, fumaric acid, oxaloacetic acid, alpha-ketoglutaric acid, maleic acid and malonic acid. In addition, all of these dicarboxylic acids induced proton movements that followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Although there have been several reports demonstrating the existence of mating factors in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe it has not been possible to isolate these factors as cell-free preparations. Such an ability is the first requirement towards a molecular characterization of these factors and here I report the successful isolation of a mating factor from S. pombe. This factor, termed M-factor, is released by cells of the cellular mating type M (Minus) and induces mating-specific changes in P-type cells. A reliable and accurate assay for the quantitation of the M-factor, based upon changes in cell volume following exposure to the factor, is also described.  相似文献   

By complementation of a mutant resistant to N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) we have identified the gcs1 gene, encoding a putative γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase. The gene is possibly interrupted by two introns and has 49% identical and 80% similar amino acids compared with the homologous protein from rat. In comparison with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae homologue it possesses 41% identical and 74% similar amino acids. The gsc1 sequence appears in the EMBL database under Accession Number X 85017.  相似文献   

The clade of Schizosaccharomyces includes 4 species: S. pombe, S. octosporus, S. cryophilus, and S. japonicus. Although all 4 species exhibit unicellular growth with a binary fission mode of cell division, S. japonicus alone is dimorphic yeast, which can transit from unicellular yeast to long filamentous hyphae. Recently it was found that the hyphal cells response to light and then synchronously activate cytokinesis of hyphae. In addition to hyphal growth, S. japonicas has many properties that aren't shared with other fission yeast. Mitosis of S. japonicas is referred to as semi‐open mitosis because dynamics of nuclear membrane is an intermediate mode between open mitosis and closed mitosis. Novel genetic tools and the whole genomic sequencing of S. japonicas now provide us with an opportunity for revealing unique characters of the dimorphic yeast. © 2013 The Author. Yeast Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

The yeast Schizosacchromyces pombe has been shown to contain a microsomal cytochrome P-450 (cyt. P-450) inducible under conditions of glucose repression. Under these conditions the enzyme has maximal expression of 0.43 nmol g?1 wet wt at the end of the exponential phase of growth. Substrate and inhibitor affinity was examined using studies of spectral changes on binding and revealed a type II spectrum with ketoconazole (Ks = 23 μM ) and a type I spectrum with benzo(a)pyrene (Ks = 77 μM ). A Km of 112 μM was found in the aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylas assay. These properties show broad comparability with the cyt. P-450 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Vacuolar carboxypeptidase Y of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CPYsc) has been expressed in a Schizosaccharomyces pombe strain devoid of the endogenous equivalent peptidase, employing a 2 μ derived plasmid. Immunoblot analysis revealed that CPYsc produced in the fission yeast has a higher molecular mass than mature CPYsc produced by the budding yeast. CPYsc is glycosylated when expressed in S. pombe and uses four N-linked glycosylation sites as shown by endoglycosidase H digestion. Carbohydrate removal leads to a protein moiety which is indistinguishable in size from deglycosylated CPYsc produced by S. cerevisiae. CPYsc isolated from S. pombe soluble extracts is enzymatically active and thus is presumed to undergo correct proteolytic maturation. Subcellular fractionation experiments showed a cofractionation of CPYsc with the S. pombe endoproteinases PrA and PrB, suggesting that the protein is correctly sorted to the vacuole and that these peptidases might be responsible for zymogen activation.  相似文献   

By complementation screening of a cadmium-sensitive Schizosaccharomyces pombe mutant deficient in phytochelatin synthesis, but with 44% of the wild-type glutathione content, we cloned a DNA fragment involved in phytochelatin synthesis. Sequence analysis revealed that it encodes the second enzyme involved in glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis, glutathione synthetase (GSH2) (E.C., Wang and Oliver, 1997). The mutant allele shows a single base-pair exchange at the 3' end of the reading frame leading to a single amino acid change from glycine to aspartate. This mutation leads to a significant reduction of phytochelatin synthesis, whereas glutathione synthesis is impaired to a far lesser extent. Complementation with the Arabidopsis thaliana GSH2 cDNA led to a partial restoration of phytochelatin synthesis. These data strongly suggest that the GSH2 gene encodes a bifunctional enzyme that is able to catalyse both the synthesis of GSH by adding glycine to the dipeptide (gammaGlu-Cys) and the synthesis of phytochelatins. The sequence has been submitted to EMBL, Accession No. Y08414.  相似文献   

We have analysed the chromatin structure of the ade6 gene of Schizosaccharomyces pombe and its flanking regions both in the chromosome and in plasmids. The chromatin structure is independent of the chromosomal or extrachromosomal location. The ade6 gene contains eight precisely positioned nucleosomes on the 5' half, 'not positioned' nucleosomes around the 3' end and a nuclease-sensitive promoter region. Precisely positioned nucleosomes, but no nuclease-sensitive region were also detected on the ura4 gene in the chromosome and on a plasmid. The results show that S. pombe chromosomal and extrachromosomal genes have chromatin structures similar to those of S. cerevisiae and higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

A protein involved in the transport of glutathione has been identified, cloned and characterized from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Database searches revealed the Sz. pombe ORF SPAC29B12.10c as a close homologue to several members of the OPT family, including the Saccharomyces cerevisiae high‐affinity glutathione transporter Hgt1p. The gene product of SPAC29B12.10c has been identified as a protein, named SpOPT1, localized within the plasma membrane, transporting the tripeptide glutathione. Disruption of SPAC29B12.10c led to strains inable to grow on media containing glutathione as a sole source of sulphur, due to the inability to internalize the tripeptide. Disruptants contained significantly less glutathione than wild‐type cells. Furthermore, ΔSpopt1 strains were non‐viable in a glutathione biosynthesis‐defective (Δgsh2) background. However, it was possible to complement the disruption of Spopt1 by overexpressing the intact ORF in the disrupted strain. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have constructed two secretion vectors for Schizosaccharomyces pombe using an SV40 promoter and the secretion signals of the pGKL killer toxin complex derived from Kluyveromyces lactis. Although indigenous secretory glycoproteins tend to accumulate in the periplasmic space of S. pombe, we have succeeded in the secretion of mouse α-amylase into the culture medium. The efficiency of secretion, processing pattern, stability and culture conditions for mouse α-amylase were studied in S. pombe. The 128 kDa killer secretion signal was more effective in directing secretion of mouse α-amylase than the 28 kDa killer secretion signal. We detected a chymostatin-sensitive protease activity in the culture medium of S. pombe, which digests mouse α-amylase secreted into the culture medium. The addition of 5 μg/ml chymostatin was shown to protect mouse α-amylases from this degradation.  相似文献   

In order to characterize the morphological steps defined by sporulation (spo) genes during the formation of ascospores in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we performed an electron microscopic study of the ultrastructure of the spindle pole body (SPB) and of the development of the forespore membrane during the second meiotic division (meiosis II) in sporulation-deficient (spo) mutants (spo4, spo5, spo14 and spo18). No difference was found in terms of the function and the structure of the SPB during the first meiotic division (meiosis I) between the four mutants and wild-type cells. However, during meiosis II, the spo4 and spo18 mutants underwent nuclear division but in neither case were the SPBs modified nor were forespore membranes formed. The SPBs of the spo18 mutant diminished in size after meiosis II and eventually disappeared after 18 h in sporulation medium. By contrast, the SPBs of the spo4 mutant remained unchanged even after an 18-h incubation. The outer plaques of SPBs of spo5 and spo14 mutants were sufficiently modified to allow them to initiate development of the forespore membrane, but the membrane had an abnormally expanded lumen and did not enclose the nuclei during meiosis II. The spo5 mutant produced anucleate spore-like bodies while the spo14 mutant formed unorganized structures with irregular peripheries which, presumably, contained spore-wall precursors, instead of anucleate spore-like bodies. We conclude that the modification of the SPB is essential for the formation of ascospores and at least two genes (spo5 and spo14) participate in the development of the forespore membrane. The defective phenotypes define discrete steps in the development of ascospores, which proceeds via steps defined by the mutant spo4, spo18, spo14 and spo5 genes respectively. Our observations provide further substantial evidence that the SPB plays a pivotal role in the normal development of ascospores in yeasts.  相似文献   

Characterization of cdk (c yclin d ependent k inases) substrates and studies of their regulation require purified enzymatic complexes of cdc2-related catalytic and cyclin regulatory subunits. We produced human Cdc2 kinase in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST). The GST-human Cdc2p fusion protein was active in vivo since it rescued a temperature-sensitive allele of cdc2. The fusion protein was purified using a one-step chromatography procedure with glutathione–Sepharose and exhibited a catalytic activity in vitro. Yeast cyclin B and suc1 were found in association with GST-Cdc2. A 17-fold stimulation of GST-Cdc2 kinase activity was obtained by incubation of recombinant human cyclin A with the S. pombe cellular extract prior to affinity purification. This indicates that cyclin concentration is limiting in this overexpression system. These findings describe a fast and easy production of active recombinant human Cdc2 kinase in yeast that can be used for biochemical studies.  相似文献   

The dimorphic fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces japonicus has proved to be an excellent experimental model for the investigation of the eukaryotic cell. Here we show that it has a haplontic life cycle, in which the diploid phase is confined to the zygote. To make it amenable to genetic and molecular analysis, we generated genetic markers and cloned a genomic sequence which acts as ars when integrated into a plasmid. Diploids suitable for testing complementation and recombination between markers can be formed by protoplast fusion. The complementation tests and the recombination frequencies determined in octads of spores identified 28 non-allelic groups (genes) of mutations of the auxotrophic and mycelium-negative mutants. Two groups of linked markers were also identified. The cloned fragment, which expresses ars activity, encodes a putative amino acid sequence highly similar to a conserved domain of proteins Cut1 (Schizosaccharomyces pombe), BimB (Aspergillus nidulans) and Esp1 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).  相似文献   

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