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锻压组合式氧枪喷头是世界上转炉炼钢用氧的先进技术,首钢自行研制的该型喷头在首钢第二炼钢厂210t转炉上应用,在溅渣护炉工艺条件下,取得了化渣好、喷溅小、使用寿命长的良好效果。  相似文献   

通过冷态气体射流试验对旋流氧枪喷头的设计参数作出评价,也为转炉氧枪操作提供合理的参考依据;结合工业试验情况,对旋流氧枪喷头参数进行修正,最终确定了莱钢集团银山型钢炼钢厂120、150 t转炉旋流氧枪喷头枪孔的最优夹角为13°,旋流角6.5°~7°,在充分发挥旋流氧枪优良的化渣、溅渣优势的同时,解决了熔池部位侵蚀严重难题,使旋流氧枪在中大型转炉中得以推广应用。采用此旋流氧枪喷头,尤其是在大废钢比情况下转炉过程化渣效果提升明显,氧气利用率提高,并能有效缩短吹炼时间1 min以上;溅渣时,熔池部位聚渣效果显著,溅渣效果提升明显,对于提高转炉炉龄有明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

对梅钢250吨转炉氧枪喷头损毁进行原因分析,优化了氧枪喷头的设计参数,将原6孔喷头优化为“5+1”孔喷头,进行了生产实践.转炉冶炼过程的喷溅和返干情况得到显著改善,喷溅渣量减少;氧枪喷头漏水问题得到有效解决,喷头使用寿命提高;转炉冶炼指标得到显著改善.  相似文献   

陈钢  汤天宇 《钢铁钒钛》1991,12(3):14-19
本文介绍了535型氧枪喷头的结构及主要设计参数,通过535型氧枪喷头与435型氧枪喷头在攀钢120t转炉上工业试验表明,535型氧枪喷头供氧强度大,寿命高,有利于缩短冶炼时间和来渣时间,减少终渣TFe含量,冶金效果优于435型氧枪喷头。  相似文献   

薛志 《炼钢》2019,35(6):6-11,59
莱钢集团银山型钢炼钢厂针对旋流氧枪喷头的设计、应用,通过"实验室试验+工业试验"相结合的方式,经过3年的不懈努力,解决了制约旋流氧枪喷头推广的一系列问题,形成一套完整的解决旋流氧枪喷头推广应用技术难题的关键集成技术,包括旋流氧枪喷头参数设计流程、旋流角度选择标准、气体模拟试验数据分析方法、旋流氧枪喷头参数优化途径、旋流氧枪喷头自动炼钢控制模型、溅渣优化模式等。通过制定了一套科学、完整、严谨的使用规范,使旋流氧枪喷头在120、150 t转炉上得到推广应用,吹炼起渣时间较正常枪头提前30~40 s,整体吹炼时间可缩短40~60 s,转炉消耗明显降低,平均枪龄达到300炉以上,炉龄5 300炉时底吹透气效果依然较好,进一步验证了旋流氧枪喷头良好的化渣效果、溅渣效果,具有良好的推广前景。  相似文献   

为提高宝钢转炉供氧强度,缩短吹炼时间,通过对现用喷头实验室测试和研究,设计出一种适合宝钢转炉的大流量氧枪喷头,设计供氧流量可达62000m~3/h。经转炉试用表明:大流量氧枪喷头设计合理,平均缩短供氧时间1.7min,适合于现在原料条件下高、中、低碳钢的冶炼,并具有化渣好、喷溅少、操作稳定等优点,终渣(T·Fe)略有下降,使用寿命接近日本进口喷头同期平均水平。  相似文献   

过去我厂30t转炉炼钢吹氧使用锻造加工三孔喷头,因三孔中心部位无水冷,喷头寿命低,历年平均枪龄只有158~365炉,喷枪的频繁更换,不仅影响炼钢作业时间和加重设备维修的负担,而且对稳定转炉操作和进一步提高技术经济指标不利。为了提高喷枪使用寿命,首钢炼钢厂与北京钢铁学院合作,共同研制中心水冷铸造喷头,由首钢炼钢厂提供喷头设计,北京钢铁学院负责铸造加工。这种新  相似文献   

为解决某厂转炉冶炼时出现操作氧压高、化渣困难、喷溅严重等问题,对其转炉氧枪喷头进行了结构优化改进,并建立起描述该喷头射流特性的数学模型,利用FLUENT软件对原喷头和改进后喷头的氧气射流进行了冷态数值模拟.结果表明:在距喷头相等距离上,改进后喷头的氧气射流速度明显降低,冲击面积增大.研究结果为下一步进行工业实验提供了坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

结合鞍钢股份有限公司炼钢总厂100 t转炉的生产实际,对原有氧枪喷头结构进行了优化。工业试验结果表明,使用喷头优化后的氧枪,转炉吹炼喷溅减少,初渣成渣时间提前1.2 min,吹氧时间缩短了49.8 s,氧气消耗降低了1.82 m3/t,终点一次倒炉渣中FeO含量降低了0.45%,磷合格率提高了3.11%。  相似文献   

莱钢转炉炼钢生产工艺流程系统优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高转炉生产能力,对转炉炼钢系统进行优化,采取高炉炉前脱硅、转炉炉外脱硫措施,在转炉冶炼工艺中设计合理的氧枪喷头、减少渣量、实施溅渣护炉等,实现了系统全流程优化,生产作业率达到93%,转炉年产能从320万t提高到400万t以上.  相似文献   

The effects of a conventional lance tip with 4 normal nozzles and a lance tip with 4 twisted nozzles on slag splashing were investigated. A cold model for LD converters, Jiuquan Iron & Steel Co., was established and the amount of slag splashed onto the model walls was measured in the cold modelling experiments. The results from the experiments show that at low top gas flow rate the amount of slag splashing for the tip with twisted nozzles is less than that for the conventional tip, whereas at high top gas flow rate the amount of slag splashing for the nozzle twisted lance is greater than that for the conventional lance. For the nozzle twisted lance tip, slag splashing rates increase with increase in slag amount, lance height and top gas flow rate and the maximum amount of slag splashing for the tip with twisted nozzles can be obtained under the process parameters of 47.6 Nm3/h gas flow rate, 12% slag amount and 247 mm lance height. More slag droplets can be directed onto the cone with a nozzle twisted lance tip than with a normal lance tip at high top gas flow rate.  相似文献   

转炉氧枪攻关实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘小鸥 《武钢技术》2001,39(1):14-16
武钢第一炼钢厂与鞍山热能院合作研制了武钢245氧枪喷头,获得成功,武钢245氧枪喷头吹炼平稳、喷溅小、化渣好、脱[p]效果好,吹损比原氧枪降低16.3888kp/t。  相似文献   

李琳  李明明  李强  邹宗树 《钢铁》2020,55(6):54-60
 转炉冶炼过程金属熔体的喷溅对于转炉反应器的性能有重要影响。氧枪作为氧气射流的产生及控制单元,决定了转炉吹炼过程熔体的喷溅行为。通过水模型试验,研究了漩流氧枪转炉冶炼过程熔体的喷溅,考察了氧枪喷孔扭转角设计及操作参数下熔体喷溅速率和喷溅的空间分布规律,基于此,分析了漩流氧枪对转炉反应器性能的影响。结果表明,相比于传统氧枪吹炼,漩流氧枪吹炼时熔体喷溅速率降低,喷溅高度下降,喷溅在径向空间分布趋于均匀,且随着喷孔扭转角的增大,该分布规律变化更为显著,扭转角大于20°时,喷溅到炉口及炉外的熔体降为零。漩流氧枪吹炼时,喷溅速率及喷溅量在不同径向和高度位置处分布随着顶吹气量的增大而增大,受枪位的影响规律与扭转角有关。  相似文献   

吴铿  王颖生  杨尚宝  孙国军  魏欣 《钢铁》2004,39(2):71-77
介绍了德国钢铁协会对高炉过程环保现状系统评估的结果和日本新日铁采用主废气循环改造烧结过程的应用。通过对首钢高炉和烧结过程环保现状的系统分析认为,高炉过程已基本达到较高的环保水平。建议在厂内的烧结过程采用主废气循环技术,在中西部地区建立焦炭生产基地和大力提高厂内焦炉的环保水平。尽快开发城市废弃物高温处理技术。  相似文献   

唐钢50 t复吹转炉水模型的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对唐钢50 t复吹转炉,采用1:6.35水模型的正交试验,研究了氧枪枪型、枪位、顶吹流量和底吹流量对熔池混匀时间、穿透深度、冲击面积和喷溅量的影响。结果表明,与4孔氧枪相比,使用改进后的4孔变角氧枪可增加对熔池的冲击面积,降低穿透深度和炉口溅出量,缩短混匀时间。对于50 t复吹转炉实际枪位≤1.3 m,有利于缩短冶炼时间,提高冶炼强度;顶吹流量控制在13 000~14000 m3/h,可缩短混匀时间和减少炉口溅出量。  相似文献   

Traditionally, in stainless steelmaking converters, oxygen has been blown by a one‐hole lance (1 HL) and sidewall tuyères. In order to reduce the tap‐to‐tap time, the multi‐hole lance has been used for oxygen blowing. The aim of this work was to develop blowing practise for a multi‐hole lance to reduce the tap‐to‐tap time and minimise metal splashing and spitting in the sidewall blowing converter (chromium converter). In the chromium converter the chemical energy of liquid ferrochrome (which contains 4 % silicon and 7 % carbon) is utilised for scrap melting by oxidising the silicon and the part of carbon. The research has been made by a dynamically scaled water model and full‐scale converter. Used parameters were the gas flowrate from sidewall tuyères and lance, lance height, charge weight and position of multi‐hole lance. Splashing has been measured during blowing from walls (splashing) and mouth of the converter model (spitting). The model tests indicated less splashing and spitting by the three‐hole lance (3 HL) than traditional 1 HL. The 1 HL caused strong skulling of the converter cone. By 3 HL blowing the position of the lance has a remarkable effect on the direction and the amount of splashing and lance life. Because of hot metal‐slag splashes, the life time of the 3 HL was halved by position 1 (compared to 1 HL). With the lance position 2 the splashing decreased by approx. 50% in model tests and lance life time increased by ~ 50% (compared to 1 HL) in the full‐scale converter. The model agreed well with the full‐scale converter. According to the process tests, the nominal productivity of the chromium converter has increased 15 % and depending on the refining practise and the silicon content of ferrochromium the lining life has increased 20 ‐ 30 %. In the future the multi‐hole lance will be tested in the AOD vessel.  相似文献   

以260 t转炉为对象,通过几何相似比1∶7水模型研究了供气流量和枪位对炉口、耳轴以及炉壁喷溅量的影响.结果 表明:喷溅量的多少与冲击坑的大小存在直接关系,冲击坑越大越深,则喷溅量越大;炉口喷溅量、耳轴喷溅量以及炉壁喷溅量均与吹气流量密切相关,并且随流量的增大呈指数增长;三类喷溅量随枪位升高先增大后减小,在枪位H=40...  相似文献   

转炉溅渣护炉技术(一)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
朱英雄 《炼钢》2003,19(1):50-55,60
优化转炉溅渣护炉的主要工艺参数,采用合适的氧枪喷头结构,有利于提高溅渣护炉综合水平。氧枪喷孔夹角和炉底上供气元件布置位置的综合因素对溅渣护炉的一定影响。  相似文献   

210t转炉五孔氧枪喷头的研制及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
包钢薄板厂为改善氧枪使用效果,采用新研制的国产五孔铸造氧枪喷头.与原美国氧枪喷头及国产四孔氧枪喷头相比,化渣情况明显改善,冶炼过程中喷溅减少,脱磷率提高,供氧时间缩短,综合效益显著.  相似文献   


In combined BOF blowing, lance parameters and the combination of bottom or side wall tuyeres have an influence on splashing behaviour. The aim of this study was to clarify the interaction of the lance jet cavity with the bottom blowing plume and the side wall blowing jet and to determine its effects on splashing. According to the water model tests, three basic axioms existed in the combined blowing. First, when the bottom tuyere (or side wall tuyere) was located exactly beneath the lance jet, the lowered cavity turned the direction of splashes to lower trajectories. Second, the total amount of splashing was constant and the splashing peak was generated on the wall above the bottom plume. Third, both the plume and the side wall jet formed a so called protected zone beyond it. The model experiments showed clearly that the combination of bottom tuyeres and interaction of cavities and plumes play a very important role in splash generation in real converters.  相似文献   

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