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A hydrometallurgical process has been developed for the recovery of valuable metals from the flue dust of a copper smelter. The dust containing various metals, such as lead, zinc, copper, bismuth, indium, cadmium, iron, arsenic etc., was treated using this hydrometallurgical process to recover all these metals and also to solve environmental pollution problems. Leachings were carried out under atmospheric and elevated pressure utilizing sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid pressure leaching in the absence of oxygen provided the best separation of copper and arsenic. About 80% of arsenic went into solution during leaching, and more than 90% of copper remained in the residue as cupric sulfide. Zinc, cadmium and indium from the solution and bismuth, copper and lead from the residue were recovered by various well-known processes. Arsenic and iron were removed from the solution by oxidation and precipitation as ferric arsenate. Both laboratory and bench-scale experiments were carried out with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

A study of the recovery of copper, nickel and cobalt from copper converter and smelter slags by leaching with ferric chloride is reported. The converter slag from Ghatsila, India contained 4.03% copper, 1.99% nickel and 0.48% cobalt and the smelter slag contained 1.76% copper, 0.23% nickel and 0.19% cobalt. Various parameters including the effect of stirring, leaching time, leaching temperature, concentration of ferric chloride, solid-liquid ratio and particle size, on the extraction of copper, nickel and cobalt have been studied. 92% copper, 28% nickel and 24% cobalt could be extracted from converter slag under optimum conditions, whereas 54% copper, 71% nickel and 44% cobalt could be extracted from smelter slag.  相似文献   

通过浸入式喷吹混合粉剂颗粒进入金属熔池后的受力分析,建立了描述浸入式水平喷吹复合粉剂在熔池中运动轨迹的表达式,在此基础上讨论了引起复合粉剂偏析的原因以及解决偏析的对策,最后针对石灰、烧结矿两种粉剂进行了计算。  相似文献   

A new concept of formation of large ingots is proposed; it enables elimination of heterogeneity in the bottom and head areas. A formed ingot does not depend on the scale effect. Laboratory experiments have confirmed availability of the proposed approach. The melted ingot has an almost homogeneous structure in the axial and radial directions. Possibility to apply this method for the production of semifinished important ingots has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

通过对宣钢脱硫站77组生产数据进行多元线性回归得到了在单吹颗粒镁铁水脱硫时吨铁镁的消耗xMg(kg/t)、喷吹时间t(s)、铁水初始硫含量[%S]0、脱硫量xS、铁水温度T(K)和吨铁镁粒的喷吹速率VMg与脱硫率和镁的利用率的数学模型.通过对数学模型的研究发现:脱硫率随吨铁镁耗量、初始硫含量的增加而增加,随喷吹时间、温度和镁喷吹速率的增大而降低.镁利用率随吨铁镁耗量、喷吹时间及喷吹速率的增加而减少,随喷吹时间的延长、镁喷吹速率、铁液中初始硫含量及温度的升高而升高.在合适的吨铁镁消耗量的情况下,要提高脱硫率和镁利用率,应该在保障脱硫时间的前提下,降低吨铁镁喷吹速率,减少喷吹时间.  相似文献   

When gas is bubbled through a molten metal, overlying slag is pushed to the side forming an open “eye” of exposed metal. Eye sizes were measured in room-temperature modeling over a wide range of conditions including the fluids to simulate slag and metal, gas flow rates, and depths of both fluids. A mechanistic model for eye size was developed from fundamental fluid flow considerations. The model expresses a dimensionless eye area in terms of a density ratio of the fluids and a Froude number. The model is consistent with the present experimental results and those of others in different liquid systems. Finally, previously published correlations for eye size have been critically evaluated.  相似文献   

The coherent structure of turbulence in a vertical He-Wood’s metal bubbling jet formed in a cylindrical vessel was investigated using the four-quadrant classification method. Turbulent motions of molten Wood’s metal flow were classified into four distinct categories: ejection (higher-momentum fluid motion, directed outward), sweep (lower-momentum fluid motion, directed inward), outward interaction (lower-momentum fluid motion, directed outward), and inward interaction (higher-momentum fluid motion, directed inward). The relative occurrence in frequency of each turbulent motion and the contributions of each turbulent motion to the axial and radial turbulence kinetic energies and Reynolds shear stress were determined. These quantities were different from their respective values in an air-water vertical bubbling jet. Such differences were found to be closely associated with the fact that the shape and size of bubbles differs significantly between the two bubbling jets. Consequently, the coherent structure of turbulence in a bubbling jet is strongly dependent on the behavior of the wake behind the bubbles.  相似文献   

分析了宝山钢铁股份有限公司采用TDS(Torpedo Car Desulphurization)、PTC(Hot Metal Pre-treatment Center)和铁水包单枪、双枪喷Mg+CaO脱硫模式的生产情况.结果表明,采用铁水包喷吹Mg+CaO脱硫在喷吹时间、脱硫效果、粉剂消耗、生产组织及经济效益等方面明显优于混铁车喷吹脱硫.脱硫时间可缩短50%以上,终点硫质量分数可达到0.001%~0.003%,粉剂总耗量仅为CaC2基粉剂耗量的50%、CaO基粉剂耗量的20%,综合成本比TDS或PTC混铁车脱硫低18%~30%.铁水罐双枪喷Mg+CaO脱硫模式的效果最好.  相似文献   

A laboratory prototype of nitrogen determination system (Nidesy) for measurements in molten iron is developed. The method is based on the exchange of nitrogen from the molten iron to a gas phase, the transformation of this gaseous nitrogen in nitrogen oxides and the measurement of produced NO2 by a suitable sensor. The measurement apparatus consists of three mains parts: first, an apparatus that puts the liquid and gaseous phase in contact and conveys the gas bubbled from the bath to a reactor: blower probe; second, a reactor that transforms N2 of the blown gas into NO2: reactor; third, an electrochemical sensor for NO2 determination: NO2 sensor. The laboratory experimental activity consists of a step of optimisation of the engineering and operative aspects of whole apparatus; as a result, an instrumental configuration with high sensitivity allowing high accuracy and precision has been obtained, as well as creation and use of the calibration curve (ΔEMF vs dissolved N) for measuring in liquid iron at 1650°C. On the basis of the obtained results a Nidesy for both laboratory and industrial use can be envisaged, for example in a kinetic study of nitrogen absorption/desorption, or in a steel plant, such as a tundish or a continuous casting mould  相似文献   

The secondary copper smelter “Metallhütte Carl Fahlbusch” (MCF), Rastatt, Federal Republic of Germany is discussed, with particular consideration of the MCF zinc electrowinning process from low-grade, chloride-containing flue dusts. The investigations performed were focussed on the adhesion of zinc deposits on the aluminium cathodes. With laboratory tests using the tankhouse electrolyte and an apparatus for measuring the adhesion force, the influence of the electrolyte impurities lead, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, tin and antimony on the adhesion behaviour and on the current efficiency have been determined. Field tests to affect the adhesion of the zinc deposits on aluminium cathodes by dip pretreatment of the cathodes with glue or sodium resinate reveal that with only small sodium resinate additions in the dipping bath better stripping can be achieved.  相似文献   

植物修复是土壤重金属污染修复的重要手段。为了探明南水北调工程中线水源地土壤污染状况并对其进行修复,本研究以湖北省朝北河和典型钒矿冶炼厂为对象,按季节采集该区域土壤(样本量n = 14)和当地优势陆生植物(样本量n = 113),使用微波消解?电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP?MS)测定V、Cr、As和Cd重金属含量,根据内梅罗指数法综合评价了土壤污染程度,评估了各种植物对四种重金属的富集能力。结果表明,朝北河采样点中排污口与河水交汇处土壤中重金属Cd含量较高;钒矿冶炼厂原矿堆放区V超标近83倍,Cr、As和Cd重金属超标两倍以上,土壤受到严重污染;其他采样点均受到不同程度的重金属污染。植物重金属富集能力和耐受性评价结果表明,鼠麴草、密叶飞蓬、一年蓬对四种重金属耐受性极强,小蓬草、白茅、少花龙葵、野菊、白车轴草、稗是V、Cr和Cd的超富集植物,蜈蚣草、构树对As的富集能力极强,野艾蒿对Cr和Cd的富集能力较强,丁香蓼和日本毛连菜分别对Cr和V具有较强的耐受性和富集特异性,委陵菜和垂序商陆对Cd具有较强的富集能力和特异性。五种优势植物盆栽实验表明,苎麻在复合金属污染条件下耐受性最强,委陵菜富集能力最强。   相似文献   

Aluminas having a wide range of physical characteristics were added in the laboratory to cryolite melts under different, controlled conditions of temperature and melt composition. Crusts were usually obtained, and their strengths, durability and solubility noted. It was shown that well-formed crusts are produced only by aluminas that are both sandy and relatively under-calcined. Such aluminas flow readily, and have a high surface area and a low α-alumina content. The mechanism of crusting is postulated as an initial cooling and freezing of the melt following penetration into alumina on the surface; a strong crust is a consequence of the subsequent growth of a network of α-alumina platelets. Aluminas initially of high α content do not form such a network. The difference between crusts formed by alumina additions and by simple freezing of a melt is considered. The effect of different aluminas on cell operation, as a consequence of their different crusting and solubility characteristics, is discussed.  相似文献   

铁浴熔融分离垃圾焚烧飞灰中重金属的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焚烧是目前垃圾处理的主要方式之一,但垃圾焚烧所产生的飞灰中含有大量的重金属,如不进行妥善处理,会对环境产生破坏.本文采用铁浴熔池对垃圾焚烧飞灰中的重金属进行了熔融分离试验,结果表明,铁浴熔融分离方法可有效地对飞灰中的重金属进行处理.  相似文献   

本文以某品牌PQF有源滤波器为例详细分析了有源滤波器的原理及特点,结合在某冶炼厂中的实际应用,对有源滤波器投入电网前后进行了参数比较.通过实例证明有源滤波器在工业中具有较高的使用价值  相似文献   

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