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In this paper, the closed-form parameterizations to the Pareto boundary for the two-user multiple-input single-output interference channel are studied. Firstly, for the equivalent channel model with each transmitter having only two antennas, the weighted sum-rate maximization (WSRMax) problem is reformulated with newly defined angle variables. Then, a centralized weighted leakage-plus-noise-to-signal ratio minimization (WLNSRMin) algorithm is proposed to find a locally optimal weighted sum-rate point. Each step of the algorithm is solved by evaluating closed-form expressions. A distributed algorithm is also given to avoid the exchange of the channel state information (CSI) between transmitters. Numerical results show that the centralized WLNSRMin algorithm converges to a local optimum of the WSRMax problem after a few iterations and the distributed algorithm achieves a performance very close to that of the centralized algorithm with only local CSI.


The outer boundary of the achievable rate region for multiple-input single-output (MISO) interference channel (IC) is Pareto boundary, and all points on the Pareto boundary can be obtained by solving weighted sum rate maximization problem. Unfortunately, since the optimization problem is non-convex, it is generally very difficult to obtain the solutions without performing an exhaustive search. In this paper, the achievable rate region of the two-user MISO IC is considered. Firstly, by minimizing the interference power leaked to the other receiver for fixed useful signal power received at the intended receiver, the non-convex optimization problem is converted into a family of convex optimization problems. Secondly, after some conversions, the closed-form solutions to all Pareto optimal points are derived using the Lagrange duality theory, and the only computation involved is to solve a basic quadratic equation. Then, the antenna reduction is performed to further simplify the process of derivation. In order to avoid the exchange of channel state information (CSI) between base stations, a distributed iterative beamforming strategy which can achieve a approximate Pareto optimal outcome with only a few iterations is also proposed. Finally, the results are validated via numerical simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two differential relaying strategies; Active User Strategy (AUS) and Passive Users Relaying Strategy (PURS), which could be used by the base-station to transmit data of two users over downlink channels in a two-user cooperative communication network. Differential schemes are used so the users do not require the knowledge of channel gains for decoding of their data. The performance of both schemes is evaluated for the decode-and-forward, selection relaying, and incremental relaying protocols. For the decode-and-forward protocol, the performance heavily depends upon the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the link between source and relay. We propose a conditional probability of error based approach, which can be used to regulate the erroneous relaying of data. Both AUS and PURS are able to achieve performance gains as compared to the direct transmission differential scheme in the case of selection relaying and incremental relaying protocols at high SNRs. The proposed schemes perform better than their counterpart of the amplify-and-forward differential relaying proposed previously.  相似文献   

A new uniquely decodable (UD) code pair for the two-user binary adder channel (BAC) is presented. This code pair leads to an improved bound for the zero-error capacity region of such a channel. The highest known rate for a UD code pair for the two-user BAC is thereby improved to$(log_2 240)/6 approx 1.3178$. It is also demonstrated that the problem of finding UD code pairs for the closely related binary XOR channel is in one-to-one correspondence with a certain construction of binary one-error-correcting codes.  相似文献   

由于普遍采用频率复用因子为1的方式组网,多小区干扰已成为限制无线通信系统容量的主要因素。为了有效抑制小区间干扰提高小区边缘吞吐量,近年提出了干扰对齐技术,其优势在于可以获得干扰信道的最高自由度。一般的干扰对齐研究仅限于理想信道,研究通过非理想信道环境下的多小区干扰对齐技术,分析了时延信道信息对干扰系统容量的影响。结果表明,信道状态信息的时延大大降低了系统容量,特别是在高信噪比条件下对系统性能的影响更大。  相似文献   

干扰对齐技术可以有效地提高干扰信道容量和抑制干扰,其问题归结为求得闭式解。传统的干扰对齐方案根据信道的互易性,采用迭代的方法(分布式)来逼近闭式解,但带来了较大的计算开销。本文在K用户MIMO干扰信道系统中提出一种低复杂度的分布式干扰对齐算法,通过对用户K的干扰协方差矩阵进行基于修正的Gram-Schmidt方法使用排序QR分解,选出酉矩阵Q最后的dk列作为用户近似的干扰抑制滤波矩阵,和传统分布式干扰对齐方案相比,在基本保持系统容量和迭代收敛速度的同时,系统的复杂度明显降低。仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。   相似文献   

传统协同分集通过使网络中各单天线用户共享彼此天线,形成虚拟多天线阵列来实现空间分集,使得体积和功耗受限的网络终端也能获得分集增益,然而这并没有将信道编码和空时编码结合起来以使系统得到编码增益。为了能够获得编码增益来进一步改善系统性能,本文提出了一种基于信道编码和分布式空时分组码级联方式下的两用户协同分集方案,并且在准静态的瑞利衰落信道下对系统误码性能进行了理论推导和系统仿真,给出了误比特率的上限解析表达式。在协同用户间信道存在噪声的情况下,我们分别对CRC-DSTBC和CC-DSTBC级联下的发射方案进行了性能分析和系统仿真。仿真结果表明:即使协同用户间的信道存在噪声,本文所提出的协同分集方案与传统协同分集相比,不但获得了分集增益,同时也得到了编码增益,系统误比特率大大降低,从而显著提高了系统性能,并且这也和理论分析相吻合。  相似文献   

针对非对称的多用户MIMO双向中继干扰信道,本文提出了一种简化的基于最大信干噪比的干扰对齐算法,给出了干扰对齐的可行性条件和干扰抑制方案,并分析了系统容量和自由度。本文算法的中继节点不必做复杂的信号处理,大大降低了整个系统的信号处理复杂度;同时,本文算法是基于最大信干噪比方案,与现有文献的中继迫零方案比较,大大提高了系统在中低信噪比时的容量;进一步,通过仿真验证表明,基于本文算法的K用户对双向中继干扰网络可以达到。   相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel iterative interference alignment (IA) scheme for the single-input single-output (SISO) interference channel system using minimum total mean square error criterion under the individual transmitter power constraints. We show that interference alignment under such criterion could be realized through an iterative algorithm. The convergence of the proposed algorithm is discussed. We also proposed a robust MMSE-based iterative design with imperfect channel state information. Simulation results, compared with several existing IA schemes, have shown that the proposed method could effectively improve the BER performance of the SISO interference channel system while maintaining the same degree of freedom as Cadambe?CJafar scheme. The proposed robust MMSE-based iterative interference alignment scheme is shown to be less sensitive to channel estimation error.  相似文献   

为降低TD-SCDMA系统同频组网时同频邻区对终端信道估计造成的同频干扰,提出了一种时域的平行干扰消除算法,相对于串行干扰消除算法,在有多个强同频邻区干扰的条件下,表现出了更好的性能。  相似文献   

In this work, we find the capacity of a compound finite-state channel (FSC) with time-invariant deterministic feedback. We consider the use of fixed length block codes over the compound channel. Our achievability result includes a proof of the existence of a universal decoder for the family of FSCs with feedback. As a consequence of our capacity result, we show that feedback does not increase the capacity of the compound Gilbert-Elliot channel. Additionally, we show that for a stationary and uniformly ergodic Markovian channel, if the compound channel capacity is zero without feedback then it is zero with feedback. Finally, we use our result on the FSC to show that the feedback capacity of the memoryless compound channel is given by infthetas maxQX I(X; Y |thetas).  相似文献   

An inner bound on the deterministic-code capacity region of the two-user discrete memoryless arbitrarily varying general broadcast channel (AVGBC) was characterized by Jahn, assuming that the common message capacity is nonzero; however, he did not indicate how one could decide whether the latter capacity is positive. Csiszaacuter and Narayan's result for the single-user arbitrarily varying channel (AVC) establishes the missing part in Jahn's characterization. Nevertheless, being based on Ahlswede's elimination technique, Jahn's characterization is not applicable for symmetrizable channels under state constraint. Here, the various notions of symmetrizability for the two-user broadcast AVC are defined. Sufficient non-symmetrizability condition that renders the common message capacity of the AVGBC positive is identified using an approach different from Jahn's. The decoding rules we use establish an achievable region under state and input constraints for the family of degraded message sets codes over the AVGBC  相似文献   

Wie  Sung-Hong  Cho  Dong-Ho 《Wireless Networks》2004,10(2):147-155
This paper analyzes the other-cell interference of forward link channel in multicode CDMA system supporting a voice and data service. In this system, voice communication can be served by a basic code and data service can be supported by multiple codes. Using this analysis, we can get the approximated capacity of forward link. We describe the effect of data user activity and received power level ratio between a data service and a voice service. Also, this paper describes the forward link capacity and the power ratio of data power to voice power according to the change of FER threshold for data service.  相似文献   

The capacity region of a compound multiple-antenna broadcast channel is characterized when the users exhibit a certain degradedness order. The channel under consideration has two users, each user has a finite set of possible realizations. The transmitter transmits two messages, one for each user, in such a manner that regardless of the actual realizations, both users will be able to decode their messages correctly. An alternative view of this channel is that of a broadcast channel with two common messages, each common message is intended to a different set of users. The degradedness order between the two sets of realizations/users is defined through an additional, fictitious, user whose channel is degraded with respect to all realizations/users from one set while all realizations/users from the other set are degraded with respect to him.  相似文献   

Interference Suppression Receivers for the Cellular Downlink Channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the multi-input multi-output (MIMO) downlink channel in the next-generation cellular networks and propose two improved interference suppression receivers for combating out-of-cell interference. The proposed receivers exploit the fact that the co-channel interference seen on the downlink channel (especially the downlink control channel) has a particular structure, in order to obtain significantly improved performance while ensuring low decoding complexity. The first receiver does not require the user to decode the interference or be aware of the particular inner codes employed by the interfering transmitters. The second receiver decodes and subtracts a subset of interferers in a channel-dependent order before processing the desired signal. Each interferer is decoded at most once and the choice of the ordered subset mitigates error propagation. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate the significant gains obtained by the proposed low-complexity receivers over their conventional counterparts.  相似文献   

Cooperative Game Theory and the Gaussian Interference Channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we discuss the use of cooperative game theory for analyzing interference channels. We extend our previous work, to games with N players as well as frequency selective channels and joint TDM/FDM strategies. We show that the Nash bargaining solution can be computed using convex optimization techniques. We also show that the same results are applicable to interference channels where only statistical knowledge of the channel is available. Moreover, for the special case of two player 2 × K frequency selective channel (with K frequency bins) we provide an O(K log/sub 2/K) complexity algorithm for computing the Nash bargaining solution under mask constraint and using joint FDM/TDM strategies. Simulation results are also provided.  相似文献   

Competition Versus Cooperation on the MISO Interference Channel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of coordinating two competing multiple-antenna wireless systems (operators) that operate in the same spectral band. We formulate a rate region which is achievable by scalar coding followed by power allocation and beamforming. We show that all interesting points on the Pareto boundary correspond to transmit strategies where both systems use the maximum available power. We then argue that there is a fundamental need for base station cooperation when performing spectrum sharing with multiple transmit antennas. More precisely, we show that if the systems do not cooperate, there is a unique Nash equilibrium which is inefficient in the sense that the achievable rate is bounded by a constant, regardless of the available transmit power. An extension of this result to the case where the receivers use successive interference cancellation (SIC) is also provided. Next we model the problem of agreeing on beamforming vectors as a non-transferable utility (NTU) cooperative gametheoretic problem, with the two operators as players. Specifically we compute numerically the Nash bargaining solution, which is a likely resolution of the resource conflict assuming that the players are rational. Numerical experiments indicate that selfish but cooperating operators may achieve a performance which is close to the maximum-sum-rate bound.  相似文献   

Parallel Interference Cancellation in Multiuser CDMA Channel Estimation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) based channel parameter estimators for frequency selective fading channels are proposed for the uplink in code-division multiple-access (CDMA) mobile communication systems. The performance of PIC based algorithms depends heavily on the quality of the multiple-access interference estimates, which can be improved by using adaptive channel estimation filters. The performance of two adaptive complex channel coefficient estimation filters has been verified in a fading channel by computer simulations. According to the results, the PIC based adaptive channel estimators outperform clearly conventional, successive interference cancellation, and decorrelation based adaptive channel estimators. The PIC method is also used in delay tracking. By using the principles of sample-correlate-choose-largest (SCCL) delay trackers, a robust algorithm for multiuser delay tracking in fading channels is obtained.  相似文献   

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