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为了解甲烷在内置多孔介质卷式反应器内超绝热富燃制氢特性,采用计算流体力学与详细的化学反应机理相结合的方法,对甲烷在该反应器的富燃制氢过程进行了数值模拟,研究当量比和预混气体流速对燃烧区峰值温度、合成气组分和甲烷转化效率的影响,并和实验值进行对比。结果表明,多孔介质内甲烷的燃烧温度远超过其绝热火焰温度,实现了超绝热条件下富燃制氢;在研究范围内,甲烷-氢气的转化效率随当量比和气体流速的增大而增大,数值模拟结果与实验值基本吻合。  相似文献   

王素娟  孙锐 《节能技术》2007,25(4):313-316,329
本文考虑向燃烧室中插入高孔隙率的多孔介质的燃烧过程,根据气固两相局部非热平衡假设,建立了混合气体在惰性多孔介质中预混燃烧的一维数学模型,模拟了不同条件下甲烷-空气的预混合气在多孔介质中燃烧时的温度分布及气体流速、当量比和吸收系数对燃烧室气体温度峰值的影响.结果表明,多孔介质的存在明显改善了燃烧室的换热性能,强化了对新鲜混合气的预热,加速了燃烧反应的进行,燃烧室利用率提高.  相似文献   

考查了两段式多孔介质内预混气燃烧的温度与压力分布情况。建立了甲烷/空气预混气体在多孔介质内燃烧的二维数学模型,运用FLUENT软件求解瞬态控制方程的方法计算出燃烧稳定后多孔介质内的温度、与压力分布,并考查了不同当量比、多孔介质辐射衰减系数和导热系数对温度和压力分布的影响。结果表明,甲烷/空气预混气体在多孔介质中燃烧,当量比越大温度峰值越高,压力梯度越大;小孔介质辐射衰减系数的改变对温度分布和压力分布没有明显的影响,而大孔介质辐射衰减系数对温度分布和压力分布有较大的影响;增加多孔介质的导热系数,会使固相与气相温度均有所升高,燃烧区域压力降低。  相似文献   

预混气体在惰性多孔介质中的燃烧具有燃烧速度快、燃烧效率高、温度分布均匀、贫燃极限宽、节约能源、污染物排放低等优点。介绍了惰性多孔介质中预混气体单向流动燃烧和往复流动燃烧的原理和特点,详述了火焰传播与驻定的机理,以及火焰传播中的不稳定现象,分析了影响火焰传播的因素,讨论了数值模拟中的物理模型、控制方程、边界条件、反应机理和求解方法,回顾了预混气体多孔介质燃烧技术的应用情况,分析指出了有待进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

多孔介质往复流动燃烧的一维数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
建立了往复流动多孔介质燃烧器的一维数学模型:在该系统中,可燃预混气周期性换向,分别从两端流入燃烧器。假定气相与固相处于局部热平衡状态,考虑了辐射换热的影响。采用有限容积法求解,通过大量数值计算研究了主要工况参数,如半周期、流速、当量比、热损失、多孔介质衰减系数及其热容对该燃烧系统温度分布和反应特性的影响。计算结果与实验结果在定性上吻合良好。  相似文献   

首先介绍多孔介质燃烧新技术(PIM)实现工业应用的情况,然后介绍了在应用的过程中利用数值模拟软件FLUENT,对天然气和空气的预混气体在基于工业模型的多孔介质燃烧器内的燃烧进行了较详细的研究,为工业应用提供了参考数据.  相似文献   

基于局部热平衡假设,定义了无量纲参数——火焰宽度比,在过量空气系数为1.2条件下,研究了CH_4/air预混气体在双层多孔介质中浸没燃烧和表面燃烧的燃烧特性。结果表明:表面燃烧具有更高的烟气出口温度以及更高的火焰宽度比。浸没燃烧火焰轮廓类似抛物线,而表面燃烧的火焰宽度比则基本不变;入口速度不同时,距离着火面同一位置浸没燃烧火焰宽度基本保持不变,火焰轮廓仍类似于抛物线;而对于表面燃烧,相同位置的火焰宽度比在很小范围内(约为0.03)呈现先增大后减小的变化规律。同时研究也表明表面燃烧具有更高的NO_x排放,且随着速度的增加两种燃烧方式NO_x排放变化规律一致,均呈现先增大后减小再增加的变化规律。在速度为1.1~1.2μm/s左右时,两种燃烧方式NO_x排放大致相当,这表明在不扩大污染的条件下,可以使用表面燃烧获得更多的对外辐射以节约能源。  相似文献   

在多入口燃烧器内加入多孔介质,以甲烷/空气为燃料,采用非预混燃烧的数值模拟方法,探究多入口燃烧器的燃烧情况.对比多孔介质燃烧与空间自由燃烧,分析了"超焓燃烧"现象;在多孔介质燃烧基础上,探究不同当量比对燃烧温度的影响;在多孔介质燃烧和不同当量比的基础上探究污染物CO和CO_2的排放情况.结果表明:多孔介质燃烧可以实现"超焓燃烧"特性,燃烧火焰温度高于自由空间燃烧温度;当量比对燃烧温度影响很大,随着当量比的增大,燃烧器内最高燃烧温度升高,但燃烧过程存在一个最佳当量比0.6,超过该当量比后最高温度将不再变化;多入口多孔介质燃烧有助于减少CO和CO_2的生成量.  相似文献   

多孔介质内层流预混燃烧的数值模拟   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
燃气与固体构架之间强烈的换热,使多孔介质内的燃烧与自由流中的燃烧有很大不同.模拟了甲烷/空气预混气在多孔介质内的一维层流燃烧过程,详细考察了多孔介质构架中的辐射换热和气固之间对流换热,并使用了详细化学反应机理,其计算结果能够较好地预测多孔介质内的各种燃烧特性.  相似文献   

多孔介质中预混火焰燃烧速率的预示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文提出了一种预估多孔介质中预混火焰燃烧速率的方法。在构成气,固两相合一模型的基础上,用光学厚极限条件下的扩散近似法简化其中的热辐射项,从而由基本能量方程导出计算火焰传播速度的迭代关系式,其中包含综合多孔介质传导和辐射的等效导热系数。然后应用此数值迭代法,分别计算出在多孔泡沫陶瓷中层流预混火焰及无多孔介质存在的自由火焰的燃烧速率。  相似文献   

《Applied Thermal Engineering》2007,27(7):1144-1149
A study is made of the self-sustaining combustion waves during the filtration of lean methane–air mixtures in inert porous media using the two-temperature approximation. Such processes are characterized by an intense thermal interaction between the gas and the porous material. Due to interfacial heat transfer, the solid phase is able to redistribute heat absorbed from reaction products to the unburned mixture. The analytical solution is built in three different regions: the pre-heating region, the reaction region and the region occupied by the combustion products. Analytic expressions predicting the temperature and methane mass fraction profiles in the wave, as well as the combustion wave velocity and the longitudinal extension of the reaction region are derived. The results are confirmed by numerical calculations using the finite difference method and a full set of basic equations.  相似文献   

This paper presents one-dimensional simulations of combustion of an air/methane mixture in porous materials using a model that explicitly considers the intra-pore levels of turbulent kinetic energy. Transport equations are written in their time-and-volume-averaged form and a volume-based statistical turbulence model is applied to simulate turbulence generation due to the porous matrix. Four different thermo-mechanical models are compared, namely Laminar, Laminar with Radiation Transport, Turbulent, Turbulent with Radiation Transport. Combustion is modeled via a unique simple closure. Preliminary testing results indicate that a substantially different temperature distribution is obtained depending on the model used. In addition, for high excess air peak gas temperature is reduced and the flame front moves towards the exit of the burner. Also, increasing the inlet flow rate for stoichiometric mixture pushes the flame out of the porous material.  相似文献   

This paper examines rich combustion of methanol, methane, octane and automotive-grade petrol inside inert porous media in an effort to examine the suitability of the concept for hydrogen production. Species concentrations were measured and operating limits were tested of steady rich flames stabilized inside a two-layer alumina foam burner and a two-layer alumina bead burner. Using a conversion efficiency based on lower heating values, up to 56% of the methanol was converted to syngas (H2, CO) inside the alumina foam burner and 66% inside the alumina bead burner. Using the same efficiency definition, 45% percent of the methane and 36% of the octane and petrol was converted to syngas with a significant portion of the energy remaining trapped in CH4, C2H2 and C2H4. For methanol, the highest equivalence ratio observed for stable combustion was 6.1 inside the foam burner and 9.3 inside the bead burner which are higher than the conventional upper flammability limit (UFL) of 4.1. Methane's UFL was increased to 1.9 and, at a minimum, the conventional upper flammability limits of iso-octane and petrol were attained. A wide operating envelope was observed, which allowed for large turndown ratios up to 20:1. The composition of the products of the methanol flames examined here were close to equilibrium for relatively low equivalence ratios, while those of hydrocarbon flames differed significantly from equilibrium for all φ suggesting that finite rate kinetics are important. The high conversion efficiencies, quick startup times, compact size, and the absence of a catalyst make the present burner suitable for consideration as part of a reformer in a fuel cell powered automobile.  相似文献   

The state-of-the-art of filtration combustion instability researches is presented. Dynamics of filtration combustion inclination instability is investigated experimentally, analytically and numerically. It is found that inclination amplitude growth velocity on the linear stage is proportional to filtration combustion wave velocity uw, system diameter D0 and inversed diameter of porous media particles .The tendency of thermal compensation of perturbation is confirmed by experiments and 2D numerical simulation. In the case of inclination growth stoppage, inclination maximum amplitude or amplitude of saturation can be estimated via the dimensionless wave velocity u and system geometrical parameters ΔXmax∼(u/(1−u))(D02/d0).The concept of perturbation two-staged evolution, which includes initial linear perturbation growth due to local filtration redistribution and following complex thermal and hydrodynamic reorganization of the system, is supported by experimental data and 2D simulation.  相似文献   

This paper investigates combustion wave characteristics of lean premixtures in a porous medium burner. Heat recuperation originated by the porous medium is examined by an one-dimensional numerical model. Attention is focused on the influences of solid properties, heat loss, equivalence ratio, etc., on the combustion wave speed and the maximum combustion temperature attained in the wave. Based on the flame sheet assumption a relationship between the combustion wave speed and the maximum combustion temperature is given. Then an approach from the laminar premixed flame theory is applied and the entire flame zone is divided into a pre-heating region and a reaction region, and treated separately. In this way, the second relationship between the two parameters is deduced. Thus a closed analytical solution for the combustion wave speed and the maximum combustion temperature is obtained. Over a wide range of working conditions, the numerical predictions and theoretical results show qualitative agreements with experimental data available from the literature. The results reveal that the mechanism of superadiabatic combustion is attributed to the overlapping of the thermal wave and combustion wave under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Premixed combustion in porous media differs substantially from combustion in free space. The interphase heat transfer between a gas mixture and a porous medium becomes dominant in the premixed combustion process. In this paper, the premixed combustion of CH4/air mixture in a porous medium is numerically simulated with a laminar combustion model. Radiative heat transfer in solids and convective heat transfer between the gas and the solid is especially studied. A smaller detailed reaction mechanism is also used and the results can show good prediction for many combustion phenomena. Translated from Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, 2006, 12(1): 46–50 [译自: 燃烧科学与技术]  相似文献   

The production of syngas from biogas (surrogate of CH4/CO2: 55/45 v/v) and polyethylene in a porous media combustion reactor is experimentally studied. The employed setup is novel and has not been studied before. A semi-continuous feed of solid fuel and a constant filtration velocity of the gaseous reactants of 17 cm/s were considered. Temperature, velocity of propagation, and composition of the syngas produced in the combustion waves were registered in a tubular reactor packed with a ceramic foam porous medium and two solid fuel inlets. In the first part of the study, a baseline determined by the filtration combustion of a biogas/air mixture through the ceramic foam at the equivalence ratio (?) range 0.7?1.6, having transient (upstream and downstream) and stationary combustion wave propagation regimes, is established. In the second part of this work, portions of the ceramic foam in two different separated zones are extracted, leaving space for the semi-continuous supply of polyethylene. In this second part the biogas-air combustion was performed only for ?=0.8 and ?=1.6. Although the combustion temperature decreased by the presence of polyethylene, it was found that the syngas (both H2 and CO) yield was larger than for the baseline. The highest degrees of conversion to hydrogen and carbon monoxide was reached under the presence of polyethylene, having 45% and 67% for ?=0.8, and 45% and 60% for ?=1.6, respectively. These results are very promising and they demonstrate the capabilities of the presented methodology and experimental setup, which should encourage future attempts of applications of the technology.  相似文献   

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