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丁长文  杨霖  李高祥 《电子学报》2017,45(5):1124-1129
为了实现双向中继系统在满足传输速率要求时的最小功率消耗,基于功率分割中继协议,在完美和非完美的信道估计两种不同的情况下,提出了能量收集双向中继网络的高能效联合中继选择和功率分配算法,得到了两个信源的最优功率分配和中继节点最优的能量收集比例.仿真结果表明,信道估计误差会增加系统的功率消耗;与传统双向中继比较发现,能量收集双向中继能够实现更少的系统功率消耗.  相似文献   

针对瑞利衰落信道下双向多中继协作通信系统,为了降低中断概率,提出了一种基于最小化中断概率的中继选择策略和功率分配方案。首先联合考虑两条链路的中继节点处信噪比和信道增益实现双链路中继选择,然后推导出一种新的最优中继下双向放大转发协作中断概率的近似表达式上界,并利用凸优化求解得到使中断概率最小的最优功率分配解。仿真结果表明,与现有策略相比,提出的策略能够明显降低系统中断概率和误码率,显著提高系统性能。  相似文献   

针对放大转发的瑞利双向中继信道的节点选择问题,提出了基于部分信道信息的分布式双向中继选择算法。算法通过计算双向链路的接收信噪比,推导出满足目标接收信噪比的转发阈值,各中继节点根据该阈值决定是否参与转发,从而实现分布式选择。此外,考虑用户总功率受限的情况,在分布式中继选择基础上提出了优化功率分配策略,使双向信道的接收信噪比更加接近。仿真结果表明,分布式中继选择算法与最优多中继算法的系统传输速率相似,计算复杂度大大降低,尤其是在中继数目增大的情况下更加明显。优化功率分配策略能进一步提高系统能量效率,在相同性能下可节省7%左右的功率。  相似文献   

该文研究基于放大转发中继的不对称双向中继系统容量问题。首先,在瑞利衰落信道环境下,从双向通信的角度,通过理论分析得出其中断概率精确表达式和渐进表达式。理论分析发现节点发射功率和源节点目标速率共同决定系统中断概率,并且在大多数业务下系统中断性能仅取决于单向链路,而与另一链路无关。基于此,以优化系统中断性能为目标,提出一种基于业务知识的节点功率分配算法和中继位置选择算法。数值仿真实验结果表明,通过功率分配和中继位置选择可以显著提高不对称放大转发双向中继系统的中断性能。  相似文献   

在双向信息非对称条件下,研究了基于模拟网络编码的双向中继信道中的最优功率分配问题。分别给出了中断概率最小化、和速率最大化意义下的最优功率分配闭式数学表达式,并证明了两种约束下最优功率分配问题的统一性。分析表明:现有的基于模拟网络编码的双向中继信道中的最优功率分配方法是本文提出方法在某些条件下的特例。计算机仿真分析证明了提出的最优功率分配方法在中断概率和和速率性能方面均优于平均功率分配方法。   相似文献   

黄刚  赵夙  朱琦 《信号处理》2018,34(9):1068-1075
在无线中继系统中,考虑源节点和中继节点都是能量采集的,而源与中继之间可以进行能量协作,即可双向传递能量,针对瑞利衰落信道场景以最大化系统吞吐量为目标,联合优化源节点的发射功率、中继节点的发射功率以及传递的能量值,提出了双向能量传递的最优功率分配算法。本文根据场景模型建立了最优化问题,利用凸优化知识求得最优解的形式,假设能量传递无损耗情况下提出了理想功率分配方案;然后以此为基础,在满足能量因果性和数据因果性的条件下,对传递的能量和发送的功率进行优化。仿真结果表明,本文提出的双向能量传递的功率分配算法优于其它的功率分配算法,能有效的提高系统吞吐量。   相似文献   

针对源节点和中继节点均采用收集能量供电的放大转发中继网络,考虑两个目的节点之间信息相互保密的场景,该文提出最大化长期时间平均保密速率的源节点和中继节点发送功率联合优化算法.由于能量到达和信道状态是随机过程,该问题是一个随机优化问题.利用Lyapunov优化框架将电池操作和能量使用约束下的长期优化问题转化为每时隙的"虚队列漂移加惩罚"最小化问题,并求解.仿真结果显示该文提出的算法在长期平均保密速率上相较于对比算法具有显著的优势,同时算法仅依赖于当前的电池状态和信道状态信息做出决策,是一种实用的、低复杂度的算法.  相似文献   

针对源节点和中继节点均采用收集能量供电的放大转发中继网络,考虑两个目的节点之间信息相互保密的场景,该文提出最大化长期时间平均保密速率的源节点和中继节点发送功率联合优化算法。由于能量到达和信道状态是随机过程,该问题是一个随机优化问题。利用Lyapunov优化框架将电池操作和能量使用约束下的长期优化问题转化为每时隙的“虚队...  相似文献   

该文研究不对称双向中继信道下的被动式再生中继选择问题。首先,通过理论分析给出了传统3节点网络的可达速率域。然后,在瑞利衰落信道环境下,理论推导了系统中断概率的闭合表达式。接着,利用系统业务知识和信道状态信息,提出一种改进型的最大最小中继选择准则。进一步,研究中继端叠加信号的功率分配,提出了两种功率分配因子选择算法,并对所提算法进行了理论分析。仿真结果表明:通过被动式再生中继选择和功率分配可以显著提高系统的中断性能,在信道不对称情况下性能优势明显。  相似文献   

针对放大转发双向多中继协同通信系统,提出了一种基于最大化最小双向速率准则的功率分配方案。将功率分配问题分解为用户节点功率分配和中继节点功率分配两部分,首先通过将多中继节点信道等效为单中继节点信道,简化了用户节点功率分配,然后应用矩阵变换实现了分布式的中继节点功率分配,减少了反馈开销,降低了计算复杂度。仿真结果表明,提出的功率分配方案在系统双向可达速率和误码率两方面指标均优于现有双向中继功率分配策略,而且性能增益随着中继数目的增加而提升。  相似文献   

In this paper, we have proposed a multi-relay selection and power allocation scheme for two-way relay network which aims to maximize the sum-rate of two-way relay system. First, to prolong network lifetime, a multi-relay selection strategy is proposed in which both channel state information (CSI) and remaining energy (RE) are considered. Next, a multi-relay power allocation algorithm based on convex optimization (MRPA-CO) is presented. To reduce the computational complexity, it can be divided into two steps: terminal nodes power allocation (TNPA) and relay nodes power allocation (RNPA). Simulation results indicate that the proposed relay selection strategy can significantly prolong network lifetime compared to other relay selection strategies which consider CSI only, and the MRPA-CO algorithm has great advantage over equal power allocation (EPA) on sum-rate in two-way relay network.  相似文献   

In this paper,we consider the joint relay selection and power allocation problem for two-way relay systems with multiple relay nodes.Traditionally,relay selection schemes are primarily focused on selecting one relay node to maximize the transmission sum rate or minimize the outage probability.If so,it is possible to cause certain relay nodes overloaded.In addition,the joint relay selection and power allocation problem is a mixed integer program problem and prohibitive in terms of complexity.Therefore,we pro...  相似文献   

Systems are always designed and optimized based on full traffic load in the current literatures.However,practical systems are seldom operating at full load,even at peak traffic hours.Instead of maximizing system rate to achieve the full load,an optimal energy-efficient scheme to minimize the transmit power with required rates is investigated in this article.The considered scenario is a two-way relay channel using amplify-and-forward protocol of physical layer network coding,where two end nodes exchange mess...  相似文献   

In this paper, optimal power allocation and relay selection strategies in energy harvesting cooperative wireless networks are studied. In particular, signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR)‐maximizing based power allocation and relay selection without and with energy cooperation—via wireless energy transfer—are considered. Moreover, total relay power minimization subject to target end‐to‐end SNR is investigated. The different optimal strategies are formulated as optimization problems, which are non‐convex. Thus, intelligent transformations are applied to transform non‐convex problems into convex ones, and polynomial‐time solution procedures are proposed. Simulation results illustrate that power allocation strategies achieve higher end‐to‐end SNR than relay selection ones. Finally, energy cooperation is shown to be effective in improving end‐to‐end SNR, while total relay power minimization balances end‐to‐end SNR, transmit power consumption, and harvested energy. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, two underlay based cognitive cooperative radio networks, each with one secondary source (SS), one secondary destination (SD), N untrusted secondary amplify and forward relays (USAFRs), one primary transmitter, and one primary receiver (PU‐RX), are considered for evaluating the secrecy performance. The SS sends the information to the SD in two time slots via multiple USAFRs in the absence of direct link between SS and SD. In the first time slot, SS and SD transmit the message and jamming signal to multiple USAFRs, respectively. In the second slot, a selected USAFR amplifies and forwards the combined received signals to the SD. The transmit powers of the secondary nodes are chosen so as to maintain the overall interference at PU‐RX below a specified limit. The transmit power of a selected USAFR is derived using the harvested energy from the RF signals of SS and SD. Two network scenarios of eavesdropping by USAFRs are studied: in one case, all USAFRs eavesdrop; while in the second case, only the selected USAFR eavesdrops the message during forwarding of the signal and power is allocated to secondary nodes on the basis of outage threshold of primary network. We investigate the secrecy outage probability (SOP) in both of the networks under several physical parameters. Analytical framework for evaluating SOP for both the cases are given while SOP in single integration form is given for the second case. MATLAB simulation results are presented for both the cases.  相似文献   

钮金鑫 《电讯技术》2024,64(1):98-105
针对现有射频能量收集网络资源分配研究局限于单个数据源场景,无法适配于多数据源网络的问题,提出了一种适用于多数据源场景的射频能量收集中继网络传输协议框架,在该框架内节点可作为源节点或中继节点传输自身数据或转发数据,并在其他节点的数据传输过程中完成射频能量收集.以协议框架为基础,分别以系统吞吐量及用户公平性为优化目标设计两种资源分配方案.仿真表明,两种方案可有效改善网络吞吐量及资源分配公平性.  相似文献   

针对认知无线电中的双向中继网络,研究了基于非完美感知的频谱机会式接入和频谱共享接入下的资源分配问题.与传统基于认知的双向中继的资源分配方法不同,提出的算法联合考虑了感知时间和次级系统的发射功率.在感知时间和发射功率满足条件的情况下,使次级系统的吞吐量最大.为了有效地保护主用户不受干扰,在每一跳都考虑了平均干扰功率约束,同时考虑次级系统总的功率约束.在非完美感知的频谱机会式接入和频谱共享接入机制下,新算法能够获得最优的感知时间和功率分配.最后,仿真比较了两种方案的性能,验证了新算法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对单用户对双向中继系统中的功率分配问题,提出了一种基于梯度下降法的功率分配方案。该方案在总功率约束的条件下,以最大化和速率为目标函数,通过对中继波束成形矩阵和功率分配矩阵的反复迭代,求解出局部最优的功率分配和中继波束成形矩阵。仿真结果表明:提出方案的误码性能相比于等功率分配有明显提高,在误码率为10-2时,可获得2.5d B~3 d B的信噪比增益;同时,在中高信噪比下,相比于等功率分配,该方案可获得0.3(bit/s)/Hz~0.5(bit/s)/Hz的和速率增益。  相似文献   

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