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分簇路由算法是无线传感器网络中减少能量消耗的关键技术之一,因而成为目前国际上的研究重点。考虑到大多数分簇算法都是在同构网络中提出的,对异构网络的适应性差,本文提出一种新的异构网络分簇算法,该算法采用ECS网络结构,在选举簇头时将节点刺余能量和与所在簇的质心间的距离结合起来考虑。仿真结果表明算法在延长网络生存时间上比LEACH和基于ECS结构的分簇算法有很大的提高。  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络中如何利用有限能量延长网络生存时间的问题,研究了分簇算法在能量异构传感器网络环境下的性能特点,设计出一种基于节点剩余能量,适用于多级能量异构网络的分簇算法。在该算法的网络簇头选举加权概率中引入了参量γ,使得在簇头选举过程中,具有较高的初始能量和剩余能量的节点在簇头选举过程中当选簇头的机会增多。避免了剩余能量较小的节点担任簇头引起节点过早死亡使网络覆盖度降低的问题,从而均衡消耗网络中的各节点能量,延长网络的生存时间。同时,引入簇头管理机制保证了网络每轮簇头数目的稳定,进而提高了网络的传输质量。实验仿真结果表明,该算法在多级能量异构网络下比LEACH、SEP和DEEC具有较长的网络生存时间和稳定的数据传输能力。  相似文献   

王可可  严义 《计算机仿真》2009,26(10):311-314,369
高效的任务调度是提升系统性能的关键因素之一。讨论在任务异构和通信速度差异的Fork-join型嵌入式环境下,独立任务的调度问题,提出新的分配调度方案,选取负载最小的处理节点进行分配,实现节点间的负载均衡,且满足任务的响应时间和处理节点数目最小化的要求。基于方案,构造一个以任务的平均响应时间驱动的启发式算法:ARTDHA(Aver-age-Response-Time-Driven Heuristic Algorithm)。仿真实验表明,算法更符合复杂的嵌入式异构环境,能更好满足系统的时间特性、最小化资源的开销,同时任务的调度时间要优于FCFS(First Come First Serve)算法。  相似文献   

云计算环境下科学工作流两阶段任务调度策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
闫歌  于炯  杨兴耀 《计算机应用》2013,33(4):1006-1009
经过对云环境下科学工作流现有的任务调度策略进行分析研究,针对异态最早结束时间(HEFT)算法及其改进算法SHEFT在任务执行过程中出现的资源闲置现象,结合云计算的特点,在SHEFT算法的基础上提出了一种两阶段任务调度策略。该策略在完成时间最少的情况下能够对资源的闲置时间进行尽可能的利用。经过对该算法进行实验和性能分析,表明该策略在完成时间和资源利用方面都有很大改进。  相似文献   

针对异构Hadoop云计算平台的任务调度问题,对Hadoop 推测执行调度和LATE调度方案进行研究,提出一种基于任务进度感知的自适应任务调度方案。首先,根据当前计算节点上的任务进度情况,估计任务近似完成时间(ATE),以此确定掉队者(Straggler)任务。然后,以平均节点任务进度的25%为阈值,将节点分为慢节点和快节点。当Straggler后备任务达到一定阈值时,将其优先分配到快节点中执行。实验结果表明,提出的方案能够为异构Hadoop平台合理分配任务,有效降低了任务完成时间和响应延迟,同时提高了平台吞吐量。  相似文献   

高效的任务调度是云服务提供商高效处理业务并降低运营成本的关键。针对云环境下的任务调度问题,提出一种贪心模拟退火的新型算法。首先,利用贪心算法求出局部最优解,并用它来初始化所提新型算法的当前最优解及模拟退火算法的初始解;然后,采用模拟退火算法来不断更新当前最优解。实验结果表明,与传统调度算法相比,所提算法能够更快地达到全局收敛,并得到更加稳定的寻优结果,提高了寻优的质量和效率;同时,该算法不仅减少了总任务时间开销,而且使虚拟机的平均资源利用率稳定在99%以上,负载也更加均衡。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于松弛标记法的任务调度算法 (Relaxation labeling based task scheduling, RLBTS), 将任务映射到异构资源(处理器计算能力和链路的通信能力不同)上. 松弛标记法善于处理大量的约束条件, 其核心思想是结点的标签分配通常受该结点的邻居结点某些属性的影响. 依据邻居约束关系, 可以逐渐排除不相关因素, 迅速缩小搜索空间. 该算法统筹兼顾了任务执行的计算需求和通信需求问题, 实验结果表明对于通信和计算需求都很高的任务和通信密集型任务, RLBTS 不失为一种有效的调度算法.  相似文献   

任务调度策略作为云计算系统中的关键性技术,是学术界的研究热点之一。在云计算环境下,以所有任务总的完成时间最短为目标,提出了一种求解该问题的结合遗传算法和人工免疫算法的混合算法。该算法中交叉概率使用自适应调整策略,变异算子使用逆转变异方法,变异操作的结果通过模拟退火算法的Metropolis接受准则来判断接受与否,最后对遗传算法的种群进行免疫接种。免疫遗传算法弥补了遗传算法收敛速度慢的缺陷,保持了种群的多样性,缩短了任务总的完成时间,提高了云计算系统的工作效率。通过在云仿真平台CloudSim模拟实验,结果表明该免疫遗传算法的求解性能优于标准遗传算法和DPSO算法。  相似文献   

邱鹏飞  洪一  耿锐  徐云 《计算机应用》2011,31(4):935-937
超长指令字数字信号处理器(VLIW DSP)的指令级并行性(ILP)主要通过指令分簇和软件流水来实现。在以前的研究中,指令分簇主要只考虑指令级并行性和减少簇间转移指令,对异构体系结构和某些寄存器只能分在指定簇上的情况考虑较少。提出一种基于数据流图(DFG)的异构体系结构上的分簇方法,利用指令的相关性将DFG划分为与簇数目相同个数的子图,再根据特殊寄存器对簇的要求采用启发式算法对子图进行调整,实验结果表明这种分簇方法使得负载更均衡,加速比相对于传统方法可以提高8%左右。  相似文献   

分簇算法是一种延长无线传感网络生命期的重要技术,本文提出了一种新的基于分布式能量估计的分簇算法,它可以针对能量异构传感器网络的不同场景而应用,更有效地利用能量。仿真结果表明,这种新的分簇算法能够有效地延长网络生命期,并提高网络的数据吞吐量。  相似文献   

给出一种对异构计算系统进行任务映射与调度的遗传算法-SMT-GA算法。首先对HCS任务调度问题作出形式描述,然后分别介绍SMT-GA算法的总体框架,染色体设计,从染色体获得调度方案的方法,染色体适合度函数设计,交叉与变异遗传算子设计等。  相似文献   

肖汉雄  陈次昌  齐冬梅 《计算机工程》2006,32(3):108-109,148
提出了一种异构环境下的基于复制的调度算法(TDNH),并与同为异构环境下的HEFT算法进行了比较,结果证明TDNH算法减小了时间跨度。最后通过实验证明了TDNH算法能够得到比较好的结果。  相似文献   

Today, almost everyone is connected to the Internet and uses different Cloud solutions to store, deliver and process data. Cloud computing assembles large networks of virtualized services such as hardware and software resources. The new era in which ICT penetrated almost all domains (healthcare, aged-care, social assistance, surveillance, education, etc.) creates the need of new multimedia content-driven applications. These applications generate huge amount of data, require gathering, processing and then aggregation in a fault-tolerant, reliable and secure heterogeneous distributed system created by a mixture of Cloud systems (public/private), mobile devices networks, desktop-based clusters, etc. In this context dynamic resource provisioning for Big Data application scheduling became a challenge in modern systems. We proposed a resource-aware hybrid scheduling algorithm for different types of application: batch jobs and workflows. The proposed algorithm considers hierarchical clustering of the available resources into groups in the allocation phase. Task execution is performed in two phases: in the first, tasks are assigned to groups of resources and in the second phase, a classical scheduling algorithm is used for each group of resources. The proposed algorithm is suitable for Heterogeneous Distributed Computing, especially for modern High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems in which applications are modeled with various requirements (both IO and computational intensive), with accent on data from multimedia applications. We evaluate their performance in a realistic setting of CloudSim tool with respect to load-balancing, cost savings, dependency assurance for workflows and computational efficiency, and investigate the computing methods of these performance metrics at runtime.  相似文献   

为了提高资源行为动态异构的云环境中工作流任务的调度效率,提出了一种基于动态关键路径的工作流调度算法CWS-DCP。算法将工作流任务结构定义为有向无循环图DAG模型,改进了传统关键路径的一次性搜索模式,结合云资源可用性动态可变的特征,以动态自适应方式搜索关键路径,并确定关键任务。同时,在关键任务调度后,局部DAG的关键路径搜索根据资源可用性再次迭代更新,从而动态决策任务与资源间的调度方案。通过仿真实验,构建了三种不同类型的工作流结构作为测试数据源,并与其他六种同类型的启发式和元启发式算法进行了性能比较。实验结果表明,在资源可用性动态改变和工作流规模不断增大的情况下,CWS-DCP算法在多数工作流结构中均能得到执行跨度更好的调度方案和更少的调度开销。  相似文献   

乔伟光  曾国荪 《计算机工程》2006,32(17):126-128
并行任务调度是影响机群计算效率的关键因素之一,机群环境DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph)任务图调度是一个NP完全问题,只能寻求启发式算法。已有的研究中,图解重构算法在允许任务复制的条件下,通过对DAG图递归分解与子图重构,初步实现了一个可行的调度方案。该文在此基础上,提出了以调度长度增量为依据的任务复制策略,利用该策略调整受制约节点的同簇前驱,解决了任务簇间的时间制约问题,缩短了调度长度;通过合理地选择任务簇进行合并,增大任务簇的粒度,提高了处理器的利用率。提出的以任务簇扩展-合并为特征、以分簇复制为手段的DAG图调度算法,改进和拓展了图解重构方法。实例分析表明本算法复杂度与TDS (Task Duplication Scheduling)相同,但性能更优。  相似文献   

It is well known that the performance of computer controlled systems is heavily affected by delays and jitter occurring in the control loops, which are mainly caused by the interference introduced by other concurrent activities. A common approach adopted to reduce delay and jitter in periodic task systems is to decrease relative deadlines as much as possible, but without jeopardizing the schedulability of the task set. In this paper, we formally characterize the region of admissible deadlines so that the system designer can appropriately select the desired values to maximize a given performance index defined over the task set. Finally we also provide a sufficient region of feasible deadlines which is proved to be convex.
Giorgio ButtazzoEmail:

On earliest deadline first scheduling for temporal consistency maintenance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A real-time object is one whose state may become invalid with the passage of time. A temporal validity interval is associated with the object state, and the real-time object is temporally consistent if its temporal validity interval has not expired. Clearly, the problem of maintaining temporal consistency of data is motivated by the need for a real-time system to track its environment correctly. Hence, sensor transactions must be able to execute periodically and also each instance of a transaction should perform the relevant data update before its deadline. Unfortunately, the period and deadline assignment problem for periodic sensor transactions has not received the attention that it deserves. An exception is the More-Less scheme, which uses the Deadline Monotonic (DM) algorithm for scheduling periodic sensor transactions. However, there is no work addressing this problem from the perspective of dynamic priority scheduling. In this paper, we examine the problem of temporal consistency maintenance using the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) algorithm in three steps: First, the problem is transformed to another problem with a sufficient (but not necessary) condition for feasibly assigning periods and deadlines. An optimal solution for the problem can be found in linear time, and the resulting processor utilization is characterized and compared to a traditional approach. Second, an algorithm to search for the optimal periods and deadlines is proposed. The problem can be solved for sensor transactions that require any arbitrary deadlines. However, the optimal algorithm does not scale well when the problem size increases. Hence, thirdly, we propose a heuristic search-based algorithm that is more efficient than the optimal algorithm and is capable of finding a solution if one exists.
Krithi RamamrithamEmail:

基于遗传算法的Kubernetes资源调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Kubernetes在优选阶段仅根据节点CPU和内存的利用率来决定节点的分值,这只能保证单节点的资源利用率,无法保证集群资源的负载均衡.针对该问题,提出一种基于遗传算法的Kubernetes资源调度算法,该算法加入了网络带宽和磁盘IO两项评价指标,同时为评价指标赋予不同权重值,并且引入校验字典校验并修复遗传算法生成的新...  相似文献   

Deadline-based scheduling of periodic task systems on multiprocessors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We consider the problem of scheduling periodic task systems on multiprocessors and present a deadline-based scheduling algorithm for solving this problem. We show that our algorithm successfully schedules on m processors any periodic task system with utilization at most m2/(2m−1).  相似文献   

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