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In early 1992, Kennecott announced plans to modernize and expand the smelter and refinery located near Salt Lake City, Utah. The project increased the smelter capacity from 150,000 tonnes per year to 280,000 tonnes per year and also increased the refinery capacity from 200,000 tonnes per year to meet smelter output. Total cost of the modernization was $882 million. Part I of this paper outlines the scope of the refinery modernization program and describes the implementation of the new technology used there. The technology is based on polymer concrete cells, thoroughly prepared anodes, stainless steel plating blanks, and highly automated materials handling. In Part II, the hydrometallurgical process chemistry employed at the new Kennecott slimes treatment facility is described. The processing philosophy incorporates three major objectives: very-high firstpass recovery of the valuable metals from the slimes with minimal in-process inventory; minimization of the return of impurity metals (e.g., Pb, Sb, As, and Bi) to the smelter circuit; and complete elimination of pyrometallurgical processing with its potential for environmental abuse and precious metals recycle. In both parts, the unit start-ups and initial operating results are presented.  相似文献   

Here are presented the results of laboratory studies on various types of acid rhodium plating electrolyte, with particular reference to sulphate and phosphate-sulphate solutions, but including exploratory trials on phosphate, fluoborate and sulphamate electrolytes. The sulphate electrolyte is preferred for general purposes.

For the first two electrolytes, examination is made of the effects of variations in preparative procedure on the characteristics of electrolytes of the same nominal composition, and the influence of composition and deposition factors on the internal stress of deposits.

Factors affecting the incidence of cracking of thick rhodium deposits are discussed, and on the basis of laboratory and field experience, practical recommendations are made concerning the formulation of sulphate electrolytes and the optimum operating conditions for the production of rhodium deposits in the thickness range 0·002-0·002” from this type of solution. Procedures are detailed for either the rhodium or silver/rhodium plating of the basis metals most commonly involved in industrial applications.  相似文献   

The practical study of the deposition of tin from acid sulphate solutions, reported in a previous paper, has been continued by the examination of three baths of the same basic composition but containing different combinations of addition agents. The baths were worked for nearly six months and test deposits were made at intervals to determine appearance and covering power and finally to obtain results for porosity and behaviour on bending. Comparative tests were also made of the effects of various sulphonic acids on the covering power and stability of the solutions and further trials of numerous organic addition agents were made. These tests failed, however, to reveal any materials superior to those used as addition agents in two of the trial baths which are recommended as simple to control and capable of yielding smooth, ductile deposits of good covering power over a long period of working without any renewal of the addition agents. Methods of preparing and controlling the bath are given in an appendix.  相似文献   

本文介绍了某炼油厂腐蚀监测系统的构成。采用电阻探针和电感探针对蒸馏装置三顶轻油部位进行监测,监测结果与三顶冷凝水分析结果基本一致,说明使用电阻探针和电感探针是有效的腐蚀监测手段。  相似文献   

某公司铜电解精炼系统生产最初采用人工操作进行阴极铜码垛作业,存在作业效率低、人员配置多、操作工劳动强度大、现场作业环境差、作业场所无法满足安全作业要求等诸多不足。为解决上述难题,该公司上马了阴极联动机组,经多年生产实践证明,阴极联动机组在该公司的应用极为成功。  相似文献   

阴极联动机组在铜电解精炼厂的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某公司铜电解精炼系统生产最初采用人工操作进行阴极铜码垛作业,存在作业效率低、人员配置多,操作工劳动强度大,现场作业环境差、作业场所无法满足安全作业要求等诸多不足.为解决上述难题,该公司上马了阴极联动机组,经多年生产实践证明,阴极联动机组在该公司的应用极为成功.  相似文献   

王敏 《资源再生》2006,(6):35-36
介绍了如何从废镍催化剂中提取镍,减少环境污染,降低硫酸镍的制造成本.  相似文献   

介绍了如何从废镍催化剂中提取镍,减少环境污染,降低硫酸镍的制造成本。  相似文献   

Although tin-zinc alloy plating has been practised commercially in England for several years, American knowledge of and interest in the process developed by the Tin Research Institute did not become appreciable until 1950; this delay was attributable partly to the continuing restrictions on tin use in America, and partly to normal reluctance on the part of industry to adopt a new process without extensive and time-consuming tests. The acute shortage of cadmium which developed late in 1950 provided the necessary stimulus, and the concurrent development of an all-potassium bath, which made the process directly competitive with cadmium-plating in speed of deposition, greatly aided in convincing the American electroplating industry that the tin-zinc process represented a worth-while innovation. Re-imposition of tin controls has somewhat clouded the issue but there is little doubt that the tin-zinc alloy deposit will find a place in industry. This paper presents operating data for the all-potassium bath and explains a discrepancy between English and American results using the sodium bath.  相似文献   

The atmospheric corrosion of nickel foils, both wrought and electro-deposited, proceeds by pitting leading to perforation. This result, coupled with earlier tests showing that “porosity-test” reagents can produce pores during porosity tests, suggests that properly produced nickel electrodeposits may be far less porous than has been thought.

A chromium film on top of nickel is helpful in the early stages of industrial atmosphere exposure but may accelerate pitting in the later stages owing to the galvanic action of the nickel/chromium couple.

The number per unit area, size and shape of the pits vary widely. Factors influencing the type of pitting are the chemical composition and microstructure of the metal and its residual stresses.  相似文献   

Tinplate, as a base for chromium plated sheet required for fabrication, offers the advantage over steel of being easily polished, but difficulties have arisen, especially with coke grades of tinplate, in obtaining nickel deposits sufficiently adherent to withstand chromium plating and fabrication without flaking.

These difficulties are attributed to two effects:—(1) the mechanical effect during straining of variations in thickness of the tin coating, (2) the effects of hydrogen produced during plating, particularly the disruptive effect produced by the conversion of atomic hydrogen (diffusing through the nickel) into gas at the site of discontinuities (foreign particles, fissures, etc.) at the interface—nickel/tin.

The diffusion of hydrogen to the tin surface can be prevented by depositing a film of copper before nickel plating. Tinplate which has been coated with a composite deposit of copper, nickel and chromium can be fabricated without flaking of the deposit. If the deposit is brittle, however, it is liable to crack on deformation, giving an unsightly appearance. Certain nickel deposits may be seriously embrittled by chromium plating.

The porosity of composite deposits of copper, nickel and chromium on tinplate is considerably lower than on steel of average quality, but their protective value may be destroyed at bends formed during fabrication especially with coke grades of tinplate. Tinplate of charcoal quality offers the advantages of superior finish, better adhesion of the deposit and a lower tendency for the protective value of the coating to be destroyed on deformation.

Tinplate may also be satisfactorily plated with chromium alone. The plated sheet can be pressed without flaking of the coating, the protective value of which is less readily reduced by deformation than that of the composite nickel-chromium coatings, but it is more difficult to obtain a good finish in the absence of a nickel undercoating.  相似文献   

该文阐述了套管结晶器在保冷条件下由于采用常规的防腐涂层体系防腐效果不好,引起金属表面的腐蚀.分析了涂层损坏和金属表面腐蚀的原因.采用环氧富锌底漆与环氧玻璃鳞片的涂装体系,通过6年多使用收到了较好的效果.  相似文献   

1、方显峥嵘 近年来我国呈现GDP7%~8%的高速增长,推动了世界经济的复苏,同时也将我国有色金属的生产与需求带入到空前繁荣的时期.制造业的发展已把我国提升并营造为一个具有无限生机、引领全球的有色金属消费市场.在铜、铝、铅、锌市场普遍看好的情况下,不锈钢、超合金、镍氢电池对镍的需求,更凸现价格不菲的镍及镍合金(镍价每吨高达11万人民币)的重要地位.镍作为传统的战略材料在民用中同样令人关注.  相似文献   

NICKEL ELECTROPLATING has been practicallyused for decades.There is an unknown part in theplating,although this is easy to plate.Applications ofthe plating are described from the practical viewpoint.Purpose of Nickel Electroplating(1)Decorative,and corrosion resistanceNickel electroplating is deposited on iron,cupper,zinc and aluminum substrate etc.,and chromiumplating is usually deposited on nickel plating.Hexavalent chromium plating has an important effecton the corrosion resisitan…  相似文献   

Exposure for 24 h to an atmosphere containing 10% sulphur dioxide, of controlled humidity, and at ambient temperatures, is shown to provide a method for porosity detection in a range of precious metal electrodeposits on several substrates commonly used under them. Both sulphur dioxide concentration and humidity control are attained simply and reproducibly for periods up to 24 h by generating the atmosphere within the test chamber by slow reaction of solutions of sodium thiosulphate, and sulphuric acid. For gold plated copper alloys the results obtained have been compared with those from the electrographic and 48 h sulphur dioxide—hydrogen sulphide tests. The comparison suggests the 24 h sulphur dioxide test may usefully complement and in certain cases replace either test, both for research and routine quality control.  相似文献   

Preliminary experiments were carried out in order to electrodeposit good quality and satisfactory nickel plate on to copper substrates from gluconate baths. The effects were investigated of bath composition, pH, temperature and current density on cathodic polarization, cathodic current efficiency, on the quality of the deposits and on the throwing power of baths. Highly adherent and very bright plates with metallic lustre were obtained from an optimum bath containing: NiSO4. 7H2O 0.144 mol l?1 and sodium gluconate 0.23 mol l1 at pH = 4.3, temperature 40°C and current density 1 A dm?2. The surface morphology of the as-plated nickel was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) while the structure was examined by using X-ray diffraction analysis. The throwing power of the bath is greatly improved by increasing the gluconate concentration.  相似文献   

Nickel stripper     
《Metal Finishing》2004,102(6):117

Nickel stripper     
《Metal Finishing》2003,101(9):66

Nickel recovery     
《Metal Finishing》2003,101(7-8):46

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