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在各种各样主题的PARTY和酒会上,葡萄酒已成为不可或缺的成员。而美酒与美食怎样搭配才算珠联璧合,如何品葡萄酒才更香醇,这就需要向侍酒师咨询。随着中国葡萄酒的热潮来临以及奥运会带来的服务升级,随着更多高档餐厅和酒店的兴建,懂葡萄酒的人才需求会越来越大。  相似文献   

1.The Charm of Wine葡萄酒的魅力在人类漫长的历史长河中,有这样一种神奇而浪漫的饮料,它伴随着人类文明一起发展,它是人类文明的结晶、是世界传统文化中必不可缺的一部分,它就是能够带给人们美的享受的葡萄酒。古往今来,关于葡萄酒的描绘不尽其数,无论是中国古代的大诗人李白、王翰,还是国外的大文豪雨果、卢梭都因葡萄酒获得了无穷的灵感,写出了脍炙人口的篇章,让人们更形象地感受到葡萄酒的魅力。葡萄酒文化的博大精深也需要每个人最宝贵的一切:分辩能力,深思熟虑的选择,亲近而尊重,精心的护理,来真正的理解它!成为它的红颜或蓝  相似文献   

侍酒师的由来源于希腊神话中的一个传说:一位特洛伊王子,因为长得俊美不凡,被宙斯钦点为替他倒酒的酒侍,并被封为水瓶座的守护星,他或许就是侍酒师(Sornmelier)的始祖。侍酒师的职业发展到今天,已经比往日有了更多元的角色和责任。如果说葡萄酒是一个王国,那么他就是这个王国精神文化的体现者,因此侍酒师的使命也就不仅仅是建议酒如何与菜搭配,  相似文献   

在帝亚吉欧北京前门23号布鲁宫法的私人晚宴上,我见到了这位盛名远扬的全球顶级威士忌品鉴大师Charles MacLean。没有一丁点架子,只一秒,你就会被他的亲切与热情所感染,步入充满魅力的威士忌世界。威士忌在中国虽不及葡萄酒那般流行,但倘若从不曾尝试,绝对是人生一大憾事。我至今都记得,第一次喝威士忌的感受,虽然早听说过它的猛烈强劲,心里有准备只抿了一小口,还是被呛得一口眼泪就流下来,但真是痛快!跟白酒的绵柔不同,威士忌的猛烈全在外头,没有一丝遮掩。不过这话也不尽然,随着它在口中的渗透停留,  相似文献   

作为徽菜烹饪大师,孙成应既注重发掘、保护传统徽菜及徽菜文化,又积极进行现代徽莱的创新。本文部分内容是他在关于徽菜的讲座中的讲稿,部分内容来源于他多年烹饪实践的切身感受,这些宝贵的经验不仅关乎徽莱的发展,对其他菜系的餐饮同仁也有值得借鉴之处。  相似文献   

酚类物质对葡萄酒香气的影响虽有报道,但多数为静态环境下的模拟反应,对于在真实酿造条件下香气的动态变化还鲜有研究。为此,作者以黑比诺葡萄为原料,通过在乙醇发酵前添加咖啡酸和迷迭香酸两种酚类物质,利用顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱-质谱联用(HS-SPME/GC-MS)技术,研究其在陈酿阶段对干红葡萄酒主要香气物质的作用效果。结果表明,在持续12个月的陈酿期间,咖啡酸处理能使酒中酯类、醇类、萜烯类、降异戊二烯类和酸类等香气物质的质量浓度维持在相对较高的水平,表现出较为明显的香气保留效果,而迷迭香酸处理样品的香气物质含量较低且香气种类单一。进一步通过主成分和香气活性值(odor activity value,OAV)动态变化分析发现,咖啡酸处理样品与乙酸乙酯、乙酸异戊酯、苯乙醇和β-大马士酮等具有花果香味的物质有较高相关性,推测其对陈酿期间葡萄酒花果香味的保持具有积极影响。该研究结果可为丰富葡萄酒风味化学内容提供数据参考。  相似文献   

本研究利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用(HPLC—MS)技术及CIELab法,比较了新橡木桶及使用过一年的旧橡木桶陈酿对赤霞珠干红葡萄酒花色苷含量及颜色变化的影响。结果显示:新橡木桶陈酿的红葡萄酒中单体花色苷、酰化花色苷及总花色苷的含量均低于旧橡木桶,其颜色比旧橡木桶深,红色色调较高,而黄色色调较低,但新旧橡木桶陈酿对葡萄酒花色苷及颜色的影响没有统计学上的显著性差异。研究结果为葡萄酒生产中橡木桶的合理应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

不同产地和烘烤程度橡木片对葡萄酒陈酿香气的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用技术,测定不同产地和烘烤程度橡木片陈酿的葡萄酒中主要陈酿香气成分,并进行主成分分析和判别分析。结果表明,橡木产地和烘烤程度2 种因素对葡萄酒中的陈酿香气成分大多具有显著或极显著影响,糠醛、5-甲基糠醛、顺式橡木内酯、香草醛、愈创木酚、4-甲基愈创木酚、丁子香酚、4-乙基苯酚和4-乙基愈创木酚,9 种化合物均是受烘烤程度的影响更大,而反式橡木内酯、反式异丁子香酚,2 种化合物则受产地因素的影响更大。主成分分析结果表明,提取的3 个主成分的方差累计贡献率达到83.8%,能够反映不同橡木对葡萄酒陈酿香气的影响。通过判别分析,确定不同橡木陈酿的葡萄酒,香气成分产生差异的主要化合物,并建立了区分橡木产地和烘烤程度的分类模型,可根据各种陈酿香气成分的含量,判别不同产地和烘烤程度橡木陈酿的葡萄酒。  相似文献   

丁莹 《粮油食品科技》2021,29(3):125-133
养生休闲食品是一种根据中医理论,利用药食同源物品进行食养或具有养生功能宣称的传统休闲食品制成品。养生休闲食品的主要售卖渠道是基于淘宝、天猫、京东等线上电商平台和微店、有赞商城以及微商渠道,养生休闲食品如今已经发展成为线上休闲食品品类下不可忽视的子品类。综合考察线上养生休闲食品,其中相当一部分受到了古代食养思想、中医中药理论的影响,从用材配方到功效宣称,都很大程度上继承了古代食治方剂和药食同源思想,养生休闲食品传承了中国古代食治方剂非遗遗产,一定程度上弘扬了我国的文化遗产,但其高度还原性也同时暴露了养生休闲食品发展的天生缺陷,即复制有余、创新不足,这可能也是制约当前古法养生休闲食品发展的重要原因。随着电商经济的持续发展,部分养生休闲食品品牌在坚持古为今用的基础上,创造性地进行了食品硬件和软件方面的改进升级,做出了有益的尝试和突破,为未来休闲食品产业发展,提供了中国智慧和方案。  相似文献   

从改革开放至今,中国现代设计的发展与取得的成就是有目共睹的。现代设计及其理论形成和发展的过程,是一个从“工艺美术”、“图案”向“现代设计”转化的过程,也是中国设计文化的现代性过程。当然,这段历程走的是一条“渐变”的发展之路,它没有明显的思潮或运动形成的节奏,一切变化都跟着时代渐变,很有中国传统文化中所谓的“中庸”意味。  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography coupled with diode array spectrophotometry and mass spectrometry detection (LC–DAS–MS) has been applied to the study of the anthocyanin composition of a commercial extract from purple corn cob used as a colourant additive in the food industry. Nine different anthocyanins were isolated using semipreparative HPLC and identified by LC–MS and hydrolytic techniques. Useful information for the identification of compounds was also obtained from their fragmentation patterns (MS–MS spectra). Six of these anthocyanins seem to be present in the original cob, namely cyanidin‐3‐glucoside, pelargonidin‐3‐glucoside, peonidin‐3‐glucoside and their respective malonyl derivatives. The other three are produced during the industrial extraction process and have been identified as the corresponding ethylmalonyl derivatives. © 2002 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The optimisation of ultrasound extraction of semen astragali complanati flavonoids was studied by measuring characteristic absorbance at 266 nm as the response and using response surface methodology (four‐variable, three‐level Box–Behnken design, BBD) in this article. The optimal conditions were obtained as 52 °C, 34 min, 26:1 (mL:g) and 100 mesh (0.120–0.150 mm) for extraction temperature, extraction time, solvent‐to‐sample ratio as well as particle size, respectively. Under these conditions, validation experiments were carried out and the experimental value of A266 was 0.9907 ± 0.032 (= 3), which corresponded to an experimental extraction yield of 7.08%. Compounds in the extracts obtained with the optimum extraction conditions were identified by high‐performance liquid chromatography coupled with diode array and mass spectrometry detectors (HPLC–DAD–MS). Among the 14 compounds that were tentatively identified in the extracts according to their ultraviolet‐visible spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and related literature reports, four were reported for the first time.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Many multiresidual methods to evaluate natural occurrence of Fusarium toxins are already reported in the scientific literature but a new rapid, reliable, cost‐efficient and high‐sensitivity method for the simultaneous determination of several fusariotoxins is always welcome. Nivalenol (NIV), deoxynivalenol, fusarenon‐X (FUS‐X), 3‐acetyldeoxynivalenol, diacetoxyscirpenol (DAS), HT‐2 toxin, T‐2 toxin, neosolaniol (NEO), zearalanone and zearalenone (ZON) belong to the most common mycotoxins in food matrix grains, e.g., wheat and maize. The proposed method is a multitoxin analytical method that combines high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), triple‐quadrupole tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS) under the selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode, and it is focused on the optimization of the sample preparation without the need for any cleanup. RESULTS: Three different methods for sample preparation and for the simultaneous extractions of the above‐mentioned fusariotoxins were tested: two of these were followed by a different cleanup step for comparison, while the extraction method proposed in this work, which uses an 84% (v/v) acetonitrile aqueous solution, sample homogenization and subsequent filtration, was validated without any further cleanup step. CONCLUSION: Calibration curves for all analytes are linear, except DAS, HT‐2 and ZON, over the working range of 10–1000 µg kg?1. The calibration curve of DAS was linear between 10 and 500 µg kg?1, although the curves of HT‐2 and ZON were linear in the range 10–250 µg kg?1. Squared correlation coefficients (R2) were in the range 0.995–0.998 for the all point calibration curves. The lowest limits of detection (LOD) were found for DON and ZAN with 0.5 and 0.2 µg kg?1, respectively, while the highest LODs were obtained for NIV, FUS‐X and NEO, with 3.3 µg kg?1 for each toxin. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Iron–peptide complexes have been considered a promising source of more bioavailable iron, with reduced side effects as compared to iron salts. Whey protein isolate (WPI) hydrolyzed by alcalase, pancreatin or flavourzyme was ultrafiltered (cut off 5 kDa) and their fractions – retentates and filtrates – were evaluated for iron-binding capacity. The Fe–hydrolysate complexation reaction resulted in a dramatic increase in iron solubility at pH 7.0, from 0% to almost 100%. This result was obtained regardless of the molecular mass profile or the enzyme used to obtain the samples. Fractions from hydrolysate obtained with pancreatin (HP) were chosen to continue the study. The complexes formed with both fractions from HP were stable under simulated gastric digestion (50.8–89.4%). To identify the peptides with iron-binding capacity, the HP fractions were isolated by IMAC-Fe3 +, and the retentate showed higher relative concentrations of iron-binding peptides than the filtrate. Iron-binding peptide sequencing, accomplished by LC–MS/MS, showed Glu and/or Asp in all the sequences, and their carboxylic groups were amongst the main iron-binding sites. WPI hydrolysis with pancreatin yields peptides that can form iron complexes with the potential to increase iron bioavailability and reduce its pro-oxidant effect.  相似文献   

While qualitative studies have identified chlorogenic acids in antioxidant extracts, particularly ethyl acetate‐derived extracts, of Taraxacum officinale, quantitative analysis of these phenolic compounds remains largely unreported for this species. In this study, bioactivity‐guided fractionation of an antioxidant crude ethyl acetate extract (DPPH = 295.481 ± 0.955 mg TE g?1 extract) from T. officinale root resulted in a number of reverse‐phase fractions that demonstrated high antioxidant activity (DPPH = 1058.733–1312.136 mg TE g?1 extract), stronger than that of the synthetic antioxidant Trolox®. UPLC‐MS/MS screening of these fractions for the presence of selected mono‐ and di‐caffeoylquinic acids revealed large quantities of 1,5‐dicaffeoylquinic acid present in several fractions (853.052–907.324 μg mg?1), respectively. Due to the antioxidant potency and high levels of 1,5‐dicaffeoylquinic acid observed in these fractions, it was concluded that specifically this chlorogenic acid derivative is a major contributor to the antioxidant efficacy of dandelion root.  相似文献   

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