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Responds to comments by S. L. Cristenson, C. Carlson, and C. R. Valdez (see record 2003-01789-008); J. A. Durlak (see record 2003-01789-009); J. R. Levin (see record 2003-01789-010); J. R. Nelson and M. H. Epstein (see record 2003-01789-011); B. E. Wampold (see record 2003-01789-012); and G. E. Waas (see record 2003-01789-013) on the mini-series on evidence-based interventions (EBIs) in school psychology (T. R. Kratochwill and K. C. Stoiber [see record 2003-01789-005]; G. Lewis-Snyder, K. C. Stoiber, and T. R. Kratochwill [see record 2003-01789-007]; and E. S. Shernoff, T. R. Kratochwill, and K. C. Stoiber [see record 2003-01789-006]) . A conceptual framework for future operation of the Task Force on Evidence-Based Interventions in School Psychology (hereafter called the Task Force) is presented within the context of identification, review, coding, analyzing and synthesizing, and disseminating research related to EBIs. Reactions to the mini-series are discussed within the context of this framework. Some general comments on future directions of the Task Force are presented along with challenges and merits of EBIs for the practice of school psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Responds to comments (see records 2003-01789-008, 2003-01789-009, 2003-01789-010, 2003-01789-011, 2003-01789-012, and 2003-01789-013) on the mini-series on evidence-based interventions (EBIs) in school psychology (see records 2003-01789-005, 2003-01789-006, and 2003-01789-007). The author focuses on clarifications regarding decisions made by the Task Force and Manual Subcommittee on what constitutes EBIs, realizations about critical issues surrounding these decisions, and specifications for the future. In clarifying the purpose of the Procedural and Coding Manual, 4 design ideals or standards that underlie the conceptualization of the EBI coding structure are reviewed. The design ideals provide underlying assumptions for evaluating intervention studies within the discipline, and include: (1) build researcher-practitioner alliance, (2) respond to the unique issues of school psychology, (3) promote and enhance scientific study, and (4) reflect the broad, diverse nature of the field. Next, central issues raised across the commentary articles are discussed with respect to two sets of juxtaposed considerations: Provide Comprehensive Information vs Maintain Practicality, and Invoke Rigorous Research Design Features vs Reflect School Context Features. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Illustrates the application of the Task Force on Evidence-Based Interventions in School Psychology coding criteria using a single-participant research design study. Specifically, the authors review and evaluate a study by M. L. Kelley and A. P. McCain (1995) according to the Procedural and Coding Manual for Review of Evidence-Based Interventions (T. R. Kratochwill and K. C. Stoiber, this issue; see record 2003-01789-005). Following application of the Procedural and Coding Manual to the Kelley and McCain study, the authors conclude that this study possessed several important strengths, including a strong research design, identifiable intervention components, and strong intervention effects for several participants. Limitations to the study, in addition to issues regarding the evaluation of the single-participant investigation are discussed within the context of the coding criteria. Challenges in coding single-participant studies are presented in the context of future work for the Task Force on Evidence-Based Interventions in School Psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes opportunities, challenges, and cautions in response to T. R. Kratochwill and K. C. Stoiber's vision and other critical issues for the evidence-based intervention (EBI) movement in school psychology. The authors' position can be summarized as follows: (1) the EBI Task Force in School Psychology presents the field with an unparalleled opportunity to influence school psychology training and practice; (2) the challenges presented by the actual coding of existing studies will spur improvements in the research methodology training of school psychology students and improvements in the design of future school-based research; and (3) the field is cautioned to consider carefully the unique context presented by the schools when evaluating intervention effectiveness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Introduces articles in this special issue of School Psychology Quarterly which is designed to provide a current snapshot of the accomplishments and controversies pertaining to evidence-based intervention in school psychology. It is argued that evidence-based intervention guidelines will prove to be akin to professional codes of ethics in that they are both works that will always be unfinished rather than being completed in any ultimate sense. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Notes that school psychology has proposed a system to aid in the identification of evidence-based interventions (T. R. Kratochwill and K .C. Stoiber, this issue; G. Lewis-Snyder, K. C. Stoiber, and T. R. Kratochwill, this issue; E. S. Shernoff, T. R. Kratochwill, and K. C. Stoiber, this issue; see records 2003-01789-005, 2003-01789-007, and 2003-01789-006). In this commentary, issues related to the politics of exclusion, design and theory, methods, and multiculturalism are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Applies the criteria in the Procedural and Coding Manual for Review of Evidence-Based Interventions, established by the Task Force on Evidence-Based Interventions (EBIs) in School Psychology, to a group-based design intervention study. Specifically, the School Psychology EBI group-based criteria were applied to a research study conducted by the Conduct Problems Prevention Research Group (CPPRG, 1999a, 1999b) that examined the effects of the Fast Track intervention program on Grade 1 students. The group-based coding criteria are explicated and described through demonstrating the basis for coding decisions. In general, the application of the Procedural and Coding Manual criteria to the CPPRG investigation of the Fast Track program suggested promising evidence in support of the program. Considerations for interpreting the results of the coding process are discussed with particular attention to implications for practitioners and researchers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined perceptions of school psychologists regarding their use of evidence-based interventions in school settings after completing a graduate course in school-based psychosocial interventions. Ninety-four individuals who completed the course during the 10 years prior to the study were asked to complete a survey that focused on personal and organizational factors affecting the implementation of evidence-based interventions through assessment of (a) the extent of their use of interventions in professional school psychology practice, (b) perceptions of facilitators to implementation, and (c) perceptions of barriers to implementation. Fifty-four responded (a 57% response rate); analyses were conducted on the responses of 34 individuals who indicated that they were currently school psychologists working in schools. Results indicated that school psychologists’ personal beliefs about the interventions influenced their decisions to implement them. Several evidence-based interventions were less likely to be used in urban practice settings. Training in evidence-based interventions should address the personal and contextual issues that are related to implementation, as well as the procedures of the interventions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This special issue, entitled "Evidence-Based Parent and Family Interventions in School Psychology," examines the data that support the use of interventions as methods for changing children's school-related behavior and learning problems. Taken together, the articles reflect the work of the Parent and Family Intervention domain of the Evidence-Based Interventions in School Psychology Task Force. Across the articles in this special issue, the categories of coding criteria in the Manual were used to organize the presentation of results. Six review articles on the evidence base for parent and family intervention appear next; these are followed by commentary from distinguished scholars and a brief reflective comment from the special issue editors. Parent intervention is the exclusive focus of the reviews of parent education and parent consultation. Two reviews focus on the home-school relationship including the articles on parent involvement and home-school collaboration. Two reviews include both parent and family treatments: early childhood family-focused interventions and parent training and family systems interventions. Commentary was sought from the current co-chairs of the Task Force, an expert in evidence-based practice in child clinical psychology, a researcher in family-school linkages and parent consultation, and a methodologist. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The outcomes of current efforts at identifying evidence-based interventions (EBIs) within school psychology remain uncertain. The political and professional contexts, diversity of settings in which school psychologists function, wide variety of intervention objectives, and multiple constituencies served by school psychologists present unique challenges to this endeavor. As the EBI process evolves, it is predicted that vigorous debate will continue over basic epistemological questions, methodological rigor, and professional use of EBI reviews. It is argued that such discussion is critical if the EBI project is to be relevant to both researchers and practitioners. Although a complex task, the effort to identify EBIs can facilitate a more data-based, problem-solving approach to school psychological services. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Major national, state, and local systems reform efforts are under way to close the gap between science and service through implementation of a range of evidence-based practices (EBPs). A set of rhetorical distinctions and ensuing debates about the relevance of science versus service and efficacy versus effectiveness threatens to widen rather than close the gap. However, methodological and conceptual approaches, drawing upon strong theory-driven models, offer considerable promise for an integrated science on implementation effectiveness. This paper outlines some of the major scientific and policy challenges in strengthening the link between science and service in school psychology within the context of the papers in this series. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Do the authors provide us with convincing evidence that parent and family interventions change children's behavior and learning at school? The answer is not a simple or straightforward one. First off, there appears to be more support for interventions that are part of a multi-component program, that are highly focused in scope, and that entail active collaboration between parents, students, and the schools; hence, more support appears to be available for family/parent consultation and family-school collaboration/partnership programs than for the more unidirectional and limited parent education and parent involvement programs. Second, although 100 studies are examined, it is readily apparent that the studies reported on in the various reviews are characterized by numerous methodological shortcomings that compromise their scientific integrity and the conclusions we can safely draw from them. Third, it is evident that nearly all of the efficacious treatments are behavior or cognitive-behavioral ones. Fourth and finally, it will be important to begin to identify the students, families, and schools that are most likely to benefit from the various interventions and to examine the specific mechanisms of change in each of the proposed interventions. In sum, it seems safe to conclude that evidentiary support for the effectiveness of parent and family interventions in school psychology is mixed at best. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The purpose of this special issue was to examine the scientific base that supports the use of parent and family interventions that are implemented in schools or coordinated with school settings, and to demonstrate a change in the school-related behaviors and learning problems of children and youth. Reviews have been conducted in the six sub-domains: parent education, parent involvement, parent consultation, family-school collaboration/partnership, family systems therapy and parent training, and early childhood family-focused interventions. To our knowledge this is the first time standard criteria have been applied across these subdomains to examine the empirical base for the broader family and parent intervention domain. From this review, it would be erroneous to conclude that there is no evidence for the use of parent and family interventions as methods for changing the school-related behavior and learning problems of children and youth. From this review, it is evident that parent and family interventions are multidimensional. In this review, we asked the question, "Do we find evidence that parent and family interventions change children's behavior and learning at school?" Our answer is "yes, but." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

For more than half a century, school psychologists have considered the need for role expansion and revision if they are to meet the poignant needs of children, youth, families, and school personnel. In fact, as previously discussed, school psychology practitioners and trainers have come together for a variety of conferences hoping to transform our training, roles, and practices in schools and society. A number of national initiatives have recently been implemented, including the reauthorization of the individuals with Disabilities Education Act, refinement of the evidence-based Institute of Educational Sciences, and implementation of the ubiquitous No Child Left Behind Act. The collaboration among the major leaders and organizations in school psychology, and what it yielded, was perhaps the most exciting and optimistic aspect of the Futures Conference held in Indianapolis, Indiana, in November 2002. Although the previous conferences at Spring Hill and Olympia represented collaborative efforts among the National Association of School Psychologists laborative (NASP), along with other organizations and supporters, the extensive level of coordination and cooperation required for the Futures Conference appears unparalleled. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests that School Psychology: A Blueprint for Training and Practice (National School Psychology Inservice Training Network, 1984) and School Psychology: The State of the Art by the 2nd author (1984) are not finished products; detailed designs—the specifications for building contemporary models of practice and training—need to be charted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The field of professional psychology has been tremendously successful, although it has also been characterized by many competing preparadigmatic theoretical orientations, which have led to a great deal of contention as well as conflicting views regarding psychological development, functioning, and behavior change. There is now widespread agreement regarding scientific explanations of many psychological processes, however, and, consequently, it is time to update the basic conceptual frameworks used for professional psychology education and practice. Replacing the traditional reliance on an array of theoretical orientations with a science-based biopsychosocial framework would resolve many of the contradictions and conflicts that characterized the preparadigmatic era and would also provide a common perspective for unifying psychologists around a shared approach to practice, research, and training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

"This report asserts that psychology is central to the training of school counselors. The recommendations are designed to be guidelines for colleges of education, psychology departments, school systems, state departments of public instruction, the United States Office of Education and professional associations interested in the training and professional development of school counselors." The major sections are: Principles Relevant to Professional Preparation of the School Counselor and to His Effective Functioning, Content Areas in the Field of Psychology, Implications of the Report, and Pertinent Reports and Publications. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Trends in data from the past to the present are described for demographic variables (gender, race and ethnicity, preparation levels, credentialing, age and experience) and ratio of students to school psychologists. School psychology in the United States will continue to be characterized as primarily Caucasian, specialist-level and female through 2020. Projections of personnel needs based on estimates of new school psychologists entering the field through graduation from university programs, as well as those exiting the field through estimates of retirement and attrition, indicate that there will be a severe shortage of school psychologists through 2010, with the shortage then continuing but declining through 2020. Implications are discussed and possible strategies and directions are offered for the field. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews the book, Applied Social Psychology: Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems edited by Frank W. Schneider, Jamie A. Gruman, and Larry M. Coutts (see record 2005-02098-000). Though I think the appeal of this text ought to extend well beyond the intended audience, Schneider et al. are marketing their book as an undergraduate level introductory text. It thus contains much of the pedagogy that instructors have come to expect in textbooks. Of course, the typical undergraduate text is written by a single author or group of authors. Schneider et al. opted for a different approach; Theirs is an edited volume, a collection of chapters written by specialists in a wide range of topic areas. Whereas it might have been natural in this case to expect problems with lack of consistency in style, organization, and content across the chapters, I was impressed by the effectiveness with which the editors maintained consistency throughout. One of the main strategies by which they achieved this level of success seems to have been by encouraging authors to use several classic theories and studies, where appropriate, in discussing the content relevant to their own areas of expertise. In total, there are 16 chapters. The first four chapters, which include an introductory chapter and chapters on theory, research methods, and intervention and evaluation, serve largely to set the context for the more focused, topic-driven material that comes later. Because this book is intended as a broad introduction to applied social psychology and because the chapters are rather short in length (20 to 25 pages on average), the coverage within any given chapter is selective rather than comprehensive in nature. I think Applied Social Psychology will make a substantial contribution as an undergraduate text--useful both as an introductory text in courses on applied social psychology and, where time will permit, as a secondary text to complement the main text in introductory or junior graduate-level survey courses on social psychology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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