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This paper presents the development of a wind turbine designed for rural electrification efforts throughout Nicaragua. The turbine was designed to use locally available and recycled materials in order to reduce production costs and thus make them more feasible for developing countries. A vertical axis configuration was chosen in order to have minimal impact on local ecology and terrain aesthetics. The Bassett Sail-Blade rotor assembly is introduced. In addition, a dual rotor axial flux alternator was constructed with reclaimed automotive parts and imported neodymium magnets using simple hand tools. When integrated into a community battery charging station, the developed turbine can be used as a cost-effective solution to rural electrification and conservation efforts throughout the developing world.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relations between festivals and their institutional settings, and how these relations shape festival management. We analyze institutional logics and work practices in a complex project, Lucca Comics & Games, which is the biggest festival dedicated to fantasy culture in Italy. Our results, based on archival research, media coverage and interview data, reveal the recursive interplay between institutional logics and work practices for institutional maintenance. We argue that the study of festivals is essential to understanding key aspects of project-based organizing more generally. In this regard, the maintaining of institutions must be distinguished from stability or the absence of change and consideration of historical and contextual analysis, and multiple tensions that occur due to competing institutional logics can open up new ways of thinking for prospective research. We also demonstrate that future research can use institutional work practices for understanding institutional maintenance in recurring temporary organizations.  相似文献   

郭伟明 《山西建筑》2008,34(16):321-322
介绍了南同蒲电气化扩能改造工程洪洞站既有概况,对洪洞站能力进行了分析,根据车站改造工程实施难易,分新建洪安涧河大桥和利用旧洪安涧河大桥两方案进行了研究,提出了洪洞站扩能改造的方案比选。  相似文献   

鉴于玻利维亚国家基础测绘资料薄弱,尤其在山区基础测量资料基本上空白的情况,通过参加援助玻利维亚国波多西省农村电气化建设输电线路工程测量工作的经验,总结和探讨了多种情况下的测量作业方法.  相似文献   

浅谈旧铁路电气化施工设备的维护措施   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
武明 《山西建筑》2007,33(10):351-352
对旧电气化施工设备在使用过程中常见的故障进行了系统地分析,从发动机维护、液压系统保养、底盘修理三方面提出了对旧电气化施工设备进行合理维护的方法,以达到延长电气化设备使用寿命的效果,解决了电气化施工安全和行车安全的隐患问题。  相似文献   

乡村策划:寻找乡村触媒   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
翟辉 《室内设计》2016,(2):15-17
针对近期乡村规划和乡村建设中普遍存在的照搬城市规划理念、不切实际、实效性弱等问题,借鉴建筑策划和城市触媒的相关研究成果,试图通过强调乡村触媒找寻乡村策划,寻求一条适合乡村自身“系列发展”需求的、可以激发乡村活力的、“反规划”的乡村建设之路:强调触媒的乡村建设应该基于一村一策的、过程调适的策划和界定,而非“八股”的、终结版的规划和设计。  相似文献   

苏立新 《山西建筑》2008,34(16):238-239
针对机械费用在电气化工程成本中比重很大的现状,提出了在电气化工程施工中降低机械费用的途径,主要包括控制电气化施工中机械设备的数量、使用时间、台班单价、生产效率等,以提高企业的经济效益。  相似文献   

史华强 《山西建筑》2010,36(2):288-289
研究了陇海线茂陵车站站场电气化改造施工,提出了硬横梁安装流程,重点对该车站站场电气化改造施工方案进行了阐述,以保证在规定时间内完成工作量,达到行车安全的目的。  相似文献   

吴旭峰 《山西建筑》2014,(7):156-158
介绍了各类铜(合金)接触线及内包式钢铝复合接触线的结构及其尺寸,通过磨耗计算得出了磨耗剩余高度与磨耗面积对应的关系,即磨耗换算表,通过磨耗测量,及时补强或更换接触线,以确保电气化铁路安全运行。  相似文献   

A significant research gap exists in our understanding of how to govern institutional complexity in megaproject organizations. In this paper, we conduct a case study of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project in order to elaborate on whence institutional complexity emerges and how institutional complexity affects project outcomes and shapes actors' behaviors. We find that institutional complexity stems from both external (macro-level) environments and internal actors (micro-level environments), and consists of regulatory, political, and social complexity and cultural, evolutionary, and relational complexity, respectively. In addition, we find that institutional complexity from the macro environments will result in constraint conflicts in megaproject organizations, whereas the different practices and identities of the project's various micro-actors will create organizational conflicts. We also find that actors within the megaproject organizations choose different responses when faced with different types of institutional complexity. Our approach offers conceptual refinements and a new sensitizing framework for guiding studies of how, in practice, to govern institutional complexity of megaproject organizations.  相似文献   

Spontaneous settlements, known as gecekondus, now constitute half or more of the housing stock in Turkey's major cities. They are often ill provided with infrastructure and urban services, to the detriment of their residents. A recent (1996) research project sought to understand this problem by using the analytical framework of new institutional economics. In theory, rules should create incentives that shape the behavior of infrastructure providers. In fact, the research discovered that formal rules are largely ineffective. Instead, in the absence of credible formal rules, pressures are exerted that shape informal operating procedures. This and other findings of the research work which are of relevance to both practitioners and theorists of urban development are elaborated upon.  相似文献   

刘伟 《山西建筑》2010,36(8):290-291
在京包线大同一包头段电气化改造工程中,针对站场改造的车站站型、到发线有效长、列车进路、电化范围等问题进行了设计分析,并给出实例,积累了既有线电化改造站场经验。  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges facing developing countries is gaining access to the capital necessary to achieve widespread electrification, and for this aid is essential. We examine the history of World Bank and other aid agencies' policies in fostering electrification around the world. A dataset comprised of 3745 multilateral and bilateral electrification aid projects is used to evaluate the determinants of such aid in the last three decades of the 20th century. Our major finding is that electrification aid by the 1990s had moved toward relatively poorer countries, except for those in Africa, and toward countries with better governance structures. Increased aid also flowed to countries that had restructured their electric power sector, likely reflecting the liberalization and privatization policies promoted by the World Bank and other aid donors from the mid-1980s onwards.  相似文献   

Institutional sustainability (IS) is critical to translating infrastructure investments into actual service delivery. This paper examines IS for urban water utilities, and how its progress could be tracked. Common conceptualisations of IS in extant literature were found inadequate from an evaluation stand point. We conceptualize IS as a capacity rather than a financial issue, and, consistent with a process-based approach, we propose a new evaluation tool – the water utility maturity (WUM) model – which is flexible and considers different levels of IS. The WUM model, which requires further validation/verification, was piloted in two water utilities in South Asia with positive feedback.  相似文献   

The aim of a European Union-funded research project entitled 'Supporting and Promoting Integrated Tourism in Europe's Lagging Rural Regions' (SPRITE) is to analyse and develop the potential for better-integrated tourism in the rural landscapes of Europe. Integrated tourism can be defined as that which is explicitly linked to the localities in which it takes place and, in practical terms, has clear connections with local resources, activities, products, production and service industries, and a participatory local community. Enhancing the sustainable economic potential of rural landscapes requires partnerships among rural people and the sustainable yet productive use of rural resources. A 'culture economy' approach to integrated tourism is proposed, which emphasizes the importance of local identity, the strategic commodification of resources and of place, and the importance of extra-local forces in enabling local activities. It is suggested that this approach may represent a shift beyond more traditional approaches to rural development.  相似文献   

针对电渗法试验中出现的土体抗剪强度不足的问题,基于通电4h、断电30min为最优间歇比,依据试验时间来控制移动电极,展开了间歇通电联合电极移动作用下电渗法加固滩涂淤泥的室内试验研究,通过对比分析排水速率、电流、土样表面沉降等变化规律,研究电极移动时间对加固效果的影响.试验结果表明:间歇通电联合中期移动电极条件下的排水量...  相似文献   

文章根据当下民宿的发展诠释精品乡村民宿的定义,并借鉴生态系统的理论,提出提升村域环境和链接乡村产业的民宿生态系统营建策略,试图探索近年来精品乡村民宿因为缺乏对外环境建设的思考而产生问题的解决之道。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore variations in the influence of Independent Regulatory Agencies (IRAs) in regulatory arrangements beyond functional explanations, focusing on six sectors in India. This article maps regulatory arrangements in India using measures of concentration, and coordination to assess actor influence. We observe a correlation between the nature of diffusion agents and the variable influence of IRAs within the regulatory arrangement. To investigate this correlation, research on channels of transfer is juxtaposed with a theory of institutional change. Channels of transfer can induce a type of institutional change that can contribute to explaining variations in the influence of IRAs within regulatory arrangements. Our findings corroborate these expectations. For electricity, a sector strongly exposed to diffusion agents, the formal regulatory arrangement shows IRA as the most influential actor, whereas in the telecommunications sector, the pre-existing governmental actor has managed to retain the influence despite setting up an IRA.  相似文献   

产业是乡村建设的核心动力与物质 基础,乡村振兴与发展须以村民为本,依托产 业带动乡村经济发展。由于不同乡村具有显著 的社会、经济、文化及自然禀赋差异,需要契 合实际,以当地传统沿袭或主流强势产业为载 体梳理、整合乡村资源优势,促进乡村持续发 展。本文通过分析产业在乡村建设过程中的 问题与矛盾,提出基于产业提升的乡村建设适 应性设计理念。并以江苏特色田园乡村示范点 连云港市班庄镇前集村为例,对其上位规划、 物质形态、生活文化等因素及当地产业现状 进行周密调研与分析,提炼出前集村自身既有 的资源与优势,挖掘乡村独特的“灵魂”,并以 此为基础寻找基于产业适应性的通用方法和 设计策略,统筹村域物质、文化资源,以此为 基础优化产业模式,从而形成地域特色与创 新吸引力兼具的发展格局,为特色田园乡村的 践行探索一条行之有效的发展路径  相似文献   

Mark Scott 《Housing Studies》2009,24(6):755-774
This paper explores the interaction between rural development policy and planning policies for rural housing within the context of Ireland. Drawing on an interpretive approach to policy analysis, the paper examines competing narratives of ‘the rural’ within the policy arena that underpin a fragmented approach to rural sustainable development. The evidence points to a disconnection between these spheres of public policy marked by a strained relationship between rural communities and regulatory planning, not least with regard to the preferred shape of the rural settlement pattern. It is argued that any housing policy for rural areas must give full regard to the social, economic and cultural attributes of rural life and not just the criteria of environment and landscape. In this context, partnership based local planning processes would enable the exploration of competing rural narratives to be re-orientated towards local needs, capacities and the perspectives of local people and the adoption of cultural, environmental and community values within the policy process.  相似文献   

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