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Since electricity is a basic human need, improving its accessibility is of global relevance. Hence, this study considers data from 74 developing countries for understanding the macroeconomic factors influencing their national electrification rates. Although the income-group-specific findings exhibit heterogeneity, the overall results endorse the electrification rate-boosting impacts of technological progress, renewable energy transition, economic growth, and institutional quality improvement. Besides, the joint electrification rate-boosting effect of technological progress and renewable energy transition is affirmed, while higher income inequality and prices of crude oil are found to inhibit improvement in electrification rates in the developing countries of concern. Accordingly, several electrification rate-boosting policies are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a wind turbine designed for rural electrification efforts throughout Nicaragua. The turbine was designed to use locally available and recycled materials in order to reduce production costs and thus make them more feasible for developing countries. A vertical axis configuration was chosen in order to have minimal impact on local ecology and terrain aesthetics. The Bassett Sail-Blade rotor assembly is introduced. In addition, a dual rotor axial flux alternator was constructed with reclaimed automotive parts and imported neodymium magnets using simple hand tools. When integrated into a community battery charging station, the developed turbine can be used as a cost-effective solution to rural electrification and conservation efforts throughout the developing world.  相似文献   

史华强 《山西建筑》2010,36(2):288-289
研究了陇海线茂陵车站站场电气化改造施工,提出了硬横梁安装流程,重点对该车站站场电气化改造施工方案进行了阐述,以保证在规定时间内完成工作量,达到行车安全的目的。  相似文献   

薛亮 《山西建筑》2003,29(1):113-114
介绍了金属灯柱漏电保护的技术措施和施工要求,针对设施使用中金属灯杆带电的原因进行分析,并提出有效防治措施,指出保护接地是防止金属灯柱意外带电而造成安全危险的重要保护措施。  相似文献   

The rural land institutions have confined the process of China's urbanization for a long time. During the 13 th Five-Year Plan period, the Chinese government will push forward a new round of rural land institutional reform, so as to promote the restructuring of current rural land use pattern, change related elements concerning urbanization, and realize the transformation of the urbanization mode. Taking Jiangsu Province, a comprehensive pilot site of new urbanization at the provincial level in China, as an example, the paper summarizes the practical experience of rural land institutional reform in Jiangsu during recent years. Further, through analyzing the influence of rural land institutional reform on the urbanization process of Jiangsu Province during the 13 th Five-Year Plan period, the paper puts forward some policy measures, with the hope of providing a lasting impetus for the new urbanization in Jiangsu Province as well as a reference for other provinces in China.  相似文献   

One of the greatest challenges facing developing countries is gaining access to the capital necessary to achieve widespread electrification, and for this aid is essential. We examine the history of World Bank and other aid agencies' policies in fostering electrification around the world. A dataset comprised of 3745 multilateral and bilateral electrification aid projects is used to evaluate the determinants of such aid in the last three decades of the 20th century. Our major finding is that electrification aid by the 1990s had moved toward relatively poorer countries, except for those in Africa, and toward countries with better governance structures. Increased aid also flowed to countries that had restructured their electric power sector, likely reflecting the liberalization and privatization policies promoted by the World Bank and other aid donors from the mid-1980s onwards.  相似文献   

鉴于玻利维亚国家基础测绘资料薄弱,尤其在山区基础测量资料基本上空白的情况,通过参加援助玻利维亚国波多西省农村电气化建设输电线路工程测量工作的经验,总结和探讨了多种情况下的测量作业方法.  相似文献   

The renewable energy sources are accompanied by certain constraints as reliability, availability and continuous generation. In India, biomass is considered as the second best suitable combination with other renewable energy sources. Both solar and wind are undependable renewable energies as they are unpredictable. Now the key to successful renewable energy harvesting lies in the selection of hybrid system architecture for power generation. In rural areas, light is usually unavailable and if it does, it is mostly an incandescent light used for household lighting instead of fluorescent. System reliability, economy and environmental issues are the three major issues for decentralised electrification. So, finding the best suited hybrid system configuration to overcome these constraints is the need of the hour. It is at this stage that HOMER comes into the picture. HOMER, abbreviated name of hybrid optimization model for electric renewable, successfully realises system configuration before its installation and works for on-grid, off-grid and stand-alone systems, which make it useful for rural to urban applications. It simulates and optimises the best suitable solution for a hybrid system and generates reports incorporating all the aspects in designing a system. Here, a typical hybrid system is considered and the implementation of HOMER software has been incorporated.  相似文献   

在珠江三角洲的快速工业化进程中,自下而上的土地股份制创新对乡村地区的工业发展和减少城乡差距发挥了积极作用,但由于集体土地产权的模糊性和缺乏管制,也存在土地利用零散、低效、无序等问题,使可持续的城市化进程面临挑战。本文以顺德为例,分析了其土地股份制背景下农村地区土地利用的特征和问题,从土地制度创新的角度,提出了完善农村土地利用的政策建议。  相似文献   

张杰 《城市规划》2011,35(11):88-96
苏锡常地区的城镇化模式一直是全国城镇化发展的典范。但是随着城镇的进一步发展,其城镇化"光环"背后暴露了一系列的问题,使得城镇化发展进入了"囚徒困境"。据此,本文基于新制度经济学的相关理论,通过城镇化制度变迁,城镇企业变革、农村居民进城与出城的交易成本分析,以及城乡规划制度等方面的剖析,揭示了引发"囚徒困境"的根源:制度安排失范引发社会协调机制的失效。对此,进一步提出了突困之道:修补理论研究的缺失;构筑完善的相互协作的制度体系;在规划领域,应重塑城乡规划的核心地位,建立和谐为主体的规划,形成城镇体系规划、镇域规划、镇区总体规划、控制单元规划的由宏观到微观的编制体系,以此促进苏锡常地区城镇化"质"的提升。  相似文献   

文化整合是城中村改造的核心——以广州城中村为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
"城中村"是我国快速城市化进程中带有普遍性的一种独特现象,尤其是在城市化快速发展的珠江三角洲等沿海地区表现更为明显。本文根据对广州市典型"城中村"的实地调查,分析了其文化冲突及表现,从文化整合的角度探索了"城中村"的改造及其城乡关系协调发展问题,以深化其研究,推动"城中村"走内涵式城市化道路。  相似文献   

曹春华 《规划师》2010,26(1):10-15
对四川、湖南、陕西、重庆等省市部分地区的乡村规划建设情况进行比较考察和分析,可知在统筹城乡规划建设改革中,如何科学推进乡村规划建设是改革的关键。只有科学编制乡村规划,将乡村规划的技术要求转化为农民建设新农村的自觉行为规则,以及进行机制创新和推动相关制度建设,才能保障城乡规划的科学实施,实现统筹城乡发展。  相似文献   

中国农村土地制度变革在即.文章首先讨论了在新型城镇化的历史背景下需要关注“三农”问题和农村土地制度变革,进而阐述中国农村土地制度的历史变迁、本质特征,分析其历史贡献和当前面临的制度困境,在此基础上研究主张私有化的激进土地制度变革及坚持集体化的保守土地制度变革两种不同的方式,及其与不同的城镇化策略结合后将会对中国城镇化进程产生深刻的影响.文章最后指出,在农村土地制度改革方向的选择上,笔者反对集体土地的私有化,而倾向于在土地集体所有制内部进行具体制度设计的优化和调整.  相似文献   

This paper studies the early phases of the process of electrification in Belgium in order to shed light on the emergence of a distributed model of urbanization. The paper argues that the policies developed to extent the supply of electricity to each and every corner of the national territory is part and parcel of a distributed urbanism which reproduced itself in different forms throughout the twentieth century. Detailed analysis of the policies developed by three Belgian provinces to support the electrification in the interbellum period brings into view the ambiguity of the Belgian policy of dispersion. On the one hand, this analysis shows an eagerness to advance industrial production over the entire territory by making use of existing, rural collective resources. On the other hand, the policies of dispersion, despite their anti-urban motivations, in time produced (a need for) collective structures that facilitate processes of accumulation and differentiation that over time may be characterized as urban.  相似文献   

刘伟 《山西建筑》2010,36(8):290-291
在京包线大同一包头段电气化改造工程中,针对站场改造的车站站型、到发线有效长、列车进路、电化范围等问题进行了设计分析,并给出实例,积累了既有线电化改造站场经验。  相似文献   

The existing literature about informal development in China's cities is dominated by studies of conventional informal housing in urban villages, while a new type of informal housing, gated informal housing communities, has rarely been studied. The paper aims to contribute to the existing literature by discussing why and how these gated informal housing communities were developed, looking at the case of Beijing. The results of the analysis show that institutional discrimination against rural areas with respect to land use rights, revenue redistribution, policymaking procedures and the hukou-related social welfare system the major drivers of development of informal communities. In particular, informal development is influenced by the ways land value is captured by, compensated for and allocated to the state government rather than rural villagers in the process of its transfer from rural to urban land. For future policy, more institutional innovation or reform is imperative in order to adequately deal with the emergence of gated informal housing communities. Institutionally inclusive land and housing policies, rather than intense top-down control, are needed in China.  相似文献   

从二元到三元:城乡统筹视角下的都市区空间重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在都市区化的进程中,固化的城乡二元制度与城市化的双向路径,塑造出我国大都市区城乡空间的三元格局。本文认为,独立于城乡二元异质空间的都市边缘区,是仍将长期存在的城乡过渡地域,必然扮演着统筹大都市城乡协调发展的核心角色。然而,始终延续的城乡二元思维、二元制度乃至二元规划,导致了都市边缘区城乡一体化发展的结构性失衡。基于此,本文在厘清都市边缘区内涵与价值的基础上,试图探索都市边缘区城乡统筹的治理策略,使其成为积极健康且独具价值的城乡协调地域。  相似文献   

In China, rural migrants to urban destinations often experience poor living conditions and a low rate of homeownership, which are viewed as the results of urban institutional restrictions. Previous studies have primarily focused on rural migrants’ living conditions and comparisons of housing tenure between migrants and local citizens in large, high-level cities. However, the status and determinants of housing tenure choices of rural migrants in urban destinations other than large cities are generally overlooked. Moreover, several factors, such as rural landholding and migrants’ intention, are rarely studied. Using data from a 2010 survey conducted in Jiangsu Province, multinomial logistic regression models are adopted to explore the features and determinants of rural migrants’ tenure choices in urban destinations. In addition to the urban institutional scheme and housing market, rural land and migrants’ intention are found to play important roles in tenure choices of rural migrants in urban destinations.  相似文献   

从“小产权房”看农村土地制度的变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王海卉 《规划师》2008,24(4):51-54
"小产权房"中存在的利益主体及利益关系是"小产权房"存在的现实逻辑.运用制度经济学方法,深入剖析我国现行的土地制度、产权结构和资源配置情况,或许可为"小产权房"寻找到理论上的逻辑."小产权房"的出现,是对现有土地制度的挑战,集中反映了农村利益团体对利益的诉求.未来土地制度变革的不确定性,导致空间规划的有效性和合理性受到置疑.解决现实问题需进行一系列的配套制度改革.  相似文献   

城乡统筹视野下农村宅基地与住房制度的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于新制度经济学的相关理论,分析宅基地制度影响下的农村住房产权与住宅资源,剖析"空心村"、"城中村"、"小产权房"等当前农村住房资源配置的热点问题。在此基础上,通过对城乡二元住房制度的对比分析,从城乡统筹的视野提出农村住宅相关制度变革的需求与政策建议,包括:建立完善的城乡土地市场,促进土地资源的集约利用;建立完善的城乡住房制度和保障制度,促进城乡资产的高效配置;建立完善的城乡户籍制度,促进城乡人口有序流动,以实现城乡一体化全面发展的目标。  相似文献   

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