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从低压变频器市场的发展来看,海外品牌产品一直是处于主导品牌的位置,从近十年的行业发展来看,国内厂商积极引入变频器产品技术,运用低端产品打入市场,多年来不断努力,渐渐削弱海外品牌在国内变频器市场的市场份额。近年来,国内较为良性发展的低压变频器品牌主要有英威腾、汇川等,市场份额也在不断的扩大中,2010年国产品牌的预计可以...  相似文献   

随着变频器市场的日益成熟,变频器也越来越多的应用在社会的方方面面,而现场的调试安装是变频器功能与行业工艺完美结合的关键点,各个变频器厂商也竞相加大对工业现场的服务提升,真正为用户打造高水平的现场解决方案,可以说,工业现场已经成为未来变频器厂商竞争的主战场,现场服务水平的高低在某种程度上决定了您是否能够在这场竞争中取胜。《变频器世界》特从2007年第一期增设“现场调试”栏目,系统地报道工业现场变频调速系统安装过程中遇到的各种问题和安装调试要点,达到分享经验,共同提高的目的。  相似文献   

在美丽的胶东半岛烟台,坐落着中国最早致力于交流电机变频调速器研发的高新技术企业之——欧瑞传动电气有限公司。经过十多年的发展,欧瑞传动已经从单一的变频器供应商发展成为目前国内最具规模的集研发、生产和销售于一体的传动与控制产品专业生产厂商之一,并成长为成熟的多领域自动化解决方案提供商。欧瑞传动一直专注于自己的事业、致力于为...  相似文献   

国内变频器厂商在规模壮大之后,走向多元化发展似乎已经成为了一条定律。而多元化的企业想要更强更具有竞争力,聚焦于细分行业则是一条的捷径。作为国内最早研发、生产和销售变频器产品的企业之一,欧瑞传动经过二十多年的沉淀与积累,已经从单一变频器生产型企业成长为能为客户提供全线工业自动化产品和解决方案的综合性企业在产品多元化发展中取得了  相似文献   

中国是全球最大的手机市场,用户已达4.4亿户,预计到2008年手机用户将增至6亿户。中国的中、高端与低端手机市场都在不断发展。中国目前是低价手机发展最快的市场,而城市中的年轻消费者则青睐多媒体特性丰富的高端移动电话,如具备拍照与MP3播放功能的机型。对于厂商而言,谁要想在中国市场有所作为,必须在上述两个市场做好文章。目前德州仪器(TI)凭借OMAP及LoCosto已充分满足高端和低端市场的需求,其最新发布的eCosto解决方案将帮助制造商通过低成本多媒体功能手机更好地满足中端市场的需求。  相似文献   

MC9S1 2XHY系列是飞思卡尔公司的经过优化的,汽车16位微控制器产品系列,具有低成本,高性能的特点。该系列是联接低端16位微控制器(如:MC9S12HY系列),和高性能32位解决方案的桥梁。MC9S1 2XHY系列定位于低端汽车仪器群集应用,  相似文献   

GfK中国高级客户服务经理孙开2013年,中国市场会保持持续增长,但会略低仅为7%左右,但中国市场盘子很大。2013年的市场有以下几个变化:电信运营商会逐渐兼顾其他市场渠道,不会单一地依靠补贴去开拓市场;低端智能机会快速放量,体验会更好,尤其是MTK等芯片厂商的解决方案大规模推广后,价格会进一步下  相似文献   

硬件比拼时代的结束使得本土智能手机厂商失去优势,再加上国外品牌厂商积极进入低端智能手机领域、国内非手机厂商包括互联网公司也在分食这一市场,本土品牌厂商2012还能否突围取胜?  相似文献   

一直以来,8位MCU是低端市场的主流,32位MCU增长最快,而16位MCU受到8位和32位产品的双重挤压,处境尴尬.但近几年的发展表明,16位MCU应用,呈现出高速增长的势头,各大MCU厂商如Microchip都加大了在16位MCU的推进力度,利用大奖赛的形式吸引更多的爱好者.  相似文献   

如今,“提供行业解决方案,提升用户价值”已经成为许多变频器厂商的竞争利器,甚至制胜法宝。416.61  相似文献   

李晓飞 《世界电信》1999,12(2):34-37
所长在集团和国际通信周刊分别排定了1997年前50名电信运营公司和通信设备制造公司。对大多数大型国际业务运营公司而言,市场竞争使国际业务收入大幅下降,而在移动通信业务和数据通信业务的推动下,大多数公司的总收入仍保持了增长势头。1997年对通信设备制造商而言并非是丰收年,但在数据和蜂窝设备制造方面占优的公司却赢得了辉煌业绩。另外,企业合并和重组潮自启动后势头不减,这仍将是日后业界的一个注目点。  相似文献   

A novel random pulse-width modulation (PWM) technique for three-phase voltage-source inverters, characterized by low computational overhead, a variable switching frequency, and a constant sampling frequency, is presented. The technique is based on two strategies: 1) the so-called arithmetic PWM (APWM), which yields the same switching patterns as the classic space-vector modulation, but with minimal computational effort and 2) randomization of switching periods by varying the delay of switching cycles with respect to corresponding sampling cycles. Simplicity of the technique, named a variable-delay random PWM (VDRPWM) method, allows its implementation in cheap, low-end processors. It makes the VDRPWM the best choice for high-volume, low-cost applications, such as domestic and automotive ac drives and UPSs. The random aspect of the technique has a mitigating effect on the acoustic and electromagnetic noise emitted by the supplied system. This feature has been confirmed by experiments with a 40-hp induction motor drive.  相似文献   

Although there is broad recognition of the huge strides taken in the development of modern AC adjustable-speed drives since the introduction of the thyristor in 1957, far fewer engineers in the power electronics profession today are aware of the key engineering developments in this field that preceded the solid-state era. The purpose of this paper is to review major milestones that set the stage for the development of today's AC drives, including sufficient details to acquaint readers with their basic principles, strengths, and limitations. Attention is devoted to the continuum of this development history and the many direct echoes of developments from the first half of the 1900s that we take for granted in today's AC drives. In addition, the spirited competition between electromechanical and electronic AC drive solutions that dominated engineering attention during the early part of the century are reviewed, highlighting the complicated interrelationship between electric machines and drive electronics that persists today  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》1991,28(1):32-35
Significant developments during 1990 in the areas of personal computers and workstations are discussed. Laptops and notebook-size machines composed the fastest growing segment of the personal computer marketplace. Other notable announcements including a broad range of engineering workstations, with RISC computers breaking the US $5000 barrier. Peripherals also spurred great activity. Hard-disk drives continued to get smaller while growing in capacity, floppy disks jumped up to the superfloppy arena with an order-of-magnitude boost in storage capacity, and IC memory cards were on the verge of making their mark as replacements for rotating magnetic-disk memory  相似文献   

Rotor position and speed information is essential for the control of motors, In fact, several encoders for motors with diameters greater than 13 mm already exist on the market, but most of the solutions are too expensive or unsuitable for smaller applications. Considering the low cost of small drives and their growing number in automation systems, there is a need for encoder solutions which do not increase overall system cost, but offer a controllable device, After a brief summary of existing angular encoders, their miniaturization problems are highlighted, followed by suggestions of suitable architectures for small devices.  相似文献   

The role of Internet technology in future mobile data systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobile telephony and the Internet are the fastest growing businesses in the telecommunications market. This is why most operators and service providers are looking after the development of new services in both sectors, and newcomers are expected to enter the arena. The mobile operators foresee an increasing share of their revenues coming from new data services, while Internet service providers are attracted to wireless technology and mobility services both to reduce costs within the last-mile segment and to enrich their market share, providing ubiquitous access to the Internet and corporate intranets. In this scenario several wireless overlay networks will coexist, and their interworking will be a challenging objective. The employment of Internet technology, with its novel mobility and security extensions, seems to be the most attractive option for achieving that goal. In addition, the migration to a full IP network architecture, even within each specific wireless domain, will be another promising opportunity, already under consideration within several technical and standardization bodies. The envisioned role of Internet technology makes it worthwhile to undertake significant research efforts on the development of innovative IP-based mobile data systems, and opens promising opportunities for both telcos and Internet service providers.  相似文献   

Field-programmable logic (FPL), often grouped under the popular name field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA), are on the verge of revolutionizing sectors of digital signal processing (DSP) industry as programmable DSP microprocessor did nearly two decades ago. Historically, FPGAs were considered to be only a rapid prototyping and low-volume production technology. FPGAs are now attempting to move into the mainstream DSP as their density and performance envelope steadily improve. While evidence now supports the claim that FPGAs can accelerate selected low-end DSP applications (e.g., FIR filter), the technology remains limited in its ability to realize high-end DSP solutions. This is due primarily to systemic weaknesses in FPGA-facilitated arithmetic processing. It will be shown that in such cases, the residue number system (RNS) can become an enabling technology for realizing embedded high-end FPGA-centric DSP solutions. This thesis is developed in the context of a demonstrated RNS/FPGA synergy and the application of the new technology to communication signal processing.  相似文献   

Local e-marketplaces are local online e-commerce platforms deployed by product and service providers and accessed by local customers via mobile devices. In this scenario, customers need to gather information about available offers from the different providers in the area, in order to select the most suitable for their needs and preferences. We present ANEGSYS, an agent-based recommender system for product acquisition which uses automatic bilateral negotiations to generate purchase pre-agreements among buyer and seller agents. This greatly enhances the search for solutions which maximize both buyer and seller utilities.  相似文献   

The emerging technology in vehicle telematics drives several stakeholders in this field to consider services that could be beneficial for both clients and the telematics service providers. In particular this paper proposes a novel framework for insurance telematics in Korea using a mobile aggregation agent (AA) and intelligent data mining agent (IDMA). To our knowledge, this model is recent of its kind in this country and the base-line information from driver’s characteristics serves as reference for the flexible insurance policies. We are able to present a use-case scenario and illustrative examples to demonstrate our model. With this flexible insurance framework, customers can manage their own insurance premiums and lower the cost of motoring. Promising applications of this system to business and industries have been recognized and discussed.  相似文献   

An agile server for cross-provider service peering and aggregation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Telecommunications and next-generation network IP-based services can be increasingly delivered at network edges and in peered third-party networks. As a result, subscribers bypass operators' services in favor of alternative novel services; accordingly, potential revenue is lost. By bundling existing viable network-based services across providers, however, service providers can create new revenues and avoid further erosion of their market share. Business announcements attest to this growing trend, but thus far cross-provider solutions take the form of point-to-point customized integrations. In the emerging service delivery paradigm, providers must be able to interwork fluidly with partners already operating profitable services, and do so without going through the risky and costly service development cycle, and without the need for extensive customized software development. We outline an intelligent-agent-based service peering and aggregation server whose deployment on service provider networks enables such interworking.  相似文献   

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