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基于场景的软件体系结构评估方法通过场景将系统的质量需求转换为风险承担者与系统的交互活动 ,通过低代价的事前评估活动降低软件的质量风险。 SAAM及 ATAM两种方法在具体的实际评估活动中,它们在场景的生成、风险承担者的商业动机的表述、软件体系结构的描述等方面存在着很大的不同,两种评估方法各有特长 ,其评估方法在具体的场景执行环节上具有不确定性 ,将定量的度量方法与定性场景结合是提高评估的有效途径。 相似文献
基于GQM的软件体系结构适应性度量方法研究* 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于GQM方法,结合当前的研究现状,根据实际需要,提出了一个新的面向过程的软件体系结构适应性度量方法.该方法在GQM方法的基础上,提出了面向过程的度量方法建模步骤,引入数据项分层和确认分层,增加了度量的结构化描述,定义了新的度量指标并提出了基于区间AHP和DEA的决策方法,对GQM方法进行了进一步的扩展和改进. 相似文献
在软件维护和演化的工业实践中,软件设计者往往依赖主观经验或直觉对软件的设计进行修改来应对变化的需求。但这导致了决策随意性和不可重现性。结合质量属性的度量将软件设计决策进行量化,从而显式地表示、记录这些经验和直觉。并通过记录所有备选的修改,用于指导将来的软件演化。给出一个基于质量属性度量和决策历史的设计决策优选方法框架,结合一个工业应用的实例进行分析,并讨论了实际应用的效果和可能的改进。 相似文献
对信息系统进行安全分析和安全策略的制定必须以科学的安全评估方法为基础。本文基于多属性决策理论和PDRR模型提出了一种信息系统安全的量化评估方法,论述了其关键技术,并通过对评估结果进行灵敏度分析提高了结果的稳定性和可靠性。我们以该方法为基础开发了一种安全评估辅助系统,并通过对实例系统进行安全评估验证了该方法的的合理性和有效性。 相似文献
随着工作流系统在企业运营中担负越来越重要的角色,工作流可靠性研究的重要性也日渐增加。文中提出了一套完整的工作流系统可靠性评估方法,帮助企业检验工作流系统的可靠性。首先,文中对工作流系统的体系结构进行分析,其中重点分析了工作流系统的流程及活动模式,提出一个以流程为基础的工作流可靠性评估方法。文中采用基于马尔可夫链的流程可靠性算法,将活动中的可靠性数据整合,计算流程的可靠性数据。在此基础上,基于Additive模型,根据流程的使用率将多流程的可靠性信息进行整合,最后求出工作流系统的可靠性数据。根据该方法,设计并实现了工作流系统可靠性评估软件,并通过在。 NET工作流平台上的实验,验证了该方法的可靠性预测效果是令人满意的。 相似文献
应力 《计算机应用与软件》2004,21(5):89-91
将通用安全评估准则与实际系统业务流程相结合,提出了多层次(设备、业务信息流、管理)、多目标(全面安全、重点安全、全面兼重点安全)的评估方法,从而得到系统对安全的支持程度,为同类型系统安全性的量化对比评估奠定基础。 相似文献
The importance of the scientific investigations of software design principles is discussed, and an experimental investigation of the importance of the design principle of module coupling is described. One important dimension of coupling, as promoted by the authors of the structured design methodology, is that of global variable vs. parameterized methods of intermodule communication. It is shown that different proposed software metrics provide conflicting conclusions as to the preferred method of intermodule communication. The three experiments reported herein were performed in university software engineering courses taken by graduate students and upper level undergraduate majors in computer science. They address the effect of global vs. parameterized interfaces on system modifiability. While the type of modification being performed significantly influenced the modifiability of the system, there were no consistent effects due to the type of coupling present in the system. 相似文献
AADL是嵌入式领域对SA进行建模、评估的常用方法,但其属于一种半形式化开发语言,无法直接对SA的可靠性进行验证。为此,提出一种基于AADL的可靠性分析框架,对SA的可靠性进行形式化验证。首先通过分析系统体系结构的元素关系,建立AADL可靠性模型;然后设计转换模型及其规则,将AADL模型转换为连续时间马尔科夫链模型;最后采用概率模型检验工具对连续时间马尔科夫链模型进行可靠性定量分析。仿真结果表明,与现有可靠性分析方法相比,该方法在计算效率和转换效率上都有明显的提高。基于AADL的可靠性分析框架实现在软件系统开发早期对SA进行可靠性定量计算,为AADL在嵌入式软件系统可靠性定量分析方面提供了一种新的验证思路。 相似文献
《Information and Software Technology》2007,49(4):309-323
The success of architecture-centric development of software product lines is critically dependent upon the availability of suitable architecture assessment methods. While a number of architecture assessment methods are available and some of them have been widely used in the process of evaluating single product architectures, none of them is equipped to deal with the main challenges of product line development. In this paper we present an adaptation of the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM) for the task of assessing product line architectures. The new method, labeled Holistic Product Line Architecture Assessment (HoPLAA), uses a holistic approach that focuses on risks and quality attribute tradeoffs – not only for the common product line architecture, but for the individual product architectures as well. In addition, it prescribes a qualitative analytical treatment of variation points using scenarios. The use of the new method is illustrated through a case study. 相似文献
《Computer Standards & Interfaces》2003,25(3):261-269
This paper presents an architectural model to construct cooperative and evolutionary agent-based software systems. Here, a software system is defined as one consisting of a set of agents which interact by executing actions and by determining system functionality. Because the agents need intercommunication and coordination, we propose a model that allows this communication between agents and preserves system activity. This coordination model uses a blackboard as the means of communication between the system agents. The system architecture presented is dynamic in the sense that the modelled system can evolve and be adapted to its new functions. To do this, we distinguish two levels in the architecture: the system and the meta-system levels. The system level describes the system's structure and its functionality, while the meta-system level allows us to effect changes in the system in such a way as to preserve the system's integrity and restrictions. Modifications at the system level are carried out when the developer interacts at the meta-system level. System users interact only at the system level. 相似文献
《Information and Software Technology》2003,45(9):619-631
This work presents an implementation strategy which exploits the separation of concerns and reuse in a multi-tier architecture to improve the security (availability, integrity, and confidentiality) level of an existing application. Functional properties are guaranteed via wrapping of the existing software modules. Security mechanisms are handled by the business logic of the middle-tier: availability and integrity are achieved via replication of the functional modules and the confidentiality is obtained via cryptography. The technique is presented with regard to a case study application. We believe that our experience can be used as a guideline for software practitioners to solve similar problems. We thus describe the conceptual model behind the architecture, discuss implementation issues, and present technical solutions. 相似文献
Recently software crowdsourcing has become an emerging area of software engineering. Few papers have presented a systematic analysis on the practices of software crowdsourcing. This paper first presents an evaluation framework to evaluate software crowdsourcing projects with respect to software quality, costs, diversity of solutions, and competition nature in crowdsourcing. Specifically, competitions are evaluated by the min-max relationship from game theory among participants where one party tries to minimize an objective function while the other party tries to maximize the same objective function. The paper then defines a game theory model to analyze the primary factors in these minmax competition rules that affect the nature of participation as well as the software quality. Finally, using the proposed evaluation framework, this paper illustrates two crowdsourcing processes, Harvard-TopCoder and AppStori. The framework demonstrates the sharp contrasts between both crowdsourcing processes as participants will have drastic behaviors in engaging these two projects. 相似文献
软件体系结构设计方法的研究 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5
科学合理的软件体系结构是开发一个成功应用系统的必要条件,对于提高系统的开发效率和质量具有非常重要的意义。首先分析了软件体系结构与相关概念的关系,接着剖析了软件体系结构的几种主要设计方法的设计过程,最后指出了这些设计方法的不足之处及下一步可能的研究方向。 相似文献
ContextSoftware architectures should be evaluated during the early stages of software development in order to verify whether the non-functional requirements (NFRs) of the product can be fulfilled. This activity is even more crucial in software product line (SPL) development, since it is also necessary to identify whether the NFRs of a particular product can be achieved by exercising the variation mechanisms provided by the product line architecture or whether additional transformations are required. These issues have motivated us to propose QuaDAI, a method for the derivation, evaluation and improvement of software architectures in model-driven SPL development.ObjectiveWe present in this paper the results of a family of four experiments carried out to empirically validate the evaluation and improvement strategy of QuaDAI.MethodThe family of experiments was carried out by 92 participants: Computer Science Master’s and undergraduate students from Spain and Italy. The goal was to compare the effectiveness, efficiency, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and intention to use with regard to participants using the evaluation and improvement strategy of QuaDAI as opposed to the Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method (ATAM).ResultsThe main result was that the participants produced their best results when applying QuaDAI, signifying that the participants obtained architectures with better values for the NFRs faster, and that they found the method easier to use, more useful and more likely to be used. The results of the meta-analysis carried out to aggregate the results obtained in the individual experiments also confirmed these results.ConclusionsThe results support the hypothesis that QuaDAI would achieve better results than ATAM in the experiments and that QuaDAI can be considered as a promising approach with which to perform architectural evaluations that occur after the product architecture derivation in model-driven SPL development processes when carried out by novice software evaluators. 相似文献