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When a moving object abruptly disappears, this profoundly influences its localization by the visual system. In Experiment 1, 2 aligned objects moved across the screen, and 1 of them abruptly disappeared. Observers reported seeing the objects misaligned at the time of the offset, with the continuing object leading. Experiment 2 showed that the perceived forward displacement of the moving object depended on speed and that offsets were localized accurately. Two competing representations of position for moving objects are proposed: 1 based on a spatially extrapolated internal model, and the other based on transient signals elicited by sudden changes in the object trajectory that can correct the forward-shifted position. Experiment 3 measured forward displacements for moving objects that disappeared only for a short time or abruptly reduced contrast by various amounts. Manipulating the relative strength of the 2 position representations in this way resulted in intermediate positions being perceived, with weaker motion signals or stronger transients leading to less forward displacement. This 2-process mechanism is advantageous because it uses available information about object position to maximally reduce spatio-temporal localization errors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

针对静止摄像机下的运动目标检测问题,提出了一种基于背景减法的运动目标检测算法.首先利用无拘束学习方式迅速建立多个可靠的RGB颜色背景模型,然后在运动目标分割过程中,及时地根据场景变化对背景模型进行更新,同时利用色度信息及局部交叉熵信息去除阴影,得到较为精确的运动目标.在对用普通USB摄像头获取的视频序列实验中,该算法显示了良好的性能.  相似文献   

The flash-lag effect is a visual illusion wherein intermittently flashed, stationary stimuli seem to trail after a moving visual stimulus despite being flashed synchronously. We tested hypotheses that the flash-lag effect is due to spatial extrapolation, shortened perceptual lags, or accelerated acquisition of moving stimuli, all of which call for an earlier awareness of moving visual stimuli over stationary ones. Participants judged synchrony of a click either to a stationary flash of light or to a series of adjacent flashes that seemingly bounced off or bumped into the edge of the visual display. To be judged synchronous with a stationary flash, audio clicks had to be presented earlier--not later--than clicks that went with events, like a simulated bounce (Experiment 1) or crash (Experiments 2-4), of a moving visual target. Click synchrony to the initial appearance of a moving stimulus was no different than to a flash, but clicks had to be delayed by 30-40 ms to seem synchronous with the final (crash) positions (Experiment 2). The temporal difference was constant over a wide range of motion velocity (Experiment 3). Interrupting the apparent motion by omitting two illumination positions before the last one did not alter subjective synchrony, nor did their occlusion, so the shift in subjective synchrony seems not to be due to brightness contrast (Experiment 4). Click synchrony to the offset of a long duration stationary illumination was also delayed relative to its onset (Experiment 5). Visual stimuli in motion enter awareness no sooner than do stationary flashes, so motion extrapolation, latency difference, and motion acceleration cannot explain the flash-lag effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The judged final position of a moving stimulus has been suggested to be shifted in the direction of motion because of mental extrapolation (representational momentum). However, a perceptual explanation is possible: The eyes overshoot the final position of the target, and because of a foveal bias, the judged position is shifted in the direction of motion. To test this hypothesis, the authors replicated previous studies, but instead of having participants indicate where the target vanished, the authors probed participants' perceptual focus by presenting probe stimuli close to the vanishing point. Identification of probes in the direction of target motion was more accurate immediately after target offset than it was with a delay. Another experiment demonstrated that judgments of the final position of a moving target are affected by whether the eyes maintain fixation or follow the target. The results are more consistent with a perceptual explanation than with a memory account. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cognitive change was hypothesized to be related to level of S's feeling of uncertainty. Judgments of a photographic stimulus under varying conditions of feedback and quality of stimulus were elicited. The results indicated that change in judgment (cognitive change) is associated with change in level of uncertainty, and the conditions of cognitive change were similar to the Lewinian conceptualization of social change. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When participants control the horizontal movements of a stimulus and indicate its vanishing point after it unexpectedly vanishes, the perceived vanishing point is displaced beyond the actual vanishing point, and the size of the displacement is directly related to the action-effect anticipation one has to generate to successfully control the stimulus. The present experiments examined whether learning a pattern of action-effect anticipation would later impact one's perception of moving stimuli. While 1 participant (the controller) controlled a dot's movements across a computer screen, another (the observer), who could neither see nor hear the controller, watched the dot's movements on a separate monitor. When the dot unexpectedly vanished, the observer indicated the vanishing point. After 40 trials, participants switched roles. While serving as observers, all participants generated forward displacements, but those who did so after acquiring control experience produced larger displacement. Subsequent experiments indicated the larger displacement was due to action-effect anticipation the participants learned while either controlling the dot or observing another do so. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments were directed at understanding the influence of multiple moving objects on curvilinear (i.e., circular and elliptical) heading perception. Displays simulated observer movement over a ground plane in the presence of moving objects depicted as transparent, opaque, or black cubes. Objects either moved parallel to or intersected the observer's path and either retreated from or approached the moving observer. Heading judgments were accurate and consistent across all conditions. The significance of these results for computational models of heading perception and for information in the global optic flow field about observer and object motion is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined 14- to 26-month-old infants' understanding of the spatial relationships between objects and apertures in an object manipulation task. The task was to insert objects with various cross-sections (circular, square, rectangular, ellipsoid, and triangular) into fitting apertures. A successful solution required the infant to mentally rotate the object to be fit into the aperture and use that information to plan the action. The object was presented standing up in half of the trials; in the other half, it was lying down. The results showed that infants solved the problem consistently from age 22 months and that a successful solution was associated with appropriate preadjustments before the hand arrived with the block to the aperture. No sex differences were found. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of moving task-irrelevant objects on time-to-contact (TTC) judgments were examined in 5 experiments. Observers viewed a directly approaching target in the presence of a distractor object moving in parallel with the target. In Experiments 1 to 4, observers decided whether the target would have collided with them earlier or later than a standard (absolute identification task). A contrast effect was observed: If the distractor arrived later than the target, it caused a bias toward early responses, relative to the condition without a distractor. The early-arriving distractor had no significant effect. The pattern of results was unaltered when potentially confounding information from individual visual cues was removed. The availability of stereoscopic information reduced the effect. The contrast effect was also observed if target and distractor were abstract geometric objects rather than simulations of real-world vehicles, rendering less likely a simple safety strategy activated by a potentially threatening distractor. Experiment 5 showed that the effect of the late-arriving distractor generalized to a prediction-motion task. The results indicate that task-irrelevant information in the background has to be considered in revision of time-to-contact theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the role of illness uncertainty in pain coping among women with fibromyalgia (FM), a chronic pain condition of unknown origin. Fifty-one FM participants completed initial demographic and illness uncertainty questionnaires and underwent 10-12 weekly interviews regarding pain, coping difficulty, and coping efficacy. Main outcome measures included weekly levels of difficulty coping with FM symptoms and coping efficacy. Multilevel analyses indicated that pain elevations for those high in illness uncertainty predicted increases in coping difficulty. Furthermore, when participants had more difficulty coping, they reported lower levels of coping efficacy. Results were consistent with hypothesized effects. Illness uncertainty accompanied by episodic pain negatively influenced coping efficacy, an important resource in adaptation to FM. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Seven independent groups estimated the location of North American cities using both spatial and numeric response modes and a variety of perceptual and memory supports. These supports included having location markers for each city color coded by nation and identified by name, giving participants the opportunity to see and update all their estimates throughout the task, and allowing them to respond directly on a map. No manipulation mitigated the influence of categories on the judgments, but some manipulations improved within-region ordinal accuracy. The data provide evidence that the city and regional levels are independent, spatial and numeric response modalities affect accuracy differently at the different levels, biases at the regional level have multiple sources, and accurate spatial cues improve estimates primarily by limiting the use of global landmarks to partition the response space. Results support J. Huttenlocher, L. V. Hedges, and S. Duncan's (1991) theory of spatial location estimates and extend it to the domain of real-world geography. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We examined automatic spatial alignment effects evoked by handled objects. Using color as the relevant cue carried by an irrelevant handled object aligned or misaligned with the response hand, responses to color were faster when the handle aligned with the response hand. Alignment effects were observed only when the task was to make a reach and grasp response. No alignment effects occurred if the response involved a left?right key press. Alignment effects emerged over time, becoming more apparent either when the color cue was delayed or when relatively long, rather than short, response times were analyzed. These results are consistent with neurophysiological evidence indicating that the cued goal state has a modulatory influence on sensorimotor representations, and that handled objects initially generate competition between neural populations coding for a left- or right-handed action that must be resolved before a particular hand is favored. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Our study drew on past theorizing on anticipatory justice (D. L. Shapiro & B. L. Kirkman, 2001) and fairness heuristic theory (K. Van den Bos, E. A. Lind, & H. A. M. Wilke, 2001) to build and test a model of employee reactions to a smoking ban. The results of a longitudinal study in a hospital showed that employee levels of preban anticipatory justice were predicted by their global sense of their supervisor’s fairness. The combination of anticipatory justice and global supervisory fairness then predicted the experienced justice of the ban 3 months after its implementation, with the effects of the 2 predictors dependent on perceptions of uncertainty and outcome favorability regarding the ban. Finally, experienced (interpersonal) justice predicted significant other ratings of employee support for the ban. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present studies examined sex differences in object localization and recognition in C57BL/6 mice. Experiment 1 measured responses to spatial novelty (object displacement) and object novelty (object substitution). Males strongly preferred displaced and substituted objects over unchanged objects, whereas females showed a preference in only 1 measure of object novelty. Experiment 2 further examined object recognition by presenting mice with 2 identical objects, followed 24 hr or 7 days later by testing with a familiar and a novel object. After 24 hr, males preferentially explored the novel object, whereas females exhibited no such preference. Neither sex displayed a preference for the novel object after 7 days. The data suggest that male mice are superior to females at localizing and recognizing objects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Co-thought gestures are hand movements produced in silent, noncommunicative, problem-solving situations. In the study, we investigated whether and how such gestures enhance performance in spatial visualization tasks such as a mental rotation task and a paper folding task. We found that participants gestured more often when they had difficulties solving mental rotation problems (Experiment 1). The gesture-encouraged group solved more mental rotation problems correctly than did the gesture-allowed and gesture-prohibited groups (Experiment 2). Gestures produced by the gesture-encouraged group enhanced performance in the very trials in which they were produced (Experiments 2 & 3). Furthermore, gesture frequency decreased as the participants in the gesture-encouraged group solved more problems (Experiments 2 & 3). In addition, the advantage of the gesture-encouraged group persisted into subsequent spatial visualization problems in which gesturing was prohibited: another mental rotation block (Experiment 2) and a newly introduced paper folding task (Experiment 3). The results indicate that when people have difficulty in solving spatial visualization problems, they spontaneously produce gestures to help them, and gestures can indeed improve performance. As they solve more problems, the spatial computation supported by gestures becomes internalized, and the gesture frequency decreases. The benefit of gestures persists even in subsequent spatial visualization problems in which gesture is prohibited. Moreover, the beneficial effect of gesturing can be generalized to a different spatial visualization task when two tasks require similar spatial transformation processes. We concluded that gestures enhance performance on spatial visualization tasks by improving the internal computation of spatial transformations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined whether spatial location mediates intentional forgetting of peripherally presented words. Using an item-method directed forgetting paradigm, words were presented in peripheral locations at study. A recognition test presented all words at either the same or a different location relative to study. Results showed that while recognition of Remember words was unaffected by test location, when Forget words were presented in the same location at test as at study, recognition accuracy was significantly greater than when presented in a different location. Experiment 2 showed that the speed to localize a previously studied word was faster when it was presented in the same rather than a different study-test location but that the magnitude of this spatial priming was unaffected by memory instruction. We suggest that the location of peripherally presented words is represented in memory and can aid the retrieval of poorly encoded words. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of working memory (WM) load on response conflicts arising from spatial (non) correspondence between irrelevant stimulus location and response location (Simon effect). The dominant view attributes the Simon effect to automatic processes of location-based response priming. The automaticity view predicts insensitivity of the Simon effect to manipulations of processing load. Four experiments investigated the role of spatial and verbal WM in horizontal and vertical Simon tasks by using a dual-task approach. Participants maintained different amounts of spatial or verbal information in WM while performing a horizontal or vertical Simon task. Results showed that high load generally decreased, and sometimes eliminated, the Simon effect. It is interesting to note that spatial load had a larger impact than verbal load on the horizontal Simon effect, whereas verbal load had a larger impact than spatial load on the vertical Simon effect. The results highlight the role of WM as the perception-action interface in choice-response tasks. Moreover, the results suggest spatial coding of horizontal stimulus-response (S-R) tasks, and verbal coding of vertical S-R tasks. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A sound presented in temporal proximity to a light can alter the perceived temporal occurrence of that light (temporal ventriloquism). The authors explored whether spatial discordance between the sound and light affects this phenomenon. Participants made temporal order judgments about which of 2 lights appeared first, while they heard sounds before the 1st and after the 2nd light. Sensitivity was higher (i.e., a lower just noticeable difference) when the sound-light interval was ~100 ms rather than ~0 ms. This temporal ventriloquist effect was unaffected by whether sounds came from the same or a different position as the lights, whether the sounds were static or moved, or whether they came from the same or opposite sides of fixation. Yet, discordant sounds interfered with speeded visual discrimination. These results challenge the view that intersensory interactions in general require spatial correspondence between the stimuli. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of dorsal striatum in spatial memory in mice. The mice were tested for their ability to detect a spatial displacement 24 hrs after training. In order to manipulate the dorsal striatum, focal administrations of the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist D-2-amino-5 phosphonopentanoic acid (AP-5) were performed immediately after training. AP-5 impaired the mice's ability to detect the spatial change only if their initial position was constant during training and testing. These findings demonstrate that NMDA receptor blockade within the dorsal striatum impairs spatial memory consolidation in a task in which no explicit reward or procedural learning is involved. The results are discussed with reference to a possible selective involvement of this structure in processing spatial information acquired through an egocentric, but not an allocentric, frame of reference. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A sparse mask that persists beyond the duration of a target can reduce its visibility, a phenomenon called object substitution masking. Y. Jiang and M. M. Chun (2001a) found an asymmetric pattern of substitution masking such that a mask on the peripheral side of the target caused stronger substitution masking than on the central side. Assuming spatial attention was focused toward the target, the peripheral and central masks were located in the same and opposite direction of an attentional path with reference to the target in their study. We hypothesized that this asymmetric mask configuration relative to the attentional shift contributes to asymmetric substitution masking. To test this hypothesis, we conducted four experiments among which the presence or absence of the center–periphery relationship and the presence or absence of the asymmetric mask configuration were manipulated independently and orthogonally. The results suggest that asymmetric substitution masking occurs relative to the direction of spatial attention irrespective of the central–peripheral relation. We propose that the asymmetry in substitution masking might be explained by attentional momentum associated with orienting toward the target. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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