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A single-input-single-output (SISO) dual-band filter operating at ISM 2.4-2.5GHz and UNII 5.15-5.85GHz frequency bands, using the novel "dual behavior resonators" technique has been developed. Exploiting the strong second resonant frequency of resonators to realize the filtering response, allows for achieving the asymmetric shape and the good rejection between the two bands. The insertion loss and return loss at the central frequency are -2.4 dB and -15 dB for the 2.4-GHz band, respectively, and -1.8 dB and -10 dB for the 5-GHz band, respectively. The filter has been fabricated using the novel liquid crystal polymer (LCP) based multilayer packaging technology, enabling a low cost SOP implementation.  相似文献   

Electronics packaging evolution involves system, technology, and material considerations. In this paper, we present a novel three-dimensional (3-D) integration approach for system-on-package (SOP)-based solutions for wireless communication applications. This concept is proposed for the 3-D integration of RF and millimeter (mm) wave embedded functions in front-end modules by means of stacking substrates using liquid crystal polymer (LCP) multilayer and /spl mu/BGA technologies. Characterization and modeling of high-Q RF inductors using LCP is described. A single-input-single-output (SISO) dual-band filter operating at ISM 2.4-2.5 GHz and UNII 5.15-5.85 GHz frequency bands, two dual-polarization 2/spl times/1 antenna arrays operating at 14 and 35 GHz, and a WLAN IEEE 802.11a-compliant compact module (volume of 75/spl times/35/spl times/0.2 mm/sup 3/) have been fabricated on LCP substrate, showing the great potential of the SOP approach for 3-D-integrated RF and mm wave functions and modules.  相似文献   

Liquid crystal polymer (LCP) has potentially a very wide application as substrate material in electronic packaging applications because of its unique advantages. The work in this paper was performed to realize the metallization of LCP for the purpose of board fabrication, and to study the adhesion between deposited copper and LCP. A homogenous electroless plated copper layer on LCP with 4 to 5 /spl mu/m thickness was achieved, while it increased up to 40 /spl mu/m with the subsequent electroplating. The timescale of etching, deposit ion rate, and pH value were gradually changing during the plating process and the influences on copper layer quality were investigated. The adhesion force of the copper-LCP layer system was measured by a shear-off-method. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to check the surface morphology after etching and the interface after shearing on both the backside of the copper layer and the LCP side. The relationship between the shear-off adhesion of copper and the time of chemical etching before plating was examined, and the optimal etching time is discussed. Heat treatment after plating was used, and it was shown that this significantly improved the adhesion strength.  相似文献   

Hao  Z.-C. Hong  J.-S. 《Electronics letters》2008,44(20):1197-1198
A novel ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter (BPF) using a broadside- coupled hairpin structure and multilayer organic liquid crystal polymer (LCP) technology is presented. To suppress stopband harmonic response, folded stepped impedance structures were adopted as hairpin resonators in the design. The proposed filter has been investigated numerically and experimentally. Multilayer LCP technology was used to implement designed UWB BPF. Good agreement between simulated and measured results of the proposed filter was observed. They show that the fabricated UWB BPF has a good performance, including a small insertion loss, a flat group delay with a variation within 0.1 ns in most of its passband, a wide stopband from 11.0 20.0 GHz with a high rejection level up to 20.0 dB, and a very compact size of 9.8 x 7.5 mm (0.36 lg x 0.27lg, where lg is the guided wavelength of 50 V microstrip line at 6.85 GHz).  相似文献   

聚合物分散型液晶结构紫外光稳定性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
聚合物分散型液晶组件技术是市面上常用的散射式光开关系统,且常常应用于具隐私保护性之电控切换窗户中。然而对于室外的应用,属于有机高分子材料的液晶材料与聚合物结构对于照射紫外光之稳定性与耐受性值得被讨论,尤其是较少被讨论之高分子聚合物结构的影响。本研究主要探讨不同聚合物结构之聚合物分散型液晶组件在紫外光照射下光电特性的变化,期待可以了解聚合物结构特性随曝光时间的变化并提出适当之改善方法。本实验藉由选择具有高紫外光稳定性之主体液晶搭配紫外固化胶调配聚合物分散型液晶预聚物,分别探讨不同固化胶比例与光强度等固化条件下,组件照射紫外光后对于光电特性造成的影响,以此了解各种聚合物形貌照射紫外光后之光电特性变化。实验结果显示,照射紫外光后,各种聚合物分散型液晶组件之临界电压仅仅些微提升,但下降时间剧烈地提高,以聚合物比例35%、固化强度2mW/cm~2为例,临界电压从15.57V些微提升至18.18V,下降时间从195.12ms大幅提升至925.26ms。此外,本研究亦发现相对于照射前,照射紫外光后之组件的下降时间对于电压施加时间长短相当敏感,且此现象可藉由调整固化光强度与固化胶浓度有抑制之趋势。本研究呈现了各种聚合物分散型液晶组件在照射紫外光后光电特性的变化,并了解聚合物结构的特性变化的影响。  相似文献   

基于超薄液晶聚合物柔性材料,设计了一种满足无线体域网(WBAN)需求的双陷波UWB可穿戴天线。该天线由椭圆形贴片、锥形三叉戟共面馈线和梯形地板组成。通过分别在辐射贴片上蚀刻椭圆开口谐振环和在共面馈线上蚀刻n形槽以实现双陷波特性。该天线采用共面波导的馈电方式,具有良好的共面性,易于与载体共形。经网络矢量分析仪测试结果表明,该天线在3. 1~10. 6 GHz的超宽带频段内回波损耗小于-10 d B的同时,在4. 88~6. 15 GHz和7. 55~8. 51 GHz内拥有双陷波特性,可抑制WiMAX和ITU 8 GHz频段对系统产生的干扰。与以往的可穿戴天线相比,该天线厚度仅为0. 1 mm,且柔性可弯曲。此外,对天线在弯曲情况下进行测试,天线特性基本保持不变。  相似文献   

基板的锚定特性,包括锚定能大小和锚定易取方向,影响液晶指向矢的分布,直接导致液晶盒电容的改变,因此可以通过液晶盒电容的测量确定基板表面的锚定特性。基于液晶弹性理论和变分原理,理论推导弱锚定平行排列向列相和混合排列向列相液晶盒系统的平衡态方程和边界条件,采用差分迭代方法数值模拟得到了液晶盒约化电容随电压、锚定能系数及锚定易取方向变化的曲线。结果表明:液晶盒电容随基板锚定能系数的增加而减小;随预倾角的增加,液晶盒电容随锚定能系数的变化缩小;同一电压和基板锚定能系数下,平行排列向列相液晶盒电容不会大于混合排列向列相液晶的电容。  相似文献   

We characterize the polymer stud grid array (PSGA) package electrically, thermally and thermo-mechanically for successful commercial application. For the electrical characterization, we extract lumped parameter resistance-inductance-capacitance (RLC) models for the interconnects from simulations. We also measure the RF performance of the package on printed circuit board (PCB) test structures. The average self-inductance from the wirebond pad to the bottom of the stud is 0.53 nH and the total capacitance to the ground is 0.26 pF for an interconnection of the periphery of the over the edge (OTE) type PSGA. The lumped RLC model is verified by full three-dimensional (3-D) EM simulations. Simulation models also indicate that the "Micro-via" (/spl mu/-via) type of interconnection on the PSGA package improves performance by decreasing the inductance on an average by 60%. Thermal characterization involves the development of a steady-state thermal compact model with six nodes for the 72-pin PSGA. We also perform transient thermal measurements on test packages to fine-tune the detailed model. For the thermo-mechanical case we test the first level and second level reliability by experiments and optimize them using simulations. The board level reliability for the 72-pin PSGA mounted on a PCB is very high (N50%>10000 cycles). Simulations also show a higher reliability for the PSGA than the plastic ball grid array (PBGA).  相似文献   

聚合物分散液晶(PDLC)是液晶微滴分散在聚合物基体中形成的一种具有优异电光性能的材料,PDLC的电光特性对基于PDLC的电光器件的性能具有显著影响。本文对紫外固化光强对PDLC电光特性的影响进行研究。本研究使用紫外照射引发的聚合物诱导相分离方法制备PDLC。在4个不同紫外固化光强(1mW/cm~2、1.8mW/cm~2、3mW/cm~2和9mW/cm~2)条件下制备PDLC样品,并对4个样品的电光特性如电压-透过率、响应时间和迟滞效应进行研究,并对实验结果给出了分析。实验结果表明:随着紫外固化光强的增加,PDLC的阈值电压和饱和电压增加,开态响应时间ton上升,关态响应时间toff下降,同时对于高紫外光强聚合制备的样品迟滞效应也更加明显。本研究表明可以通过改变制备过程中的紫外光强来优化PDLC的电光特性,从而获得性能优异的基于PDLC的电光器件。  相似文献   

为了调节聚合物网络与液晶分子之间的相互作用,从而改善聚合物稳定胆甾相液晶(PSCLC)的光电性能,本文采用紫外光聚合诱导相分离法(PIPS)制备了聚合物稳定胆甾相液晶,通过控制2种单体RM257与BAB6的比例来改善器件性能。随着RM257含量的减少,聚合物网络由取向排列的纤维状结构向疏松不规整的交联状结构转变,形成的聚合物网络对液晶分子的锚定作用减弱,聚合物稳定胆甾相液晶的饱和电压降低,关闭时间增大。当RM257与BAB6质量比为1∶4时,聚合物稳定胆甾相液晶器件具有较好的对比度。  相似文献   

This paper involves the development of two critical assembly processes for liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS) microdisplays. The processes investigated include the lamination of cover glass on silicon and a LC filling process. For the lamination process, a tool and process were designed and developed with the objective to attach the cover glass on a silicon die and achieve a cell gap of 3-/spl mu/m between them. The gap was achieved and verified with various measurement techniques. The lamination process involved the deposition of an adhesive ring and subsequently squeezing the two parallel plates until the desired cell gap was achieved. An analytical model was developed to estimate the time required to achieve a 3-/spl mu/m cell gap by applying different pressures on the cover glass. The analytical model proved to be a guideline in developing the lamination process. The second process in the assembly is filling the cavity between the cover glass and silicon with LC material. For LC filling, a tool was designed and process was developed. The process works on the principle of flow of fluid in a capillary. The flow rate was enhanced by applying a vacuum to the cavity. An analytical model was developed to estimate the time needed to fill the 3-/spl mu/m wide cavity. Fill time is a function of gap width between glass and silicon, pressure applied within the cavity, cavity length and the viscosity of the LC material.  相似文献   

报道了液晶分子不同取向对液晶/聚合物光栅电光特性以及激光出射的影响。通过扫描电子显微镜观察液晶/聚合物光栅的截面,成功观察到了光栅的体光栅结构。液晶分子垂直光栅矢量排列时,由于光栅形貌变差,衍射效率由液晶分子沿光栅矢量排列时的83.2%降低至72%,同时散射损耗由11.8%增加至19.1%。液晶分子垂直光栅矢量时,液晶/聚合物光栅的调谐电场由液晶分子沿光栅矢量时的13.6V/μm下降至3.1V/μm。液晶沿光栅矢量排列时,激光出射阈值更低,为利于激光出射的方向。本文工作为进一步加深对液晶/聚合物光栅以及染料掺杂分布式反馈选频的理解和认识,提供了指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

In an attempt to understand the Schottky barrier behavior of Ti/Pt/GaAs and Pt/Ti/ GaAs bimetal Schottky diodes, we have investigated the interfacial morphology of Ti and Pt thin films on GaAs(l00) substrate. The characterization was based on coverage profiling of Auger electron spectroscopy in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy. Emphasis was placed on film uniformity and atomic interdiffusion. The results showed Ga and As outdiffusion in Pt/GaAs interface and some oxygen incorporated in Ti film, but no evidence of clustering for both metal/GaAs systems.  相似文献   

为实现LCD显示器的光谱特征化,本文提出一种基于遗传算法优化(Genetic Algorithm,GA)的BP神经网络(GABP)结合PCA(Principal component analysis)的光谱特征化模型。首先对显示器色空间进行子空间划分,同时采用PCA对光谱数据进行降维,接着在各子空间中采用遗传算法对BP神经网络的权值阈值进行优化,建立显示器驱动值与光谱数据之间的神经网络模型,实现了显示器的光谱特征化。实验结果表明子空间划分后,在子空间中进行模型参数的优化有利于模型整体精度的提高,GA的优化有效改善了BP神经网络的极值问题,提高了模型的精度,PCA在不影响模型精度的同时提高了算法的运行效率。由此说明该模型是一种高精度显示器特征化模型。  相似文献   

Copper MOCVD (metalorganic chemical vapor deposition) using liquid injection for effective delivery of the (hfac)Cu(vtmos) [1,1,1,5,5,5-hexafluoro-2,4-pentadionato(vinyltrimethoxysilane) copper(I)] precursor has been performed to clarify growth behavior of copper films onto TiN, <100> Si, and Si3N4 substrates. Especially, we have studied the influences of process conditions and the substrate on growth rates, impurities, microstructures, and electrical characteristics of copper films. As the reactor pressure was increased, the growth rate was governed by a pick-up rate of (hfac)Cu(vtmos) in the vaporizer. The apparent activation energy for copper growth over the surface-reaction controlled regime from 155°C to 225°C was in the range 12.7–32.5 kcal/mol depending upon the substrate type. It revealed that H2 addition at 225°C substrate temperature brought about a maximum increase of about 25% in the growth rate compared to pure Ar as the carrier gas. At moderate deposition temperatures, the degree of a <111> preferred orientation for the deposit was higher on the sequence of <Cu/Si<Cu/TiN<Cu/Si3N4. The relative impurity content within the deposit was in the range 1.1 to 1.8 at.%. The electrical resistivity for the Cu films on TiN illustrated three regions of the variation according to the substrate temperature, so the deposit at 165°C had the optimum resistivity value. However, the coarsened microstructures of Cu on TiN prepared above 275°C gave rise to higher electrical resistivities compared to those on Si and Si3N4 substrates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the electrical control of the distributed feedback (DFB) organic semiconductor laser based on a holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal (HPDLC) grating for the first time. The grating is fabricated on the top of the organic semiconductor film to act as an external feedback structure. Experimental results show that the lasing intensity can be decreased by increasing the external electric field, and the lasing wavelength exhibits a slight blue-shift of 1.4 nm during the modulation process, indicating a good stability. The modulated performances are attributed to the decreases in the refractive index modulation and average refractive index of the HPDLC grating respectively as a result of the field-induced liquid crystal reorientation. This study provides some new ideas for the improvement of DFB organic semiconductor laser to enable envisioned applications in laser displays and integrated photonic circuits.  相似文献   

为获得一种开关效应强、响应快且结构简单的光开关,对一种基于二色性染料及聚合物取向的液晶光开关进行研究。通过在垂直配向的液晶中加入二色性染料及聚合物,并在施加偏压的情况下照射紫外光使其发生聚合物取向效应,制得了一种具有电控偏光特性的液晶盒,进而将这种液晶盒按照偏光角度为0°/90°的方式组合为液晶光开关。对所制得液晶光开关的插入损耗、消光比和响应特性进行测试,结果表明,所制得的液晶光开关的插入损耗小于0.6dB、消光比超过13dB,具有较明显的开关效应,聚合物取向的方法则可以消除这种液晶光开关的迟滞现象,使其开关时间降低到20ms以内;通过聚合物取向过程所施加偏压的控制,二选一地,可以进一步减少其插入损耗或开关时间。  相似文献   

Anisotropic conductive adhesive films (ACF) have been widely studied for numerous applications. However, their resistance to corrosion in highly corrosive environments has been studied only very little. This study investigated the reliability and behaviour of ACFs in corrosive salt spray environment. ACF was used to attach flip chip (FC) components on FR4, liquid crystal polymer (LCP) and polyimide (PI) substrates and the FC packages were subjected to a salt spray test lasting 3000 h. The FC packages had daisy chain structures which were measured continuously in real time during testing. After testing cross sections of the tested packages were examined using an optical microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Most components failed during the test and the results showed significant differences between the various substrate materials. The LCP substrate performed considerably better than the other substrates and the PI substrate proved to have the poorest reliability. Corrosion of the pads on the substrates as well as open joints was seen in all substrate materials. The corrosion behaviour as well as the differences between the substrates showed that the substrate structure and material are critical factors in corrosive environments and should be carefully considered. The reliability of the ACF FC package with the LCP substrate was found to be good, as the test was very severe and no failures occurred during the first 625 h of testing and only 20% failed during the first 1000 h.  相似文献   

A low cost single-balanced mixer is designed using a newly designed 90/spl deg/ substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) 3-dB coupler, which takes the advantages of low cost, low profile, and high performance. An X-band single-balanced SIW mixer is designed and fabricated with a standard printed circuit board process. Measured conversion loss of 6.8dB and the wide-band response from 8.5 to 12GHz are presented.  相似文献   

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