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Developers commonly make use of a web search engine such as Google to locate online resources to improve their productivity. A better understanding of what developers search for could help us understand their behaviors and the problems that they meet during the software development process. Unfortunately, we have a limited understanding of what developers frequently search for and of the search tasks that they often find challenging. To address this gap, we collected search queries from 60 developers, surveyed 235 software engineers from more than 21 countries across five continents. In particular, we asked our survey participants to rate the frequency and difficulty of 34 search tasks which are grouped along the following seven dimensions: general search, debugging and bug fixing, programming, third party code reuse, tools, database, and testing. We find that searching for explanations for unknown terminologies, explanations for exceptions/error messages (e.g., HTTP 404), reusable code snippets, solutions to common programming bugs, and suitable third-party libraries/services are the most frequent search tasks that developers perform, while searching for solutions to performance bugs, solutions to multi-threading bugs, public datasets to test newly developed algorithms or systems, reusable code snippets, best industrial practices, database optimization solutions, solutions to security bugs, and solutions to software configuration bugs are the most difficult search tasks that developers consider. Our study sheds light as to why practitioners often perform some of these tasks and why they find some of them to be challenging. We also discuss the implications of our findings to future research in several research areas, e.g., code search engines, domain-specific search engines, and automated generation and refinement of search queries.  相似文献   

Photoshop存储图片时有一个"存储为Web所用格式”里边可以选择GIF 、PEG 、NG等格式,这与直接另存为这些格式的图片会有什么区别?  相似文献   

0引言高校web应用系统从最初简单的用于信息发布的网站,发展到汇集教育管理、后勤服务、舆论宣传、远程教育、图书文献服务等综合性web应用平台。服务的领域更广,服务的对象更多。师生的工作、学习、生活都离不开web应用系统。但近年来,高校的web应用系统受到了极大的危险挑战,网站被挂木马、网页被篡改、学生信息泄露、成绩被篡改等。这些事件的发生充分暴露出高校web应用系统在安全保障建设上出现了严重的问题。加  相似文献   

web数据挖掘是目前信息技术中的研究热点,它是现代科学技术相互渗透与融合的必然结果。本文介绍了web数据挖掘的含义,重点讨论了web数据挖掘的类型以各种类型的web数据挖掘的基本过程以及它们所使用的一些相关技术.最后指出了网络信息挖掘的应用前景。  相似文献   

web数据挖掘探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
web数据挖掘是目前信息技术中的研究热点,它是现代科学技术相互渗透与融合的必然结果。本文介绍了web数据挖掘的含义,重点讨论了web数据挖掘的类型以各种类型的web数据挖掘的基本过程以及它们所使用的一些相关技术,最后指出了网络信息挖掘的应用前景。  相似文献   

Much of the literature on responsibility in the IT field addresses the responsibilities of members of the IT profession. In this paper, we investigate to what extent the responsibilities associated with computing practitioners apply to freelance web developers. The relevant moral question is not “can freelancers be considered as professionals?”, but “are they agents of responsibility and can they cause harm”? It is obvious that they can. To justify this claim we will take the case of using free malicious code by freelance web developers and show how their actions or omissions may cause harm to the users, clients and others. We will then identify different types of responsibilities and relationships, which can be associated with freelance web developers. In the end, we will stress that, freelance web developers have higher form of responsibility and should actively seek to bring about environments in which they can function as responsible agents aiming at developing safe, secure, and workable web applications and systems.  相似文献   

Adobe公司与Electric Rain公司结成战略联盟,此举标志着Adobe公司的LiveMotion软件和Electric Rain公司刚刚上市的Swin 3D软件将协同工作,通过Flash(SWF)文件格式为web站点提供动人的3D内容,并使web基于矢量的3D图像和动画比以往任何时候更为容易创建。 LiveMotion和Swift 3D使Web设计者们能够迅速有效  相似文献   

The phenomenal growth of the World Wide Web has brought huge increase in the traffic to the popular web sites. Long delays and denial of service experienced by the end-users, especially during the peak hours, continues to be the common problem while accessing popular sites. Replicating some of the objects at multiple sites in a distributed web-server environment is one of the possible solutions to improve the response time/latency. The decision of what and where to replicate requires solving a constraint optimization problem, which is NP-complete in general. In this paper, we consider the problem of placing copies of objects in a distributed web server system to minimize the cost of serving read and write requests when the web servers have limited storage capacity. We formulate the problem as a 0-1 optimization problem and present a polynomial time greedy algorithm with backtracking to dynamically replicate objects at the appropriate sites to minimize a cost function. To reduce the solution search space, we present necessary conditions for a site to have a replica of an object in order to minimize the cost function. We present simulation results for a variety of problems to illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed algorithms and compare them with those of some well-known algorithms. The simulation results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

在美国,互联网已经成为青少年使用的主要媒体。据Kaiser家庭基金会的一项调查显示,现在的青少年平均每天花费6.5小时在各种电子媒体上,其中消耗在互联网上的时间是最多的。当人们为下一代能掌握和使用新技术而高兴的同时,担心也随之而来。  相似文献   

基于AJAX技术开发web应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本文介绍了AJAX技术,及其包括的主要子技术,AJAX技术相对于传统web技术的优点,并对AJAX作了简单的应用示例。  相似文献   

本文根据近年来网络教育方面研究所形成的基本理论,对网上教育课程设计的策略问题进行了深入探讨,着重分析了网络教育课程的基本特点,并藉此提出了网络课程设计的若干指导性原则和具体设计流程来指导实践。  相似文献   

介绍一种嵌入式web服务器的设计方案。该系统采用Altera公司的Cyclone1C20的平台及软核NiosⅡ,采用uClinux操作系统配置成嵌入式服务器。该服务器能支持工业设备、家用电器连入互连网,具有成本低、设计简单、容易升级,并具有很好的动态web页面功能。能很好地满足家用电器和工业设备接入互联网的需求。  相似文献   

以web应用程序替代桌面应用程序的话题争论已久。虽然有些功能更适合web应用程序,但我相信,安全问题和保留系统将挽救桌面应用程序于过时。  相似文献   

黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它来寻找光明。这是顾城最为有名的诗句,可惜,在这个信息大爆炸的时代里,我们的眼睛已经没有时间来寻找光明了——大多数时间上它都是在电脑上耗着,和众多垃圾信息及日新月异的新概念较劲。其中,W eb2.0便是最为引人注目的一个新名词,究竟它有什么样的神通,还是让我们一同来往下看吧。一、前因后果——细说web2.0无论是八卦报道,还是专家吹捧,W eb2.0都显得意义深远,一个可以影响互联网发展的概念究竟有什么深度可以让人前仆后继地追随?这里还是让我们从头来看看吧。首先,这里可以先引用新时代网络弄潮儿方兴东…  相似文献   

在美国,互联网已经成为青少年使用的主要媒体.据Kaiser家庭基金会的一项调查显示,现在的青少年平均每天花费6.5小时在各种电子媒体上,其中消耗在互联网上的时间是最多的.当人们为下一代能掌握和使用新技术而高兴的同时,担心也随之而来.  相似文献   

基于AJAX技术开发web应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文介绍了AJAX技术,及其包括的主要子技术,AJAX技术相对于传统web技术的优点,并对AJAX作了简单的应用示例。  相似文献   

2006年3月,中搜提出个人门户概念——IG,并计划近期正式发布IG1.0。笔者有幸得到其测试版,试用之后对其功能和服务有了更深的了解。感想颇多,与大家分享。  相似文献   

在走过了三年的发展历程之后,业界对于Web 2.0理解的越深入困惑却越多。加上不断有相关公司裁员、倒闭、团队解散的坏消息传出,令互联网公司对“Web 2.0”这个概念已经萌生倦意,甚至有些许厌恶之情。  相似文献   

基于web的图像存储技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基于浏览器/服务器结构的应用环境中,对于图片等二进制数据存取一直是困扰用户建设Web应用的难题之一。本文对基于Web的图像存储技术方法及实现原理作了论述,并给出了具体解决实例。  相似文献   

近年来,随着计算机软硬件技术的迅速发展,计算机的应用己逐渐深入各个领域。基于WEB方式和SNMP方式是目前两种流行的网络管理方式。本文介绍了基于RABBIT 2000微控制器,不带操作系统的嵌入式WEB服务器的设计,并且介绍了基于ARM7TDMI处理器,及其接口电路的硬件电路与软件的设计,本系统成本低廉,用户通过WEB浏览器就可以管理设备。  相似文献   

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