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Analytical models are presented which allow the prediction of the shape, sidewall slope, and depth of abrasive jet micro-machined planar areas and transitional slopes in glass using a novel technique in which the target is oscillated transversely to the overall scan direction. A criterion was developed to establish the minimum oscillation velocity to ensure negligible surface profile waviness in the scanning direction. If the oscillation velocity is sufficiently greater than the scanning velocity, the target receives an approximately uniform energy flux, resulting in a high degree of flatness for both masked and unmasked planar areas micro-machined in glass. It was also found that particle scattering from the mask edge caused the sidewalls of a planar area to be very shallow, on the order of a few degrees. Two methods were investigated to machine planar areas with increased sidewall slope using target oscillation: (i) machining micro-channels adjacent to the planned planar area, and (ii) target oscillation with an obliquely oriented nozzle. Among these two methods, target oscillation with an obliquely oriented nozzle created steeper sidewalls and was easier to implement, but it also caused appreciable mask under-etching. A major distinction between the target oscillation approach and a previously published method that was based on the superposition of the erosion profiles of adjacent nozzle scans, is that the latter is capable of machining an arbitrary surface profile over a large area, whereas the present target oscillation technique is intended only for the machining of flat planar areas at a single elevation. For such applications it is the preferred approach.  相似文献   

Abrasive jet micro-machining (AJM) is a promising technique to machine micro-features in brittle and ductile materials. However, the roughness of micro-channels machined using AJM is generally greater than that from other methods of micro-machining such as wet etching. Previous investigators have suggested that the surface roughness resulting from AJM can be reduced by post-blasting with abrasive particles at a relatively low kinetic energy. This approach was investigated in the present work by measuring the roughness reduction of a reference unmasked channel in borosilicate glass as a function of post-blasting particle size, velocity, dose, and impact angle. Post-blasting the reference channels reduced the roughness by up to 60%. It was observed that post-blasting at shallower angles was more efficient, probably due to the increased amount of edge chipping as opposed to cratering, which contributed to the enhanced removal of profile peaks, leaving a smoother surface. Moreover, post-blasting with smaller particles ultimately resulted in smoother surfaces, but at the penalty of requiring a relatively large particle dose, and consequently a significantly increased channel depth, before reaching the steady-state roughness. Hence, finishing with smaller particles until reaching the steady-state roughness may not be practical when a shallow channel is desired. A previously developed numerical model was modified and used to simulate the post-blasting process leading to the creation of smooth channels as a function of particle size, velocity, dose, impact angle, and target material properties. The model simulated both crater formation (due to growth of lateral cracks) and the chipping of facet edges. Comparisons with centerline roughness measurements for channels in borosilicate glass showed that the model can predict the transient roughness reduction with post-blasting particle dose with a 7% average error.  相似文献   

Abrasive slurry jet micro-machining (ASJM) uses a well-defined jet of abrasive slurry to erode features in a solid target. Compared with abrasive water jet machining (AWJM), the present ASJM system operates at pressures that are roughly two orders of magnitude lower and uses a premixed slurry of relatively low concentration. The objective of the present study was to gain a better understanding of the mechanics of erosion in ASJM by comparing its performance in the micro-machining of holes and channels in borosilicate glass with that of abrasive air jet micro-machining (AJM), a process that is simpler and relatively well understood. A new ASJM system was developed and used to machine blind holes and smooth channels of relatively uniform depth that did not suffer from the significant waviness previously reported in the literature. The effect of particle velocity, particle concentration, jet traverse speed and jet impact angle were examined. A direct comparison of ASJM and AJM results was possible since novel measurements of the crushing strength of the aluminum oxide abrasive particles used in both experiments proved to be unaffected by water. Brittle erosion was shown to be the dominant material removal mechanism in both ASJM and AJM in spite of the significant flow-induced decrease in the local impact angles of many of the particles in ASJM. A new model of the rapid particle deceleration near the target surface helped explain the much smaller erosion rates of ASJM compared with those in AJM. The modeling of the erosion process during the micro-machining of channels showed that the effect of the local impact angle at the leading edge of the advancing jet was much more significant in ASJM than in AJM, primarily due to the narrower focus of the jet impact zone in ASJM. The differences in the water and air flow fields and associated particle trajectories were used to explain the steeper side walls and flatter bottoms of the holes and channels machined with unmasked ASJM compared to those with masked AJM. The respective structures of the water and air jets also explained the much sharper definition of the edges of these features using ASJM compared with maskless AJM. The results of the study show that ASJM can be used to accurately micro-machine channels and holes with a width of 350–500 μm and an aspect ratio of 0.5–1.3 without the use of masks.  相似文献   

A previous implementation of narrow band level set methodology for the modelling of the surface evolution of masked features in abrasive jet micro-machining (AJM) including the effect of mask erosive wear was extended to include the effect of particle second strikes. The model uses a ray tracing/node tracking algorithm to allow the prediction of the effect of particle ricochets from the mask edges and the sidewalls of the machined feature on the resulting surface evolution of high aspect ratio features. Using the model, for the first time, the prediction of the particle second strike effects from inclined masked features is made possible. When compared to previous models that did not account for mask wear and second strike effects, the present model significantly improved the prediction of measured masked micro-channels machined using AJM in glass. When compared to previous particle tracking computer simulations, the present model was found to have a much shorter execution time, and in some cases also showed an improved prediction. The model can be useful in predicting the feature shape in the AJM of brittle targets for aspect ratios greater than 1, and hence for the micro-fabrication of microfluidic and MEMS devices.  相似文献   

In abrasive jet micromachining (AJM), a jet of particles is passed through narrow mask openings in order to define the features to be micro-machined. The size and shape of the micro-machined features depends on the distribution of the particle velocity and mass flux through the mask openings. In this work, a high speed laser shadowgraphy technique was used to demonstrate experimentally, for the first time, the significant effect that the mask opening size and powder shape and size have on the resulting distribution of particle mass flux and velocity through the mask opening. In particular, it was found that the velocity through the mask was approximately constant, but different in magnitude than the velocity in the free jet incident to the mask. The measured mass flux distributions were in excellent agreement with a previously developed analytical model, thus directly confirming its validity. Additional measurements also showed that an existing numerical model could be used to predict the velocity distribution in free jets of spherical particles, and, if a modification to the particle drag coefficient is made, in free jets of angular particles. The direct experimental verification of these models allows for their use in surface evolution models that can predict the evolving shape of features micro-machined using AJM.  相似文献   

Abrasive enhanced electrochemical slurry-jet machining (ESJM) is presented as a new approach to the micro-machining of metals using a combination of abrasive slurry-jet machining (ASJM) and electrochemical jet machining (ECJM). A novel ESJM prototype was developed to generate a charged slurry jet consisting of a mixture of Al2O3 abrasive particles and an electrolytic solution of NaCl and NaNO3. A DC potential of 30 V was applied between the nozzle and specimen. A series of micro-channels were machined in Stellite 12 using ASJM, ECJM and ESJM processes to investigate the relative effects of erosion and anodic dissolution on the material removal rate and surface finish in the combined process of ESJM. The results illustrated that the ESJM process results in significantly greater target mass loss rate than the separate erosion and corrosion processes. The magnitude of the synergistic effect on the rate of mass loss was found to vary from positive to negative as the erosion component increased with increasing particle kinetic energy (jet pressure) and particle concentration. The roughness of the channels machined using ESJM was between that obtained with ASJM and ECJM. The roughness decreased as the erosion component of the total mass loss increased.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the effects of elasticity and viscosity, induced by a dilute high-molecular-weight polymer solution, on the shape, depth, and diameter of micro-holes drilled in borosilicate glass and in plates of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy, 110 copper, and 316 stainless steel using low-pressure abrasive slurry jet micro-machining (ASJM). Holes were machined using aqueous jets with 1 wt% 10 μm Al2O3 particles. The 180 μm sapphire orifice produced a 140 μm diameter jet at pressures of 4 and 7 MPa. When the jet contained 50 wppm of dissolved 8 million molecular weight polyethylene oxide (PEO), the blind holes in glass were approximately 20% narrower and 30% shallower than holes drilled without the polymer, using the same abrasive concentration and pressure. The addition of PEO led to hole cross-sectional profiles that had a sharper edge at the glass surface and were more V-shaped compared with the U-shape of the holes produced without PEO. Hole symmetry in glass was maintained over depths ranging from about 80–900 μm by ensuring that the jets were aligned perpendicularly to within 0.2°. The changes in shape and size were brought about by normal stresses generated by the polymer. Jets containing this dissolved polymer were observed to oscillate laterally and non-periodically, with an amplitude reaching a value of 20 μm. For the first time, symmetric ASJM through-holes were drilled in a 3-mm-thick borosilicate glass plate without chipping around the exit edge.The depth of symmetric blind holes in metals was restricted to approximately 150 μm for jets with and without PEO. At greater depths, the holes became highly asymmetric, eroding in a specific direction to create a sub-surface slot. The asymmetry appeared to be caused by the extreme sensitivity of ductile materials to jet alignment. This sensitivity also caused the holes in metals to be less circular when PEO was included, apparently caused by the random jet oscillations induced by the polymer. Under identical conditions, hole depths increased in the order: borosilicate glass > 6061-T6 aluminum > 110 copper > 316 stainless steel. The edges of the holes in glass could be made sharper by machining through a sacrificial layer of glass or epoxy.  相似文献   

A phenomenological model of the three-phase flow inside an abrasive water jet machining cutting head has been developed. Several improvements over previously presented models such as taking into account the abrasive particle size distribution, and the effect of breakage of particles on the energy flux have been made. The model has been validated using an extensive set of experimental data with wide variations in cutting-head geometry, operating pressure, and abrasive mass flow rates. The cross-sectional averaged abrasive particle velocity at the exit of the focussing tube has been predicted with good accuracy over the whole range of experiments. In particular, the Pearson correlation between the model and the experimental results is found to be more than 95%, implying the utility of this model in design.  相似文献   

Nozzle wear dependence on abrasive water jet system parameters and nozzle geometry is experimentally investigated. Experimental procedures for evaluating long term and accelerated nozzle wear are discussed. Accelerated wear tests are conducted to study the effects of nozzle length, inlet angle, diameter, orifice diameter, abrasive flow rate, and water pressure on wear. An empirical model for nozzle weight loss rate is developed and is shown to correlate well with experimental measurements.  相似文献   

In the area of grit blasting, it is well known that microscopically small abrasive debris gets trapped on the surface, and due to impact this grit might cause the surface to fracture and a fraction of it to embed. The same problem appears in abrasive aqua jet machining (AAJM), especially in the so-called deformation wear zone or striation zone. An experimental study was undertaken on a commonly used ductile material, aluminium Al–Mg4, 5Mn, which is used as a base material for manufacturing most of the aircraft/aerospace components. The results indicated that as the depth of cut increases the grit contamination decreases. A comparison was made between straight cutting and oscillation cutting, and it was observed that oscillation cutting is 10 times better than straight cutting for ductile material with respect to particle contamination. Alternative technology is suggested to overcome the grit contamination problem.  相似文献   

The use of the declination angle for a prediction and control of the abrasive water jet cutting quality is presented in the paper. The term declination angle is defined and the method for its measurement is proposed. The relationship between the declination angle and cutting wall quality is explained in the theory resulting from former conclusions of Hashish, Zeng and Kim, Hlavá? and others. Experiments proving the theoretical base were performed. The values of the limit traverse speeds predicted from the theoretical equations were compared with values experimentally determined on selected samples. The data calculated from the theoretical models predicting the appearance of the striations on the cutting walls by cutting head tilting are compared with experiments as well.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new micro-machining process, laser-induced plasma micro-machining (LIPMM), in which plasma induced in a liquid at the focal point of the laser beam is used to perform micro-machining. It is shown that LIPMM can machine a variety of materials including metal alloys, polymers and ceramics. A process variant, line-LIPMM (L-LIPMM), based on optical manipulation of the laser beam to create line- instead of spot-plasma, is developed. Additionally, a second variant, magnetically-controlled LIPMM (MC-LIPMM), in which an external magnetic field is used to manipulate the shape of the plasma, is developed to further increase process throughput and flexibility.  相似文献   

A study of the micro-channelling process on a brittle amorphous glass using an abrasive slurry jet is presented. The mechanisms of the micro-channel formation process are discussed first, followed by the development of predictive models for material removal rate and the dimensions of the micro-channels produced. The models account for a variety of slurry and target material properties as well as other process parameters and have been verified by an experimental study. It is shown that the model predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the internal finishing of tubular components made from a high strength aluminium alloy (AA 6082 T6) using a fluidized bed assisted abrasive jet machining (FB-AJM) system.Firstly, a Taguchi's experimental plan was used to investigate the influence of abrasive jet speed, machining cycle, and abrasive mesh size on surface roughness and material removal trends. Secondly, the leading finishing mechanisms were studied using combined 3d profilometer-SEM analysis to monitor the evolution of the surface morphology of machined workpieces. Finally, the circumferential uniformity and precision machining of the inner surface of workpieces were tested by evaluating the values of the more significant roughness parameters in different circumferential locations.Consistent trends of surface roughness vs. operational parameters were measured, and significant material removal was found to affect the workpieces during machining. As a result, FB-AJM was found to preferentially machine the asperities and irregularities of the surface, thereby altering the overall surface morphology producing more regular and smoother finishing. Moreover, the good circumferential uniformity and machining accuracy FB-AJM guarantees even on ductile aluminium alloy workpieces ensure that this technology can be applied to a diverse set of industrial components.  相似文献   

An analytical model to estimate the spatial distribution of erosive efficacy across the mask opening in the abrasive jet micromachining (AJM) of substrates is presented. A closed form analytical expression is derived which allows the erosive efficacy in the vicinity of the mask edge to be estimated as a function of the measured abrasive particle size distribution and the width of the mask opening. This analytical expression was used in a previously developed analytical surface evolution model to predict the time dependent eroding surface profiles of micro-holes and micro-channels of various sizes in glass and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), using aluminum oxide abrasive powders of different sizes. Use of the measured powder size distributions in the analytical models resulted in excellent agreement between the measured and model predicted channel profiles. The results of the study demonstrate that the particle size distribution and mask opening width can greatly affect the shape and depth of micro-channel profiles. A major improvement over previously developed models is ease-of-application since the erosive efficacy is given by an analytical expression rather than by the use of a computer simulation or a semi-empirical approach.  相似文献   

This study introduces an abrasive jet polishing (AJP) technique in which the pneumatic air stream carries not only abrasive particles, but also an additive of either pure water or pure water with a specified quantity of machining oil. Taguchi design experiments are performed to identify the optimal AJP parameters when applied to the polishing of electrical discharge machined SKD61 mold steel specimens. A series of experimental trials are then conducted using the optimal AJP parameters to investigate the respective effects of the additive type and the abrasive particle material and diameter in achieving a mirror-like finish of the polished surface. The Taguchi trials indicate that when polishing is performed using pure water as an additive, the optimal processing parameters are as follows: an abrasive material to additive ratio of 1:2, an impact angle of 30°, a gas pressure of 4 kg/cm2, a nozzle-to-workpiece height of 10 mm, a platform rotational velocity of 200 rpm, and a platform travel speed of 150 mm/s. Applying these processing parameters, it is found that the optimal polishing effect is attained using #8000SiC abrasive particles and a 1:1 mixture of water-solvent machining oil and pure water. The experimental results show that under these conditions, the average roughness of the electrical discharge machined SKD61 surface is reduced from an original value of Ra=1.03 μm (Rmax: 7.74 μm) to a final value of Ra=0.13 μm (Rmax: 0.90 μm), corresponding to a surface roughness improvement of approximately 87%.  相似文献   

微磨料水射流加工技术的射流直径在10 μm~100 μm之间,较常规磨料水射流直径(500 μm~1200 μm)小一个数量级,在微加工领域仍保持常规磨料水射流的许多的性能,尤其适宜对硬脆材料、复合材料等难加工材料进行微加工.目前其孔加工精度已达到相当于激光微加工技术的水平.为加深对该新技术的最新发展的理解,本文介绍了微磨料水射流加工技术射流生成方式、装置设计的关键技术、主要参数对加工性能的影响及部分应用示例.最后提出了微磨料水射流加工技术中有待深入研究的工作.  相似文献   

Modelling and analysis of abrasive water jet cut surface topography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, a new approach proposed for modelling the three-dimensional (3D) topography produced on abrasive water jet (AWJ) cut surface is presented. It makes use of the trajectory of jet, predicted from the theory of ballistics and Bitter’s theory of erosion for material removal, for numerically simulating the cutting front. The 2D topography at different depths of the cut surface is generated by considering the trajectories on the cutting front and the abrasive particles impacting the walls of cut surface randomly. For realistic generation of topography on cut surfaces, several instantaneous profiles generated in each region of cut are superimposed to obtain an effective profile. The nature of effective profiles thus predicted is analyzed and validated using power spectral density analysis. The effective profiles predicted at different depths are in turn used to generate the 3D topography of AWJ cut surface. Results obtained with the proposed model are validated with the experimental results.  相似文献   

In the recent years the interest in loose abrasive machining processes as efficient, flexible processes is rising. This paper describes the development of a ‘coherent set of models’ for a category of these processes, namely those which use high velocity of the particles to obtain the necessary energy to machine a workpiece surface. The usability of this ‘coherent set of models’ will be explained with its application in the field of high-pressure abrasive waterjet cutting. At the end of this paper a forecast to the application of this modelling technique to other loose abrasive machining processes as Micro-Abrasive Air Jet Machining is given.  相似文献   

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