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天然气利用技术及其应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
天然气作为一种清洁的能源,开发和利用能够改善我国的能源结构。文章介绍了天然气利用的几种典型技术及其应用现状,如发电、燃料电池、天然气汽车、化工、城市燃气。文章还对国内的天然气利用动向和浙江省天然气利用途径进行了简单分析并对加快浙江省天然气利用提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

丙烷替代乙炔切割气的成功应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1概况我公司乙炔站原使用的两台乙炔发生器是前苏联50年代的产品,结构落后,年久失修,安全性差,1982年曾发生事故停产11天。这两台乙炔发生器已使用40年左右,为国内同型号仅存的两台,属淘汰之列。但更新乙炔发生器的困难很大:(1)设备费用约需60万元(1994年价);(2)原有厂房高度低,我国现在生产的乙炔发生器安装不下,易地重建涉及消防、环保等问题;(3)若全部改用外购瓶装乙炔,每年需增加开支15万元(包括钢瓶折旧及定期检验费),企业也难以承受。2丙烷一氧焰的应用丙烷一氧切割技术自80年代起由哈尔滨焊接研究所进行了一…  相似文献   

21世纪的新能源——天然气水合物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周善元 《江西能源》2002,(2):45-46,44
天然气水合物 (GasHydrates)是天然气和水在特定条件下所形成的一种透明的冰状结晶体 ,又称“可燃冰”、“气冰”、“固体瓦斯” ,是一种清洁高效、使用方便的新能源 ,被誉为 2 1世纪能为人类提供电力的燃料。越来越多的科学家相信 ,未来洁净能源的最大一部分也许就藏在海底或高纬度永冻区。1 天然气水合物的构成和性能1 1 构成天然气水合物与天然气的成分相近似 ,且更为纯净。简单地说 ,天然气水合物就是天然气 (甲烷类 ,是细菌分解有机物和原油热解时所产生的 )被包进水分子中 ,在海底低温和很高压力下形成的一种冰状的固态…  相似文献   

随着国内对清洁能源需求的增加,中国将加快从国外进口液化天然气(LNG),以改善国内能源结构.减少环境污染。国家发展和改革委员会能源局局长徐锭明在广东LNG项目造船合同签字仪式上表示,天然气是优质清洁能源,在当前国际液化天然气供大于求的情况下,抓住机遇,积极有序地进口液化  相似文献   

原中国电力发展促进会秘书长姜绍俊认为,"气"时代是世界能源发展中,现视角下的必然过程。1973年,天然气在各大能源使用中占比16.2%,2004年占比达到20.9%,增长4.7%;而石油则由1973年的45%降为34.3%,下降了10.7%,煤炭用量基本保持不变。我国天然气应用处于高速发展的阶段,2006年至2012年平均增长率为17.41%。由此可见,天然气在能源供应中发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是对于天然气  相似文献   

介绍如何将俄天然气引入国内,努力提高天然气一次能源的比重,贯彻能源发展战略方针,实施可持续发展战略,优化能源结构,保护环境。  相似文献   

孟杨 《上海节能》2006,(2):35-37
1 清洁能源替代和天然气应用的发展 上海经济的高速发展,能源需求大幅度增长,燃煤造成的环境污染加重,节能和使用清洁能源已经刻不容缓。上海作为国际大都市,特别是申博成功,对环境提出更高的要求,更加需要能源结构的调整。上海市政府的《上海市2003年-2005年环境保护和建设三年行动计划实施意见》提出:全面实施天然气替代。外环线以内,天然气管网到达地区所有燃煤、重油锅炉实施天然气替代,尚未到达地区的燃煤锅炉必须使用其他清洁能源或洁净煤,鼓励集中供热。外环线以外,划入“基本无燃煤区”的燃料锅炉必须实施清洁能源替代(集中供热区域除外),其他区域的燃煤锅炉必须使用洁净煤或采取脱硫等其他措施。  相似文献   

舟丹 《中外能源》2014,(1):95-95
<正>随着我国能源结构调整步伐加快和节能减排任务加重,作为清洁能源的天然气越来越受到重视。进入21世纪以来,我国加大了天然气资源的开发和利用力度,天然气产量由2001年的303×108m3增长到2010年的968×108m3,年均增长率达到13.5%;消费量由2001年的274×108m3增长到2010年的1090×108m3,年均增长率达到16.1%。  相似文献   

天然气水合物能源利用及天然气水合物汽车   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
樊栓狮 《新能源》1998,20(12):7-11
简要介绍了天然气水合物的结构及性能,地层及天然气水合物能源利用的广阔前景和存在的问题,分析和综述了水合物储存天然气的有关技术及天然气水合物汽车的研究现状。  相似文献   

为结合上海市重大工程项目建设,进一步改善天然气引射调峰装置性能,围绕低压煤气储气罐在天然气榆配调峰中的应用问题开展低压煤气储气罐配套可变喉部截面引射器系统用于天然气储气调峰的模拟研究,为低压煤气储气罐的改造利用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

天然气汽车的储气技术   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
推广和应用天然气汽车是降低汽车排放污染的有效途径,天然气作为汽车燃料的一个技术关键是天然气贮气技术。文章介绍了目前车用天然气贮存方法的现状及研究中的贮气技术。  相似文献   

Natural gas is an important energy source for power generation, a chemical feedstock and residential usage. It is important to analyse the future production of conventional and unconventional natural gas. Analysis of the literature determined conventional URR estimates of 10,700–18,300 EJ, and the unconventional gas URR estimates were determined to be 4250–11,000 EJ. Six scenarios were assumed, with three static where demand and supply do not interact and three dynamic where it does. The projections indicate that world natural gas production will peak between 2025 and 2066 at 140–217 EJ/y (133–206 tcf/y). Natural gas resources are more abundant than some of the literature indicates.  相似文献   

“西气东输”是我国实施西部大开发的重要举措之一。作为“西气东输”工程下游最大的用气城市,加上东海天然气,进口液化石油天然气(LPG),东西伯利亚天然气等气源的引入,上海市能否在大量天然气输入时对其进行充分的利用,是关系到天然气能否产生最大效益的重要因素。介绍了上海市天然气资源状况,分析了上海市天然气利用的主要方向,以使这种优质资源能得到高效利用。指出在21世纪的中国,特别是上海,天然气将扮演越来越重要的角色。在天然气利用方面,除了可作为工业和民用燃料外,还要加快天然气发电,天然气汽车,天然气化工等方面的利用,努力开发天然气利用新技术,为实施可持续发展战略和能源结构调整做出贡献。  相似文献   

This paper presents thermodynamic evaluations of the agriculture residual-to-SNG process by thermochemical conversion, which mainly consists of the interconnected fluidized beds, hot gas cleaning, fluidized bed methanation reactor and Selexol absorption unit. The process was modeled using Aspen Plus software. The process performances, i.e., CH 4 content in SNG, higher heating value and yield of SNG, exergy efficiencies with and without heat recovery, unit power consumption, were evaluated firstly. The results indicate that when the other parameters remain unchanged, the steam-to-biomass ratio at carbon boundary point is the optimal value for the process. Improving the preheating temperatures of air and gasifying agent is beneficial for the SNG yield and exergy efficiencies. Due to the effects of CO 2 removal efficiency, there are two optimization objectives for the SNG production process: (I) to maximize CH 4 content in SNG, or (II) to maximize SNG yield. Further, the comparison among different feedstocks indicates that the decreasing order of SNG yield is: corn stalk > wheat straw > rice straw. The evaluation on the potential of agriculture-based SNG shows that the potential annual production of agriculture residual-based SNG could be between 555×10 8~611×10 8 m 3 with utilization of 100% of the available unexplored resources. The agriculture residual-based SNG could play a significant role on solving the big shortfall of China’s natural gas supply in future.  相似文献   

Gas market in Europe is experiencing a radical change for different reasons, partially determined and accelerated by economic downturn of the last period. In the past few years, many European countries adopted energy policies largely based on the utilization of natural gas. In fact, a sharp increase of the demand was observed and, at the same time, a lot of infrastructures were developed to assure the necessary supply. In the last few years, due to the economic downturn, natural gas demand decreased, causing a consistent oversupply on the market, which altered the consolidated dynamics of the sector. Understanding the changes currently under development in the European gas market is of paramount importance in order to design future strategies for the sector; in particular, it is necessary to understand if the present situation will cause a reshaping of the sector.  相似文献   

Access for independents to retail gas markets was a central concern in European policy reform efforts in the 1990s. Upstream oil and gas companies reacted with strategic intentions of forward integration. By late 2004, forward integration was still weak, however. An important explanation of the gap between announced strategic re-orientation and actual strategy implementation lies in the political failure of EU member states to dismantle market barriers to entry for independents. Variations between companies in downstream strategy implementation are explained by variations in business opportunities and internal company factors.  相似文献   

Biogas is one of the options to improve the current serious energy and environment situation in China. However, biogas application is limited in China due to instabilities in quantity and quality of biomass. These instabilities are largely influenced by the local environment and climate. Merging non-upgraded biogas into the natural gas (NG) distributing system can (i) increase utilisation, (ii) reduce carbon intensity of gas pipe network and (iii) promote renewable energy usages. However, merging biogas into the gas pipe network comes with lots of challenges. This paper investigates the approaches of merging biogas into the NG distributing system. The interchangeabilities between the mixed bionatural gas and the China's 12T standard gas are evaluated based on several indices. This study results indicate that the maximal mixing volume ratio of non-upgraded biogas to the typical piped natural gas is 14.7% when the Wobbe number and combustion potential are used as determining indices.  相似文献   

天然气燃烧后无废渣、废水产生,相较煤炭、石油等能源具有使用安全、热值高、洁净等优势,在上海能源供应比例快速增长,已在能源供应中起到了举足轻重的作用.通过天然气供应系统可靠性分析以及天然气缺能经济损失的计算,提出了上海市天然气最优储备天数的分析方法,并以2011年为例进行了定量计算.分析结果显示,上海市天然气供应中断对经济损失影响较为稳定,但用来防止供应中断的天然气应急储备仍显不足.  相似文献   

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