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We report on the design and implementation of a rotating sample magnetometer (RSM) operating in the variable temperature insert (VTI) of a cryostat equipped with a high-field magnet. The limited space and the cryogenic temperatures impose the most critical design parameters: the small bore size of the magnet requires a very compact pick-up coil system and the low temperatures demand a very careful design of the bearings. Despite these difficulties the RSM achieves excellent resolution at high magnetic field sweep rates, exceeding that of a typical vibrating sample magnetometer by about a factor of ten. In addition the gas-flow cryostat and the high-field superconducting magnet provide a temperature and magnetic field range unprecedented for this type of magnetometer.  相似文献   

A nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus for experiments in pulsed high magnetic fields is described. The magnetic field pulses created together with various magnet coils determine the requirements such an apparatus has to fulfill to be operated successfully in pulsed fields. Independent of the chosen coil it is desirable to operate the entire experiment at the highest possible bandwidth such that a correspondingly large temporal fraction of the magnetic field pulse can be used to probe a given sample. Our apparatus offers a bandwidth of up to 20 MHz and has been tested successfully at the Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden, even in a very fast dual coil magnet that has produced a peak field of 94.2 T. Using a medium-sized single coil with a significantly slower dependence, it is possible to perform advanced multi-pulse nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. As an example we discuss a Carr-Purcell spin echo sequence at a field of 62 T.  相似文献   

The distributions of the electric voltage U(t) that is read from an induction magnetic head as it scans a discrete magnetic medium with residual magnetic field records that were obtained under the action of a pulsed magnetic field with different-polarity surges on a magnetic medium with a tested object are given. The onset of ordered distributions of the residual magnetic fields on the magnetic medium due to the sequential action on it by pulses of the magnetic field is called the hysteresis interference of a pulsed magnetic field (HI). The scheme of an experimental device for studying propagations of pulsed magnetic fields and methods of testing objects made of electroconductive and magnetic materials, which increase the accuracy of the determination of their specific conductivity σ, permeability μ, distribution uniformity of σ and μ, thickness, and parameters of continuous defects in them, are described.  相似文献   

A high-sensitivity magnetometer for simultaneous measurements of three components of a weak quasi-stationary or high-frequency magnetic-field vector was developed and investigated. Microstrip structures that are based on irregular resonators serve as the magnetometer transducers. An anisotropic thin-film magnetic structure is used as the sensing element. This structure consists of two thin magnetic films that are prepared by magnetron sputtering of a Ni75Fe25 permalloy target and separated by a silicon monoxide layer. It is demonstrated that the transducer exhibits the maximum sensitivity, when the easy magnetization axis of the film structure is orthogonal to the polarization direction of the pumping microwave magnetic field in the microstrip resonator and at an optimal value of a constant magnetic bias field and its optimal deflection from the pumping-field polarization direction which is parallel to it. The magnetometer is characterized by a wide dynamic range of measured magnetic fields, 10–10–10–4 Т, and a wide frequency range, 10–1–105 Hz.  相似文献   

To simultaneously perform magnetization and magnetostriction measurements in high magnetic fields, a miniaturized device was developed that combines an inductive magnetometer with a capacitive dilatometer and, therefore, it is called "dilamagmeter." This combination of magnetic and magnetoelastic investigations is a new step to a complex understanding of solid state properties. The whole system can be mounted in a 12 mm clear bore of any cryostat usually used in nondestructive pulsed high field magnets. The sensitivity of both methods is about 10(-5) A m(2) for magnetization and 10(-5) relative changes in length for striction measurements. Measurements on a GdSi single crystal, which are corrected by the background signal of the experimental setup, agree well with the results of steady field experiments. All test measurements, which are up until now performed in the temperature range of 4-100 K, confirm the perfect usability and high stability in pulsed fields up to 50 T with a pulse duration of 10 ms.  相似文献   

高灵敏度感应式磁传感器的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大地电磁测深需要较宽频率范围的感应式磁传感器来探测大深度范围,然而,随着频率的降低磁传感器的感应电压也随之降低;高频段由于磁性材料在磁化时存在趋肤效应,导致磁芯的有效面积变小,因此,提高磁芯的有效导磁率以及磁芯材料的有效面积是扩展频带提高传感器灵敏度的主要手段.采用高电阻率叠片磁芯并且在磁芯两侧附加磁通收集器的办法增加有效面积和有效导磁率从而提高传感器的灵敏度.标定结果表明传感器频率范围是0.001 Hz~10 kHz,在频率小于1 Hz的范围内灵敏度为0.24 V/(nT·Hz),频率高于1 Hz时,为0.75 V/nT,能够满足大深度范围探测的需要.  相似文献   

A miniature opposed-anvil high-pressure cell has been developed for magnetic measurement in a commercial superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer. Non-magnetic anvils made of composite ceramic material were used to generate high-pressure with a Cu-Be gasket. We have examined anvils with different culet sizes (1.8, 1.6, 1.4, 1.2, 1.0, 0.8, and 0.6 mm). The pressure generated at low temperature was determined by the pressure dependence of the superconducting transition of lead (Pb). The maximum pressure P(max) depends on the culet size of the anvil: the values of P(max) are 2.4 and 7.6 GPa for 1.8 and 0.6 mm culet anvils, respectively. We revealed that the composite ceramic anvil has potential to generate high-pressure above 5 GPa. The background magnetization of the Cu-Be gasket is generally two orders of magnitude smaller than the Ni-Cr-Al gasket for the indenter cell. The present cell can be used not only with ferromagnetic and superconducting materials with large magnetization but also with antiferromagnetic compounds with smaller magnetization. The production cost of the present pressure cell is about one tenth of that of a diamond anvil cell. The anvil alignment mechanism is not necessary in the present pressure cell because of the strong fracture toughness (6.5 MPa?m(1∕2)) of the composite ceramic anvil. The simplified pressure cell is easy-to-use for researchers who are not familiar with high-pressure technology. Representative results on the magnetization of superconducting MgB(2) and antiferromagnet CePd(5)Al(2) are reported.  相似文献   

An example of a three-coil pulsed magnet is used to describe a method for generating nondestructive strong unipolar pulsed magnetic fields with an induction higher than the Kapitsa limit. This method can be used by a wide circle of experimentalists.  相似文献   

A terahertz (THz) spectrometer based on backward-wave tubes and combined with a pulsed-magnetic-field generator with a pulse duration of ~100 μs and an amplitude of up to 50 T is described. This spectrometer is indented for studying magnetic resonances of various magnets in the THz frequency range (30 GHz-1.5 THz) in the Faraday (longitudinal field) and Voigt (transverse field) geometries. Its operating principle is based on measurements of the change in the transmission of polarized THz radiation by studied samples exposed to an applied pulsed magnetic field. Its advantage over the magnetic-resonance technique, in which radiation guides with uncontrolled radiation polarization are used, is the possibility of performing precise polarization measurements necessary for determining the conditions for excitation of resonance magnetic modes and yielding important information on the magnetic structure of materials. The results of polarization measurements of test samples are presented. The degree of radiation polarization is 99.99%; the dynamic measurement range is 25 dB; the measurement accuracy is no worse than 1%; the time resolution of the recording system is 1s; the magnetic-field inhomogeneities at the solenoid’s center at a base of ±2 mm are no worse than 1 (experimental) and 5% (calculated) for the axial and radial components, respectively; and the maximum stored energy is 40.5 kJ.  相似文献   

The separated oscillatory field magnetic resonance technique (Ramsey technique) has been employed with flowing water as a volume averaging magnetometer. Polarization and detection were performed in high fields, external to the volume over which the magnetic field was to be averaged. An accuracy of a few parts in 10(7) at a nominal field of 18 G was obtained. The technique is applicable, using standard equipment, for the measurement of fields ranging from kilogauss down to milligauss.  相似文献   

We have developed an application of a one-dimensional micro-strip detector for capturing x-ray diffraction data in pulsed magnetic fields. This detector consists of a large array of 50 μm-wide Si strips with a full-frame read out at 20 kHz. Its use substantially improves data-collection efficiency and quality as compared to point detectors, because diffraction signals are recorded along an arc in reciprocal space in a time-resolved manner. By synchronizing with pulsed fields, the entire field dependence of a two-dimensional swath of reciprocal space may be determined using a small number of field pulses.  相似文献   

We present a novel susceptometer with a particularly small spatial footprint and no moving parts. The susceptometer is suitable for use in systems with limited space where magnetic measurements may not have been previously possible, such as in pressure cells and rotators, as well as in extremely high pulsed fields. The susceptometer is based on the proximity detector oscillator, which has a broad dynamic resonant frequency range and has so far been used predominantly for transport measurements. We show that for insulating samples, the resonance frequency behavior as a function of field consists of a magnetoresistive and an inductive component, originating, respectively, from the sensor coil and the sample. The response of the coil is modeled, and upon subtraction of the magnetoresistive component the dynamic magnetic susceptibility and magnetization can be extracted. We successfully measure the magnetization of the organic molecular magnets Cu(H(2)O)(5)(VOF(4))(H(2)O) and [Cu(HF(2))(pyz)(2)]BF(4) in pulsed magnetic fields and by comparing the results to that from a traditional extraction susceptometer confirm that the new system can be used to measure and observe magnetic susceptibilities and phase transitions.  相似文献   

A new calorimeter for measurements of the heat capacity and magnetocaloric effect of small samples in pulsed magnetic fields is discussed for the exploration of thermal and thermodynamic properties at temperatures down to 2 K. We tested the method up to μ(0)H=50?T, but it could be extended to higher fields. For these measurements we used carefully calibrated bare-chip Cernox(?) and RuO(2) thermometers, and we present a comparison of their performances. The monotonic temperature and magnetic field dependences of the magnetoresistance of RuO(2) allow thermometry with a precision as good as ±4 mK at T=2?K. To test the performance of our calorimeter, heat capacity and magnetocaloric effect for the spin-dimer compound Sr(3)Cr(2)O(8) and the triangular lattice antiferromagnet RbFe(MoO(4))(2) are presented.  相似文献   

The possibility of using Hall effect devices for measuring strong pulsed magnetic fields is studied. The Hall effect devices with a∼10-mV/T sensitivity, based on 1- to 3-μm-thick n-type InAs polycrystalline films with a 103-cm2/(Vs) electron mobility and ∼1018-cm-3 concentration, are used. It is established that the Hall effect voltage of these devices is a linear function of the field in magnetic fields with an induction of up to 56 T, and they are suitable for measuring unipolar strong pulsed magnetic fields at induction variation rates of up to ~105T/s. It is necessary to use more sensitive Hall effect devices to obtain higher signal-to-noise ratios for rapidly measuring alternating fields.  相似文献   

A zero-signal sample holder is proposed for the measurement of weak magnetic signals with vibrating sample magnetometers. With proper shape of the support rod, a nearly vanishing signal can be obtained as a function of the magnetic field and the temperature. In particular, it is shown that the addition of an extra part to a standard glass sample holder can reduce the diamagnetic signal by more than three orders of magnitude with no noise increase. The proposed method is applicable to field, temperature, and angular measurements; it is also ideally suited to direct measurement of nanometer thick magnetic layers deposited on much thicker diamagnetic substrates.  相似文献   

We have measured the values of the maximum tagential component of magnetic field strength H τm on the surfaces of metal objects as a function of the time of increase in charge pulses and as a function of sample thickeness. We have found the empirical formulas of dependence H τSm of the secondary field on sample thicknesses and on the time of increase in pulses, for which we give a theoretical explanation. We expound on methods for controlling the electric and magnetic properties of objects, as well as their geometric parameters and integrity defects in them.  相似文献   

We have designed, fabricated, and made operational an ex situ cantilever beam magnetometer (CBM), which is versatile in the sense that it can measure most of the magnetic properties of a material in all probable shapes. The working principle of a CBM is discussed considering the magnetic torque into the beam theory. The individual components of the instrument are described in details and experiments were performed on the bulk materials, pellets of nanoparticles, ribbon samples, and thin films, and the magnetization, magnetostriction, and magnetocrystalline anisotropy were studied. This magnetometer is inexpensive, but versatile and would be suitable for the research as well as teaching laboratories.  相似文献   

A spectropolarimeter based on a ferroelectric liquid-crystal modulator is described. An optical system with spatial modulation of the positions of the components of Zeeman splitting is a specific feature of this instrument. In comparison to the familiar instruments, the developed spectropolarimeter utilizes the light flux more efficiently and contains only one photodetector array. An operating spectropolarimeter developed at the Sayan Solar Observatory is considered as an example. Comparative estimates of noises in different operating modes are presented.  相似文献   

An instrument has been developed for x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements at high pressures and low temperatures. This instrument couples a nonmagnetic copper-beryllium diamond anvil cell featuring perforated diamonds with a helium flow cryostat and an electromagnet. The applied pressure can be controlled in situ using a gas membrane and calibrated using Cu K-edge x-ray absorption fine structure measurements. The performance of this instrument was tested by measuring the XMCD spectra of the Gd(5)Si(2)Ge(2) giant magnetocaloric material.  相似文献   

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