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半导体热电堆发电的发展及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热电发电是一种合理地利用地热、太阳能、海洋能及余热和废热等低势能转换为电能的有效方式。热电发电具有结构简单 ,无噪音、无震动、无磨损 ,运行寿命长 ,组合方便 ,实用面广 ,对热源温度要求低等特点 ,目前在国外已有使用 ,而在国内未见有关研究报道。可以相信随着热电材料的不断发展 ,以及制备工艺的不断完善 ,热电发电的前景会越来越光明。  相似文献   

半导体热电堆串、并联发电性能及热电堆复现性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对半导体热电堆的复现性进行了实验研究。以此为基础进行了热电堆的串联,并联实验,得到了半导体热电堆串联并联的规律,并用有限差分法对热电堆的各项发电性能指标进行了数值计算,为热电发电技术做了有益的探索。  相似文献   

半导体热电发电技术   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王华军  韩刚 《太阳能》2002,(6):17-19
1823年,德国物理学家塞贝克(Seebeck)发现了温差电流现象,即由两种不同金属构成的回路中,如果结点处的温度不同,回路中就会产生一个温差电动势。这就是著名的塞贝克效应或热电效应。12年后,法国科学家帕尔贴(Peltier)又发现了塞贝克效应的反效应———帕尔贴效应,即当电流通过由两种不同金属构成的回路时,结点处会产生吸热或放热现象。基于这两种物理现象,随后人们进行了金属材料热电发电的探索性研究。但是由于当时金属材料的热电性能较差,致使发电装置的能量转换效率很低,实用价值受到极大的局限性。因此,100多…  相似文献   

半导体热电堆电臂尺寸之研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
低品位热源的利用对社会经济具有重要的价值,热电发电器件是将此类能源进行转化的最有效的方式之一。该文对半导体热电堆电臂的几何尺寸参数对发电性能的影响进行了实验研究,并将数值差分法应用于热电性质的研究,以此进行了理想情况下的计算,发现实验和理想情况存在着较大的差距。最后分析了解决接触区影响的基本途径和方法。  相似文献   

贾磊  胡芃  陈则韶  孙炜 《太阳能学报》2004,25(4):443-446
为了对液化天然气(LNG)的冷能回收利用,对半导体热电材料在低温下的发电性能进行了实验研究,得到了这种热电材料的发电性能随冷端温度变化的关系,并发现在热端温度不变的情况下,冷端温度在特定温度下热电堆的输出电动势达到最大值。运用数值方法理论计算了该热电堆在实验所处条件下的输出电动势。并将计算值与实验值进行了对比。  相似文献   

对暖风机的结构及原理进行了介绍,提出了利用暖风机排烟余热进行温差发电提供暖风机送风电机动力的构想,设计了一种半导体热电发电机并对性能进行了简要分析,通过对进一步实用化所面临的技术难题的探讨,指出了未来研究的方向.  相似文献   

可再生能源发电的展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
21世纪能源结构将会发生根本的变化。寻找和开发利用清洁高效的可再生能源,将是世界能源发展的必然趋势。文章介绍了国内外新能源发电技术的现状与前景,针对中国所面临的挑战,提出了可再生能源发电问题的建议。  相似文献   

中国光伏发电的技术现状及展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
介绍了中国光伏发电的技术现状及发展前景,包括太阳能资源,技术研究现状,工业化运作及前景展望等方面内容。  相似文献   

通过对黑龙江省热电联产全面深入调查和研究,揭示了黑龙江省热电联产基本情况,运用数理统计分析方法和模型,从省情实际出发,以可持续发展视角展望黑龙江省未来几年热电联产可能呈现的局面。  相似文献   

秸秆发电技术的现状和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍秸秆预处理技术、秸秆气化发电技术和秸秆直接燃烧发电技术的应用现状.展望秸秆发电在国内的市场前景。  相似文献   

王晓放  孙涛  王以飞 《节能》2002,(12):43-45
介绍了欧、美、日等发达国家风能利用现状。分析了辽宁省风力发电基本状况 ,提出了风力发电应解决的主要问题  相似文献   

分析了斜坡式热气流太阳能发电的可行性,介绍了斜坡式热气流发电的组成及基本原理.根据依山而建斜坡式热气流发电系统的思想,设计了一个高4m、宽1.5 m的试验模型.用有机玻璃做透明盖板材料;用铁板代替山体,在其后面设置了用于调控温度的电阻丝700W/m2.阐述了确定该试验模型各部分比例和结构参数的依据.对设计的试验模型进行了评价:与传统的塔式发电模型相比,该模型具有集热效率高、造价低的优点.  相似文献   

为了缓解能源危机、保护环境、实现能源的可持续发展,充分发挥我国丰富的人力、畜力资源优势,特设计了一种将人或动物行进过程中的动能转化为电能的往复式新型人力、畜力发电装置。该装置的实质性原理是将人或动物行进过程中的动能转化为电能和一部分的热能,产生的电属于清洁的能源。  相似文献   

分析了水泥窑余热发电工程的烟气系统的优化设计方案。某水泥窑余热电站是一条5000 t/d水泥熟料生产线纯低温余热发电站(9 MW),针对该水泥窑余热发电工程投运后发电量偏低(平均6.5 MW)的问题,通过烟风系统分析和运行数据分析,找出了发电量偏低的原因,提出了改造方案,在实施改造后,取得了预期的效果。  相似文献   

We have developed a state-scale version of the MARKAL energy optimization model, commonly used to model energy policy at the US national scale and internationally. We apply the model to address state-scale impacts of a renewable electricity standard (RES) and a carbon tax in one southeastern state, Georgia. Biomass is the lowest cost option for large-scale renewable generation in Georgia; we find that electricity can be generated from biomass co-firing at existing coal plants for a marginal cost above baseline of 0.2–2.2 cents/kWh and from dedicated biomass facilities for 3.0–5.5 cents/kWh above baseline. We evaluate the cost and amount of renewable electricity that would be produced in-state and the amount of out-of-state renewable electricity credits (RECs) that would be purchased as a function of the REC price. We find that in Georgia, a constant carbon tax to 2030 primarily promotes a shift from coal to natural gas and does not result in substantial renewable electricity generation. We also find that the option to offset a RES with renewable electricity credits would push renewable investment out-of-state. The tradeoff for keeping renewable investment in-state by not offering RECs is an approximately 1% additional increase in the levelized cost of electricity.  相似文献   

Green electricity market development: Lessons from Europe and the US   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study compares the development and implementation of green electricity policies in Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United States, a set of countries applying a range of policy instruments to encourage electricity from renewable energy sources. A general tendency is identified that policies shift emphasis from R&D stimulation towards dissemination and market application of renewable energy technologies. We argue that in light of the long term nature of policy goals on energy security, mitigation of climate change, and environmental protection, the applied range of policy instruments may be lacking in providing incentives for the long term development of new technologies. Clarifying policy objectives would allow careful selection of policy instruments, including support for R&D. Improved capacity building for policy implementation is also important.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis on the residential demand for electricity by time-of-day. This analysis has been performed using aggregate data at the city level for 22 Swiss cities for the period 2000−2006. For this purpose, we estimated two log–log demand equations for peak and off-peak electricity consumption using static and dynamic partial adjustment approaches. These demand functions were estimated using several econometric approaches for panel data, for example LSDV and RE for static models, and LSDV and corrected LSDV estimators for dynamic models. The attempt of this empirical analysis has been to highlight some of the characteristics of the Swiss residential electricity demand. The estimated short-run own price elasticities are lower than 1, whereas in the long-run these values are higher than 1. The estimated short-run and long-run cross-price elasticities are positive. This result shows that peak and off-peak electricity are substitutes. In this context, time differentiated prices should provide an economic incentive to customers so that they can modify consumption patterns by reducing peak demand and shifting electricity consumption from peak to off-peak periods.  相似文献   

为了确定发生温度对太阳能喷射式制冷系统性能的影响,基于太阳能喷射式制冷系统试验台,以蒸发温度、冷凝温度及室内环境温度为定量,发生温度为变量进行了试验研究.试验结果表明:当喷射器结构确定时,喷射系数ER、系统性能系数COP和机械性能系数COP_m均不会随着发生温度的升高一直增大,系统必然存在一个最佳的发生温度使其性能达到最佳.研究可为今后最佳发生温度的选择及实际应用中如何维持系统高效运行提供理论指导.  相似文献   

It is sometimes argued that renewables are “expensive”. However, although it is generally true that the private costs of renewable electricity generation are certainly above those of conventional electricity, that statement fails to consider the social benefits provided by electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E), including environmental and socioeconomic ones. This paper empirically analyses an additional albeit usually neglected benefit: the reduction in the wholesale price of electricity as a result of more RES-E generation being fed into the grid. The case of wind generation in Spain shows that this reduction is greater than the increase in the costs for the consumers arising from the RES-E support scheme (the feed-in tariffs), which are charged to the final consumer. Therefore, a net reduction in the retail electricity price results, which is positive from a consumer point of view. This provides an additional argument for RES-E support and contradicts one of the usual arguments against RES-E deployment: the excessive burden on the consumer.  相似文献   

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