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Investigation of Prussak's space and its relationship to adjacent spaces is important in elucidating the cause of retraction pocket and cholesteatoma formation in this space. This study was designed to quantitatively characterize the chronological development of Prussak's space and its relationship to adjacent spaces in temporal bones. One-hundred and forty-nine human temporal bone slides (115 normal, 28 with otitis media with effusion, three with retraction pockets and three with attic type cholesteatoma) including specimens ranging from fetal to adult bones were studied. Prussak's space was formed and sufficient aeration routes established by 4 years of age in normal temporal bones. In temporal bones with otitis media with effusion, however, the growth of Prussak's space was suppressed and few routes for aeration established until 10 years of age. In normal temporal bones, Prussak's space developed with aeration routes sufficient to avert the negative pressure which can result in retraction pocket formation in the pars flaccida of the tympanic membrane.  相似文献   

The trophoblast of human placenta is directly exposed to the maternal circulation. It forms the main barrier to maternal-fetal glucose transport. The present study investigated the effect of sustained hyperglycemia in vitro on the glucose transport system of these cells. Trophoblasts isolated from term placentas and immunopurified were cultured for 24, 48, and 96 h in DMEM containing either 5.5 (normoglycemia) or 25 mmol/l D-glucose (hyperglycemia), respectively. Initial uptake of glucose was measured using 3-O-[14C]methyl-D-glucose. Kinetic parameters were calculated as K(M) = 73 mmol/l and Vmax = 29 fmol s(-1) per trophoblast cell. Uptake rates of cells cultured under hyperglycemic conditions did not differ at exogenous D-glucose concentrations in the physiological range (1, 5.5, 10, and 15 mmol/l), but were significantly decreased by 25% (P<0.05) at diabetes-like concentrations (20 and 25 mmol/l) as compared to normoglycemic conditions. This effect was due to a decrease in Vmax (-50%), whereas K(M) remained virtually unaffected. GLUT1 mRNA levels were lower by 50% (P<0.05; Northern blotting) and GLUT1 protein was reduced by 16% (P<0.05; Western blotting) in trophoblast cells cultured under hyperglycemic vs. normoglycemic conditions. We conclude that prolonged hyperglycemia in vitro reduces trophoblast glucose uptake at substrate concentrations corresponding to blood levels of poorly controlled diabetic gravidas. This effect is due to diminished GLUT1 mRNA and protein expression in the trophoblast.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: The present study describes an embryonic-fetal liver culture system which allows morphogenetic interactions consistent with the development of the hepatocellular function. METHODS: Intact livers from 8-12-week embryos were soaked in an extracellular matrix at 4 degrees C and gently dissociated without any enzymatic treatment. The resulting spherical hepatic units were cultured in a chemically defined serum-free medium and seeded into an extracellular matrix layer. Adherent three-dimensional tissue specimens were examined at various times by light and electron microscopy to evaluate the maintenance of hepatocyte morphology. RESULTS: The liver cells were viable for over 4 months; erythropoietic burst colonies were detected for longer than 6 weeks. Parallel detection of bile salt production in the medium by high performance liquid chromatography proved liver tissue functionality. Bile salt composition revealed predominance of taurine-conjugates rather than glycine. Maximum bile salt concentration (approximately 3 months) coincided with structural and ultrastructural observations indicating a marked decline in hematopoiesis, well-defined biliary canaliculi and formation of an organ-like structure. CONCLUSIONS: This three-dimensional culture system recapitulates fetal liver development with: (i) initial proliferation of both fetal erythropoietic and hepatic cells and (ii) subsequent shut-off of erythropoiesis and a shift to a more advanced stage of hepatocyte function, such as bile salt secretion.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to clarify the transitional change of the proliferation and differentiation of human peripheral blood CD34+ cells to megakaryocytic lineage, focusing on its clinical application. We developed a rapid system to purify human peripheral blood CD34+ cells from healthy volunteers, which produced CD34+ cells with a 90% purity. The purified CD34+ cells predominantly consisted of CD41- cells, and the rate of coexpression of CD41 was 0.6% +/- 0.5%. When the purified cells were cultured in liquid phase for 10 days in the presence of recombinant human stem cell factor (rSCF: a ligand for c-kit), interleukin-3 (rIL-3), and thrombopoietin (rTPO: a ligand for Mpl), the number of CD34+/CD41+ cells increased to 19% +/- 7% of total expanded cells on day 4 (4 days of liquid culture) and then gradually decreased to 2.2% +/- 0.6% on day 10. The absolute number of CD34+/CD41+ cells increased and reached a plateau on day 6, and 1.7 +/- 0.6 x 10(5) CD34+/CD41+ cells were produced by 1 x 10(5) CD34+/CD41- day 0 cells. The CD34-/CD41+ cells appeared on day 6, continuously increased in number until day 10, and constituted the main population of expanded cells on day 10, with a value of 38% +/- 18%. On day 10, 19.5 +/- 10.6 x 10(5) of CD34-/CD41+ cells were produced by 1 x 10(5) CD34+/CD41- day 0 cells. The deletion of rTPO from this cytokine combination decreased the number of CD34+/CD41+ and CD34-/CD41+ cells, after days 6 and 8, respectively. Day 0 cells required rIL-3 for promoting colonies containing megakaryocytes, whereas rTPO alone promoted almost no megakaryocytic colonies from day 0 cells. Thus, a combination of IL-3 and SCF expands CD34+/CD41+ cells from CD34+/CD41- cells, and TPO mainly acts to increase CD34-/CD41+ cells. This study suggests that if the expansion of CD34+/CD41+ is performed in vitro, the 6 days' culture of peripheral blood CD34+/CD41- cells with a combination of IL-3 and SCF with TPO provides the most rapid and stable products of CD34+/CD41+ cells for the rapid recovery of platelets in patients with peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.  相似文献   

A novel cytokine from a thymic stromal cell line (thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP)) promotes the development of B220+/IgM+ immature B cells when added to fetal liver cultures, long term bone marrow cultures, or bone marrow cells plated in semisolid medium. Because the activities of TSLP overlap with those of IL-7 in some in vitro assays, we compared the signaling mechanisms employed by TSLP and IL-7. Proliferation of a factor-dependent pre-B cell line (NAG8/7) in response to either TSLP or IL-7 was inhibited by anti-IL-7R alpha mAbs, suggesting that the functional TSLP receptor complex uses IL-7R alpha. In contrast, three different Abs to the common cytokine receptor gamma-chain had no effect on the response of these cells to TSLP, indicating that the functional TSLP receptor complex does not use the common cytokine receptor gamma-chain. Both cytokines induced activation of Stat5, but only IL-7 induced activation of the Janus family kinases Jak1 and Jak3. In fact, TSLP failed to activate any of the four known Janus family kinases, suggesting that Stat5 phosphorylation is mediated by a novel mechanism. Taken together, these data support the idea that TSLP can make unique contributions to B lymphopoiesis and indicate that it does so by mechanisms distinct from IL-7.  相似文献   

To explore the potential of recombinant vectors based on recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) for cancer vaccination, we investigated the transduction efficiency of rAAV into cancer cells ex vivo. Infection of human epithelial cancer cell lines with rAAV carrying reporter genes encoding beta-galactosidase (rAAV/LacZ) or luciferase (rAAV/Luc) resulted in high levels of reporter gene expression (>90% positive cells). In marked contrast, rAAV poorly transduced all murine tumor cell lines, as well as human hematopoietic cell lines. Either irradiation or adenovirus infection of tumor cells prior to rAAV infection induced a 10- to 100-fold increase of reporter gene expression. To determine the transduction efficiency of rAAV into primary cancer cells, freshly isolated, irradiated tumor cells from malignant melanoma and ovarian carcinoma patients were infected with rAAV/Luc, resulting in up to 6.9-fold higher levels of gene expression than in a HeLa tumor cell line. Time course experiments with freshly isolated tumor cells infected with rAAV/Luc showed maximal levels of luciferase expression between days 3 and 9 posttransduction. Simultaneous infection of primary tumor cells with up to three rAAV vectors containing genes encoding the immunostimulatory proteins B7-2 (CD86), p35 subunit of IL-12, and p40 subunit of IL-12 resulted in high expression of B7-2 in more than 90% of the tumor cells and in the secretion of high levels of IL-12. Taken together, our results demonstrate that rAAV efficiently transduces freshly isolated human, epithelial tumor cells and might therefore be a potent tool to produce improved, gene-modified cancer vaccines.  相似文献   

Studies on the pathobiology of chronic (long-term) hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and in vitro drug testing have been hampered by the lack of appropriate systems for culturing susceptible cells chronically infected with HBV. Most of the in vitro studies of HBV replication have been performed with HBV genome-transduced cell lines. In this system, viral production is mainly the result of chromosomal replication. In an in vitro infection system, owing to medium refreshment (which leads to the removal of infectious particles necessary for the perpetuation of infection) and to trypsinization for cell passages, it is difficult, if not impossible, to maintain chronic HBV infection, despite the use of susceptible cells. To circumvent these unfavourable factors for chronic HBV infection in vitro, we cultured microcarrier-attached immortalized human hepatocytes, infected with HBV, in molecularporous (MW 12,000-14,000) membrane (dialysis) bags for a duration of 2 months. HBV covalently-closed-circular (ccc) DNA, HBV precore/core and X mRNAs were detected in the cells cultured in this system following infection until the end of the experiment (day 58), while in classical culture conditions (monolayer), markers of HBV replication were also detected. Production of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and HBV DNA was detected and their levels in culture medium (collected at the end of experiments from the molecularporous membrane bags) were increased 2.86- and 3.28-fold respectively. Using Southern blot analysis, HBV replicative intermediates could also be demonstrated throughout the experiments. However, integrated HBV DNA was not present. In contrast, HBV ccc DNA, HBV precore/core and X mRNAs, and replicative intermediates were not demonstrable in FTO 2B rat hepatoma cells infected in the same manner in parallel experiments. This in vitro infection system, using susceptible, immortalized human hepatocytes, therefore provides a new tool for studying the long-term effect of HBV infection, mainly involving episomal replication in hepatocytes, and for drug testing.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare the intestinal absorption and active efflux protein susceptibility of a new immunosuppressive agent (SDZ-RAD) with that of its analog rapamycin. METHODS: Caco-2 cell monolayers were used to examine bidirectional transport of the two compounds at low micromolar concentrations. Single pass rat intestinal perfusion was also used to examine steady state permeability. RESULTS: Rapamycin and SDZ-RAD showed a distinct preference for transport in the basolateral to apical direction of Caco-2 monolayers as efflux was >20 times greater than apical to basolateral transport. Efflux of SDZ-RAD was completely inhibited by verapamil while efflux of rapamycin was mostly inhibited by verapamil and partially inhibited by probenecid. Passive permeability was shown to be 20 x 10(-6) cm/sec for SDZ-RAD and 10 x 10(-6) cm/sec for rapamycin. In situ rat studies also showed the permeability of rapamycin to be half that of SDZ-RAD with permeabilities of 12.6 X 10(-6) for rapamycin and 24.8 x 10(-6) cm/sec for SDZ-RAD. CONCLUSIONS: SDZ-RAD and rapamycin are strong substrates for P-gp-like mediated efflux. Rapamycin is also partially removed from cells by a second efflux system that is not responsive to SDZ-RAD. When these efflux pumps are inhibited SDZ-RAD is likely to be absorbed across the intestine at a faster rate than rapamycin.  相似文献   

Astrocytic contribution of endothelial cell monolayer permeability was examined in two blood-brain barrier (BBB) models, using the coculture in a double chamber system: rat astrocytes and bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) or bovine brain endothelial cells (BBECs). In system 1, where astrocytes were separated from endothelial cells, a 40% reduction in L-glucose permeability of the BBEC monolayer, but not the BAEC monolayer, was observed by cocultivation with astrocytes. Although several passages of BBEC in culture elicited morphological transformation from spindle-shapes to cobblestone-like features, the passaged BBECs remained responsive to astrocytes in coculture in system 1 (37% reduction of the L-glucose permeability). By contrast, in system 2, where respective endothelial cells and astrocytes layered on the upper and lower surfaces of a membrane, the permeability of both BAEC and BBEC monolayers was reduced by cocultivation with astrocytes (75% reduction for BAEC and 40% reduction for BBEC). BAECs in this contiguous coculture (system 2) with astrocytes showed numerous tight junction-like structures characteristic of the BBB in vivo. These results suggest that primary cultured BBECs, which had been primed by astrocytes in vivo, retain a higher sensitivity to astrocytes possibly through an astrocytic soluble factor (s) to exhibit BBB-specific phenotypes, and that even BAEC from extra-neural tissues, when cultured with astrocytes in close proximity in vitro, may acquire the similar phenotypes and serve for an extensive use of BBB model in vitro.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of suramin, an anticancer agent and a functional analog of naturally occuring glycosaminoglycans, on p34cdc2 kinase. We find that suramin strongly inhibits the catalytic activity of purified p34cdc2 kinase (IC50 approximately 4 microM), whereas it only weakly inhibits the p13-agarose precipitated kinase activity from nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts of the asynchronous H69 human small cell lung cancer cells. We also find that the tyrosine phosphorylation of p34cdc2 kinase in the nuclear extract is increased about twice when the extracts are preincubated with 50 microM of suramin prior to the p13-agarose precipitation. We propose that this increase might result from the inhibitory effect of suramin towards p34cdc2-specific tyrosine phosphatases. These results suggest both a direct and an indirect effect of suramin on p34cdc2 kinase. We also find that heparin is a potent inhibitor of purified cdc2 kinase (IC50 approximately 3.5 micrograms/ml). Therefore, glycosaminoglycans might be physiological regulators of p34cdc2 kinase in vivo.  相似文献   

Results are presented that demonstrate a heightened responsiveness of human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs) toward the complement-derived anaphylatoxin C5a when these cells are exposed to cigarette smoke. This C5a response is possible because we show at both the protein and mRNA levels that HBECs constitutively express receptors for C5a (C5aR, CD88). Control (untreated) HBECs responded to C5a (50 nM) by releasing the proinflammatory cytokine IL-8 at low but significant levels. However, exposure of HBECs to 5% cigarette smoke extract (CSE) for at least 15 min resulted in an increase in the ability of an anti-human C5aR Ab to bind to the cell surface. CSE-treated HBECs responded in a dose-dependent fashion to human recombinant C5a and to a conformationally biased decapeptide agonist of C5a (YSFKPMPLaR) by releasing IL-8. The levels of IL-8 released in response to C5a were significantly greater in CSE-treated HBECs than in control HBECs. Moreover, this C5a-mediated release of IL-8 from CSE-treated HBECs was significantly reduced in the presence of the anti-human C5aR Ab. These results indicate that HBECs constitutively express C5aRs and that exposure to environmental irritants such as cigarette smoke modulates the expression and responsiveness of these C5aRs toward the C5a-mediated release of IL-8.  相似文献   

Despite exposure to multiple strains of both macrophage (M)-tropic and T cell (T)-tropic HIV, primary infection is largely restricted to relatively homogeneous M-tropic virus. Since dendritic cells (DCs) play a pivotal role in the early events of HIV infection, several studies have focused on the role of DCs in this restriction. It has been proposed that DCs are more efficiently infected with M-tropic versus T-tropic viruses; however, the infectability of DCs and the relevance of their infectability for inducing productive infection is controversial. It has also been suggested that variability in DC expression of coreceptors for M-tropic versus T-tropic virus could explain the restriction in the transmitting virus. Using HIV-pulsed DCs from individuals with a homozygous deletion in the CCR5 gene as a human "knockout" model, we demonstrate that infection of DCs per se is not necessary to promulgate infection in CD4+ T cells. The data also suggest that transmission of HIV to CD4+ T cells is not dependent on DC coreceptor expression.  相似文献   

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