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A novel measuring system for optical distance sensing of solid targets is described. The system simply applies a noise-frequency-modulated laser diode for illuminating the target and an interferometer/photodetector device for coherent beam detection. This configuration is treated here as an optomechatronic correlator. The delay in travel time of the target beam in the interferometer yields a stochastically modulated electrical beat frequency in the photodetector output. Its mean frequency value is a measure for the target distance. Additionally to the required stochastic modulation of the injection current, the natural phase noise modulation of the laser diode also has to be taken into account. Theory delivers nonlinear measurement characteristics with strongly increased slope at the short-distance range. The experimental verification in a distance range up to 4 m shows a relative distance measurement error from$hbox10^-3$to$hbox10^-2(1sigma)$for an averaging time range from 10 to 1 s. The system is potentially qualified for approach sensing in mechatronic devices like tool machinery and robotics.  相似文献   

蜂窝移动电话定位技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了蜂窝移动电话的定位方案,讨论了各种方案的优缺点,分析了基于网络定位方案的TDOA的计算方法和定位原理。  相似文献   

对移动通信系统中的移动台进行定位,对于建立位置敏感付费体制、保障用户安全和提高网络性能等有积极意义。介绍了进行蜂窝定位的基本技术;以GSM移动通信系统为例,指出了可被定位利用的基本信息,提出了实现定位的三种基本结构,并比较了各自的优缺点;最后,提出了在3G系统中实现蜂窝定位的基本方法。  相似文献   

宋小安 《现代雷达》2008,30(3):97-100
系统地介绍了某型雷达故障诊断系统的开发,包括硬件平台和软件平台的组成,以及专家系统和TPS的设计等。该系统在TPS的开发过程中,采用开发环境和执行环境分离的形式,实现了测试策略树及测试流程的可视化编辑,增强了TPS的可移植性和测试系统的通用性,为进一步扩展本系统奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

We designed a superparaboloidal solid immersion mirror (SP-SIM) using a tilted parabolic mirror that applied total internal reflection to an optical flying head for near-field recording. As an SP-SIM does not need an objective lens or folding mirror, the height and weight of the optical flying head can be reduced. Using theoretical ray tracing, we found the optimal parameters for rotational symmetric beam intensity on a high-numerical-aperture (NA) focus. The effective NA of the SP-SIM was 1.32 for both the sagittal and meridional focuses. A 408-nm laser source and high refractive index material, NbFD13, was used for the simulation. The minimum spot sizes at full width 1/e$^2$intensity were 237 and 232 nm in the sagittal and meridional directions, respectively, at normal incidence. The size of the beam spot was kept nearly uniform within a maximum 5% deviation as the field angle changed within$pmhbox0.15^circ$. The SP-SIM measured 0.83 mm$,times,$0.95 mm$,times,$0.27 mm$(hboxWtimes hboxLtimes hboxH)$and weighed ca. 0.6 mg.  相似文献   

移动台无线定位方法通常分为基于移动台的定位、基于网络的定位及GPS辅助定位3种类型,移动台的定位过程则包括2步:第一步,根据定位类型,估计相应的定位参数;第二步,根据估计出的定位参数,采用相应定位算法确定移动台的位置。该文分析了3种无线定位类型的优缺点,重点介绍了基于移动台和蜂窝网络的无线定位方法,包括定位参数估计技术和文献中提出的几种主要定位方法,并分析了各种定位方法的性能。  相似文献   

Microassembly systems are a class of representative optomechatronic systems that play a critical role in the fabrication, packaging, and interconnection of hybrid microsystems such as hybrid microelectromechanical systems. Optomechatronic integration is essential to the development of microassembly systems due to the basic importance of microscope optics to microassembly. In this paper, the role of microscope optics in microassembly systems is analyzed. The general architecture of microassembly systems is introduced. Unique properties of microscale optomechatronics that differ from macroscale optomechatronics are summarized. These fundamental differences motivate the definition and discussion of microoptomechatronics. Major methodology issues in optomechatronic design of microassembly systems are introduced using examples. A wavelet-based microscopic image segmentation technique is presented to demonstrate the strength of using the unique properties of microoptomechatronics in microscopic image information processing.  相似文献   

基于GSM的移动监控定位系统设计   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
移动监控定位系统在车辆调度、航海导向、公安巡防、银行运钞车监控等领域应用十分广泛。本文首先介绍了移动监控定位系统可选择的几种通信网,然后分析了基于GSM移动通信网的3种设计方法,最后给出了移动监控定位系统提供的业务功能。  相似文献   

周奇 《通信技术》2012,45(4):34-37
针对聚类无线传感器网络安全的问题,将移动代理技术与分布式入侵检测技术相结合,提出了一种基于移动代理的无线传感器网络分布式入侵检测方案,采用了多个代理模块进行分布式协作,运用一种基于聚类的分布式入侵检测算法,从节点上收集和处理数据,减少网络负载、促进效率平衡,能够满足WSNs的要求和限制。从而达到提高无线传感器网络的安全性、可靠性,降低入侵检测能量消耗的目的。  相似文献   


Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is crucial to protect smartphones from imminent security breaches and ensure user privacy. Android is the most popular mobile Operating System (OS), holding above 85% market share. The traffic generated by smartphones is expected to exceed the one generated by personal computers by 2021. Consequently, this prevalent mobile OS will stay one of the most attractive targets for potential attacks on fifth generation mobile networks (5G). Although Android malware detection has received considerable attention, offered solutions mostly rely on performing resource intensive analysis on a server, assuming a continuous connection between the device and the server, or on employing supervised Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for profiling the malware’s behaviour, which essentially require a training dataset consisting of thousands of examples from both benign and malicious profiles. However, in practice, collecting malicious examples is tedious since it entails infecting the device and collecting thousands of samples in order to characterise the malware’s behaviour and the labelling has to be done manually. In this paper, we propose a novel Host-based IDS (HIDS) incorporating statistical and semi-supervised ML algorithms. The advantage of our proposed IDS is two folds. First, it is wholly autonomous and runs on the mobile device, without needing any connection to a server. Second, it requires only benign examples for tuning, with potentially a few malicious ones. The evaluation results show that the proposed IDS achieves a very promising accuracy of above 0.9983, reaching up to 1.


移动代理应用到入侵检测系统中,很好的解决了系统中的诸多问题。文中提出了设计一种基于移动代理的入侵检测系统的基本思路和在实现中出现的问题,给出了一个具体的设计模型,并对其安全性进行分析。  相似文献   

随着无烟厨房的普及,一些无声无息的隐形杀手也随之而来,各种电气设备和人身安全问题变得越来越迫切。在当今火热的移动互联网背景下,文章开发了以STM32单片机为核心的厨房有害气体浓度检测与远程报警系统。通过在厨房安置CO和CH3等有害气体检测传感器,预先设定好各个传感器的灵敏度和警戒阈值,如果异常,便实施现场声光报警。与此同时,系统自动通过GSM模块发送警报短信,用户还可以通过一键式拨打绑定电话,从而实现远程紧急报警功能。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于移动代理技术可回溯的入侵检测系统模型.利用移动代理技术,该模型具有分布式检测、响应入侵的能力;整个检测体系可以灵活、动态地配置和方便地扩展;在最大程度上追踪入侵源IP,以防范入侵.  相似文献   

在第3代DS-CDMA移动通信系统研究中,先进的数据检测技术是解决码分多址通信中多址干扰、多径干扰和信道噪声干扰的手段之一。文章讨论了单用户和多用户信号检测问题,重点介绍干扰抑制和联合检测。  相似文献   

邹学韬 《电视技术》2014,38(3):117-119,126
随着移动互联网的迅猛发展,智能手机越来越普及,其安全问题也随之而来。入侵检测技术能收集信息并进行分析,通过与规则库比较,发现是否含有入侵攻击。由于目前移动互联网监测能力不足,大量木马入侵手机,严重影响了手机用户的生活。提出了一套应用于移动互联网的入侵检测系统,能有效检测到入侵攻击,并及时响应,保证手机安全。  相似文献   

随着无线互联网和传感器技术的不断发展,传感器网络在各国军事领域得到广泛的应用,并将传感器网络视为情报侦察与反侦察的一个重要部分。基于中国军队战场武器装备阵地电磁泄漏技术安全的实际需要,研究了“电磁环境下阵地传感器网络信号检测系统”的工作原理、技术和功能参数及系统工作的流程,并对该系统的应用进行了分析,有助于提高重点区域电磁频谱监测能力和窃听装置检测发现能力。  相似文献   

Mobile Networks and Applications - Recently, the use of smart phones has greatly increased because of the development of cheap high-performance hardware. The biggest threat to a smart phone user is...  相似文献   

Smart antennas for base stations of cellular mobile radio systems offer the potential of system performance enhancement by taking advantage of the directionally inhomogeneous signal reception at the receiver. In this paper, two-dimensional array configurations employed at the uplink receiver of a joint detection CDMA (JD-CDMA) mobile radio system are investigated. This smart antenna concept can be split up into a novel channel estimator and data detector which incorporate explicitely the information of the direction-of-arrival (DOA) of signals emerging from users assigned to the considered base station. Proceeding from channel models that model the directional inhomogeneity of the mobile radio channel with single DOAs, the link level performance of a JD-CDMA mobile radio system using this smart antenna concept is evaluated for the rural propagation environment. The performance evaluation is based on Monte Carlo simulations of data transmission and average bit error rates versus the average signal to noise ratio per net information bit are presented for different array configurations. Although these results should be considered as upper bounds for the link level performance, they reveal the advantages of implementing two-dimensional array configurations at the uplink receiver of a JD-CDMA mobile radio system.  相似文献   

近来无源反向散射通信技术作为绿色物联网的关键技术,引起了广泛的关注。在无源反向散射通信系统中,收发节点与反射节点的振荡器差异、相对运动以及环境变化,导致接收端和发送端存在载波频率偏移(CFO)。CFO对信号检测和系统性能有重要影响,而当前多数无源反向散射通信系统研究忽略了CFO。该文设计了一种适用于频移键控调制(FSK)的CFO快速检测方法,不需要导频就能快速有效检测出CFO是否存在并找出存在的位置。首先,根据信号在CFO存在与否的不同,采用去直流后取模方法对信号进行处理,而后根据处理后的信号的特点,基于累积和(CUSUM)设计快速检测算法对载波频偏出现的位置进行检测,并对理论分析结果进行仿真验证,仿真结果表明取模检测可以有效检测出CFO出现的位置。  相似文献   

CDMA是一个自干扰受限系统,如何克服CDMA系统中的多址干扰问题已成为提高CDMA系统容量的关键。多用户检测是克服CDMA多址干扰最有潜力,最彻底的关键技术之一,介绍了多用户检测的由来,一般结构,优缺点及其性能测度,分析了几种常用多用户检测器的原理及其性能。  相似文献   

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