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We present a formally verified and executable on-the-fly LTL model checker that uses ample set partial order reduction. The verification is done using the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL and covers everything from the abstract correctness proof down to the generated SML code. Building on Doron Peled’s paper “Combining Partial Order Reductions with On-the-Fly Model-Checking”, we formally prove abstract correctness of ample set partial order reduction. This theorem is independent of the actual reduction algorithm. We then verify a reduction algorithm for a simple but expressive fragment of Promela. We use static partial order reduction, which allows separating the partial order reduction and the model checking algorithms regarding both the correctness proof and the implementation. Thus, the Cava model checker that we verified in previous work can be used as a back end with only minimal changes. Finally, we generate executable SML code using a stepwise refinement approach. We test our model checker on some examples, observing the effectiveness of the partial order reduction algorithm.  相似文献   

Executable models play a key role in many software development methods by facilitating the (semi)automatic implementation/execution of the software system under development. This is possible because executable models promote a complete and fine-grained specification of the system behaviour. In this context, where models are the basis of the whole development process, the quality of the models has a high impact on the final quality of software systems derived from them. Therefore, the existence of methods to verify the correctness of executable models is crucial. Otherwise, the quality of the executable models (and in turn the quality of the final system generated from them) will be compromised. In this paper a lightweight and static verification method to assess the correctness of executable models is proposed. This method allows us to check whether the operations defined as part of the behavioural model are able to be executed without breaking the integrity of the structural model and returns a meaningful feedback that helps repairing the detected inconsistencies.  相似文献   

安全关键系统的失败会造成很严重的后果,确保其正确性非常重要.空间嵌入式操作系统是一个典型的安全关键系统,在其内存管理的设计上,必须保障其高效的分配与回收,同时对系统资源的占用降到最低.在传统的软件开发过程中,通常是在整个软件开发结束后再进行集中测试及验证,这样势必会造成开发进展的不确定性.因此,将形式化验证方法和软件工程领域内的“需求-设计-实现”的3层开发框架相结合,通过性质分层传递验证的方法,保证了各个层次间的一致性.首先,从需求层面的需求分析开始,引入形式化证明的思路,证明对需求层逻辑的正确性,从而可以更好地指导程序的设计.其次,在设计层面的验证可以极大地减少开发代码的错误率,证明设计算法和需要实现的函数之间调用逻辑的正确性.最后,在实现层,证明所实现代码与函数设计的一致性,并且证明代码实现的正确性.使用交互式定理证明辅助工具Coq,以某一国产空间嵌入式操作系统的内存管理模块为例,证明了其内存管理算法的正确性以及需求、设计、实现的一致性.  相似文献   

Most current approaches to mechanical program verification transform a program and its specifications into first-order formulas and try to prove these formulas valid. Since the first-order predicate calculus is not decidable, such approaches are inherently limited. This paper proposes an alternative approach to program verification: correctness proofs are constructively established by proof justifications written in an algorithmic notation. These proof justifications are written as part of the program, along with the executable code and correctness specifications. A notation is presented in which code, specifications, and justifications are interwoven. For example, if a program contains a specification 3x P(x), the program also contains a justification that exhibits the particulat value of x that makes P true. Analogously, justifications may be used to state how universally quantified formulas are to be instantiated when they are used as hypotheses. Programs so justifiled may be verified by proving quantifier-free formulas. Additional classes of justifications serve related ends. Formally, justifications reduce correctness to a decidable theory. Informally, justifications establish the connection between the executable code and correctness specifications, documenting the reasoning on which the correctness is based.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a method to derive OCL invariants from declarative model-to-model transformations in order to enable their verification and analysis. For this purpose we have defined a number of invariant-based verification properties which provide increasing degrees of confidence about transformation correctness, such as whether a rule (or the whole transformation) is satisfiable by some model, executable or total. We also provide some heuristics for generating meaningful scenarios that can be used to semi-automatically validate the transformations.As a proof of concept, the method is instantiated for two prominent model-to-model transformation languages: Triple Graph Grammars and QVT.  相似文献   

This paper presents a framework for augmenting independent validation and verification (IV&V) of software systems with computer-based IV&V techniques. The framework allows an IV&V team to capture its own understanding of the application as well as the expected behavior of any proposed system for solving the underlying problem by using an executable system reference model, which uses formal assertions to specify mission- and safety-critical behaviors. The framework uses execution-based model checking to validate the correctness of the assertions and to verify the correctness and adequacy of the system under test.  相似文献   

智能合约是实现各类区块链应用的核心软件程序.近期,以太坊区块链平台(Ethereum)上的智能合约暴露出大量错误和安全隐患,在国际上引发了智能合约形式化验证的研究热潮.为提供高可信度的验证结果,智能合约程序语言的形式化必不可少.本工作对以太坊中间语言Yul进行形式化,首次给出了其类型系统和小步操作语义的形式化定义.该语义为可执行语义(executable semantics),由120个Yul语言程序组成的测试集进行测试.本工作在Isabelle/HOL证明辅助工具中完成,为基于定理证明的智能合约正确性、安全性验证奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Formal specifications play a crucial role in the design of reliable complex software systems. Executable formal specifications allow the designer to attain early validation and verification of design using static analysis techniques and accurate simulation of the runtime behavior of the system-to-be. With increasing complexity of software-intensive computer-based systems and the challenges of validation and verification of abstract software models prior to coding, the need for interactive software tools supporting executable formal specifications is even more evident. In this paper, we discuss how CoreASM, an environment for writing and running executable specifications according to the ASM method, provides flexibility and manages the complexity by using an innovative extensible language architecture.  相似文献   

王涛  韩兰胜  付才  邹德清  刘铭 《计算机科学》2016,43(5):80-86, 116
软件漏洞静态分析是信息安全领域的重点研究方向,如何描述漏洞及判别漏洞是漏洞静态分析的核心问题。提出了一种用于描述和判别漏洞的漏洞静态检测模型。首先对软件漏洞的属性特征进行形式化定义,并对多种软件漏洞和其判定规则进行形式化描述;其次,针对传统的路径分析存在的状态空间爆炸问题,提出了一个新的程序中间表示——漏洞可执行路径集,以压缩程序状态空间。在该模型的基础上,设计了一个基于漏洞可执行路径集的软件漏洞静态检测框架,利用定义的漏洞语法规则求解漏洞可执行路径集上的漏洞相关节点集,利用漏洞判定规则对漏洞相关节点集进行判别得出漏洞报告。实验分析验证了该漏洞检测模型的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

A Unified Modeling Language model of a software system can be represented by a sequence of model transformations, starting from an empty model. To effectively support the design of complex systems, transformations help the developer to proceed from an initial requirements model to a platform-specific, executable model. We present a notion of potentially re-orderable model transformations that assist the developer in the design process, and track the semantic dependencies of the different modeling steps. Based on our experience with our own software engineering methodology and modeling tool, we outline a possible implementation that will support developers in revising their model, and still benefit from any subsequent effort that has been spent on model evolution, especially with regard to correctness of the evolving model.  相似文献   

Verification of software systems, and security protocol analysis as a particular case, requires frameworks that are expressive, so as to properly capture the relevant aspects of the system and its properties, formal, so as to be provably correct, and with a computational counterpart, so as to support the (semi-) automated certification of properties. Additionally, security protocols also present hidden assumptions about the context, specific subtleties due to the nature of the problem and sources of complexity that tend to make verification incomplete. We introduce a verification framework that is expressive enough to capture a few relevant aspects of the problem, like symmetric and asymmetric cryptography and multi-session analysis, and to make assumptions explicit, e.g., the hypotheses about the initial sharing of secret keys among honest (and malicious) participants. It features a clear separation between the modeling of the protocol functioning and the properties it is expected to enforce, the former in terms of a calculus, the latter in terms of a logic. This framework is grounded on a formal theory that allows us to prove the correctness of the verification carried out within the fully fledged model. It overcomes incompleteness by performing the analysis at a symbolic level of abstraction, which, moreover, transforms into executable verification tools.  相似文献   

When developing safety-critical software, it is the correctness of the object code that is paramount. However, it is desirable to perform formal verification on the source program. To ensure that correctness results proved about the source program do apply to the object code, the compiler used can be formally verified. However, care must be taken to ensure that the compiler correctness theorem proved is suitable. We have combined a derived programming logic with a verified compiler for a generic subset of the Vista structured assembly language. We show how correctness properties of object code can be formally derived from corresponding correctness properties of the source program which have been proved using the programming logic. Thus we can be sure the results do apply to the object code. The work described has been performed using the HOL system and so is machine-checked.  相似文献   

Voas  J. 《Software, IEEE》1999,16(1):28-29
Many have long regarded software assessment as a way to determine the correctness of software. Formal methods attempt to build in correct behavior. Techniques such as formal verification and testing attempt to demonstrate, either formally or empirically, that the software computes the specified function-whether or not the specified function is correct. Note several subtleties here. First, to employ these techniques, we need a definition of correct behavior. Without an accurate definition of what we want, we cannot confidently label an information system as defective. Second, the predominant goal of software assurance has been to demonstrate correct behavior. But as we all know, correct software can still kill you. Correct and safe behaviors can conflict since safety is a system property while correctness is a software property. We must merge these two properties if we ever hope to realize information assurance. Information assurance is similar to software assurance but covers a broader set of information integrity issues, such as information security, privacy, and confidentiality. For example, if a system can thwart attacks, whether malicious or simply unfortunate, and still provide accurate information on demand, then it provides some degree of information assurance. Information assurance also includes the traditional software “ilities” (as they are called), such as software safety, software security, reliability, fault tolerance, correctness, and so on. Put simply, information assurance is accurate enough information that is available on demand for a given application or situation  相似文献   

Slicing Software for Model Construction   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Applying finite-state verification techniques (e.g., model checking) to software requires that program source code be translated to a finite-state transition system that safely models program behavior. Automatically checking such a transition system for a correctness property is typically very costly, thus it is necessary to reduce the size of the transition system as much as possible. In fact, it is often the case that much of a program's source code is irrelevant for verifying a given correctness property.In this paper, we apply program slicing techniques to remove automatically such irrelevant code and thus reduce the size of the corresponding transition system models. We give a simple extension of the classical slicing definition, and prove its safety with respect to model checking of linear temporal logic (LTL) formulae. We discuss how this slicing strategy fits into a general methodology for deriving effective software models using abstraction-based program specialization.  相似文献   

Available statistical data shows that the cost of repairing software faults rises dramatically in later development stages. In particular, the new technology of generating implementation code from architectural specifications requires highly reliable designs. Much research has been done at this stage using verification and validation techniques to prove correctness in terms of certain properties. A prominent approach of this category is model checking (Atlee, J.M., and Gannon, J. 1993. State-based model checking of event-driven systems requirements. IEEE Trans. Software Eng., 19(1): 24–40.) Such approaches and the approach of software testing are complementary. Testing reveals some errors that cannot be easily identified through verification, and vice versa. This paper presents the technology and the accompanying tool suite to the testing of software architecture specifications. We apply our state-of-the-art technology in software coverage testing, program diagnosis and understanding to software architectural designs. Our technology is based on both the control flow and the data flow of the executable architectural specifications. It first generates a program flow diagram from the specification and then automatically analyses the coverage features of the diagram. It collects the corresponding flow data during the design simulation to be mapped to the flow diagram. The coverage information for the original specification is then obtained from the coverage information of the flow diagram. This technology has been used for C, C++, and Java, and has proven effective (Agrawal, H., Alberti, J., Li, J.J., et al. 1998. Mining system tests to aid software maintenance, IEEE Computer July, pp. 64–73.)  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to modular contract-based verification of discrete-time multi-rate Simulink models. The verification approach uses a translation of Simulink models to sequential programs that can then be verified using traditional software verification techniques. Automatic generation of the proof obligations needed for verification of correctness with respect to contracts, and automatic proofs are also discussed. Furthermore, the paper provides detailed discussions about the correctness of each step in the verification process. The verification approach is demonstrated on a case study involving control software for prevention of pressure peaks in hydraulics systems.  相似文献   

This case study describes the specification and formal verification of the key part of SPaS, a development tool for the design of open loop programmable control developed at the University of Applied Sciences in Leipzig. SPaS translates the high-level representation of an open loop programmable control into a machine executable instruction list. The produced instruction list has to exhibit the same behaviour as suggested by the high-level representation. We discuss the following features of the case study: characterization of the correctness requirements, design of a verification strategy, the correctness proof, and the relation to the Common Criteria evaluation standard.  相似文献   

Real-time systems interact with their environment using time constrained input/output signals. Examples of real-time systems include patient monitoring systems, air traffic control systems, and telecommunication systems. For such systems, a functional misbehavior or a deviation from the specified time constraints may have catastrophic consequences. Therefore, ensuring the correctness of real-time systems becomes necessary. Two different techniques are usually used to cope with the correctness of a software system prior to its deployment, namely, verification and testing. In this paper, we address the issue of testing real-time software systems specified as a timed input output automaton (TIOA). TIOA is a variant of timed automaton. We introduce the syntax and semantics of TIOA. We present the potential faults that can be encountered in a timed system implementation. We study these different faults based on TIOA model and look at their effects on the execution of the system using the region graph. We present a method for generating timed test cases. This method is based on a state characterization technique and consists of the following three steps: First, we sample the region graph using a suitable granularity, in order to construct a subautomaton easily testable, called grid automaton. Then, we transform the grid automaton into a nondeterministic timed finite state machine (NTFSM). Finally, we adapt the generalized Wp-method to generate timed test cases from NTFSM. We assess the fault coverage of our test cases generation method and prove its ability to detect all the possible faults. Throughout the paper, we use examples to illustrate the various concepts and techniques used in our approach.  相似文献   

We describe how the HOL theorem prover can be used to check and apply rules of program refinement. The rules are formulated in the refinement calculus, which is a theory of correctness preserving program transformations. We embed a general command notation with a predicate transformer semantics in the logic of the HOL system. Using this embedding, we express and prove rules for data refinement and superposition refinement of initialized loops. Applications of these proof rules to actual program refinements are checked using the HOL system, with the HOL system generating these conditions. We also indicate how the HOL system is used to prove the verification conditions. Thus, the HOL system can provide a complete mechanized environment for proving program refinements.  相似文献   

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