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本文对差分模型的网格嵌套技术作了介绍,提出流速梯度项u/s是不可忽视的边界控制条件,并给出了采用线性插值获取u/s值的处理方法,通过实际算例证明网格嵌套技术在实际工程潮流计算中的作用。  相似文献   

奥克兰现代雨洪管理介绍(一)——相关法规及规划   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
新西兰的现代雨洪管理经过30多年的研究与实践,已形成了一个较为完整的现代雨洪管理体系并取得了良好的成效,在很多方面处于国际领先水平。作为新西兰在这一领域的领头羊——奥克兰在现代雨洪管理方面积累了比较丰富的经验。作为系列文章的第一篇,从国家法律、大区政府的政策与规划、地方政府的地区规划、雨洪管理战略与规划等方面,着重介绍了奥克兰雨洪管理中最重要的环节——相关的法规及规划,以期能对我国的城市雨洪控制利用及其管理体系的建立提供一些思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

Increased urbanisation,economic growth,and long-term climate variability have made both the UK and China more susceptible to urban and river flooding,putting people and property at increased risk.This paper presents a review of the current flooding challenges that are affecting the UK and China and the actions that each country is undertaking to tackle these problems.Particular emphases in this paper are laid on(1) learning from previous flooding events in the UK and China,and(2) which management methodologies are commonly used to reduce flood risk.The paper concludes with a strategic research plan suggested by the authors,together with proposed ways to overcome identified knowledge gaps in flood management.Recommendations briefly comprise the engagement of all stakeholders to ensure a proactive approach to land use planning,early warning systems,and water-sensitive urban design or redesign through more effective policy,multi-level flood models,and data driven models of water quantity and quality.  相似文献   

Suzhou City, located in the Yangtze River Delta in China, is prone to flooding due to a complex combination of natural factors, including its monsoon climate, low elevation, and tidally influenced position, as well as intensive human activities. The Large Encirclement Flood Control Project (LEFCP) was launched to cope with serious floods in the urban area. This project changed the spatiotemporal pattern of flood processes and caused spatial diversion of floods from the urban area to the outskirts of the city. Therefore, this study developed a distributed flood simulation model in order to understand this transition of flood processes. The results revealed that the LEFCP effectively protected the urban areas from floods, but the present scheduling schemes resulted in the spatial diversion of floods to the outskirts of the city. With rainstorm frequencies of 10.0 % to 0.5 %, the water level differences between two representative water level stations (Miduqiao (MDQ) and Fengqiao (FQ)) located inside and outside the LEFCP area, ranged from 0.75 m to 0.24 m and from 1.80 m to 1.58 m, respectively. In addition, the flood safety margin at MDQ and the duration with the water level exceeding the warning water level at FQ ranged from 0.95 m to 0.43 m and from 4 h to 22 h, respectively. Rational scheduling schemes for the hydraulic facilities of the LEFCP in extreme precipitation cases were developed according to flood simulations under seven scheduling scenarios. This helps to regulate the spatial flood diversion caused by the LEFCP during extreme precipitation.  相似文献   

A pseudo-three-dimensional model of potentiality prediction is proposed for enhanced oil recovery, based on the streamline method described in this article. The potential distribution of the flow through a porous medium under a complicated boundary condition is solved with the boundary element method. Furthermore, the method for tracing streamlines between injection wells and producing wells is presented. Based on the results, a numerical solution can be obtained by solving the seepage problem of the stream-tube with consideration of different methods of Enhanced Oil Recovery(EOR). The advantage of the method given in this article is that it can obtain dynamic calculation with different well patterns of any shape by easily considering different physicochemical phenomena having less calculation time and good stability. Based on the uniform theory basis-streamline method, different models, including CO2 miscible flooding, polymer flooding, alkaline/surfactant/polymer flooding and microbial flooding, are established in this article.  相似文献   

聚合物驱数学模型的流线方法求解   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
建立起一种实用的聚合物驱学数学模型,模型中较为全面地描述了驱替过程中的各种物理化学现象。为了实现生产动态的快速预测,用流线方法替代传统的有限差分法求解该模型。在结合边界元方法确定复杂边界条件下稳态流场流线分布的基础上,对流管内的一维渗流问题求解。本文建立模型的优点在于:输入参数较少,计算快捷,适应于对任意形状边界条件下各种井网配置的聚合物驱驱替动态进行计算,为聚合物驱油田的早期筛选及油藏动态管理提供了有效的工具。  相似文献   

Urban flooding in Chittagong City usually occurs during the monsoon season and a rainwater harvesting(RWH) system can be used as a remedial measure. This study examines the feasibility of rain barrel RWH system at a distributed scale within an urbanized area located in the northwestern part of Chittagong City that experiences flash flooding on a regular basis. For flood modeling, the storm water management model(SWMM) was employed with rain barrel low-impact development(LID) as a flood reduction measure. The Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System(HEC-RAS) inundation model was coupled with SWMM to observe the detailed and spatial extent of flood reduction.Compared to SWMM simulated floods, the simulated inundation depth using remote sensing data and the HEC-RAS showed a reasonable match,i.e., the correlation coefficients were found to be 0.70 and 0.98, respectively. Finally, using LID, i.e., RWH, a reduction of 28.66% could be achieved for reducing flood extent. Moreover, the study showed that 10%e60% imperviousness of the subcatchment area can yield a monthly RWH potential of 0.04 e0.45 m~3 from a square meter of rooftop area. The model can be used for necessary decision making for flood reduction and to establish a distributed RWH system in the study area.  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION In the field of meteorology, the numerical prediction of rainstorm is a recognized to be a difficult problem. Especially, the generation and development of rainstorm is closely related with the local terrain, physiognomy, and climatic para…  相似文献   

Storm Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides a data set for examining the spatial and temporal distribution of storm damage caused by large-scale, cyclonic storms on the U.S. shoreline of the Great Lakes for the period 1959–1990. On average, damage reports are much more frequent during high lake levels. Seasonally, the number reaches a maximum in November, declines during the winter months, and reaches a secondary maximum in April. This decrease in the winter months may be due to the protective ice cover on the lakes. Although Michigan received the most damage reports, Illinois, New York, and Ohio have a higher density of reports. Lake Erie and Lake Michigan are most frequently mentioned in the reports. A comparison of dollar losses shows that 1984 and 1985 were by far the costliest years since 1959. Comparison with a similar high-water period in the mid-1970s suggests that shorelines were much more vulnerable to storm damage in the mid-1980s when water levels were higher.  相似文献   

Following extensive surface water flooding (SWF) in England in summer 2007, progress has been made in improving the management and prediction of this type of flooding. A rainfall threshold‐based extreme rainfall alert (ERA) service was launched in 2009 and superseded in 2011 by the surface water flood risk assessment (SWFRA). Through survey responses from local authorities (LAs) and the outcome of workshops with a range of flood professionals, this paper examines the understanding, benefits, limitations and ways to improve the current SWF warning service. The current SWFRA alerts are perceived as useful by district and county LAs, although their understanding of them is limited. The majority of LAs take action upon receipt of SWFRA alerts, and their reactiveness to alerts appears to have increased over the years and as SWFRA superseded ERA. This is a positive development towards increased resilience to SWF. The main drawback of the current service is its broad spatial resolution. Alternatives for providing localised SWF forecast and warnings were analysed, and a two‐tier national‐local approach, with pre‐simulated scenario‐based local SWF forecasting and warning systems, was deemed most appropriate by flood professionals given current monetary, human and technological resources.  相似文献   

Adaptive governance has been recognized as an integrative approach for analyzing the social, institutional, ecologic, and economic aspects of decision‐making to build resilience against climate change. Although closely aligned with adaptive co‐management and ecosystem management, adaptive governance is a distinct framework that explicitly focuses on decentralized decision‐making through social processes such as collaborative learning, networking, and the promotion of cross‐sectoral partnerships to enhance adaptive capacity. In this paper, we explore an ongoing engagement process for climate change adaptation planning in Exeter, New Hampshire, and its alignment with key principles of adaptive governance. Climate change poses multiple challenges to Exeter, including increased flooding, reduced low flows, water quality degradation, and associated threats to estuarine ecosystems and public health. Engagement strategies include community conversations, workshops, experiential activities, and a community advisory board comprised of different stakeholder representatives (Citizens' Working Group) collaborating with the scientific team on water resources modeling and scenario analysis. We present important lessons about conveying expectations and timeframes of technical modeling to participants, developing multiple forums for interaction between researchers and other stakeholders, and making climate change locally relevant to residents by drawing connections to the community's experiences, cultural memory, values, and upcoming decisions. This study contributes to the literature on adaptive governance and climate change adaptation by evaluating stakeholder involvement in a local institutional setting, an important arena where adaptation decisions must be deliberated. It is also among the first studies to evaluate the ways in which a climate change adaptation stakeholder engagement process aligns with adaptive governance principles, particularly through boundary objects and experiences.  相似文献   

河道及河口一维及二维嵌套泥沙数学模型   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
张修忠  王光谦 《水利学报》2001,32(10):0082-0088
建立了一种河道及河口一、二维嵌套的泥沙数学模型,对基本的控制方程、方程的离散和求解方法、嵌套连接条件以及非均匀沙的处理等问题进行了研究。以非恒定非均匀不平衡输沙理论作为本文建模的基础,为方便处理,通过交界面的水位、流量和含沙量等的传递,在每一迭代内进行耦合计算。数值模拟结果与实测资料吻合较好,且计算省时,表明本文建立的嵌套模型是一种解决某些实际工程问题的可靠的和高效的工具。  相似文献   

The present work aims to bridge the gap of knowledge of how and to what extent a cascade dam break flood is distinguished from a single dam break flood over both fixed and mobile beds. A shallow water hydrodynamic model is deployed to resolve the floods because of successive and synchronous break of two cascade dams. A cascade dam break flood features a substantially raised peak stage, advanced timing, or both, at a downstream station as compared with that because of a single dam break irrespective of whether the impacts of sediment transport and bed evolution are considered or not. The dam‐to‐dam spacing and relative dam height in the case of successive break (or initial reservoir water depth in the case of synchronous break) play a central role in dictating the flood, and based on these variables, the threshold conditions for peak‐stage rise are evaluated. The present finding characterises a higher risk of flooding from a cascade dam break than a single dam break, which should be accounted for in flood defence design and alleviation schemes.  相似文献   

以晋城市金村区为例,利用SWMM与ICM-2D模型进行多情景洪涝过程模拟,分析降雨雨型与下垫面对晋城市片区内涝的影响;构建双层SWMM模拟马路行洪,分析金村大道和珏山路的淹没特征,并与ICM-2D模型模拟结果进行对比验证。结果表明:随着雨峰系数与降雨重现期的增大,地表洪水总量、淹没范围与水深增大,危险性等级提高;同一降雨重现期下的雨峰与洪峰间的时间间隔随雨峰系数的增大而减小;当52.53%的下垫面转化为不透水面时,同一降雨重现期下的综合径流系数约增加0.5;金村大道市委党校路段与珏山路水西村路段是主要易涝区,淹没面积分别为0.50 hm2和1.31 hm2;双层SWMM在识别易涝点与推求洪水淹没要素方面具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

黄河水少沙多,河道内外用水矛盾突出,梯级水库群调度下供水、输沙、发电、生态等用水过程之间存在复杂的竞争与协作关系,协同调度是提升综合效益的重要途径。本文采用多尺度嵌套和多过程耦合方法,建立了融合供水、输沙、发电、生态等过程的黄河梯级水库群协同调度模型,研究以综合满意度为引导的优化求解方法,选取代表径流系列,提出多过程协同调度方案。结果表明,通过优化黄河梯级水库群蓄泄秩序和下泄过程,协调多用水过程的关系,能显著提高水库调度的综合效益:通过优化河段取水过程,实现了供水时空均衡,流域缺水率控制在11.6%~18.8%;优化水库拦沙-河道输沙过程,减少水库淤积0.65亿t,增加河道输沙1.16亿t,下游河道年均冲刷0.26亿t;优化梯级水库群发电下泄过程,增加发电量64.25亿kW·h;优化断面流量过程,增加非汛期生态水量4.88亿m3。本研究可为梯级水库多目标调度与流域综合管理提供方向性参考。  相似文献   

In Europe in recent years, there has been recognition of the need to better understand the risk from groundwater flooding. This recognition has been due both to the occurrence of major flooding events clearly attributable to groundwater and the inclusion of groundwater flooding in European and national legislation. The case study of the city of Oxford on the River Thames flood plain in UK is used to examine the mechanisms for groundwater flooding in urbanised flood plain settings. Reference is made to an extensive data set gathered during a major flood event in 2007. Groundwater flooding of a significant number of properties is shown to occur in areas isolated from fluvial flooding because of high ground created historically to protect property and the transport network from flood inundation. The options for mitigating this form of flooding are discussed; measures to increase the rate of conveyance of flood waters through Oxford, designed to reduce fluvial flood risk, have also been recognised as a means for reducing groundwater flood risk within the city.  相似文献   

移动式污水处理系统应用于分散生活污水的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对分散型生活污水量小面广的特点,开发出移动式污水处理系统,系统由生化预处理池和车载式移动污水处理设备组成.中试结果表明,采用该组合工艺,出水CODCr<40 mg/L,BOD5<10 mg/L,TP<0.5 mg/L,TN<10 mg/L,NH3-N<1 mg/L,其平均去除率分别达到86.69%,94.89%,89.40%,74.35%和97.89%.出水指标均能达到<城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准>(GB 18918-2002)一级A排放标准.  相似文献   

从分析南昌市城市水利存在的主要问题入手,结合具体工作实践,对城市水利工程建设进行了新的思考.  相似文献   

本文结合江西省龙南县新都拦河坝工程实例,阐述了城区拦河坝正常蓄水位与坝型的选择,应在满足城市水景观要求的基础上,尽量减少库区淹没,同时不增加上游河道两岸的防洪压力.  相似文献   

周魁一 《中国水利》2005,(17):9-10,24
对近年来发生的典型洪水灾害案例的分析可以看出,堤防防洪标准已不能完全表示灾害风险程度.水灾风险分析中洪灾和涝灾面积比值变化较大.面对灾害的变化趋势和防洪出现的新情况,水灾风险分析的概念和方法也应相应扩展,以便适应变化了的形势.  相似文献   

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