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《Communications Letters, IEEE》2008,12(12):868-870
In this letter, we propose a quasi-orthogonal spacetime block coding (QO-STBC) scheme with maximum likelihood (ML) decoding via simple linear detection. A conventional QOSTBC scheme can achieve the full rate, but at the cost of decoding complexity and diversity gain. These disadvantages of the conventional QO-STBC scheme are mainly a result of interference terms in the detection matrix. In this letter, we propose a new QO-STBC scheme which eliminates interference terms. The proposed method achieves improved diversity gain with respect to the conventional QO-STBC scheme, as well as a great reduction in decoding complexity. 相似文献
A novel technique is presented for the construction of full-rate, fulldiversity space?time block codes (STBCs) from orthogonal STBCs (OSTBCs), having empty slots left in their codeword matrices for orthogonality. Two new STBCs are obtained, which are both fullrate and full-diversity, for three and four transmit antennas. The higher decoding complexity of these structures is reduced owing to non-orthogonality by using a conditional maximum-likelihood decoder. The new optimised codes provide better error performance than their full-rate full-diversity counterparts given in the literature. 相似文献
Yi Hong Jinhong Yuan Zhuo Chen Vucetic B. 《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》2004,53(2):318-328
New space-time turbo trellis codes (ST turbo TCs) with 4-phase-shift keying (PSK) and 8-PSK for two, three, and four transmit antennas in slow and fast fading channels are proposed in this paper. The component codes of the space-time turbo schemes are constructed by choosing the feedforward coefficients to maximize the minimum squared Euclidean distance and the feedback coefficients to minimize the iterative decoding threshold. The performance of the proposed ST turbo TCs with various memory orders, transmit antennas, and interleaver structures is evaluated by simulation. It is shown that the new codes achieve better performance than previously designed codes. The impact of antenna correlation and imperfect channel estimation on the code performance is also discussed. 相似文献
多发射天线选择的无线信道序统计特性研究 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
在独立平坦的瑞利衰落信道中,提出一种确定排序信道衰落因子大小的联合概率密度函数(PDF)序系数的方法.根据输出信噪比最大的天线选择原则,就信道状态信息(CSI)正确和差错两种不同情况,分别给出n个最大排序的信道衰落因子的边缘PDF理论式.最后, 对采用正交空时分组码的多发射天线选择系统进行数值仿真,结果表明:多天线选择能极大地提高系统的传输质量, 而且能有效地抵抗CSI差错引起的性能下降. 相似文献
We introduce a new family of space-time trellis codes that extends the powerful characteristics of super-orthogonal space-time trellis codes to four transmit antennas. We consider a family of quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes as building blocks in our new trellis codes. These codes combine set partitioning and a super set of quasi-orthogonal space-time block codes in a systematic way to provide full diversity and improved coding gain. The result is a powerful code that provides full rate, full diversity, and high coding gain. It is also possible to maintain a tradeoff between coding gain and rate. Simulation results demonstrate the good performance of our new super-quasi-orthogonal space-time trellis codes. 相似文献
A novel quasi-orthogonal space-time block code (QSTBC) with full-diversity full-rate transmission and double-symbol decoding is proposed for a system with four transmit antennas, which is constructed by linearly combining two optimally power-scaled component Alamouti codes. Compared with the existing QSTBC with optimal constellation rotation, the proposed code provides excellent robustness, in terms of bit error rate performance, against spatially correlated and/or time-selective fading channels. 相似文献
对于多发单收天线(MISO)通信系统,考虑发射端信道状态信息的差错(ECSI).研究正交空时分组码的MISO系统的多天线选择,提出了一种CSI差错的选择性信道序统计特性求解方法.在独立的平坦瑞利衰落信道和多进制相移键控(MPSK)调制下,推导了一种较准确的系统比特误码率(BER)切诺夫上界解析式.最后系统BER性能上界的数值结果和仿真结果研究表明:多发射天线选择技术能极大地提高系统的传输质量,能有效地抵抗ECSI的影响. 相似文献
Selami ahin Mehmet E. elebi Ümit Ayglü 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2006,60(8):613-617
In this paper, we propose two-space diversity schemes with feedback for three transmit antennas which perform independently for each signaling interval. The first one is a pure code selection technique which provides, with two feedback bits, an Eb/N0 advantage of nearly compared to the pure antenna selection technique where the best one of the three antennas is used. The second one is a hybrid selection scheme which consists of a combination of antenna and code selection techniques. The selection is performed out of 13 possible precoding vectors requiring four feedback bits, to maximize the diversity for all possible channel situations. It was shown by computer simulations that Eb/N0 gains of approximately 1.25 and are possible, compared to the pure antenna selection and code selection schemes, respectively. Mapping rules between feedback codewords and precoding vectors, which results in improvement over random mapping, are obtained to minimize the error probability in the case of feedback errors. 相似文献
循环平稳特征检测是一种在低信噪比时也能准确发现信号的盲检测技术,但其算法计算周期较长.针对此问题提出了一种改进的并行渐进最优卡方检测算法,通过识别循环谱特性和遍历循环自相关确定最优的循环频率和延时,用循环自相关以及渐进协方差矩阵构建检验统计量,并对二维向量和谱分量实部和虚部进行合并及迭代过程并行处理,仿真得到了检测概率和检测时间.同时,根据最大似然比统计量的有偏估计和渐进分布特性导出了检测概率的表达式,结果表明:最优延时的理论与仿真吻合得很好,多天线技术充分利用了空间分集,在干扰较强时仍然[JP2]具有较高的检测概率,且并行处理过程能有效减少检测时间. 相似文献
In this paper, we present the first super-quasiorthogonal space-time trellis codes (SQOSTTCs) for systems with four transmit antennas using various types of rectangular signal constellations to increase the spectral efficiency up to 5 bits/s/Hz. In our wireless communications system, we define an eight-dimensional (8D) signal constellation as Cartesian product of four two-dimensional (2D) rectangular signal sets. The transmission of an 8D point from the first antenna is achieved by transmitting four concatenated 2D points in four consecutive channel uses. The 2D symbols transmitted from the other three antennas are not independent but so chosen as to form, together with the symbols transmitted from the first antenna, the entries of a 4×4 quasiorthogonal transmission matrix. The union of two sets of quasiorthogonal transmission matrices forms a so-called super-quasiorthogonal signal set. With the 4×4 quasiorthogonal transmission matrices, we then label the state transitions of a trellis diagram describing the operation of the encoder. The simulation results of the frame error rate and the bit error rate demonstrate the excellent performance of our proposed SQOSTTCs. 相似文献
Improved decoding efficiency is achieved for differential unitaryspace-time modulation across a multiple-input multiple-output(MIMO) channel. The group nature of constellations used for signaltransmission, and hence a minimised search space for maximumlikelihood (ML) decoding are utilised to give this improvement. Aprocedure using lattice reduction for fast decoding across amultiple-input single-output (MISO) channel is generalised to aMIMO channel effectively, as a modification to a previousproposal, and used to generate the ML decoder search space.Further insight into the application of this algorithm is given.The decoding technique developed is shown to have very good errorperformance for reasonably sized MIMO channels. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose new and improved unitary signal constellations for differential unitary space-time modulations utilizing more than two transmit antennas. The proposed unitary designs are constructed from fundamental building blocks which comprise the generator matrices of diagonal cyclic codes, and the 2/spl times/2 and 3/spl times/3 rotational matrices. The performances of the proposed codes are superior to those of previously proposed codes. 相似文献
Jungwon Lee Nabar Rohit U. Choi Jihwan P. Hui-Ling Lou 《Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2009,8(4):1649-1654
We propose and study a class of transmit beamforming techniques for systems with multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas with a per-antenna transmit power constraint. The per-antenna transmit power constraint is more realistic than the widely used total (across all transmit antennas) power constraint, since in practice each transmit antenna is driven by a separate power amplifier with a maximum power rating. Under the per-antenna power constraint, from an implementation perspective, it becomes desirable to vary only the phases (as opposed to both power and phase variation) of the signals departing from the transmit antennas. We name this class of techniques generalized co-phasing and formulate an optimization problem to calculate the transmit antenna phases. Furthermore, we propose five heuristic algorithms to solve the optimization problem. All the proposed algorithms except one are optimal for the case of two transmit antennas and an arbitrary number of receive antennas. For an arbitrary number of transmit and receive antennas, simulations indicate that the proposed algorithms perform very close to the optimal solution calculated through an exhaustive search of all possible transmit phases. 相似文献
K. Alameddine S. Abou Chahine M. Rammal Z. Osman 《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2006,60(8):596-598
This paper describes a new technique for bandwidth enhancement of microstrip patch antennas. An electromagnetically coupled (EMC) feeding structure was employed to increase the bandwidth. L-strip feeding rectangular and triangular patches were simulated and tested. The obtained bandwidth (SWR2) is about 1200 MHz (52%) for the rectangular patch, while that of the triangular one is around 1300 MHz (56%). These results provide evidence that the proposed designs can be used in the DCS, PCS, UMTS, WLAN and IMT-2000 service frequency bands. 相似文献
We design a new rate-5/4 full-diversity orthogonal space-time block code (STBC) for QPSK and 2 transmit antennas (TX) by enlarging the signalling set from the set of quaternions used in the Alamouti code. Selective power scaling of information symbols is used to guarantee full-diversity while maximizing the coding gain (CG) and minimizing the transmitted signal peak-to-minimum power ratio (PMPR). The optimum power scaling factor is derived analytically and shown to outperform schemes based only on constellation rotation while still enjoying a low-complexity maximum likelihood (ML) decoding algorithm. Finally, we extend our designs to the case of 4 TX by enlarging the set of quasi-orthogonal STBC with power scaling. Extensions to general M-PSK constellations are straightforward. 相似文献
Ying-Chang Liang Chin F. Wing Seng Leon 《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》2006,55(4):1215-1223
The incorporation of the orthogonal frequency-(multiplexing (OFDM) with the space-time or space-frequency coding is a robust and effective method to achieve a transmit-diversity gain and to suppress an intersymbol interference for the broadband wireless transmissions. This paper is concerned with the downlink-performance improvement using multiple transmit antennas for the OFDM systems with a large delay spread. A delay-spread reduction method using space-frequency block coding and statistical prefiltering (SPF) was proposed, which combines signal prealignment and multiple transmit beamformers designed with the statistical knowledge of the downlink channel state information. The proposed method, which is called the SPF-OFDM, transforms a large delay-spread channel into multiple channels, each with small delay spread. Thus, it does not only shorten the effective excess delay but also preserves the path diversity through the use of the space-frequency coding. Computer simulations have evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed scheme, and comparisons have been made with the conventional solutions. 相似文献