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基于盲源分离的水声信道盲均衡处理方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种基于盲源分离的水声信道讯均衡处理方法,通过对接收信号过采样构成源信号,采用了基于信息最大化原理(Infomax)在线分离算法进行了水声信道的盲均衡,并研究了时变水声信道条件下算法的均衡情况,仿真实验结果表明,该处理方法对多径水声信道具有较好的均衡效果,同时不受最小相位的条件限制。  相似文献   

徐先峰  刘义艳  段晨东 《现代电子技术》2012,35(20):159-162,166
提出一种基于快速盲源分离算法实现波达方向(DOA)估计的方法。构造了具有对角化结构的相关矩阵组,引入解盲源分离问题的联合对角化代价函数,采用一种快速的复数域乘性迭代算法求解代价函数,得到混迭矩阵逆的估计,进而实现DOA估计。与同类算法相比,该算法具有更广的适用性和更精确的DOA估计性能。仿真实验结果验证了算法的快速收敛性和优越的估计性能。  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that the joint blind source separation (JBSS) problem can be solved by jointly diagonalizing cumulant matrices of any order higher than one, including the correlation matrices and the fourth-order cumulant matrices. We introduce an efficient iterative generalized joint diagonalization algorithm such that a series of orthogonal procrustes problems are solved. We present simulation results to show that the new algorithms can reliably solve the permutation ambiguity in JBSS and that they offer superior performance compared with existing multiset canonical correlation analysis (MCCA) and independent vector analysis (IVA) approaches. Experiment on real-world data for separation of fetal heartbeat in electrocardiogram (ECG) data demonstrates a new application of JBSS, and the success of the new algorithms for a real-world problem.  相似文献   

This paper takes a close look at the block Toeplitz structure and block-inner diagonal structure of auto correlation matrices of source signals in convolutive blind source separation (BSS) problems. The aim is to propose a one-stage time-domain algorithm for convolutive BSS by explicitly exploiting the structure in autocorrelation matrices of source signals at different time delays and inherent relations among these matrices. The main idea behind the proposed algorithm is to implement the joint block Toeplitzation and block-inner diagonalization (JBTBID) of a set of correlation matrices of the observed vector sequence such that the mixture matrix can be extracted. For this purpose, a novel tri-quadratic cost function is introduced. The important feature of this tri-quadratic contrast function enables the development of an efficient algebraic method based on triple iterations for searching the minimum point of the cost function, which is called the triply iterative algorithm (TIA). Through the cyclic minimization process in the proposed TIA, it is expected that the JBTBID is achieved. The source signals can be retrieved. Moreover, the asymptotic convergence of the proposed TIA is analyzed. Convergence performance of the TIA and the separation results are also demonstrated by simulations in comparison with some other prominent two-stage time-domain methods.  相似文献   

对于传统的自然梯度算法,在处理非平稳信号时,在步长更新迭代过程中,非平稳信号变化幅度过快而导致分离矩阵幅度变化的不稳定,从而影响分离效果。针对此问题,结合变步长的思想,本文提出了基于正交约束的自然梯度盲分离算法,该算法主要对恢复信号进行约束,通过使用瞬时误差有目的地控制变步长,从而加快算法收敛速度且提高了分离精度,同时保证了非平稳环境下分离过程的稳定性。结果表明,正交约束下的盲源分离算法可以高效地分离出非平稳环境下的源信号。  相似文献   

基于峰度自然对数最大化的信号盲分拣算法和盲波束形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文基于峰度自然对数最大化准则,提出了一种自适应一元信号盲分拣算法,提出的算法可以用于一元信号盲分离和进行盲波束形成,与基于峰度值最大化准则的KMA算法相比,收敛速度快,有较强的稳健性,将非线性函数引入学习速率的调节,算法自动选取学习步长,避免了人工选取学习速率不当而导致算法发散。同时,提出了两种复数抽气算法,配合一元信号盲分拣算法可以依次分离多个信号源,仿真试验验证了算法的有效性。用提出的算法在四元线阵上盲分离两个水声信号,结果发现,一元信号盲分离实现的盲波束形成波束图与最优波束接近。  相似文献   

Analysis of individual noise sources in pre-nanometer circuits cannot take into account the evolving reality of multiple noise sources interacting with each other. Noise measurement made at an evaluation node will reflect the cumulative effect of all the active noise sources, while individual and relative severity of various noise sources will determine what types of remedial steps can be taken, pressing the need for development of algorithms that can analyze the contributions of different noise sources when a noise measurement is available. This paper addresses the cocktail-party problem inside integrated circuits with multiple noise sources. It presents a method to extract the time characteristics of individual noise source from the measured compound voltage in order to study the contribution and properties of each source. This extraction is facilitated by application of blind source separation technique, which is based on the assumption of statistical independence of various noise sources over time. The estimated noise sources can aid in performing timing and spectral analysis, and yield better circuit design techniques.  相似文献   

一种基于盲源分离的雷达抗干扰技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
如何提高雷达的抗干扰能力一直是雷达信号处理的一大问题,问题的解决可以使雷达的检测和跟踪能力得以提高。在日趋复杂的信号环境下,传统的信号处理方法的局限性愈来愈大。本文通过对雷达信号处理过程和盲源分离技术的分析研究,提出采用基于盲源分离的多步处理抗干扰方法进行雷达抗干扰信号处理,可使雷达在复杂背景下具有更强的抗干扰能力。仿真试验结果证明这种新的雷达抗干扰处理方法是可行和令人满意的。  相似文献   

盲提取算法在信号处理和分析中逐步成为一项重要的方法,因为它利用信号的先验特性只提取感兴趣的信号,这样就可以节约大量的计算时间和资源.提出了时序结构信号的两步盲提取算法,第一步,利用信号所具有的广义自相关特性粗提取信号,第二步利用信号的高阶统计特性精提取信号.计算机仿真和实际的胎儿心电实验表明了提出算法的正确性,与基于广义自相关的盲提取算法相比,提出算法具有较好的性能和对时延估计偏差具有更强的健壮性.  相似文献   

基于欠定盲分离的多目标微多普勒特征提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭琨毅  张永丽  盛新庆  沈蓉辉  金从军 《电波科学学报》2012,(4):691-695,759,846,847
连续波雷达多目标回波中多种微多普勒特征分离问题采用独立成分分析方法实现,该方法在使用中存在较大局限性,要求待分离的微多普勒特征之间必须是统计独立的,且仅局限于恰定和超定的方程组求解问题。然而,在多目标雷达观测场景下,雷达接收的混叠回波的个数通常少于目标的个数,各目标的微多普勒特征可能存在相关性。为此,提出了一种基于欠定盲分离的多目标回波微多普勒特征分离方法。该方法可以从少数原始混叠回波中分离出多个目标的微多普勒特征,对待分离的微多普勒特征限制性弱。通过数值仿真,证实了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of blind separation of cyclostationary sources. By using the cyclostationarity property of the source signals, new criteria based on second-order cyclic statistics (SOCS) are established, from which two algorithms for blind source separation are proposed. Compared with the existing higher-order statistics-based approaches, our new approach requires few data samples and does not impose any restrictions on the probability distributions of the source signals. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new approach.  相似文献   

提出了单通道下基于盲源分离的扩频通信抗干扰方法.所提方法利用扩频序列的周期性,把单通道下的欠定盲源分离问题转换成超定盲源分离问题.算法从整体域统计特性对于扰信号进行估计抵消,同时在抗干扰的过程中完成了解扩.从原理上讲,这种抗干扰方法比目前常用的单通道下基于局部域特性的抗干扰方法具有更好的性能.理论分析和仿真结果表明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

付绍军  赵国栋  卓琨 《电讯技术》2012,52(3):328-332
对于含噪声情况下多个源信号卷积混合盲分离,由于混合矩阵比较复杂,分 离算法会出现迭代次数增加、收敛速度变慢等问题。在对多信号卷积混合进行合理简 化的基础上,提出一种以四阶累积量为独立准则的多信号卷积混合的新的时域盲源分离算法 。由于采用高阶累积量为独立准则,该算法对高斯噪声具有良好的抑制作用,改善了信噪比 。 其次,算法也建立了步长因子的选取与二次残差之间的非线性函数关系,使得算法既获得了 较 快的收敛速度,也得到较高的分离精度。仿真数据表明提出的算法对于多个源信号卷积 混合具有良好的分离效果。  相似文献   

Since mode mixing of empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is mainly caused by the intermittence and noise, we propose a novel method to eliminate mode mixing of EMD based on the revised blind source separation. To this aim, an optimal morphological filter is employed to eliminate the noise. As a result, the component of mode mixing caused by noise is suppressed. Furthermore, the de-noised signal is decomposed into different intrinsic mode function (IMF) components through the EMD algorithm. Since it is impossible to apply blind source separation to a single channel signal directly, the IMF component, which has mode mixing is chosen and reconstructed in the phase space. Following that, the equivalent hypothetical signals are obtained. Finally, an improved fixed-point algorithm based on independent component analysis (ICA) is introduced to separate the overlapping components. The analysis of simulation and practical application demonstrates that our proposed method can effectively tackle the mode mixing problem of EMD.  相似文献   

盲源分离技术是信号处理和神经网络领域近年来的一个热点研究课题,由于其能够从观测的混合信号中恢复出源信号,而对源信号和混合系统的先验知识要求很少,因此在语音信号处理、无线信号处理、生物医学信号处理、地震信号处理,以及图像增强等方面都具有非常重要的理论意义和实用价值。信息最大化盲源分离算法能够有效地分离语音信号的瞬时混合,但是不能分离超高斯信号(如语音信号)和亚高斯信号(如正弦信号)的混合。基于此,本文讨论了扩展信启、最大化盲源分离算法,通过仿真表明,该算法可以有效的对各种源信号的线性即时混合进行分离,实验证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

辛洁  赵健东  刘林茂 《电子测试》2012,(5):16-19,24
盲源分离技术是信号处理和神经网络领域近年来的一个热点研究课题,由于其能够从观测的混合信号中恢复出源信号,而对源信号和混合系统的先验知识要求很少,因此在语音信号处理、无线信号处理、生物医学信号处理、地震信号处理,以及图像增强等方面都具有非常重要的理论意义和实用价值。信息最大化盲源分离算法能够有效地分离语音信号的瞬时混合,但是不能分离超高斯信号(如语音信号)和亚高斯信号(如正弦信号)的混合。基于此,本文讨论了扩展信启、最大化盲源分离算法,通过仿真表明,该算法可以有效的对各种源信号的线性即时混合进行分离,实验证明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于非线性盲源分离的维纳系统算法中,采用固定步长导致算法的收敛速度和稳态误差之间存在矛盾,直接影响分离算法的性能。为了解决该问题,提出了基于非线性函数的变步长维纳系统盲源分离方法。该方法将更新的步长以非线性函数的形式引入到分离算法中,使得稳态时参数更新的步长尽可能小,以避免发生振荡。变步长算法在分离过程中的每次更新都会使步长自动进行合理的调整,使得收敛速度提高了53%,误差减小了45%。实验仿真表明,相对原算法,提出的维纳系统盲源分离方法可以更好地分离出信源信号,而且具有较小的误差和较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   

针对传统盲源分离算法采用单一步长而无法同时兼顾收敛速度与稳态性以及动量因子选取的问题,介绍了一种盲源分离优化方法。该方法依据自然梯度算法(Natural Gradient Algorithm,NGA)的收敛条件,通过输出信号建立一种新的表示信号分离程度的度量指标,通过此度量指标构造非线性单调函数,使步长与动量因子参数自适应调节,从而可以合理、准确地选择参数。仿真表明了在平稳和非平稳环境下所提分离指标的正确性,且该指标可有效监测信号分离程度;针对步长及动量因子参数选取所设计的优化策略能够有效地缓解固定值对算法性能的约束,在有无噪声的情况下,均获得了优良的分离效果。  相似文献   

现代电子战中,雷达信号受到严重的干扰,使回波信号的提取愈发困难。跟据相控阵雷达天线阵列的特点,提出了基于局部多项式傅里叶变换(LPFT)的雷达信号盲源分离算法。选取线性调频信号(LFM)雷达信号作为发射信号,将雷达接收信号作为观测信号,应用LPFT进行时频变换,构造时频矩阵,采用联合近似对角化方法对受到干扰的雷达信号进行盲源分离。仿真结果表明,本方法有效得分离出了淹没在噪声和LFM调频干扰中的雷达回波信号。  相似文献   

A post-nonlinear blind source separation algorithm based on spline interpolation fitting and artificial bee colony optimization was proposed for the more complicated nonlinear mixture situations.The separation model was constructed by using the spline interpolation to fit the inverse nonlinear distortion function and using entropy as the separation criterion.The spline interpolation node parameters were solved by the modified artificial bee colony optimization algorithm.The correlation constraint was added into the objective function for limiting the solution space and the outliers wuld be restricted in the separation process.The results of speech sounds separation experiment show that the proposed algorithm can effectively realize the signal separation for the nonlinear mixture.Compared with the traditional separation algorithm based on odd polynomial fitting,the proposed algorithm has higher separation accuracy.  相似文献   

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