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This paper describes a specific case of mining in a water-rich coal seam in western China. Water inrushes, roof caving and other disasters induced by intensive mining operation could pose great threats to the safety of coal mines. The strata behavior during the high-intensity extraction in the water-rich coal seam is analyzed by employing the numerical simulation method and in situ monitoring. The results show that about 10 m ahead of the workface, the front abutment pressure peaks is at 34.13 MPa, while the peak of the side abutment pressure is located about 8 m away from the gateway with the value of 12.41 MPa; the height of the fracture zone, the first weighting step and the cycle weighting step are calculated to be 45, 50 and 20.8 m, respectively; pressure distribution in the workface is characterized by that the vertical pressure in the center occurs earlier and is stronger than those on both ends. Then, the results above are verified by in situ measurement, which may provide a basis for safe mining under similar conditions.  相似文献   

Ultra-thick steep coal seam mining will inevitably lead to the increase of greater and violent ground subsidence and deformation. A subsidence control method by inversely-inclined slicing and upward mining is proposed in this paper. By this method, the sequence of collapse of overlying strata and the direction of propagation of strata movement are changed, the extent of roof-side deformation thereby is lessened, and boundary angle of roof-side subsidence is reduced by 5°–10°. The mechanism of this mining method for control of strata movement has been evidenced by numerical simulation and experiments with similarity materials. A subsidence prediction model based on the variation of mining influence propagation angle can be used to evaluate the surface movement and deformation of the mining method. The application of the method in No.3 Mine in Yaojie mining area has yielded the expected result.  相似文献   

充填采煤理论与技术的新进展及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
充填采煤是绿色开采的核心,在综合阐述煤矿充填采煤技术发展历史的基础上,介绍了近年来我国综合机械化充填采煤理论及技术取得的重大突破,包括:长壁工作面采充一体化原理、综合机械化固体充填采煤技术、密实充填有效控制岩层运动的目标、充填采煤岩层移动预计的等价采高理论、密实充填采煤岩层移动的解析计算公式和充填采煤岩层移动与地表沉陷实测比较等.指出了研发新型低成本充填材料、提升充填采煤装备自动化水平、建立充填采煤基础理论与相关评价体系、协同充填采煤与地下水环境保护是煤矿充填采煤技术发展的必然趋势.  相似文献   

For transportation of solid backfill material such as waste and fly ash from the surface to the bottom of the shaft in a fully mechanized backfilling coal backfilling coal mining technology,we develope...  相似文献   

Based on the principle of fully mechanized backfilling and coal mining technology and combined with theXingtai Coal Mine conditions,we mainly optimized the coal mining equipment and adjusted the coal m...  相似文献   

偃龙矿区开采的山西组二.煤层属于“三软”极不稳定煤层,其突出特征为煤层松软、厚度和倾角变化大,顶板及底板松软、破碎,赋存条件复杂,开采极其困难.嵩山煤矿以多项支护技术专利为支撑,采用底板岩巷的“一巷三用”,合理选择高强度轻型放顶煤支掩式液压支架,以及综采防片帮和防冒顶等技术,实施综采机械化开采,实现了“三软”煤层的安全高效开采,取得了显著效果.  相似文献   

For studying the strata behavior due to multi-slicing top coal caving longwall mining along-the-strike direction in steeply dipping extra thick coal seams,the shield support pressures of the upper and lower slices of panel 37220 in Dongxia Coal Mine were monitored using the KJ513 dynamic monitoring system.The set up rooms adopted the horizontal line-arc segment-inclined line form and used different types of shield supports.The results show that the strata pressure of upper slice panel 37220-1 changed slightly along the strike direction,while along the dip direction it exhibited strong to weak pressure from bottom to top.The first weighting interval of lower slice panel 37220-2 was about 60.8 m,and the average periodic weighting interval were about 22.6 m.The strata behavior of panel 37220-2 exhibited a spatiotemporal characteristic in that periodic weighting occurred first in the middle-upper part,followed by the middle and upper parts,arc segment,and finally the lower part.During the periodic weighting,the weighting interval and intensity also exhibited strong space characteristics.The average dynamic load coefficient was 1.48 and the maximum lateral load of the side shield was 20-25 MPa.  相似文献   

综合机械化固体充填采煤的充填体时间相关特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用MTS 815.02电液伺服岩石力学试验系统对综合机械化固体充填采煤技术中的矸石与粉煤灰充填体的时间相关特性进行了测试,得到了3,7,13和20MPa压力条件下矸石与粉煤灰充填体时间相关特性曲线,应用流变的基本理论,选取PTh体作为矸石与粉煤灰充填体的流变模型,并建立了流变方程;根据矸石充填体时间相关性试验结果及试验矿井的相关数据,计算得出流变参数K1,K2,η,并得到综合机械化固体充填采煤工作面顶板的下沉量与时间的具体流变方程,根据流变方程得出了综合机械化固体充填采煤工作面顶板的下沉量与时间关系曲线,并得出当经历1 000h(约40d)之后,充填体流变进入稳定阶段,其变形量逐渐趋于定值,最大值约340mm.  相似文献   

It is important to study the mining technology under structures for raising the coal resources recovery ratio. Based on the geological and mining conditions, the top coal caving harmonic mining technique in thick coal seam beneath the earth dam was put forward and studied. The 5 factors such as the panel mining direction, panel size, panel location, panel mining sequence and panel advance velocity were taken into account in this technique. The dam movement and deformation were predicted after the thick coal seam mining and the effects of mining on the dam were studied. By setting up the surveying stations on the dam, the movement and deformation of the dam were observed during mining. By taking some protective measures on the dam, the top coal caving mining technique in thick coal seam beneath the earth dam was carried out successfully. The study demonstrates that harmonic mining in thick coal seam is feasible under the dam. The safety of the earth dam after mining was ensured and the coal resources recovery ratio was improved.  相似文献   

A gas–solid coupling model involving coal seam deformation,gas diffusion and seepage,gas adsorption and desorption was built to study the gas transport rule under the effect of protective coal seam mining.The research results indicate:(1) The depressurization effect changes the stress state of an overlying coal seam and causes its permeability to increase,thus gas in the protected coal seam will be desorbed and transported under the effect of a gas pressure gradient,which will cause a decrease in gas pressure.(2) Gas pressure can be further decreased by setting out gas extraction boreholes in the overlying coal seam,which can effectively reduce the coal and gas outburst risk.The research is of important engineering significance for studying the gas transport rule in protected coal seam and providing important reference for controlling coal and gas outbursts in deep mining in China.  相似文献   

The study analyzes the characteristics of roof movement in mining top coal of inclined coal seam, and establishes the mechanical model of support and surrounding-rock stability in inclined coal seam. Besides, this study carries out the numerical calculation and field observation of roof movement and support stability, and provides the critical control measures. The results show that the fracture firstly appears in middle-upper roof and extends upwards in top coal caving in inclined coal seam; regular and irregular caving zones appear in middle-upper stress concentration region, and the asymmetric caving arch is finally formed. Support load of middle-upper working face is larger than that of the middle-lower face; dynamic load coefficient of upper support is large, and the load on the front of support is larger than that on the rear of it, which leads to poor support stability. Stability of support and surrounding-rock system depends mainly on upper-support stability.  相似文献   

针对高瓦斯突出矿井煤层群联合开采的特点,提出了动态编制矿井采掘接替计划的方法.通过对影响矿井采掘工程接替的安全因素和经济因素的分析,建立了影响采掘工程接替的因素指标体系,利用层次分析方法得出了因素的指标权重,采用模糊综合优选法确定备选工作面中的最优接替面,依次类推,直到安排所有的备选工作面.根据采煤工作面生产计划,综合考虑矿井瓦斯治理技术,采用时间反推方法,编制采煤工作面相关的掘进计划.应用研究结果表明,采掘动态接替法可以适时调整采掘接替计划,所得采掘工程接替方案科学合理、切实可行.  相似文献   

This work aimed at revealing the mechanism of strong ground pressure behaviour(SGPB) induced by high-position hard roof(HHR). Based on the supporting structures model of HHR, a modified voussoir beam mechanical model for HHR was established by considering the gangue support coefficient, through which the modified expressions of limit breaking span and breaking energy of HHR were deduced.Combined with the relationship between the dynamic-static loading stress of supporting body(hydraulic support ...  相似文献   

吉克煤矿首采区上行开采可行性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过理论计算和数值模拟方法,对吉克煤矿首采区M11煤层上行开采的可行性进行了研究。结果表明,计算得出M11煤层开采后覆岩最大垮落带高度为8.47m,导水裂隙带高度为21.1m-32.4m,M9煤层位于导水裂隙带之内。数值模拟结果表明,M9煤层内部的垂直应力显著下降,垮落带和导水裂隙带高度分别为10m和36m,M11煤层开采对M9煤层的卸压效果明显。首采区利用M11煤层作为M9煤层的解放层是可行的。  相似文献   

洛阳常村煤矿开采煤层为"三软"特厚煤层,井田范围内村庄较多.为了合理回采村庄下煤柱、提高资源采出率,需要掌握该地质条件下的地表移动变形规律及参数.在该矿"三软"特厚煤层工作面建立了地表移动观测站,对地表沉陷进行现场观测,获得了大量的地表沉陷观测资料.通过对实测资料的分析,得出常村煤矿"三软"特厚煤层开采地表沉陷规律及其参数.研究结果表明:与一般地质采矿条件相比,"三软"特厚煤层放顶煤开采具有地表移动角量参数偏小、影响范围大、下沉系数大等特点,地表沉陷呈现塌陷坑及台阶裂缝形态.  相似文献   

巨厚煤层冲击地压的防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对义煤集团千秋煤矿有冲击倾向巨厚煤层冲击现象现状、特点及影响因素分析,结合该矿的生产实践,提出了适合该条件的冲击危险预测方法及相应解危措施,并进一步提出解危措施效果检验方法以及以上工作失败、冲击地压突发情况下的应急措施;在此基础上建立了适合义煤千秋矿巨厚煤层冲击地压防治的安全开采体系,成功地进行了巨厚煤层的综放开采,从而为有冲击倾向巨厚煤层的安全开采提供了成功范例.  相似文献   

根据充填采煤液压支架结构原理及控顶作用,建立了支架顶梁的力学模型,分析得出了顶梁受力情况及3排立柱受力之间的关系;运用Pro/E软件对支架进行三维建模和运动学仿真分析,模拟出主要部件的运动过程,得出各主要部件在工作过程中的运动特征曲线,并对支架参数进行了校核.基于以上分析结果设计制造了ZZC8800/20/38型充填采煤液压支架,支架前、后排立柱受力分别是中立柱支架受力的4.1倍、4.6倍.该支架在平煤十二矿成功应用表明受力分析及设计是科学合理的.  相似文献   

We studied underground pressure and its mechanism during back-gully mining in a shallow coal seam under a bedrock gully slope, by means of physical simulation, numerical modeling and field monitoring.The results show that the intensity of underground pressure is related to its relative position at the coalface. The underground pressure is intensive and the support resistance reaches a maximum when the coalface is at the bottom of the gully, whereas the underground pressure is moderate and decreases gradually when the coalface passes the gully. The mechanism of these changes is analyzed when the slope rotated in a reversed direction to the slope dip during back-gully mining and form an unstable, multilateral block hinged structure, due to slipping. The subsidence of multilateral blocks is considerable when the block fragmentation is small, resulting in enormous changes in the underground pressure. With an increase in the mass of the block body, the block displacement will be reduced in conjunction with an increased clamp effect by both the unbroken rocks and broken rocks in the goaf, resulting in a decrease of the underground pressure.  相似文献   

高瓦斯煤层群保护层开采卸压效果数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为合理选择保护层,针对高瓦斯突出煤层群安全开采问题,分析了保护层开采的保护作用机理,即保护层开采可对被保护层起到卸压增透作用,改善被保护层的瓦斯抽放效果是解决煤与瓦斯突出问题及瓦斯灾害的重要技术手段;卸压对煤与瓦斯突出及瓦斯问题的解决具有决定作用.针对某矿高瓦斯突出煤层群生产地质条件,采用FLAC3D数值软件模拟2个非突出煤层作为保护层开采时的卸压效果,并对其进行了分析比较,研究结果可为保护层的合理选择提供参考依据.  相似文献   

通过对 9号煤层及其顶底板岩性的研究 ,得出如下结论 :9号煤层煤层厚度变化很大 ,但层位稳定 ,在现代开采技术条件下应属大部可采煤层 ;9号煤层顶板K4灰岩厚度不稳定、相变大 ,须注意小于 0 .5m厚度顶板范围及相变部位的顶板管理 ;9号煤层底板为高岭石粘土岩 ,遇水易膨胀底鼓 ,对综采机械化生产可造成影响  相似文献   

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